It was on the eve of christmas and throughout the house...
....Nothing was stirring....not even a mouse...
Cold as stone...did the Endvill famillies go...
...As snow descended and evil invaded their homes...
....They bought sharp things for Sally...and hot things for Tod..
...and they couldn't forget some arson...so they bought in some logs...
...For Santa was sentenced...slung away in the snow...and the pagan preists...
....Return to their winter thrones....
...With the old bought back anew...they planned a fire...for a season redo...
A burning city should signal their rise....
Someone save Endsvill or this year hails Christmases Demise!

Endsvill is a strange and isolated place. They say that once upon a time this place was a holy site for Pagan gods to be visited by roaming Vikings who broke off to form their own offshoot religion. Others say that an expideition end up eating each other on this very spot after roaming blindly in the Terrain and going mad in the 1700's. Some say that wtches even had a academy here for dark arts long ago durring the age of the witch hunt. It seems Endsvill has so many stories but you never suspect any of them to be true, yet alone all of them.
As the night strolled on and the ritualistic howling wind persisted as it did for the last week, you waited eagerly for Christmas day. Presents you sure you paid for or were bought would be put under the tree and good times were to come. You didn't expect to run downstairs to empty homes, a dark house and the distinct shouting of resistances as a fat, red clothe man was dragged into the woods with bag in hand by an large, enigmatic clawed entity. Now you got to go after them. Save christmas...your friends...your family...and probably some other stuff!

Our heroes....
Each of the main cast will consist of people 16 to 30 years old. Some adults are exempt from the disappearnce streak if they are
A: unemployed
B: consistently immature
C: have no children
D: Unable to support themselves.
All of our heroes have 3 powers with 4 points to allocate according to their backstories:

Mundane is the power of normal world logic and skills. Knowing karate, survivial skills, electronics ectr.
Generally none of the heroes will be top military men or brain surgeons but a point in something makes them competent enough in it to be useful within the throes of, or after danger.
Mundane you can pick a skill/talen for each point spent. Eg: 3 points = karate, wild life knowledge, First Aid

Imagination is your capacity to manipulate magic to your natural power. Your imagination level only affects your soul power which is something innate to your personality, likes and flaws. EG: someone who is very shy and avoidant imagination power might make them snuff out all sound they produce for example.
For your imagination power you can describe it but how powerfully it actually is will be decided by me with how many points you put in it. EG: power of super strength. I put in 2 points. Ok, you can lift up 90 kilograms without strain and 500 if you really, really try.
Santa gave out gifts to the good girls and boys in order to aid them in their fight to restore christmas. Due to being trapped within the clutches of this enigmatic enemy he can only give out so much christmas spirit powered help..
Gifts are magical christmas spirit powered item awarded to GOOD boys and girls. You get more GIFTS based on how much good deeds you do regularly and your capacity for christmas spirit. Both generally. Gifts generally are toys or christmas items magically enchanced: EG such as a toy lazer gun that actually shoot lazers.
Gifts are random and generated by me. Each point could give you a new gift or go towards a stronger, bigger one.
Stranges anaimals appear with an almost sentient focus on not only bringing our heroes down but almost guarding and attacking key points in Endsvill. It seems if something deemed important they start to arrive.
Polar bears, Wolfs, Mooses, Reindeers and even small rodents like squirrels and rats.
Magical spell casters rumored to once have lived here. In theory you could face theses....IF the legends are true...but surely witches from hundreds of years ago can't bother you now...right?
Enviroment Hazards
Who the fuck left this lego out here!?
How did that shelf get knocked down....how the heck did that car breaks come undone and it roll down the hill to block old Billy's house!?
The Lost
Sometimes you see them. Long, gangly stalking creatures that easily stand a tower over you. They almost blend in with the trees with how branch like and long their arms are. You saw a branche once...long and crooked, open like claws...hanging over a deer...then...the deer was gone and blood was all that's left.
Come on...it must just be your imagination...right?
And more.
Would be a shame to not at least try and make something christmas based so near the holiday.
1: This RP will be taking place up to a week after christmas. Then you've either won or failed.
2: Because the nature of the RP is time based players who lag behind too much will be given leeway with a LOST status. This means you've become bewitched or confused by the dark powers. You can join up with the group later but if you get LOST twice, you are captured by the antagonist forces.
3: Two paragraphs standard.
4: Try to keep your writing generally short. If you're not doing anything, I will let it slide. I don't expect players to foam it in for the standard paragraph rule. It's ok to say you're doing little if you're character stuck doing little.
5: Characters can die in this and will.
6: Villains. Once we have at least 6 players I will be allowing sheets for COMMANDERS. Basically guys who have a party of threats to mess with the players.