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Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Lovejoy turn on the stove

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mother Xera Athalos, "R'haelyn" (Lanostran for "Hunter of God")
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Lanostran High Inquisitor

One of the most powerful Lanostran inquisitors in known history, Mother Xera Athalos is a name spoken in high reverence throughout the nation. For near a century she was the edge to Lanostre's spear, defending the nation from both rebellion and threats from outside the nation's aegis. At the end of her long tenure, the aged inquisitor faced down the Varyan empire's invasion, using the last of her power to defend the nation for as long as she could. At the end of the war, she dueled Father Gregoroth for three days on end, and it was only after they were both mortally wounded that Lady Lanostre herself called a ceasefire to the fighting.

After Lanostre's annexation Xera refused to serve Lord Varya, claiming that her blood was bound to the Goddess and no one else. In honor of her service to the nation, and some would say to appease the Lanostran inquisition, Mother Xera was banished from the nation instead of being outright executed for her defiance. She was sent on a coffin ship into the southern blizzards and is believed to have perished, though there are some who believe her to have survived.


Father Lior N'halaam, "The Lightning's Song"
Age: 35
Occuptation: Varyan Inquisitor

A flamboyant inquisitor of half Lanostran/T'saraen blood, Lior is a celebrated hero throughout the empire. He is renowned for his adventures into the western storms to hunt demons for sport and is beloved as a patron for the commonfolk of the empire due to this outspoken criticism of the Varyan nobility. Lior was the former warleader of Phoenix Warband-II, and his rivalry with Mother Indira continues to this day. A mercurial and restless thrill-seeker, he was the originator of Warband Seraph but abandoned the group halfway into their training once he grew bored with academic life, an act which has earned him no small amount of ire from other inquisitors.

A talented machinist and even more adept marksman, Lior created a full armory of magical weapons that only he could wield. He currently commands the Red Wrath, a powerful Varyan stormship at the vanguard of the Elurian invasion.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by CollectorOfMyst
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Member Seen 9 days ago

With permission and collaboration from @Lovejoy

Father Marius Valtari, “Scion of Clan Valtari”
Age: 21

The firstborn son of Halcyon Valtari, and a tribute given to the Red Seminary. The chieftains of Clan Valtari, one of Muraad’s greatest clans, have always been strong in ether, and thus prime candidates for future Inquisitors. It became a tradition for the Firstborn of the chief to be taken to Mangnagrad.

Marius himself is a charismatic, and well-respected individual. He stays true to the Muraadan ways, yet is still faithful to Varya. He cares deeply for all his warsiblings, considering them more family than colleagues, and has shown the logical and persuasive power to get Warband Leviathan to work together when their individual personalities clash - which is why they made him their Warleader. Marius has since taken well to the role, proving a natural leader, and would not stop at anything to keep them all alive.

The Valtari heir is also remarkably skilled in combat, and studied directly under Father Gregoroth in the use of weapons, going through a far harsher regimen than his peers - not that that says much. His ether, too, sets him apart - he has the unique power to turn from man to beast. The thunderous Bear, the swift Wolf, and the cunning Eagle are all under his command.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Skull
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Skull The Hollow Shovel Knight

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Character Name: Father Solim Vimat

Age: 19

Height/Weight: 5’10” (178 cm)/160 lbs (73 kg)

Gender: Male

Race: Omestrian

Physical Description:

The most striking thing about Solim are his light amber eyes. Aside from their irregular chroma, they can at times elicit emotion that doesn’t require words. His lanky build and gaunt facial features are accentuated by taut, brown skin. Save the clean shaven face, his entire body is covered in scars. The sandy brown hair on his head is long and curly on top, and kept shaved close to the skin at the sides. While his eyes are clear identifiers of his ethnic background, the turbaned cloak he dons over his Inquisitor uniform punctuates it rather boldly. This garment matches his outfit’s black and red color scheme, symbolizing the union between Lord Vayra and Omestris.

The more traditional version is only worn off duty. The patterns and choice colors symbolize many things: The base, parchment color represents the white sands of the afterlife, with the layered blues and reds signifying the ancient battle between fire and ice. Lastly, the waves patterned from the left shoulder and down, is water that trickles to The Left Hand, an homage to the Omestrian-Vimat tribe’s beliefs. The beads stringed from the collar are a representation of Solim’s family tree. The string of beads and trinkets snaking around the turban piece, represent his life’s journey up to this point.

The garment worn with the inquisitor uniform is simpler by comparison. It isn’t accessorized with beads and trinkets, or intricately patterned, like the traditional version. Its basic design matches the uniform with its black base color, mildly accentuated by a red trim. The front side of the turbaned cloak is kept draped away, making his inquisitor attire more visible, and identifying him as a proper authority.


Neither the icy hell of our world, nor the cruelty of man like The Great Bear himself, can dilute the kindness in Solim's heart. He is a lantern in the void that burns with spirit, curiosity, and child-like wonder. Unlike the truth seekers and pursuers of knowledge spurred by status or elitism, Solim is motivated by simply absorbing, analyzing, and reflecting all things within the ether.

Yet, underneath all of his zen-like sanctity exists a fun-loving goofball. A good prank or two (or three) is never beneath him, befitting of a humble (if not peculiar) mystic, one who’d never claim to be holier-than-thou (unless it’s on the topic of making animal sounds, for which he is the self-proclaimed, undisputed master).

Solim is passable when socializing within the Inquisition hierarchy. His genuine charm can be mistaken for ignorance or cultural misunderstanding, and his peculiar ether gifts, though useful, tends to keep cohorts at arm's length. Despite the reservations his peers and colleagues might have, Solim's ability as a teammate within the Goliath Warband is recognized as a valuable asset.

He is guided by an open minded belief system, one that is adopted from an old philosophy of his origin tribe. He acknowledges Lord Vayra as a deity, but viewed more as an integral piece in the grander picture. While this is can be debated as a heretical way of thinking, Solim doesn’t believe another figure is higher in authority. It is a nebulous loop hole that the church doesn’t bother exploiting, mostly because of his asset value within the Inquisition, further vouched for by the likes of Father Gregoroth and Father Antonin.


My people, disenfranchised and shackled, are the life force of this world; A drop of our blood grants reprieve from the endless cold, a vaccination to sustain life. They say we our tainted, an abomination, yet the ancient feud that gave us our cursed blood is what turns civilization’s wheel. Whether as slaves or lab rats, our free will is dust at the feet of our ancestors, dust to which you use to keep warm at night. I speak on this so that you may understand an Omestrian’s pain, anger, and frustration, but to also understand that he is not like us. In fact, he is not like us in many ways, but at the same time, he represents the very best of us. How this came to be, I will never understand - not with what he’s been through, how he’s suffered.

He was birthed from the commune breeding pools of a T’sarae research facility. His mother cried as he cooed in peace, then quickly sang one song, and one song only. When she finished, they pried her away from her seed. She tried to kiss his forehead as they did, but they yanked her away before she had the chance. So she prayed for their reunion in the afterlife, said her last good byes, then disappeared to the breeding camps, never to be seen again.

The child was meant to be a battery, hooked to T’sarae devices that powered steam experiments and nothing more. Yet, the ether called to him in ways not seen before. Drawn to its many frequencies, the boy could sense when someone overflowed with ether, or was on their very last drops. The T’sarae lab coats jumped at this opportunity and made him their bloodhound; a child on a leash, searching for test subjects with high ether potential. Through trial-and-error, one which I do not have the heart to detail, the T’sarae soon discovered that the bloodhound can also absorb and redistribute ether to another source. Again, hooked to devices like a piece of the cog’s machinery, made to fulfill... research quotas. And when that piece malfunctioned, damaging precious T’sarae research beyond repair, the bloodhound was scheduled to be put down.

I couldn't let this happen. He was loved, not just by me, or the prisoners, but by some of our T’sarae captors as well. Despite the treatment he received, the boy’s kindness never waned. It was like he saw through us, no, saw deep inside of us, and found something worth the warmth and affection he gave so willingly. In a bleak prison camp, the boy reminded us of something we’ve all forgotten about: Happiness...The boy was too special...pure...and he had to be protected, no matter the cost.

So we staged a coup.

The boy slipped away with one of the T’sarae as we rioted. She housed him for a short time, preparing his documents for the Red Seminary, where he eventually joined the Goliath Warband. There was much concern about this. Their Warleader, Father Gregoroth, is known to be a sadistic man. It pained me that he wouldn’t have peace like I hoped, but I knew he would be okay. The boy survived far worse things than a man claiming to be some Great Bear. Earning the respect of someone like him speaks volumes. Even the White Necromancer has taken him under his wing, who no doubt guides his path along the ether.

The boy eventually became an investigator. I believe this a more fancier title than bloodhound, though instead of a leash, he now wears a black and red uniform. The T’sarae woman who aided in his escape tells me he’s doing well, solving puzzles the Vayra otherwise scratched their heads at. This fills me with pride. To know that he’s risen to such a status is one thing, but the true joy that overwhelms my heart is that he is given a name. Solim Vimat.

This....this brings tears of happiness, because it is the native name we gave him in secret. Solim, the peaceful, and Vimat, the tribe of my people.

I will die in peace knowing he carries on our legacy, free from this wretched place. My son, if you ever find this, know that your mother and I will embrace you again. We will walk together, hand-in-hand, across the white oasis, and etch our footprints into eternity. All that I ask is that you never forget who you are, and where you come from...

- OV

  • Gift of Gab: Solim has the ability to speak with confidence, to the point of persuasion. Part of what makes him effective is that he also has good listening skills, and knows how to make people feel welcomed.
  • Close Quarter Disarmament: This is a skill he learned under the brutal tutelage of Father Gregoroth. While not great with firearms, or even melee weapons that aren't pole arms or staffs, Solim is a wizard when it comes to redirecting and neutralizing an attacker's momentum in close quarters.
  • Animal Onomatopoeia: Making animal sounds is an odd skill that Solim takes pride in. He mainly uses it as a distraction, or a clever signal to communicate to his Warband on the field. It also makes for a very amusing sound effect for storytelling.

Ethereal Abilities:
  • The Ether's Guide: Solim hears, sees, smells, and touches varying wavelengths across the ethereal spectrum; interpreting the residual ether of an ability used in an area, the lingering essence of the dead, or the quantity of ether a person has, to name a few. The ether itself has been known to speak to him, though it isn't made clear as to whether that is his interpretation, or if he's actually interacting with ghostly apparitions.
  • Fortress of the Mind: Through deep meditation, he can visualize the finer details of the ether he interprets with his senses. This brings much clarity as he's able to organize the clutter of energies the world gives off. On rare occasions, he can meld with others who are open minded to the experience. By joining hands in meditation he can emit what he visualizes into their thoughts.
  • The Ether Phantom: During his meditative state, he can transcend his body in the form of an astral projection. In this form he is even more susceptible to the ether around him, and can even roam within a 100 yard radius uninhibited by physical walls or obstacles. However, he can only be an observer in this form, and cannot manipulate anything in the physical realm while in this state.
  • The Funnel: Residual ether that lingers in the environment can be absorbed to refortify another person's abilities, amplifying their powers for a short time. This is an unstable ability best used as a last resort. The after effects can place harm on both Solim, and whoever he funnels ether to.

Personal Seal:

Character Relationships:

Mother Indira: For better or worse, Indira assisted with Solim’s transition into the Red Seminary. In the beginning, Solim was obedient. He absorbed most of her strict instruction without fail, but proved to be a slippery slope when it came to complete Vayra subjugation, and suppressing his Omestrian heritage. This wasn’t driven by rebelliousness, or oppressed anger; Solim’s motivations were based entirely on a pacifist’s view, one that focused on the grander scheme of things. This became a source of conflict she couldn’t rein in. And when Father Gregoroth and Father Antonin started granting him leniencies, Solim’s relationship with Mother Indira quickly went from sour, to hostile. He openly represents his heritage by wearing traditional garbs in public, even with an Inquisitor uniform on. Because of this, Indira views Solim as a selfish fool, one who puts other Omestrians at risk by bringing attention onto himself. This is a growing dilemma for her Omestrian students, who have a hard time figuring out their own identity within the Seminary. Indira regrets ever helping Solim, and goes to great lengths to disassociate herself from him. Solim is saddened by their fallout, but while he understands her views, he cannot go against his spirit and change who he is.

Father Antonin: Solim owes a great deal to Antonin, a man who nurtured his development, and truly cared for his wellbeing. The two shared an affinity with the ether that most couldn’t understand, and it opened up realms of learning between master and apprentice. Antonin’s scholarly enthusiasm pushed Solim’s mind like never before, unlocking potential he never knew existed. While Solim feels indebted for Father Antonin’s teachings, it was his kindness that he appreciated the most, especially after his grueling sessions with Father Gregoroth.

Father Gregoroth: While Father Antonin has a special place in his heart, Solim would say he keeps Father Gregoroth as the heart’s outer surface, a scarred, protective layer. At first, Gregoroth felt no different than the T’sarae oppressors, who seemed to relish in his pain and misfortune. It’s natural to harbor resentment, or even hatred for this kind of behavior, but Solim had faith in the process. Every beating was taken in peaceful silence, every insult was acknowledged with a humble nod. You see, Solim saw the ether in Father Gregoroth, the same way he saw Father Antonin and Mother Indira’s, and the same way he saw the T’sarae that tortured him. Their ether were varying and different, but they oscillate with life that’s meant to endure and improve. “Iron sharpens iron,” is what Gregoroth always barked, and Solim believed it true. While Gregoroth is known to be feared, Solim respects The Great Bear for teaching him a valuable lesson: To endure pain, even past trauma, and wear it as armor branded onto the soul, so that nothing can truly hurt you.

Theme Song
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by SandyGunfox
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SandyGunfox Resident Gun Nut

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Mother Albina ‘Alya’

Age: Twenty

Height/Weight: 5’8” (173cm) / 145lbs (66kg)

Race: Varyan

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 2 days ago

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mini reminder: this image is very much not mine and I take no credit for it, that goes here, to the best of my knowledge.


Banou Adiah

A Savage Turned Patriot, Eager to Serve the Land that Saved Her

Age: 18
Height/Weight: 5'4", 125 lbs
Race: Varyan, Ice Piratean - just don't call her Godless

With pale gray eyes called, by turns, 'piercing' and 'unsettling' (or just 'haunting' if the mood is right), Banou is easy to overlook but difficult to forget. Her thick, dark hair is nearly always braided and twisted into a neat, no-nonsense bun, and her armor covers most, but not all, off the tattoos marking her body. The war paint itself was tattooed onto her skin as a young child, a process no doubt as barbaric as the people who birthed her. Fortunately, Banou isn't the type to dwell overmuch on the past, particularly her own, and so does her best to pretend the marks are little more than a sign of how far she's come in her time serving Varya.

Personality: Patriotic | Reserved | Selfless | Loyal
For as long as she can remember (she does not count what little comes from those dark years on the plains), Banou has been happiest when she's working. Granted, it would take a close friend or confidant, of which very few exist, to distinguish a happy Banou from an angry Banou, or a desolate Banou, or a sleeping Banou. She is a soldier first and last, and if she feels she has a greater need to prove her loyalty to the empire than her more blood-worthy countrymen, well, it could only make her stronger -- like near everything else she does.


Woe to those who attempt to draw shady lines between her childhood as one of the godless people on the plains. Banou has abandoned that life and title as cleanly as it abandoned her. Though she is slow to anger in most things, you'll find a quick and dangerous enemy beneath insinuations that Banou would do anything less than die for the Empire who has raised her.

As far as she's concerned, Banou's life began when she was five years old. On that day, she remembers vividly emerging from a ceaseless dark and cold into the unyielding, unforgiving, and yet ever-steady arms of the Varyan Empire. On that day, an Imperial scouting party met its quarry - a small and vicious band of Ice Pirates - and saw fit to rescue the lone survivor.

Banou's memories of her time before the Empire are few and fragmented, sharp and cold as shattered ice. She speaks very little of it, but in her dreams, she catches glimpses of who was, who her people were -- had been -- before her rescue. She does not speak of these dreams, or of who she was before. She does not remember, and does not want to.

It has been her life's goal ever since to prove her undying loyalty to her rescuing nation. And perhaps also to herself.

From the moment she arrived in Varya, Banou was reminded at every turn that she'd not been born of the people who rescued her from the ice. Out of gratitude or desperation (she's not quite sure herself which, though most who have known her even a little could guess easily enough), she has worked her whole life to be made worthy of the sacrifice that freed her from the plains. She worked in the stables and kennels of the Seculary Army training grounds until she was old enough to be conscripted for her own training at age twelve. It was not an easy life, made more difficult by foreign blood, but Banou only ever let the other children's taunts drive her harder, and by sixteen, she was fighting at the top of her cohort.

Even so, her captains rarely let her on the battleground, more often assigning her to grunt work, guard duty, escort service, and worse. Banou managed it all without complaint, quietly content to serve how she could.

She was escorting a small cadre of Order officials through a crowded market one day when she saw a woman not much older than herself being taunted by a handful of drunk men. Banou intervened quietly, quickly, professionally, and returned to her post, while old eyes watched from afar.

Three days later, Banou was discharged from the SA and abruptly employed by one Mother Yonah Levshin, again in service to Varya, though as she learned soon after, she would be far from the land she had learned to call home.

Talents/Ethereal Abilities:
  • Combat - If Banou wasn't the strongest or fastest soldier in her class, she was undoubtedly the most resilient. She is far from fearless, but nonetheless exudes unflappable calm on the battlefield, and is generally able to think a few steps ahead of her opponent. She's skilled with a number of weapons, both ranged and close combat, but her ice spear is her favorite, and she is deadly with a bow.
  • Ether'd Combat - She's no inquisitor, but years of practice and an indomitable will have made Banou slightly more gifted than the average soldier in manipulating her shallow store of ether. When in battle, she is somewhat stronger, and significantly faster, than her stature would have you believe. She also once staved off what would have been a killing blow with a paling that left her unconscious for two days. When she is not in battle, she practices smuggled secrets from the Seminary itself (or so she's been told) to keep her ether abilities sharp.
  • Cold-Blooded - Banou maintains a stubborn, and not entirely unsubstantiated, belief that she can handle cold better than the average Varyan. Whether this is true, or she's just stoic and willful enough to make herself and everyone around her believe it is yet unclear.
  • Luck - Alright, so it's hardly a talent, but Banou does have an uncanny way of just...knowing things. She considers herself competent, intuitive, 'not fucking blind', and sometimes, yes, even lucky.

Personal Seal:
A crescent moon over two hounds. Or something like this.

Character Relationships:
- Mother Yonah, Sixth Dominion of the Divine Order: Banou's new employer. The two have not known each other long, but Banou has found herself growing increasingly loyal -- and fiercely protective -- of the woman who gave her a way to serve Varya without having to defend herself from...Varya.
- Mal, Mother Yonah's handmaid: Not that she's ever needed any sort of rescuing, but Mal has remained quite close with Banou ever since the day the other woman spotted her in that market.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fuzzybootz
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Fuzzybootz Cake or Death

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: Mother Faina (fa-ee-nah) Gajov
Age: 20
Race: Varyan
Height and weight: 5'7 and 156lbs
Physical description:
Mother Faina is only 20 but she carries herself in a stoic and graceful manner seemly beyond her years. She is tall, but of an average height for a Varyan woman. She would not be considered lean but her build is that of strength and muscle as is expected of any Inquisitor. Her facial features are soft and feminine which at times seems out of place on the training field. She is often misjudged by her looks. Her dark wavy locks are also out of place for a Varyan. Some say that she must be of mixed blood, but her family's strict pedigree would say otherwise. Many of her family lovingly refer to her as Varya's chosen one. She has many scares but none are highly visible.

Dont be fooled by Mother Faina's seemly quiet and reserved presence. She is fueled by a sense of loyalty, faithfulness, and dependability. She puts the needs of her Warband, sometimes at the determinant of herself, before all else. She is very organized and methodical which generally leads her to succeed at any task she undertakes. She values honesty and integrity. Even though she usually takes things very seriously, she has been known to have an offbeat sense of humor, especially in the company of her own Warband. She is a strong believer in tradition and has an unbreakable faith in Varya which can sometimes make it hard for her to see others perspectives. Mother Faina is usually uncomfortable expressing affection and emotion to others. However, her strong sense of duty and the ability to see what needs to be done in any situation usually allows her to overcome her natural reservations, and she is usually quite supporting and caring with the people that she loves. She is most likely to express her affection through actions, rather than through words.

Faina comes from a long line of clergy and Inquisitors. Boasting a lineage to some of the greatest warriors and Inquisitors in Varyan history, her family's prestige has afforded them a high level of comfort within their society. They are known for being extremely perticular about marriages and staying true to native Varyan blood.

From what she has been told Faina's parents marriage was one of convenience and breeding. It was no secret that there was no passionate love between the two, they still cared for one another. Both of them had become master inquisitors in their own right before the family began to pressure them to continue the family tradition.

Faina's mothers pregnancy was not an easy one. Constantly sick and bed ridden, many believed that she would lose the child. Little did she know that she was carring twins. Going into labor early Fainas mother would ultimately lose her life. The twins survived however.

When Faina and her brother were born it was quite clear that something was amiss. For reasons unknown she would be separated from her brother. Too young to remember him, her family has kept her brothers existence a closely guarded secret even to this day. Only those in the room that day know the secret.

Having been breed to be an Inquisitor, Faina grew up knowing exactly what was expected of her. Though she always felt like a huge part of her was missing. She thought it was just a feeling associated with never knowing her mother or Father. Her Father was a mystery to her as he never came to see her during her youth. She was told that he was too busy to see to the rearing of children. So Faina was raised by her mothers parents who were not Inquisitors but still deeply involved. However, every year on her birthday Faina would receive a letter from her father. Some times it would sing praise and others he would chastise her for not trying harder. He would always start the letter with "Vayra's chosen one"

At the appropriate age Faina entered the Red Seminary to begin her training as was expected of her. That feeling of emptiness never truly went away.

On the day of her day of Culmination, that all changed. Baring witness to her own birth she discovered exactly what was missing, her twin brother.

Skills/ Abilities:
Really Good Memory- Faina has a knack for remembering the details. Being highly organized and detail oriented remembering names, dates, and event details comes very easy to her.
Can Spot a lie- Though not fool proof, Faina is really adept at reading body language. However, she is unlikely to say anything unless it effects the Warband in any direct or dangerous way.
Gravity Manipulation: Note: this all rudimentary and I am assuming that some laws of physics don’t apply due to it being a magical world.
1.Can alter the gravity field of herself and objects. This allows herself and objects to appear heavier or lighter. Note this does not actually change mass, but the force pushing or pulling on it. For example think of the moon and earth. The gravitational pull/ push is different and thus we appear heavy on earth and light on the moon. Some manifestations of this ability are, increased agility, and strength. Objects seem to slowly float away or become so heavy they can’t be moved. A limitation is that she and objects are only effected as long she is concentrating on them. For now the object will stop being effected immediately, but as she gets stronger, the longer it will take the effect to fade. However it will eventually fade.
2.She can manipulate the direction in which gravity will push or pull in relation to herself. This assumes that she is the center of gravity and that mass is very important. For example if she pushes against an object (this includes people) and she has more mass than it, than it will be pushed way from her. If she has less mass than it, she is pushed away from it. If they have the same mass then both be pushed away from each other. If she pulls on an object and it has less mass than her it will be drawn to her. If she pulls on object that has more mass than her, she will be pulled toward it.

Paling + Aegisbearer:
Using her manipulation abilities Faina pushes out her gravity field to create a dark pearlescent purple dome that basically repels anything with mass away from it. When she uses this ability alone it is her Paling. She can increase its ability to cover a group of people so long each person is chained together, skin to skin, to Faina. Both of these abilities consume a lot Ether. The latter will practically drain her and the longer she holds it the higher the risk of losing consciousness, or even worse, death.


Ethereal connection to her twin brother: starting on the day she was given her vision, every now and then Faina will experience extreme anger and hate that she knows is not her own.

Catalyst: A ring that once belonged to her mother.

Person emblem: ( Fieldless) a cross moline argent surmounted by a rose proper.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Nightbringer
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Nightbringer Boss

Member Seen 5 mos ago

With permission and a great deal of collaboration from @Lovejoy and @CollectorOfMyst.

Thankful to be a part of this great RP again!
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