Son of Light, Mega Man

Powers and Abilities:As a state of the art support android turned into a soldier, Mega Man possesses advanced problem solving skills, which make him far more than ordinary soldier. His methods may not always be clear, but they pull him through, time and time again. The Variable Weapon System, also known as the Weapon Copy System, allows him to use the weapons of his defeated enemies, which while originally intended for purely mechanical opponents, namely Robot Masters, improvements to Mega Man's systems allows him to gather combat data on his opponents who may not give a Special Weapon on defeat normally, and, in the right hands, can be processed, and if lucky, produce a new upgrade for Rock. Faster, stronger, smarter than the average human being, Mega Man fights with the force of many, to protect those he cares about. His primary weapon, the Mega Buster, is powered by the same energy that fuels Mega Man, compressed solar energy, making the young android a clean engine of salvation for the masses.
Origin and BackstoryAmid all the magic and science of the world, there was an American Scientist, known as Doctor Thomas Light. Alongside his German partner Doctor Albert Wily, the two pushed the cutting edge of robotics, in an attempt to create the first true artificial intelligence. This eventually would culminate in the completion of Blues, or the first Doctor Light Number. However a fault with his core resulted in Light wishing to shut him down to repair his son, only for Blues to flee the lab, leaving Light heartbroken, and Wily fuming. (This bit is based on a fan film explaining Rock and Rolls design) Wily would leave, while Light began to resume his work again on his own, working many long hours, fueled by the memory of the woman he had loved and who had died about a decade prior. But after many months of work, he succeeded in completing Rock and Roll, a pair of androids designed to assist him around Light Labs, to be his children, and to be Blues' siblings if the wayward son ever came home.
All the while, however, Wily fumed and schemed, the mad scientist driven to jealousy that turned to potent rage. For whereas both had worked together hard, Light had always gotten the respect that Wily craved, and eventually, it grew too much for the German Doctor, and he snapped. All the while, Light created six more androids, which he dubbed his "Robot Masters" which were also the result of Wily's works, and intended to present them to the world. And so he did. And Wily, cast off one last time, due to his "unethical" work in robotics, decided to make Light pay. In the dead of night, Wily snuck into Light Labs, stealing the six Robot Masters. Elec Man, Guts Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, Cut Man, and Ice Man. The next morning, Light and his children woke to the city they called home, San Francisco under attack, and Wily to blame. All hope seemed lost.
But Rock made a decision. Requesting that his father upgrade him into a fighting robot, Rock, now calling himself Mega Man, became outfitted with the Copy Chip, and the Mega Buster. Ready for battle, the young warrior set off, the hopes and dreams of his father riding on his shoulders, and a fire in his heart, to protect innocents from Wily's sins. One by one, each Robot Master fell, Bomb Man, then Guts Man, then Cut Man, then Elec Man, Ice Man, and finally, Fire Man. All that remained was to confront Wily. But Mega Man was no monster, each action he took to protect the very Robot Masters he battled. For each one, he recovered their IC chip, which governed their personality, and took cares to avoid doing serious damage to them or the environment, in hopes of recovering his brothers later. However, before he could go onward, he was teleported back to Light Labs, where Doctor Light held him in a barrier for a time, to offer his reassurance, and show Mega Man he was losing control, before then letting his son go on, telling him that the passion he had as Mega Man was not placed there by Light.
With the data from the defeated Robot Masters, Light was able to locate where Wily had holed up, on an island off the pacific coast. And it was there, in the Wily Robot Manufacturing Plant, that Mega Man battled his way through the fortress, using the Special Weapons he had obtained, along with the previously discovered Magnet Beam, to reach Wily. Along the way, he squared off against the Yellow Devil, a blob whose only weakness was its eye. Defeating it, Mega Man found his brothers inside the fortress, and gave them a choice, to come home and be reprogrammed and restored to their freedom, or not. The resulting argument between the six robot masters allowed Mega Man to escape, only to run into his doppleganger, Copy Man. Eventually triumphing over his copy in a heated match, Mega Man was only able to watch as the six Robot Masters returned, destroying Copy Man, before Mega Man ran on to face Wily. And after a heated showdown, Mega Man defeated Doctor Wily, and instead of letting the mad doctor die, choose to drag him from the wreckage. With Wily arrested, and soon to be transported into Federal Custody, Mega Man was ready to power down, and hand his Special Weapons over to Light. However, Light informed the young Mega Man that while Wily was defeated, there were bigger problems to worry about. With revelations about the ongoing global situation, Roll made another decision, to help fight threats across the world, and protect innocents from danger, while receiving a minor upgrade that would allow him to gather data from non-robotic foes, for weapons crafting later. And so, with his first adventure behind him, Mega Man began his become the Worlds Greatest Fighting Robot, and safeguard mankind from the dangers at hand.
Notes: Yeah, I basically adapted the first story arc of the comics, hope that's fine, I misread max of four backstory paragraphs as minimum, so I tried to meet it. I can make changes as needed.
How Mega Man fits in:While its overlooked to a degree I think by some, Mega Man is a hero with a heart, who fights not because he has to, but because he wants to. And given the feats he's completed throughout the games and comics, he'd be a good fit for the environment, plus, everyone needs a lovable kid who wants to be a big brother and fight with the cool kids. The minor upgrade I gave him is loosely based on the Copy-Scan system from Sonic, but without the whole "you gain all their powers and stats by doing this" thing that Neo Metal had. In other words, it just scans a target, obtains as much data as it can, and then when Mega Man gets back to Light, or another, he can be upgraded to use the data in some way. If we want this to be an upgrade obtained later in story from say Monarch or another faction, I can work with that. A further upgrade planned down the line would be a way for Mega Man to use more of the Special Weapons at once, without influencing his personality. Plus a small child kicking giant butt is always cool. And once he gets Rush, he'll be able to better handle threats.
Supporting Characters:-Light Labs
Doctor Light, Roll Light, Elec Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Fire Man, Bomb Man, Cut Man, Rush(to be built)
-Wily's Army
Doctor Wily
-Wily Numbers(In future)
Sample PostIt was a normal, every day morning in Light Labs. The day before had been the unveiling of the new Robot Masters that Doctor Light intended to help mankind, from building projects, to demolition, to helping manage power plants. Six Robot Masters, Six different roles. And for the young Rock, it meant that he and Roll had more of his kind to interact with, and he couldn't wait to see them properly in action. At least, that was what he had intended to discuss with Doctor Light...until he discovered the six missing from the workshop, and a worried Doctor Light standing there in the lab."Doctor Light...where did the others go? Did you already send them to work?"
Thomas Light didn't respond at first, but slowly, with a deep sigh, he turned to Rock, shaking his head sadly. "No my son, they're not here, and it seems someone broke in last night, leaving them missing. I fear for whatever or whoever took them."
Anything more was interrupted, as the young Roll ran up, terror on her face, yelling for the two to come look at the TV. And so it was, that as Light stared on in horror at the news feed of his creations causing havoc across the city, and Doctor Wily broadcasting a demand that the world surrender to him, that Rock's fists curled into anger. A passion in his heart building up, firing him up, and bare moments after Doctor Light said they were done for, that he grabbed his father's hand. "Not if I can do something. Doctor Light, I want you to upgrade me, so I can save them, and all those people."
Touched by his son's drive to save the world, Light agreed, and as the city burned, and Roll fretted, Doctor Light upgraded Rock. The first was an improvement to his power systems, to better process the energy outcoming, for the weapon to come. Next was the Copy Chip, the core of the Variable Weapons System, which would allow Mega Man to absorb the data of defeated robots, or receive new improvements to better fight. And finally, the Mega Buster was installed, a cannon that would change its form based on the Special Weapon installed. It hurt Light to see his son walk into danger, but he knew that this was his son's choice, a passion he had not installed, that would drive Rock, now Mega Man as he climbed off the table, and slipped his helmet on, to save everyone. "Don't worry father, I'll stop Doctor Wily, before anyone else is hurt, watch over Roll for me, let's go."
And with a step, in a flash of light, Mega Man was transported away, into the battlefield that the city had become, vowing to fight...for ever lasting peace.
But soon after Mega Man left, did Light receive a call, his trembling hands answering, the voice on the other asking a question, before Light confirmed that yes, it was Wily behind it all. And that Rock had gone out to fight this. The voice on the end, surprised, asked what Light thought of all this. "Though I fear for his safety, though the world gave me no child, I built one. I fear that he may lose this fight, but I did what I could, I made him in my image, after all. I just hope he can save them."
The voice thought, then said he'd get in touch with Light when it was all over, that there were bigger things to worry about beyond Wily, that soon, Rock might be able to lend a hand to the world beyond the city. Light's heart sank, but agreed, knowing that the other was right. He just prayed...that his son would make it through.Other:Hope this is good! I did take some lines from "The Message from Doctor Light" at the end there, as it appeared in the comics to an extent. The Megas are great. If there's any changes I should make, let me know, alright? I figured the end of MM1 would be a good starting point for Mega Man to join the fray, as he's been battle tested, and has the courage to move ahead. This also leaves open the angle for someone, such as the GM, to control Dr. Wily if the need arises. All information in here is based on the wiki for Mega Man of Archie, along with grabbing some information from the Mega Buster and Special Weapon pages. Sadly, the MM entry on the Mega Man Database didn't have a list of his weapons and powers, but I tried my best. Enjoy.