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Zeroth Post

Lovejoy (GM)- Father Ragnar Hjálmgrímr
Drakey - Father Rodion Kuznetsov
Sisyphus - Father Hassan Qureshi
deathbringer - Mother Astraea
The Angry Goat - Father Yerokhin Zlatek Stamenkovikj (Stina to his friends)
OppositionJ - Mother Tatiana (Thana) Leviatan
shylarah - Mother Ziotea Elpis Phaidros
Draken - Father Ilya Bjornlie
vietmyke- Father Galahad Quaid
Scout - Mother Viveca
CollectorOfMyst - Father Oren Kanus



I-XVII (pronounced as "One-Seventeen")

The Aspect of Lord Varya that appeared to Warband Phoenix during Culmination. The visions it showed each member of the warband left a mark on them in different ways. Some were perplexed by what I-XVII showed them, others were left horrified, while others were left thinking to themselves in silence. Despite each inquisitor having their own unique experience with I-XVII, each somehow knew its name upon waking, and felt its touch upon their souls.

Like other Divine Aspects, I-XVII has no default appearance, but is perceived differently depending on the individual who sees it.

The Visions of Warband Leviathan as shown to them by Aspect I-XIX

Hidden 7 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Lovejoy turn on the stove

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Welcome to The Last Embers! This is a reboot of an RP that was ongoing before the old site's crash and is now accepting new characters. It is a dark fantasy story focusing more on character and storytelling than combat and the more game-like aspects of RPing. As a GM, I'm more interested in characters interacting and developing and giving players an interesting canvas to tell their own stories as well as guiding the tale with my own hand to produce some hopefully dramatic event opportunities for your avatars, so you'll find that I am extremely open-ended to folks chipping in with ideas wherever applicable-- whether it be fleshing out the world or introducing cool subplots. In the previous version of the RP, plenty of people contributed many incredible ideas that are now 'canon' as far as the story and world go, and I hope that our new members will be inspired to do the same!

Not sure how many people I'll be accepting at the moment. Depending on how many submissions we get, we might end up with a smaller or larger group.

Now, without further ado, on to world info!

The First War

Long ago, before the death of the old world, a divine war shook the earth and tore through the heavens.

Two celestial Titans, one borne of Fire and one borne of Frost, clashed for seven days and seven nights.

The millions of devoted men, women and children who worshiped and adored the two Titans perished as their divine conflict brought ruin to the world.

Not one thing mattered to each of the two Titans but absolute victory over the other.

At the end of the Seventh Night, Frost dealt a mortal blow to Fire, and in its hubris, the cold God stood and laughed as its hated foe's death throes began to resonate throughout the ruined earth. Before its final flame was extinguished, the burning god summoned all of its remaining might and dealt a terrifying blow to Frost.

Letting out a terrible scream which spread to the furthest frontiers of the world, Frost was shattered into twelve great remnants, each of them falling to separate corners of the land. It was then and only then that Fire allowed itself to die.

With Fire extinguished, and the divine countenance of Frost shattered, the world began to take on a cataclysmic change as the great elements were thrown out of their delicate balance.

The fathomless oceans of the world rose up and swallowed the earth, plunging all but the tallest mountains and towers deep beneath the sea. Precious few survived the Deluge, and those who did live through this oblivion would in turn face an even greater punishment.

A preternatural winter unlike any before it consumed the already dying world, turning the great flooded oceans and the silent cities beneath them to ice. The last humans and animals left alive fought on bravely in the face of this unholy winter, but in time they too died out.

The world was left a frozen husk, with nothing to remain of the billions of lives that once lived and flourished in it but the ruins of derelict ships half-buried in the ice and the lonely spires of the great towers that once reached toward the sky poking up from the frozen earth.

The divine war between the two titans brought an end to the previous world, and in this frozen and boundless emptiness did it remain until many thousands of lifetimes later, when the Twelve Remnants of the Titan of Frost, now lying spread throughout the regions of the world, suddenly awakened with wills of their own...

The Broken Pantheon

When the Twelve Remnants of the dead god became sentient, they awoke with both a blessing and curse.

The scattered pieces of the Ice Titan, upon drawing breath, found that they had inherited certain traits of the all-powerful being who's destruction brought about their birth.

Each of the Remnants found themselves powerful beyond imagining in their own specific sphere of influence, able to bend the fabric of existence to their will (to a certain degree). They first used this power to change their broken and jagged shapes into less damaged-looking forms. Not soon after this however, the Remnants discovered something terrible.

On the first eve of their awakening, the Remnants were afflicted with a torturous and unending pain. Waves of agony swept through their newly-created bodies, and they could do nothing but endure it. The Remnants then remembered that they were not truly whole beings, but only imperfect pieces of a greater collective.

Each came to the dreaded realization that as long as the Remnants remained free and independent of one another, they would suffer from the existential agony of being un-whole and imperfect, and thus it became the ravenous desire for each of the Twelve Remnants to seek out and devour the other eleven. And so, the twelve lesser gods wandered far and wide through the frozen earth, each on an odyssey to find, kill, and eat the ones who remained.

To do this however, they would require outside help.

As the first two Remnants discovered upon finding one another after years of wandering, they could not wound each other directly, as they were both parts of the same whole. No matter how many blows they dealt to each other, not a scratch would appear on either Remnant. This 'divine rule' would change the Remnants' methods of warring against each other and would in turn lead them to a far nobler destiny than any of them could have imagined.

Using their inherited divinity, the Remnants first revived the ancient apex beasts and animals of the old world and set them on each other. Colossal dragons and massive ice krakens all sprung into existence at the cost of the Remnants' own power, every one of them reborn with the intent to kill the opposing lesser gods and their respective forces. This first step in the war between the Remnants did not work out as intended, for animals and beasts, as fierce and powerful as they are, lack one all-important component that makes them truly dangerous-- intelligence.

And so, the Remnants looked back on the history of this dead world, and found one species of animal that would suit their needs.

Thus, on a day forgotten by time, human beings were reborn. Billions of men, women, and children rose from their icy graves, suddenly populating the once lifeless husk of this world. As they stood there bewildered, the Remnants spoke, and told them of their new purpose.

Humans were to serve as the devoted crusaders of the gods who revived them. Blessed by the Remnants and gifted with a divine flame that would burn in their souls and protect them from the dark cold that froze everything around them, the reborn humans set out to erect great civilizations so that they may wage the Remnants' wars in their place.

These first men and women, reborn and given life by their gods, were our ancestors, and they lived only to serve the patron deity who blessed their frozen souls with the fire to endure the cold of this world.

Since that day, eons have passed, nations have risen and fallen, Gods have devoured and have been eaten in turn-- but the Purpose remains the same. Every boy and girl born in this frozen world is raised to serve their country and fight in the name of their patron deity.

On every nation of this world is this truth perpetuated.

A New World

Human civilization is thought to only exist on the three Known Continents. These massive landmasses have been kept separated by the icy maelstroms that have stormed over the frozen oceans for eons beyond number. On the continents, the deadly ice storms are kept at bay by the Gods of the Broken Pantheon (as the Remnants are known by humanity). so that their flock can serve them without fear of freezing to death.

Life on the continents is hard, but considerably less dangerous than on the open sea. In modern times, great cities of steam sprawl over the snows, filling the sky with soot and ash. Out on the iced-over oceans, the blizzards can kill a human being within minutes, and if they don't, the horrible beasts and unholy demons that haunt the frontiers will likely finish the job.

Because of the unbearable cold and the conditions out in the ice fields, travel between the three different continents is unheard of, and thus there has been little if any contact between the civilizations existing on the separate landmasses.

The story of The Frozen Flame will begin in the Empire of Varya, located on the western-most continent-- a colossal landmass with a long and blood-stained history.

On this continent, the borders were once split between four independent kingdoms-- T'sarae, Omestris, Muraad, and Varya. Each of these great and powerful countries was founded by a god or goddess of the Broken Pantheon, and for as long as anyone could remember, the four kingdoms existed in an uneasy ceasefire, each biding their time to strike.

Two-hundred years ago however, the nation of Varya launched a massive invasion of the continent and after a century of fighting, the god-kings of T'sarae, Omestris, and Muraad were captured and brought back to Varya, where the Ravenous Lord consumed them and erased them from the world.

Varya, now an immense empire after staking a claim on the entire continent, then turned its attention towards the mighty Queendom of Lanostre located on the subcontinent to the south of the Varyan landmass.

Lanostre, a land famed for its deadly soldiers, was a small but powerful nation ruled by their beloved goddess. The ensuing war between Varya and Lanostre was short and bloody, with both sides suffering massive casualties. Still, despite the immense size of Varya's armies, it lost more soldiers in the long and violent campaign than their Lanostran enemies, as the skill of the small kingdom's army military was unrivaled.

After three years of war, Lanostre finally surrendered after its Goddess appeared in the Varyan capital one fateful day and did something unheard of throughout the history of the world--she willingly offered herself to the God Varya. It is not clear why she did this or if the God Varya devoured the Goddess Lanostre, but after that day, the Lanostran Queendom willingly surrendered its sovereignty to the Varyan empire. Its people-- the men and women who were feared throughout the battlefields for their strength and valour, were then accepted into Varyan society

The War Against the East

Having conquered and imprisoned the four gods of the Western Lands, the God Varya turned His eye to the East-- an unknown frontier hidden by ice storms that no Westerner had ever ventured to and returned.

There had always been fantastical tales about the East. Children were told bedtime stories of the Wild Gods that ruled over the Eastern Folk and of the evil demons and frost dragons that prowled those untamed lands. To every boy and girl growing up in Varya or Lanostre, the Lands beyond the Eastern Ice Storms were an exotic fantasy, a frontier of adventure and mystery. Thus, when the God Varya declared to His flock that the empire's greatest engineers had built a fleet of powerful steam arks to carry a great legion of soldiers across the frozen sea to invade the wild and untamed eastern lands, all of Varya celebrated.

Nothing was known of the Eastern Lands, only that there were two continents located across the sea and that on these mysterious landmasses the remaining seven gods of the Broken Pantheon ruled. Furthermore, it was not known if there were even seven gods left. Had any of them been devoured? What manner of gods were they? What kind of people worshiped these gods?

The citizens of Varya had long dreamed of the answers to these questions.

A great army comprised of many of Varya and Lanostre's greatest soldiers, along with an army of slaves from Omestris and Muraad, was formed to establish a foothold on one of the Eastern continents for a possible invasion. This grand legion boarded a great fleet of powerful steam arks (highly-advanced transportation vessels that could withstand the ice storms) and at once set out to face their fate across the eastern sea.

It took many months for the First Armada to reach the mysterious continent which would become known as 'El'. After venturing past the Meridian, the last known frontier of human civilization, all contact twith the First Armada was lost.

After weeks of silence, the Varyan High Command began to grow restless.

For the all-powerful Varyan legion to suddenly end their communication with home was worrying indeed. Had they been defeated? Did the Wild Gods of the eastern lands convert them? The High Command could not know, for they were separated from the legion by thousands of miles of frozen ocean.

It was then that the High Command sent an emergency transmission to two lone steam arks currently making the perilous journey to the Elurian continent. One of these steam arks carried in its hold a group of young war priests sent on a missionary expedition to the mysterious eastern continent, while the other steam ark contained the priests' military support.

The transmission contained new orders for the priests. Instead of their missionary work, they were now to uncover the shadowy whereabouts of the Varyan legion and inform the High Command of whatever knowledge they could manage to gather.

This transmission, unbeknownst to both the officers of the High Command, the young priests, and the company of soldiers accompanying the clergy on this dark odyssey, will change them all and will set in motion events that will bring a cataclysmic change to the world. Whether that change heals the world, or brings it to further ruin...

... Is up to you.

World Information

The Priesthood

An Unlikely Power-Source

Ether as a Weapon

The Broken Pantheon & their Flock

The Demons of the Black Glacier

General Ether Abilities (Physical Strenghtening, Palings & Spellblades)

Divine Aspects & Culmination

Inquisition Hierarchy



Character Information

Character Sheet

Rules & Suggestions

- No godmodding.
- Follow all of RPGs rules.
- I know I don't have to mention this, but there should be no seniority between any of the older members and the new folks. Everyone is here to have fun RPing, so if I see anything like that, we're going to have a problem.
- I'm a pretty cool and chill gal, but as GM if I see something I don't like I'm going to talk to you about it.
- Be cool! Be friendly and cordial. If you have an issue with someone or with anything regarding the RP, please hash it out respectfully.
- This is the kind of story that will necessitate a lot of participation and discussion, so if you're the kind of person that hangs back in the shadows and doesn't contribute to our discussions in the OOC then this RP probably isn't for you.
- If you have to leave or are unable to post for whatever reason, let us know! Don't just disappear on us. If you let us know and give us a timetable of when you're able to return, we'll then be able to plan accordingly how to handle your character.
- Don't be shy! Make sure you let me know of any cool ideas or suggestions you might have for the RP. :)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Angry Goat
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The Angry Goat (☞゚∀゚)☞

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

yo this is cool AF and I'd totally be down to enter some sort of gigantic dude with a magical shield, if that's the kinda thing y'all're looking for
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Lovejoy Count me very intrigued! This looks like a fascinating world, and I have a few ideas rattling around in my head....I need to make sure I have enough time to commit, but I definitely hope to join. ^.^ And I've been thinking about a few new fighting sets for chars, so this could be good! *wiggles*

What are the odds that Omestrian slaves -- or freefolk, before being captured in the wake of Omestris's fall -- might escape to Lanostre? And I'm seeing a quirk in the timeline. Two hundred years ago Varya attacked the other nations. ONe hundred years were spent subjugating them. Then Varya went after Lanostre, which surrendered after three years. Now they turn their attention to the east.

What happened to the rest of the second century between the start of the Varyan invasions and today?

Is magic only in blood, then? None at all in the air/fabric of the world? ...Do they have a plan for where they'll get ether from when the supply from other Remnants runs out?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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You had my curiosity

But now you have my attention
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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Drakey The Best Dragon

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Hey Lovejoy, just wanted to let you know, weekends are a no-go for me. As such, if character relationships are being planned out this coming weekend that you help with them for mine. Just keep in mind that while he does have relationships, he is terrible at showing them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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@The Angry Goat Yay thanks for showing interest! As for your character idea, yes, that's totally viable. Actually, the group will need a character who can maintain an "aegis" for them while they're out on the icefields and away from the protective barrier that enshrouds the continent (the one that keeps people from freezing to death). This aegis would be a mini-barrier so to speak, similar to the massive barrier protecting the Varyan homeland but much smaller, only large enough to protect a hundred people or so. Just an idea!

@shylarah Aw thanks for the kind words! As for your questions:

- Yes, Omestri slaves could have made the perilous journey south to Lanostre and there could be half-blood Omestrians with Lanostran parents. Though they did suffer prejudice from all the races, not *everyone* subscribed to the idea that Omestrians were heretics, so there were definitely places in all the nations where Omestrians could live freely and intermingle with the local population. These days, half-blooded Omestrian children serving in the Varyan military or priesthood isn't considered a big deal, just as long as they can pull their weight. There are also "free" Omestrians, be they pure-blooded or half-blooded, who were granted freedom by certain individuals (usually well-meaning nobles and the like).

- In the second century after Varya conquered the nations of T'sarae, Muraad and Omestris, the empire focused all its attention on building their monstrous steam city, Magnagrad, and with it, a massive army capable of surviving and conquering the deadly soldiers of Lanostre. They used the scientific acumen of the T'saraen people to modernize their armies, developing mechanized and armored weapons and vehicles to combat the comparatively primitive Lanostran warriors. Basically, their battles looked like tanks and infantry versus armored knights, only in this case the knights were so much more skilled and powerful than the infantry that they actually made a fight out of it.

- In regards to ether running out when all the other Remnants are captured... well, it actually won't run out. As long as captive populations continue to breed, then there should be enough ether to last. Ether can also be harvested from the beasts in the wild. I should mention that a slave who's ether has been harvested doesn't die immediately (as long as they are within the protective barrier that shrouds the continents from the magical cold that instantly freezes people). The process does leave them severely weakened though and they would require immediate medical attention to survive the extraction. All in all, it's pretty terrible, as you can imagine-- only living to have your blood drained time in time again, existing in a perpetual state of weakness, all while being imprisoned. Being an Omestrian ether slave sucks!

Hope that answers your questions! If you have any more, fire away!

@Drakey That's fine, though I think this process will continue past the weekend, so you can take part then.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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Oi Love,

I added a hider in my CS for Madrys, which is Rodion's War Golem. She currently has two forms. The first is a wolf, the second is a motorcycle.

Secondly, I want to add in a NPC from Rodion's past. An Omestri child that he had bunked with on the streets. He hasn't seen him after entering the Red Seminary. I was wondering if this Omestri could have showed up among the assets that will be given to the team of Inquisitors.

Or, if anyone wants to play an Omestri, then they can take this kid's place.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Lovejoy turn on the stove

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By the way, here's a bit I posted in the Interest Check in regards to tech-level. I'll also add this to the OP under the "An Unlikely Power-Source" heading. :)

"The aesthetic of the world is very much steampunk, but the tech level is more early WWI. Rifles and artillery are proven war-time weapons suited for soldiers. They are accurate and can reload relatively quickly. There are tanks and armored vehicles. I'd say the most advanced technology in the world would be the steam arks, which are basically arctic submarines armed with ether torches that can melt ice. As for automatons, I'd say they would take the form of steam golems given life through magical means. There certainly isn't any AI or anything of the sort yet.

These kinds of modern weapons are used specifically by the Varyan Secular Army (the non-priest soldiers). Inquisitors can use them too, but most favor magical close-ranged weapons. But we can get into that later. This is an aspect of the world that I'd be more than willing to collaborate with players on."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Lovejoy I didn't realize the slaves were kept for ether reserves. That's /nasty/. And now I know my character, more or less, if I can join. Probably Lanostran but possibly Varyan, with Omestrian heritage in there. Rather hates the Varya, but didn't get a choice about their path in life. Actually, @Drakey, I /could/ possibly end up as that kid. I mean, a half-blood would be harder to do, unless Varyan...hm.

Lovejoy, think there were any early raids to test the Lanostrans, before the full war started? Say, twenty or thirty years ago?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@shylarahYeah, definitely! That'd make sense. There would definitely have been some border skirmishes throughout the years, as well as some prodding attacks by Varya into Lanostran territory.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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Drakey The Best Dragon

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If you want to be half-Omestrian then that would be great for me. Your character and Rodion would have known each other since before the Red Seminary and would most likely be nearly inseparable. Let me know about any ideas you might have.

Rodion -> the brain (Still strong, but an absolute genius)
your character -> the brawn (still smart, but is a whole lot better at hand-to-hand or physical feats than Rodion)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scout
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I need to re-read all of this when I land back home on Sunday but I'm so excited for the reboot. :) I missed this RP so much - I think about what it could have been more than I care to admit. So I will return! Thanks, Love, for being accommodating with my schedule. I'll need to brush up on world info again.

Can't wait to see what everybody brings to the table this time!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Drakey I'm still feeling out the idea. I get the idea that yeah, this one's less a genius, though certainly clever. But...I'm thinking she? She rather resents Varya as a whole, and the priesthood in particular. I think she's particularly good with magic...

@Lovejoy I notice that there's no particular background for the Omestrians. What are they supposed to be?

I've no idea if Irin even fits as a name anywhere, since I can't remember what I used to make it. X.x
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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Drakey The Best Dragon

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a she is great. Also, Rodion is distrustful of the gods in general.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Drakey oh that works nicely!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Drakey@Lovejoy I might have some suggestions for resolving the critiques on Rodion's sheet, possibly.

@scout HOLY CRUD LOOK WHO I SEE! And @Vena Sera too?! *flailing*

waitwaitwait Scout you were in the original? AAAH!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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oh, the info from Love. PM me the ideas but I think that Love and I have already sorted them out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lovejoy
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@shylarahI did include a bit about them under the "Broken Pantheon and their Flock" heading, but nothing beyond them being slaves and seen as former heretics. I'll add on a bit to that now.


Before their nation was subjugated and brought to ruin by the Godking Varya, the Omestri people were a race of individual thinkers and philosophers, born with a natural propensity for art, culture, self expression, and a belief in living independently. Their connection to the Great Enemy, as other nations described the Fire Titan, granted them a perspective of both the past and future that other races just did not have. Unlike the Varyans, who believed they were born to conquer, the Lanostrans, who believed they were born to battle, the T'saraens, who believed they were born to lead the world forward in peaceful scientific advancement, or the Muraadans, who didn't believe in anything but survival-- The Omestrians who lived and thrived before the fall of their people believed in complete free will, in the obtaining and fulfillment of individual happiness and solace through whatever brought it. Almost nothing is known of the deity they worshiped, or whether it was male or female, save that it was once the Remnant composed of the Left Hand of the broken Frost Titan. This God or Goddess, shrouded in mystery, seemed to want nothing of its flock but for them to live happily, it asked for nothing in return for the power it granted them.

Owing to their great capacity for ether, the first Omestrians were great sorcerers, capable of casting great and dangerous miracles that changed the world around them. Strangely, they never attacked other nations with this powerful magical force. In fact, like their unknowable deity, what Omestrians actually did in their day-to-day existence in the naturalistic pine-shrouded region that was their homeland is a mystery. If one walks through the ruins of Omestris today, they would see beautiful palaces collapsed in the snow, monumental statues of ancient beasts standing sentinel over the high roadways and all other proof of the Omestrians' artistic and beautiful civilization, but nothing else. Did they all just live together peacefully, dancing in their city squares merrily? Who knows? All of their culture is gone, and the remnants of it, of what life was actually like in Old Omestris, of the true identity of their deity, is a closely guarded secret kept by Omestrian slaves, and they aren't talking.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Lovejoy I /like/. A lot. ^.^ This works so well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Angry Goat
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The Angry Goat (☞゚∀゚)☞

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Lovejoy sick, expect an uncompromising bastion of Varya to carry the aegis and have a giant axe or something along that line within the next few days. I should probably do my actual homework first tho :P
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