The first thing Feyrith noticed upon entering the inn was the thick smell of sweat lingering in the air. He scanned the room and identified the source of the offending oder. Seated at a small round table directly ahead of him were five men who looked like they just came from the fields which, now that Feyrith thought about it, they probably did. They stared at him suspiciously as he walked over to the inn keeper, a bear like man with a bushy black beard, and sat down at the wooden bar. Feyrith glanced back at the men again once he sat down. He couldn't place it, but something about them.
Before he was able to think about it further, the inn keeper came out of a back room and walked over to the bar.
"What can I get for ya?" He asked in a thick accent.
"I need you to confirm something for me." Feyrith replied, sliding twenty gold coins over to the man.
"Alright. What is it?" The man asked as he took the coins and placed them in a leather pouch on his belt.
"Is the Great Dragon dead?" Feyrith could hear chairs shifting behind him, but he did not look. Instead he kept his gaze fixed on the inn keeper. The man shifted his gaze to the group of men currently walking up to Feyrith before returning his attention to the elf.
"A...aye, that he is." The man stuttered while slowly backing away from the bar.
"And I suggest ye leave before you end up like em." It was at this point that the man hurriedly went into the back room he had come from earlier and locked the door, leaving Feyrith alone with the men.
"You shouldn't pry into things that don't concern you...Dhaerain." The man growled as he pressed the tip of a steel short sword against Feyrith's neck. It was at this point that he knew why he had a bad feeling about these men earlier.
They were spies.
"So..." He began nonchalantly.
"Who sent you? Was it Livana? Or Malkus perhaps?""Does it matter? It's not as if you'll be leaving here alive." The man said a sadistic grin.
"That's debatable..." Feyrith said with a smirk. It had been too long since he'd had a chance to use his skills in combat.