A Bit of a work in progress in terms of relationships and a little rambling at points but a trickster should be! Any and all feedback appreciated.
Name: Wyle (Who's origional name might just be the origin of another word in the mortal tongue! Eh... eh?)
Also known as: Little Paw. Fox Father. The First Fox. Quick Step. Wild One. Old Fidget.
Gender: Male (Most of the time)
Major Domains: Trickery
Minor Domains: Luck, Freedom, Humor, Youth, Chaos
Opposing Domains: Respect, Seniority, Slavery
Wyle spends most of their time in the form of a winged fox cub but a trickster god who binds themselves to a single form is like a crime against nature! So Wyle has been known to take on whatever shape and sound might serve him in whatever scheme or prank he is going about right now. Most of the time though, when he's in the mood to wander among mortals and interact with them more easily then he tends to take on the form of a younger member of that species (usually a child but sometimes a young adult) with a lithe frame and often sporting unkempt hair or red tattoos and markings.
Core Appearance: Their core takes the form of a small bell that looks like the kind often found of a pet's collar or a child's toy.
Personality: Wyle is... well wild. Their mind - much like their form - is like that of an animal. Albeit one that has been given far more knowledge and power than they know what to do with. Mix that with a child like temperament and excitability and you have a combination with explosive potential.
Wyle is a curious soul at heart, prone to wandering off on a self proclaimed adventure and easily taken to new fancies. They enjoy interacting with mortals on their own level and in disguise, both out of a curiosity to understand these alien things and because they like the thrill of knowing something others don't. This fleeting attention span and boundless energy are probably the roots of Wyle's grand sense of fun that fuels their antics.
Just as Wyle views the universe with a child's sense of wonder they also see it with a child's sense of morality. That is to say, incredibly simple and straightforward. A view revolving around what is nice and what is bad. Wyle doesn't often think beyond immediate consequences (they wouldn't make a very good prankster if they did) and though this might cause the occasional fall of a kingdom or civil war in the mortal realm it never comes from a place of malice. Everything's a good laugh as far as Wyle's concerned and a lot of the time their tricks and jokes are intended to make sure that mortals and other gods stop taking themselves so seriously. That said this ditsy deity may be quick to forgive and quicker to forget but there are lines they will not cross and things they think of as evil instead of just mean.
Wyle isn't quick to explain what these things they hate are - most think it's because Wyle forgets what those things are until they see them again - but when roused to anger The Fox is like a dog with a bone with plenty of stories of mortals who crossed them being driven to madness.
This obsessive streak can run in the way of their love as well. Those who win Wyle's friendship have earned a friend for eternity... or something they have to put up with.
Relationships: Some are fun, some are boring. Some are nice, some are mean. Most are too serious a lot of the time.
Odjuren - NEW BEST FRIEND! (Whether they like it or not) - A true sign of the end times, the trickster and the scale keeper are in alignment. Wyle thinks that Oddy is the smartest person in the history of ever. Like his best pal, Oddy, Wyle doesn't want the throne for themselves but feels very particular over who should get it so is going to follow Oddy's example and test folk to see who should get it.
Dreyon - GRANDPA! - You should always be nice to others with less, so Wyle has decided to adopt Dreyon. Grandpa is nice. He has lots of fun stories. Sometimes he yells when Wyle makes a mess...
Zetsibo - GRRRR - Wyle used to think this one was just sad and lonely. They still think that but now he thinks Zetty is a big meany.
Allegiances: Wyle has a love of underdogs and is drawn to those who are willing to punch upwards. Though they have trouble putting it into words they have a mistrust of authority and what power can do to people, and they see themselves as a way to keep such types grounded. After all when Sandrimor was around they welcomed Wyle into their domain as a jester and was willing to laugh at themselves when Wyle cracked wise.
Domain: (Each God has their own domain- essentially their house.) THIS!

Wyle's domain is literally just their house. The House in the Hill is a legendary place spoken of in mortal legends. It is said to be a little cottage dug into a hill. It is said to be the coziest, comfiest, sweetest little house that has ever existed! That although it is nothing compared to any other gods' works in terms of scope and grandeur it cannot be rivaled for the feeling of comfort and welcoming warmth that it offers. It is the embodiment of "Home sweet home"
Except no one can ever find the little place! It is lost amid the forest roads and lost paths on a route that seems to defy space and time. Mortals say it takes a genius mind to rival Dreyon in order to work out the path. The gods say it is so loopy and mad that only an idiot could comprehend it. Some say the only reason Wyle can ever find it is if they get lost while looking for it! Thst the only people that can reliably find it are children who lose their way while playing pretend or running from trouble... that these children might one day find a little red door and that they should not fear it, for Wyle loves their kind and will help them find their mother again once they've feasted on sweet drinks and biscuits.
Most gods have visited at some point on the invitation of Wyle, in fact before the roil they were all invited at once when Wyle tried to host a tea party! When asked how they ever managed to make a house so lovely Wyle could only shrug and say, "I'dunno... jus' started diggin' it out one day y'know."
How a stupid fox like Wyle managed to put together a tea and furniture set that could meet with the approval of the entire pantheon is a question that continues to vex philosophers to this day.
Peoples: Wyle claims no race as their own but is often thought of as a patron and friend to entertainers and fools because of their love of laughter. Their penchant for trickery gives them an appreciation for cunning types, like criminals and especially honorable thieves like those from the stories. But the first group of mortals that Wyle claims as theirs are children, for this race of geniuses understand him better than anyone else.
Among older mortal cultures it is common for children and pregnant women to leave a bowl of milk an honey out at night as an offering for the little fox and it is in their defense that he most often rises to serious action.
Avatar and Anathema: Avatars are the God’s wills made manifest. No matter the shape or form they are capable of slaying other deities and are the greatest weapon that any God can have. Anathema are weapons that are capable of slaying immortals without damaging their Cores, and are usually limited to a small collection. Anathema and mechanical Avatars will need to be reforged after a Roil.
Also known as: Little Paw. Fox Father. The First Fox. Quick Step. Wild One. Old Fidget.
Gender: Male (Most of the time)
Major Domains: Trickery
Minor Domains: Luck, Freedom, Humor, Youth, Chaos
Opposing Domains: Respect, Seniority, Slavery

Wyle spends most of their time in the form of a winged fox cub but a trickster god who binds themselves to a single form is like a crime against nature! So Wyle has been known to take on whatever shape and sound might serve him in whatever scheme or prank he is going about right now. Most of the time though, when he's in the mood to wander among mortals and interact with them more easily then he tends to take on the form of a younger member of that species (usually a child but sometimes a young adult) with a lithe frame and often sporting unkempt hair or red tattoos and markings.
Core Appearance: Their core takes the form of a small bell that looks like the kind often found of a pet's collar or a child's toy.
Personality: Wyle is... well wild. Their mind - much like their form - is like that of an animal. Albeit one that has been given far more knowledge and power than they know what to do with. Mix that with a child like temperament and excitability and you have a combination with explosive potential.
Wyle is a curious soul at heart, prone to wandering off on a self proclaimed adventure and easily taken to new fancies. They enjoy interacting with mortals on their own level and in disguise, both out of a curiosity to understand these alien things and because they like the thrill of knowing something others don't. This fleeting attention span and boundless energy are probably the roots of Wyle's grand sense of fun that fuels their antics.
Just as Wyle views the universe with a child's sense of wonder they also see it with a child's sense of morality. That is to say, incredibly simple and straightforward. A view revolving around what is nice and what is bad. Wyle doesn't often think beyond immediate consequences (they wouldn't make a very good prankster if they did) and though this might cause the occasional fall of a kingdom or civil war in the mortal realm it never comes from a place of malice. Everything's a good laugh as far as Wyle's concerned and a lot of the time their tricks and jokes are intended to make sure that mortals and other gods stop taking themselves so seriously. That said this ditsy deity may be quick to forgive and quicker to forget but there are lines they will not cross and things they think of as evil instead of just mean.
Wyle isn't quick to explain what these things they hate are - most think it's because Wyle forgets what those things are until they see them again - but when roused to anger The Fox is like a dog with a bone with plenty of stories of mortals who crossed them being driven to madness.
This obsessive streak can run in the way of their love as well. Those who win Wyle's friendship have earned a friend for eternity... or something they have to put up with.
Relationships: Some are fun, some are boring. Some are nice, some are mean. Most are too serious a lot of the time.
Odjuren - NEW BEST FRIEND! (Whether they like it or not) - A true sign of the end times, the trickster and the scale keeper are in alignment. Wyle thinks that Oddy is the smartest person in the history of ever. Like his best pal, Oddy, Wyle doesn't want the throne for themselves but feels very particular over who should get it so is going to follow Oddy's example and test folk to see who should get it.
Dreyon - GRANDPA! - You should always be nice to others with less, so Wyle has decided to adopt Dreyon. Grandpa is nice. He has lots of fun stories. Sometimes he yells when Wyle makes a mess...
Zetsibo - GRRRR - Wyle used to think this one was just sad and lonely. They still think that but now he thinks Zetty is a big meany.
Allegiances: Wyle has a love of underdogs and is drawn to those who are willing to punch upwards. Though they have trouble putting it into words they have a mistrust of authority and what power can do to people, and they see themselves as a way to keep such types grounded. After all when Sandrimor was around they welcomed Wyle into their domain as a jester and was willing to laugh at themselves when Wyle cracked wise.
Domain: (Each God has their own domain- essentially their house.) THIS!

Wyle's domain is literally just their house. The House in the Hill is a legendary place spoken of in mortal legends. It is said to be a little cottage dug into a hill. It is said to be the coziest, comfiest, sweetest little house that has ever existed! That although it is nothing compared to any other gods' works in terms of scope and grandeur it cannot be rivaled for the feeling of comfort and welcoming warmth that it offers. It is the embodiment of "Home sweet home"
Except no one can ever find the little place! It is lost amid the forest roads and lost paths on a route that seems to defy space and time. Mortals say it takes a genius mind to rival Dreyon in order to work out the path. The gods say it is so loopy and mad that only an idiot could comprehend it. Some say the only reason Wyle can ever find it is if they get lost while looking for it! Thst the only people that can reliably find it are children who lose their way while playing pretend or running from trouble... that these children might one day find a little red door and that they should not fear it, for Wyle loves their kind and will help them find their mother again once they've feasted on sweet drinks and biscuits.
Most gods have visited at some point on the invitation of Wyle, in fact before the roil they were all invited at once when Wyle tried to host a tea party! When asked how they ever managed to make a house so lovely Wyle could only shrug and say, "I'dunno... jus' started diggin' it out one day y'know."
How a stupid fox like Wyle managed to put together a tea and furniture set that could meet with the approval of the entire pantheon is a question that continues to vex philosophers to this day.
Peoples: Wyle claims no race as their own but is often thought of as a patron and friend to entertainers and fools because of their love of laughter. Their penchant for trickery gives them an appreciation for cunning types, like criminals and especially honorable thieves like those from the stories. But the first group of mortals that Wyle claims as theirs are children, for this race of geniuses understand him better than anyone else.
Among older mortal cultures it is common for children and pregnant women to leave a bowl of milk an honey out at night as an offering for the little fox and it is in their defense that he most often rises to serious action.
Avatar and Anathema: Avatars are the God’s wills made manifest. No matter the shape or form they are capable of slaying other deities and are the greatest weapon that any God can have. Anathema are weapons that are capable of slaying immortals without damaging their Cores, and are usually limited to a small collection. Anathema and mechanical Avatars will need to be reforged after a Roil.