@DealdricSin: Gluttony
Demon Name: Baal-zebul
Gender: Male
Demon form
Human form

Age: born when one of the first humans died from starvation.
Pre-Sin-hood Biography: Born into a pack of flesh hungry ravager demons Baal-zebul knew nothing but the cruelty of hunger, as the smallest in the pack he was never strong enough to fight for food causing him to become so ravenously hungry that he became completely consumed by it, turning on his pack he began to eat all of those that had denied him sustance, yet even in this he found no satisfaction so he continued to eat anything and everything that he could find.
In time his constant consumption cause him to grow to such a point that he came to tower over other ravager demons, but with his increased size brought on an increase to his already bottomless appetite, causing him to go out and trek all across hell in search of a meal large enough so as to finally quell his appetite.
Personality: As the embodiment of Gluttony Baal tends to focus more on achieving his own satisfaction than getting mixed up in the effect he has on others, a quality he greatly respects in both humans and demons alike, while less likely to get mixed up in the affairs of humans and more likely to take matters of importance into his own hands he has little influence over them, existing only to increase the feelings of selfishness and distrust that all humans possess.
Likes and dislikes: As Gluttony Baal likes selfishness, self-indulgence, restaurants (buffets especially), chefs and above all else food, he dislikes hunger (feeling it in himself), charity, wastefulness and anyone who refuses to eat his cooking.
Special Sin ability: Baal possess a endless appetite and is able to eat anything, its this constant air of dissatisfaction that causes others around him to overindulge in acts that they believe will grant them satisfaction, be they simple or harmful any human effected will find no satiation from the act yet will always repeat it.