
"Ain't world out there for you no more. This is your world, this enclosed space, this moment of punishment. You savor the pain eventualy, become twisted, wishing for the next lash. Not out of some deviant desire for punishment, but for fear that if the routine changes whatever comes next will be worse. You think...you want to believe...it can't get worse...well...it always gets worse. Down here....in"
This world is almost exactly like ours. Got the same issues, the same internet, same memes, same junk food and the same maps. Except there is one difference: The Factory. No one knows how it came to be, in the beginning it was just big industerial park in the middle of some worthless sack of land. But one day the local workers started acting strange and reclusive, then hostile and paranoid, then isolationist to the point they even rejected the internet.
Then they simply...went inside...never came out. Since then loads of attempts by military has tried to infiltrate the place. Each attempt has failed, urban explorers who enter might be lucky enough to upload a few videos of the outside location and then some gruesome screams before their stream is cut.
No swat, cop, solder nor specialized unit has returned and all considered are KIA. On 2015, a year into its strange happenings it was agreed by the american authority that the place would be thoroughly bomb to rubble after several people have been kidnapped and their remains found in the trash cans at the entrance.
The bombs were launched....but they never hit the factory. Where they went is anybodys guess. What is this place is a mystery and the area was closed off by military forces for observation. Yet people still disappear from streets like magic into its halls. And the number of victims had grown into the double digits nearing on three this year.
it's like a dungeon crawl, but instead of a dungeon, it's a shithole
This is going to be based on DnD. I don't really have a lot of experience in DnD, honestly. I've practiced one game, once, as dm. I figured might as well use a system some people know for this rather than a new one. For the most part I'll be translating anything from 5E to this game.
I haven't included soul, nor all the mind/mutation choices since this is just a taster.
This will be a party of 4/possibly 6 players depending on things when it's up.
This is pretty much a dungeon crawler with blatantly self indulgent edgy and horror themes. So be ready for torture/gore fest themes in it.
I'm new to DnD. I'm making a homebrew because it's helping me learn the mechanics easier to adapt them than to fumble them in game. I'll do my best to DM.
This will most likely be on roll 20. I already got 2 people who may join. Mostly checking interest.
If this ends up on the forums I will expect a standard of 2 paragraphs.

"Ain't world out there for you no more. This is your world, this enclosed space, this moment of punishment. You savor the pain eventualy, become twisted, wishing for the next lash. Not out of some deviant desire for punishment, but for fear that if the routine changes whatever comes next will be worse. You think...you want to believe...it can't get worse...well...it always gets worse. Down here....in"
This world is almost exactly like ours. Got the same issues, the same internet, same memes, same junk food and the same maps. Except there is one difference: The Factory. No one knows how it came to be, in the beginning it was just big industerial park in the middle of some worthless sack of land. But one day the local workers started acting strange and reclusive, then hostile and paranoid, then isolationist to the point they even rejected the internet.
Then they simply...went inside...never came out. Since then loads of attempts by military has tried to infiltrate the place. Each attempt has failed, urban explorers who enter might be lucky enough to upload a few videos of the outside location and then some gruesome screams before their stream is cut.
No swat, cop, solder nor specialized unit has returned and all considered are KIA. On 2015, a year into its strange happenings it was agreed by the american authority that the place would be thoroughly bomb to rubble after several people have been kidnapped and their remains found in the trash cans at the entrance.
The bombs were launched....but they never hit the factory. Where they went is anybodys guess. What is this place is a mystery and the area was closed off by military forces for observation. Yet people still disappear from streets like magic into its halls. And the number of victims had grown into the double digits nearing on three this year.
it's like a dungeon crawl, but instead of a dungeon, it's a shithole
This is going to be based on DnD. I don't really have a lot of experience in DnD, honestly. I've practiced one game, once, as dm. I figured might as well use a system some people know for this rather than a new one. For the most part I'll be translating anything from 5E to this game.
I haven't included soul, nor all the mind/mutation choices since this is just a taster.
This will be a party of 4/possibly 6 players depending on things when it's up.
This is pretty much a dungeon crawler with blatantly self indulgent edgy and horror themes. So be ready for torture/gore fest themes in it.
I'm new to DnD. I'm making a homebrew because it's helping me learn the mechanics easier to adapt them than to fumble them in game. I'll do my best to DM.
This will most likely be on roll 20. I already got 2 people who may join. Mostly checking interest.
If this ends up on the forums I will expect a standard of 2 paragraphs.