Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Christopher Vargas
Age: 25
Birthday: June 11

Occupation: Pest Control Technician

Residence: Lives in a studio apartment, in an old brick building he affectionately calls "Roach Motel"

Appearance: Chris is a moderately attractive fellow, good-looking in an unconventional way. Portly with a square body type, with round facial features. Possessing of dark features from his curly black locks of hair, amber colored sunken eyes, and the freckles on his olive-skinned body he has the makings of someone who could look like a model if he cared a lot about his looks and made an effort, but he doesn't. Dressed in a style uniquely his own, a combination always consisting of boots, black pants, and button up shirts with colorful floral prints. Not quite short and not quite tall, he is of comfortable height and weight albeit more overweight than what he is comfortable admitting.

History: Chris is a native of the city, a rather unremarkable young man who lives amongst millions. As a child, he raised insects as pets and volunteered in zoos. He carried this love for animals, even the smallest ones into adulthood where he pursued a degree in Entomology. Throughout college, he maintained academic notability, a part-time job, participated in research labs and expeditions, and he even joined a competitive dance troupe. He embroiled himself into his passions and in return, he came out of it at the top of his program.

Choosing to pursue adulthood he dove deep into the workforce. As exceptional as he was though there the market for a budding entomologist is slim. To pursue more options he left the comfort of his parents home and moved into a box in the city. In a few months, he managed to find a job working for the animal, pest, and wildlife control service.

Personality: Dedicated, Impartial, Understated, Spiteful, Protective

Pokemon Owned:

Trivia: He is insecure about his height, wears lifts on his shoes to appear to taller.

Prologue: Chris discovered the large insect shortly after he moved to Seattle. His apartment, a one bedroom box he rents in an "upcoming" aka "soon to be gentrified" neighborhood. Huddled and hiding from direct sunlight Chris stumbled upon the large insect underneath the sink of his apartment. His curiosity getting the better of him Chris touched the purple arthropod and within second fainted, never releasing the insect from his grasps. Groggily Chris woke up from the toxin-induced nap and carefully placed the insect in large glass case immediately.

Shortly after the relationship between the two had drastically grown. From that of scientist and subject to that of beloved pet and partner. Somewhere along the way Chris discovered and realized that what was in front of him was a Pokemon. Through research and inquiry, he discovered other like him. His own thirst for adventure getting the better of him Chris fully involved himself in the Pokemon world.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CaptainSully
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CaptainSully ๐Ÿ††๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ†ƒ๐Ÿ…ท๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ…ฝ / ๐Ÿ†ƒ๐Ÿ…ท๐Ÿ…ด ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†„๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ…ฝ๐Ÿ†‚

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Adala Posner
Age: 29
Birthday: November 5th

Occupation: Tattooist/part time artist/hobby animator

Residence: A two bedroom apartment with a roommate

Appearance: Adala has a skinny build though maintains a fit physique. Not including her hairstyle, she stands at 5'8'', slightly taller then average height of most women. While she can be spotted wearing normal t-shirts and shorts around her apartment, out in public she is consistent with the gothic/punk look. Part is due to the job and fitting the environment, mostly it's because she likes how she looks in it and does look good in a mosh pit when seeing her favorite band.

History: Adala has always had a passion for drawing and sharing her art. While making art is her passion, unfortunately her passion can help pay the bills at least not at a consistent rate so to help pay for rent and bills for her apartment she combined her passion with a means of still sharing her art in that she learned to tattoo. It provides an outlet to let her be creative as well as meet new people.

-Approachable/Easy Going

Pokemon Owned:

Trivia: Favorite color is pink though will never admit to it. Also nerdy but again it's hard to tell by her appearance and only really shows that side to those she knows.

Prologue: Adala was the last person to leave the shop that night. She locked up and began to make her way back to her apartment debating on if she was going to stop by an open shop to buy dinner. While traveling past an alley way a commotion startled her from her pondering. Normally she would of just kept going once it seemed that whatever was causing the ruckus had stopped but something told her to go check it out. Her footsteps echoed off the the walls of the two buildings as she went deeper down the alleyway unsure what she would find.

She jumped back when a trash can fell over, a small bundle tumbling out. At first she took it as a wild dog, but getting a closer look at it there were some things that seemed off. Such as the small ring of rocks around its neck that a first looked like a collar. What made her decide that she wanted to keep this animal, still mostly thinking it was a dog, she was uncertain but she brought the bundle of fur home with her, for once glad that her complex allowed pets. Her roommate was asleep. No doubt there would be a fuss in the morning about it but Adala doubted her roommate would put up much of a fight, she loved animals as much as any other animal person.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Dragonydas
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Dragonydas Game Designer

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Name: Andrea Collins
Age: 29
Birthday: December 27th

Occupation: Baker
Residence: Two bedroom apartment above her shop.


History: From a very early age, Andrea had a sweet tooth. Not only did she enjoyed eating sweets, but she also enjoyed making them. Cakes, cookies, pies... She could make anything that was sweet. Her parents, knowing about her capabilities, helped her during her life to pursue her dream to become a baker by sending her to one of the best baking schools in her area. She graduated top of her class and started to work on a bakery close to her house.
One night however, tragedy stroke as her parents were killed in what was described as a hit and run incident. However, her two little sisters survived and the younger one, Moira, told Andrea and the cops that it wasn't a car that did it but a large red monster. No one but Andrea and the middle sister, Sienna, believed her however, but there was nothing they could do. She now had to take care of her two sisters, and using the money that she had saved in addition to the money she had made by selling her parents house, she bought an old bakery in the middle of the city and an apartment on top of it and is now living there with her two sisters.

Personality: Gentle, Caring, Playful, Over-protective of her sisters, Keeps her true feelings inside.

Pokemon Owned:

Trivia: Her favorite sweet is a chocolate croissant. Enjoys baking while listening to K-Pop. She has one employee that is aligned with the underground network. Lixie doesn't like this employee very much.

Prologue: One very early morning, Andrea was baking some croissants on the bakery when she heard a noise from the shop. Surprised, she grabbed the very first thing she could find, a rolling pin, and started to slowly move towards the door that separated the shop from the actual bakery. She carefully opened the door and saw Swirlix, happily munching on the previous day's sweets. She was stunned at what she was seeing and dropped her rolling pin, which caused Swirlix to look at her. They kept staring at each other for what seemed to be 10 minutes before Andrea took one more step. This made Swirlix start to move all around the shop, trying to find a way to escape the room while Andrea was trying to calm her down. Then, Andrea had an idea. She quickly went back to the bakery and brought a chocolate cake she had baked the previous day for a birthday party but that was never collected. She placed it on a plate on top of the counter and just smiled towards Swirlix. Swirlix calmed down and started to move towards the cake as if hypnotized by it. Andrea just stood there, watching as Swirlix happily devoured the cake. After she was done, Andrea introduced herself to Swirlix, and upon realizing that Andrea was nothing more than a friend, Swirlix happily jumped towards her and they hugged each other as a sign of friendship. Ever since then, they have been inseparable. The underground network found out about Swirlix however, but after making sure that Andrea would help them whenever she was called, they allowed Lixie to stay with Andrea. She has never been called though.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ItMeGritty
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EboeChan
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EboeChan Senpai

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Mia (MY-ah) Gallopian
Age: 25
Birthday: Nov. 15th

Occupation: Volunteers as a Librarian to read to the visiting kids. Works at a local food market in the morning and fast food at night.
Residence: Lives in an apartment complex with her pokemon.

Appearance: As one takes a look at Mia, her height is something to notice right away. She is very short for her race, 5'0ft to be exact. One can not tell if she is from where she said she is from until one hears her slightly strong accent. She tends to wear her glasses only in public and refuses anyone to see her without her glasses on. Though she is from a country known to have a population of blonds, she is a dark brunette with blue eyes and light olive skin. She also has some curves to her body so, she isn't as petite as people would think.

History: Born and raised in Sweden, she chose to move over to America from abuse and terror from her family. She couldn't take it anymore so as soon as her 20th birthday, she took her life savings and flew with freedom and hopes of a new beginning in a whole new country. She lived with her aunt for a while before she could save enough money to find a place of her own. Though having a slow start, it was a challenge for her. For the next two years in the country, she took 2 jobs. One night and one day shift. After every day, she was exhausted for she only had a few hours to rest before she could go back to work. Her aunt saw how hard she was working and decided to help her out as well. Soon she had enough to pay for an apartment and 5 months worth of rent. She still works both jobs and took her extra time into reading books for children so that she could grab more of the American knowledge.

Personality: independent, clumsy, hard-working, bashful, mature

Pokemon Owned: 1

Trivia: Mia prefers pie over cake due to bad cake experiences. Unless its cheesecake which she would kill for!

Prologue: Mia was taking her walk to work one day as she saw something move in the bushes near a fenced park, she didn't mind it so she continued to walk. Next thing comes and again, a different bush this time. She grew curious and began to sneak up close to the rustling bush. The placed her hands upon the bush and quickly braced for what was coming! "Huh?" yet, nothing was there! But a lump in the ground. She continued to walk as if a bit paranoid. Mia didn't know what was cracking her dome until... right in front of her toes was a dinosaur looking animal shooting up from the underground! The baby larvitar was furious as it was hungry for a big meal! Not even the earth under the feet of the pokemon could feed it. Mia had her lunch for work in her bag but since it cost her a pretty penny she was not going to give it up for some street lizard! They battled against eachother head to head to take the meal of the day. Niether of them looked like it was going to be an easy battle, but they both fought well and hard until a band of police finds the two publically fighting! Larvitar jumped right into Mia's bag before she could think! Mia ran as fast as she could away from the police and right into the library which she worked. She took a sigh of relief and felt a slight growl in her stomach. So for her win, she reached in the bag to claim her prize. That until she opens the bag to reveal a happy, full, sleeping, larvitar cuddled with her sketchbook and notepad. She sighs and smiles as her shift ends and decides to take him home.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by YourSecretWeapon
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YourSecretWeapon Writer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Kjolmar Phoenix
Age: 29
Birthday: August 4th
Occupation: Courier
Residence: Modern but humble flat in Seattle

Appearance: Kjolmar is a pale, well-built guy with silver eyes and silvery-grey hair, partially slicked back while unkempt at the front. He can usually be spotted in an all-black outfit or other cold colors like dark-blue or grey.

History: By working as a courier for quite some time, Kjolmar has met a lot of people and created some sort of network around himself that proved to be quite useful. Over the years, some of his customers have become.. well, not friends, but at least acquaintances. People tend to tell a courier a lot when he has become a familiar face and Kjolmar could be a good listener when he wanted to. When he met his Pokemon (read more about that below), it didn't take him very long to find out about the secretive Pokemon Underground Network Collective.

Personality: Sarcastic, mysterious, individualist, confident, intelligent.

Pokemon Owned:


Inner focus

Similar to Kjolmar's

Friendship & Affection:
Kjolmar and Pawniard are attached to each other and have a mutual understanding of their bond without either side requiring to show this to much. They are both individualists and on their own and respect that about each other but when it comes down to it, they will do anything it takes for the other. At times, they can easily get upset at the other, but it always ends quickly.

The amount of silence and the short-lived conflicts between them has somehow made their bond stronger, as their mutual respect for each other keeps growing every time. They have learned how to read the other's body language and a simple look in the eyes can send a powerful message. As much as they seem to prefer being on their own, it's obvious they have grown very attached to each other's company.

Moves Used:
Scratch, Fury Cutter, Torment, Metal Claw

Kjolmar entered the abandoned warehouse and tried to switch on the lights but they didn't seem to be working. Leaving the door open just a bit for some sunlight to enter, he carefully ventured deeper into the warehouse. "Hello?" he tried carefully but no one answered. In front of him, right in the middle of the path for everyone to find, was a huge box with the word 'delivery' written on it. Kjolmar hesitated but decided to step up and open the box. To his surprise a small bipedal creature jumped out. It had a rounded red and black head with a silvery blade extending from the front. Its face was gray with yellow eyes. Four steel spikes protruded from its black torso, two on each side connected by steel ribs. It had red arms that end with knife-like blades instead of hands and its legs were red with two-toed feet.

Kjolmar and Pawniard just stared at each other, both looking somewhat surprised but also knowing that they were chosen for each other. "Well, let's start with introductions, I suppose. I'm Kjolmar" he said and offered a fist bump to the little guy. Pawniard first stared at the fist for several seconds but then very carefully bumped his own, knife-like fist towards Kjolmar's, barely not giving him a cut. "Pawniard!" he said while doing this. Kjolmar was startled by the knife and withdrew his hand quickly. "Okay, we're going to have to find a solution to that somehow." Pawniard looked a bit ashamed of his action. Kjolmar recognized the emotion and quickly added: "Don't worry about it, I've had my share of papercuts. We'll find a way. Now let's go out of this place before someone decides to change their mind about partnering us up."

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