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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 14 days ago

I hope to get some work done on some posts tomorrow. Was hoping to do some tonight but got dragged out shopping.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey everyone, sorry i haven't posted anything yet, christmas came, and I got these bomb ass brush makers so all i've been doing is drawing, also my picky penguin plushy came in the mail, and I finally have a tiny little Himiko Yumeno of my own! I drew a pic of Phoenix today, and I tried the brush markers on him, it came out very well, I may just post it to show you guys but anyway yeah, christmas was awesome, my wifi is still shit, but at least I have a plushy and some markers to keep me company.

also, have any of you guys ever read a book called "Everything Everything"? My mom got it for me for christmas, but I don't know if I'll like it since it reminds me too much of Jonh Green's books, and I was never a fan of tenn romance stuff like that, lol.

When I get the chance I'll try to make the post, AND work on Bobi's Character sheet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This is what the plushy that I got looks like, It's not exactly my own plushy in this pic just a random one posted yoshee the creator.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 14 days ago

Been fighting off the flu, haven't been up to writing for the last couple of days. Turns out my brother brought me the best Christmas gift ever...his flu that he didn't tell me he had...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Been fighting off the flu, haven't been up to writing for the last couple of days. Turns out my brother brought me the best Christmas gift ever...his flu that he didn't tell me he had...

Everyone wants to share everything with you.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Indy Cooper
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Indy Cooper Deity-in-training

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sharing is caring, yanno.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Sharing is caring, yanno.

Unless it's The flu. Then you don't wanna it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DaBomb
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DaBomb Cringe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character you have created: Beatrice Andersen
Alias: Forge Master
Speech Color: Orange Red
Character Alignment: Hero
Identity: Known. When you're nearly 8 feet tall, it's hard to keep your identity secret.
Character Personality: If you know anything about fantasy, Beatrice's personality could be best compared to the typical dwarf. She's known to be stubborn in her view points and very hot headed if tested. But she takes pride in her work and never settles for anything less than perfection.

Weaknesses: Her very obvious stature makes having a secrete identity nearly impossible.
Supporting Characters: Angelica Andersen, Daughter of Beatrice. Has been acting strange since the pax event and her mother suspects she may have obtained some sort of power.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 14 days ago

Character you have created: Beatrice Andersen
Alias: Forge Master
Speech Color: Orange Red
Character Alignment: Hero
Identity: Known. When you're nearly 8 feet tall, it's hard to keep your identity secret.
Character Personality: If you know anything about fantasy, Beatrice's personality could be best compared to the typical dwarf. She's known to be stubborn in her view points and very hot headed if tested. But she takes pride in her work and never settles for anything less than perfection.

Weaknesses: Her very obvious stature makes having a secrete identity nearly impossible.
Supporting Characters: Angelica Andersen, Daughter of Beatrice. Has been acting strange since the pax event and her mother suspects she may have obtained some sort of power.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character you have created: Bobi Adolow

Alias: She has none.

Speech Color: CornflowerBlue

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Not a secret

Personality: Bobi can be very closed off and guarded from other people, as she has a very hard time trusting anyone nowadays. Other people may see her as rude, and even a bit of a bully, but it doesn’t bother her. She isn’t prone to hanging around other people, and often closes herself up in the Paradox Lab department for weeks on end. When she feels uncomfortable around other people, she gets agitated and loses her patience with them very shortly. The only person she can’t seem to shake off her tail is Shay Vanabound, another agent of Paradox and her assigned partner for the job.


Origin info/ Details:

Bobi Adolow was born in her father's lab in the middle of a dead end town somewhere in Australia. The details of her life and where she used to live are hazy at best for her, seeing how most of her childhood was spent being cooped up in the lab. She never knew her mother, her only caretaker was Jerome Adolow, the man who created her. Bobi was always more of a machine than a human. Her body, while made of skin and nerves, are hiding a mash of organs and metal. Bobi has no heart, quite literally. She runs and breathes thanks to a core implanted in her back. It’s a small, round disc bigger than her hand. It’s made of metal, and glows an ethereal light blue color. The core’s name is 8081, an odd name given to it by Jerome, its creator. She never quite understood the name, all she knew was that 8081 was a nuisance and a very distracting feature on her body.

8081 is not her only technological feature. Bobi’s left arm is completely made out of metal, and while Jerome has tried to explain to her this oversight, she has learned to accept it as it is. Her arm, as Jerome puts it, is directly connected to 8081. It is an enhancement of sorts, she understands that much. What she doesn’t understand is why he wouldn’t cover it in skin. He had just shrugged in his own, quiet way. “I was just too...proud of it to cover it up. I thought kids your age were supposed to like cool robot stuff like this anyway.” He had said to her.

Bobi lived with Jerome Adolow in his house, and was barred from leaving the laboratory in the basement because “The world just isn’t ready yet, Bo.” She was a very lonely child, and the longer she stayed in the basement and did Jerome’s diagnostics and his tests, the more she steadily grew to resent him. She was 8 when she finally understood that she truly hated Jerome. He may be her father, or creator, but she didn’t love him like one. She was 9 when Jerome introduced her to her first actual friend. Jerome never brought anyone else home, and sometimes Bobi didn’t even think other people came to the house. Her first friend was a girl, who was lot older than Bobi was then, and who stood behind Jerome with a look of wonder on her face. The girl was tall, that much Bobi could see, but also very lanky. Her hair was a light, mouse brown that hung straight past her shoulders; when they first met she had been wearing a faded green flannel shirt, plain jeans and very dirty boots. 8081 told her the brown slush around her feet was mud, something Bobi had only seen in small glimpses here and there.

“Bobi, I’d like you to meet someone very special to me. This is Tucker.” Jerome introduced her. Bobi stood in the dark lab, staring wide eyed at both of them, blankly. Tucker walked up to her, kneeled before her to be on her level, and offered a genuine kind smile.

“We are alike, you and I.” She said, her accent was very different from Bobi’s and Jerome’s. Tucker rolled up one of her sleeves, and held her arm out. At first, Bobi wanted to scoff and push her away from her, because all she saw was plain pale skin. But then it disappeared. The arm was gone, leaving only the cuff of Tucker’s sleeve. Then the arm reappeared, but this time it held colorful dots, then stripes, then odd looking lines that Bobi couldn’t quite name just that they were….squiggly? 8081 told her that it wasn’t a word, but it perfectly described the patterns that Tucker made on her skin. “See? We’re both very different, huh?” Tucker offered. Bobi just nodded, and from that day forward Tucker had been like an older sister to her.

Bobi was 12 when she was first allowed to leave the lab. Jerome had let her sit outside in the backyard for the first time, and it was an eye opening experience. 8081 was buzzing with all of the new information it was taking in, and it soon grew to be too much. She had fainted for a short while, and it gave Tucker and Jerome quite the scare. When she awoke, she finally knew how most of the world worked, how plants grew, why the sky was blue. All of the questions that everyone could possibly ponder about the world they stood on, she had the answer to thanks to 8081. Jerome was reluctant to let her out again, but Tucker convinced him to let her sit on the porch, to which Bobi was thankful for. This time, she did not faint. She and Tucker both sat outside for the second time in her short life, and it was a memory she valued dearly.

Jerome wanted to continue his experiments on Bobi, and while he did, she soon started to wonder why. What purpose did she hold in the world other than running diagnostics? Jerome laughed, something she had almost never heard him do. “You will soon find out. Don’t worry Bobi.” Tucker also told her not to worry, and to pass the time told her stories of the outside world and all that lay in it, like airplanes, and big cities. The days grew longer and longer, and eventually turned into years. Bobi was 16 when she finally decided she had had enough of being cooped up in the house, confined to the back porch and nothing more. She hadn’t told Tucker about these thoughts she was having, as she already knew Tucker would try to hold her back, or worse even: tell Jerome.

She had decided she would sneak away somehow, so when it came time to go on the back porch, she made a run for it and hopped the fence. She could hear Tucker yelling for her to come back, but it was far too late by then. The world grew even larger the more she ran. She could feel that familiar heat behind her back that meant 8081 was reaching its limit on information. She ran into the street, suddenly not in control of her own body, and was hit head on by a car. It was a hard hit, hard enough to send her flying through the air. Sparks flew as her metal arm, which had been hidden beneath the sleeve of a blue sweater, ripped through the soft fabric at the point of impact. The person in the car was frantic, and ran over to see if she was okay, but before then it was too late. Bobi Adolow had died at the scene of the crash.

She was dead for about a week, until 8081 jump started itself again. Bobi slowly came to life, her vision obscured by a sheet that had been pulled over her head. She lay on a cool, metal table that made her skin feel clammy and weird. She mustered enough strength to sit up, and remove the sheet. She was greeted with the dark room of the Thurst City morgue and funeral home. This is where the bodies were kept. She looked around, her eyes much more accustomed to the dark now, and saw that she was not alone in the room. There were a few other dead people in the room with her it seemed, and that didn’t bother her so much as inconvenience her. One of them lay on a table that blocked the door for some reason. She got up, and made her way to it, bumping into this table and that one, muttering sorry as she went. When she reached the door, it opened seemingly on its own, but Bobi came to realize that a nurse must have heard her bumping around in the dark room. When she spotted Bobi, she screamed horrified, something Bobi very much understood as she had probably already been embalmed and lying dead for weeks before this incident. Bobi walked further out into the hallway, scaring the hell out of almost everyone who passed her before one of the staff directed her to a room.

They asked her questions, trying to see if maybe she was just one of those wandering bodies that got up sometimes. “It’s happened before, you know.” One of the nurses explained. Bobi was able to finally convince them that she was indeed alive, but they couldn’t believe it.

“You’ve been…scooped out already though. How the hell are you walking?” One nurse asked; she shook her head, and headed to the front desk. The phone had rang, beckoning for her to answer it. “What?!” The nurse exclaimed. She ran back into the room, and looked at Bobi with terrified eyes. “There’s a girl on the phone asking for you? Your name is Bobi Adolow...correct?” Bobi just nodded.

She was handed the phone, expecting for it be Tucker, only to be very surprised to hear the voice of a girl she had never met before.

“My name is Leila Mayner, I’m sorry we’re meeting on such odd terms.” Leila said, explaining to her very quickly how she ran an Agency named Paradox that was bent on helping anyone with an impossible, unsolvable problem. “I want to know, before Jerome Adolow reaches the morgue, do you want to work for Paradox?”

It seemed to be such a bizarre situation, but the more Bobi thought about being back in the house with no one but Jerome and Tucker, the more her resentment for the man grew. She had never before shown outwardly that she hated Jerome, but she knew if she saw him come through the morgue door, she’d try her hardest to get away from him again. Not even Tucker could convince her to come back. The morgue was such an interesting place, and she found that 8081 wasn’t freaking out like it was normally prone to do. Clutching the phone cord tightly, she nodded to herself.

“Yeah…” She had said. “I wanna work for Paradox.” She could almost hear Leila smile through the phone.

“Excellent. Charlotte will escort you to the nearest kiosk.” Leila said. She could hear excited murmurings around her, and saw that the staff were looking at her with a new kind of reverence.

“You’re a Paradox Agent?” One nurse, the one she had spooked when she first woke up, said. Bobi thought on it for a second, before a slight green moth appeared before her. Everyone in the room seemed to look at her in a new light, as if they understood something she did not.

“That must be it then...she’s one of those Agents, so maybe she’s got powers or something…”

“She’s got a damn robot arm, Harold. Of course she’s a super.”

“I was just saying, I thought the arm was like a fancy prosthetic.”

“Well you guessed wrong, obviously.”

She could hear them theorizing about her, but that didn’t matter then. She grabbed a hold of Charlotte the moth who fluttered before her, and instantly found herself in new clothing. The standard Paradox, dark green blazer. A green, emerald pin with the insignia of a moth lay on her chest. She turned to the other members of the staff.

“Um...thank you, for looking after my body.” She said awkwardly. She walked out the front doors of the morgue and headed straight for a back alley. 8081 was now accompanied by Charlotte who seemed to be leading her through it’s interface, just like Leila had said. There, hidden in the brick and mortar wall was the moth insignia on her pin. She pressed her hand against it, and the bricks moved aside, revealing an elevator. She wasn’t sure which way she should go, up or down, so she let Charlotte choose.

Ever since that day, Bobi Adolow worked as an Agent of Paradox. She was 18 when she was assigned her first solo mission, it wasn’t as harrowing as she thought it would be, but it was something she thought was special. She was 23 when she was first introduced to another friend, her assigned Paradox partner Shay Vanabound. Despite Bobi’s closed off demeanor, and otherwise grumpy disposition, Shay never left her side. Bobi never saw Jerome or Tucker again, and though she missed Tucker, she was far happier working as an Agent than she was running diagnostics for them. There were times where she hated the both of them, but she always lost that battle in her head. She couldn’t bring herself to hate Tucker.

Bobi Adolow is now 25 years old, and works tirelessly in the Lab department of Paradox. Though she hates tests, she finds learning more about 8081 is important. The more she knows, the more she can help people on assignments, and that was something that she worked endlessly on. Despite coming from Australia, she does not work from there. All Agents work from HQ, no matter what kiosk they enter or exit from. Paradox kiosks is scattered all over the world, and to accurately pinpoint where HQ is would be insanity. The only true location I, Liseran Thistle, can give you is that it is definitely located somewhere in the states. Because of this, Bobi is one of the very few international Agents at Paradox HQ.

Hero Type: Brick/Muscle

Power Level: City Level (8081 still has a few tricks up its sleeve that even Bobi hasn’t discovered.)

Powers: Bobi is an enhanced human with robot prosthetics, one of which is incredibly powerful. She has enhanced strength, and is able to connect herself to the world's database, gaining access to any and all information.

Height: 5”6

Weight: 128 lbs

Strength Level: 50

Speed/Reaction Time: 60

Endurance at Maximum effort: 3 hours

Agility: Normal human (She’s not very coordinated on her feet)

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting skill: Trained (Shay has taught her a few things since they’ve first met)

Weaknesses: Even though 8081 has regained some kind of composure, sometimes it can reach its limit. This can happen if Bobi pushes her abilities too far, or even still if she gains too much knowledge at once. When 8081 reaches its limit, parts of her body start to malfunction or shut down completely, which is very bad if she’s fighting someone.

Supporting Character: Shay Vanabound, her assigned Partner; Leila Wingsbury, the Leader of Paradox; Mindy Diasco, a girl Genius; Eris Goodoire, New Jerseys number one music hero; Phoenix, a kind boy from another time; Beatrice Hanamura, Paradox’s only weapon smith; Shou Hanamura, Paradox’s only spy; Cosmos, Paradox’s first interstellar Agent; Thomas Beastly, Paradox’s mythological Beastmaster; Charles “Coggs” Devesh, Paradox’s only practicing Mage and another international Agent like Bobi herself.

Do you know how to post pictures on rpg boards?: Yes

Sample post: (I won’t post one, I feel you guys can get to know her through the posts.)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
Avatar of nitemare shape

nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 14 days ago

Character you have created: Bobi Adolow

Alias: She has none.

Speech Color: CornflowerBlue

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Not a secret

Personality: Bobi can be very closed off and guarded from other people, as she has a very hard time trusting anyone nowadays. Other people may see her as rude, and even a bit of a bully, but it doesn’t bother her. She isn’t prone to hanging around other people, and often closes herself up in the Paradox Lab department for weeks on end. When she feels uncomfortable around other people, she gets agitated and loses her patience with them very shortly. The only person she can’t seem to shake off her tail is Shay Vanabound, another agent of Paradox and her assigned partner for the job.


Origin info/ Details:

Bobi Adolow was born in her father's lab in the middle of a dead end town somewhere in Australia. The details of her life and where she used to live are hazy at best for her, seeing how most of her childhood was spent being cooped up in the lab. She never knew her mother, her only caretaker was Jerome Adolow, the man who created her. Bobi was always more of a machine than a human. Her body, while made of skin and nerves, are hiding a mash of organs and metal. Bobi has no heart, quite literally. She runs and breathes thanks to a core implanted in her back. It’s a small, round disc bigger than her hand. It’s made of metal, and glows an ethereal light blue color. The core’s name is 8081, an odd name given to it by Jerome, its creator. She never quite understood the name, all she knew was that 8081 was a nuisance and a very distracting feature on her body.

8081 is not her only technological feature. Bobi’s left arm is completely made out of metal, and while Jerome has tried to explain to her this oversight, she has learned to accept it as it is. Her arm, as Jerome puts it, is directly connected to 8081. It is an enhancement of sorts, she understands that much. What she doesn’t understand is why he wouldn’t cover it in skin. He had just shrugged in his own, quiet way. “I was just too...proud of it to cover it up. I thought kids your age were supposed to like cool robot stuff like this anyway.” He had said to her.

Bobi lived with Jerome Adolow in his house, and was barred from leaving the laboratory in the basement because “The world just isn’t ready yet, Bo.” She was a very lonely child, and the longer she stayed in the basement and did Jerome’s diagnostics and his tests, the more she steadily grew to resent him. She was 8 when she finally understood that she truly hated Jerome. He may be her father, or creator, but she didn’t love him like one. She was 9 when Jerome introduced her to her first actual friend. Jerome never brought anyone else home, and sometimes Bobi didn’t even think other people came to the house. Her first friend was a girl, who was lot older than Bobi was then, and who stood behind Jerome with a look of wonder on her face. The girl was tall, that much Bobi could see, but also very lanky. Her hair was a light, mouse brown that hung straight past her shoulders; when they first met she had been wearing a faded green flannel shirt, plain jeans and very dirty boots. 8081 told her the brown slush around her feet was mud, something Bobi had only seen in small glimpses here and there.

“Bobi, I’d like you to meet someone very special to me. This is Tucker.” Jerome introduced her. Bobi stood in the dark lab, staring wide eyed at both of them, blankly. Tucker walked up to her, kneeled before her to be on her level, and offered a genuine kind smile.

“We are alike, you and I.” She said, her accent was very different from Bobi’s and Jerome’s. Tucker rolled up one of her sleeves, and held her arm out. At first, Bobi wanted to scoff and push her away from her, because all she saw was plain pale skin. But then it disappeared. The arm was gone, leaving only the cuff of Tucker’s sleeve. Then the arm reappeared, but this time it held colorful dots, then stripes, then odd looking lines that Bobi couldn’t quite name just that they were….squiggly? 8081 told her that it wasn’t a word, but it perfectly described the patterns that Tucker made on her skin. “See? We’re both very different, huh?” Tucker offered. Bobi just nodded, and from that day forward Tucker had been like an older sister to her.

Bobi was 12 when she was first allowed to leave the lab. Jerome had let her sit outside in the backyard for the first time, and it was an eye opening experience. 8081 was buzzing with all of the new information it was taking in, and it soon grew to be too much. She had fainted for a short while, and it gave Tucker and Jerome quite the scare. When she awoke, she finally knew how most of the world worked, how plants grew, why the sky was blue. All of the questions that everyone could possibly ponder about the world they stood on, she had the answer to thanks to 8081. Jerome was reluctant to let her out again, but Tucker convinced him to let her sit on the porch, to which Bobi was thankful for. This time, she did not faint. She and Tucker both sat outside for the second time in her short life, and it was a memory she valued dearly.

Jerome wanted to continue his experiments on Bobi, and while he did, she soon started to wonder why. What purpose did she hold in the world other than running diagnostics? Jerome laughed, something she had almost never heard him do. “You will soon find out. Don’t worry Bobi.” Tucker also told her not to worry, and to pass the time told her stories of the outside world and all that lay in it, like airplanes, and big cities. The days grew longer and longer, and eventually turned into years. Bobi was 16 when she finally decided she had had enough of being cooped up in the house, confined to the back porch and nothing more. She hadn’t told Tucker about these thoughts she was having, as she already knew Tucker would try to hold her back, or worse even: tell Jerome.

She had decided she would sneak away somehow, so when it came time to go on the back porch, she made a run for it and hopped the fence. She could hear Tucker yelling for her to come back, but it was far too late by then. The world grew even larger the more she ran. She could feel that familiar heat behind her back that meant 8081 was reaching its limit on information. She ran into the street, suddenly not in control of her own body, and was hit head on by a car. It was a hard hit, hard enough to send her flying through the air. Sparks flew as her metal arm, which had been hidden beneath the sleeve of a blue sweater, ripped through the soft fabric at the point of impact. The person in the car was frantic, and ran over to see if she was okay, but before then it was too late. Bobi Adolow had died at the scene of the crash.

She was dead for about a week, until 8081 jump started itself again. Bobi slowly came to life, her vision obscured by a sheet that had been pulled over her head. She lay on a cool, metal table that made her skin feel clammy and weird. She mustered enough strength to sit up, and remove the sheet. She was greeted with the dark room of the Thurst City morgue and funeral home. This is where the bodies were kept. She looked around, her eyes much more accustomed to the dark now, and saw that she was not alone in the room. There were a few other dead people in the room with her it seemed, and that didn’t bother her so much as inconvenience her. One of them lay on a table that blocked the door for some reason. She got up, and made her way to it, bumping into this table and that one, muttering sorry as she went. When she reached the door, it opened seemingly on its own, but Bobi came to realize that a nurse must have heard her bumping around in the dark room. When she spotted Bobi, she screamed horrified, something Bobi very much understood as she had probably already been embalmed and lying dead for weeks before this incident. Bobi walked further out into the hallway, scaring the hell out of almost everyone who passed her before one of the staff directed her to a room.

They asked her questions, trying to see if maybe she was just one of those wandering bodies that got up sometimes. “It’s happened before, you know.” One of the nurses explained. Bobi was able to finally convince them that she was indeed alive, but they couldn’t believe it.

“You’ve been…scooped out already though. How the hell are you walking?” One nurse asked; she shook her head, and headed to the front desk. The phone had rang, beckoning for her to answer it. “What?!” The nurse exclaimed. She ran back into the room, and looked at Bobi with terrified eyes. “There’s a girl on the phone asking for you? Your name is Bobi Adolow...correct?” Bobi just nodded.

She was handed the phone, expecting for it be Tucker, only to be very surprised to hear the voice of a girl she had never met before.

“My name is Leila Mayner, I’m sorry we’re meeting on such odd terms.” Leila said, explaining to her very quickly how she ran an Agency named Paradox that was bent on helping anyone with an impossible, unsolvable problem. “I want to know, before Jerome Adolow reaches the morgue, do you want to work for Paradox?”

It seemed to be such a bizarre situation, but the more Bobi thought about being back in the house with no one but Jerome and Tucker, the more her resentment for the man grew. She had never before shown outwardly that she hated Jerome, but she knew if she saw him come through the morgue door, she’d try her hardest to get away from him again. Not even Tucker could convince her to come back. The morgue was such an interesting place, and she found that 8081 wasn’t freaking out like it was normally prone to do. Clutching the phone cord tightly, she nodded to herself.

“Yeah…” She had said. “I wanna work for Paradox.” She could almost hear Leila smile through the phone.

“Excellent. Charlotte will escort you to the nearest kiosk.” Leila said. She could hear excited murmurings around her, and saw that the staff were looking at her with a new kind of reverence.

“You’re a Paradox Agent?” One nurse, the one she had spooked when she first woke up, said. Bobi thought on it for a second, before a slight green moth appeared before her. Everyone in the room seemed to look at her in a new light, as if they understood something she did not.

“That must be it then...she’s one of those Agents, so maybe she’s got powers or something…”

“She’s got a damn robot arm, Harold. Of course she’s a super.”

“I was just saying, I thought the arm was like a fancy prosthetic.”

“Well you guessed wrong, obviously.”

She could hear them theorizing about her, but that didn’t matter then. She grabbed a hold of Charlotte the moth who fluttered before her, and instantly found herself in new clothing. The standard Paradox, dark green blazer. A green, emerald pin with the insignia of a moth lay on her chest. She turned to the other members of the staff.

“Um...thank you, for looking after my body.” She said awkwardly. She walked out the front doors of the morgue and headed straight for a back alley. 8081 was now accompanied by Charlotte who seemed to be leading her through it’s interface, just like Leila had said. There, hidden in the brick and mortar wall was the moth insignia on her pin. She pressed her hand against it, and the bricks moved aside, revealing an elevator. She wasn’t sure which way she should go, up or down, so she let Charlotte choose.

Ever since that day, Bobi Adolow worked as an Agent of Paradox. She was 18 when she was assigned her first solo mission, it wasn’t as harrowing as she thought it would be, but it was something she thought was special. She was 23 when she was first introduced to another friend, her assigned Paradox partner Shay Vanabound. Despite Bobi’s closed off demeanor, and otherwise grumpy disposition, Shay never left her side. Bobi never saw Jerome or Tucker again, and though she missed Tucker, she was far happier working as an Agent than she was running diagnostics for them. There were times where she hated the both of them, but she always lost that battle in her head. She couldn’t bring herself to hate Tucker.

Bobi Adolow is now 25 years old, and works tirelessly in the Lab department of Paradox. Though she hates tests, she finds learning more about 8081 is important. The more she knows, the more she can help people on assignments, and that was something that she worked endlessly on. Despite coming from Australia, she does not work from there. All Agents work from HQ, no matter what kiosk they enter or exit from. Paradox kiosks is scattered all over the world, and to accurately pinpoint where HQ is would be insanity. The only true location I, Liseran Thistle, can give you is that it is definitely located somewhere in the states. Because of this, Bobi is one of the very few international Agents at Paradox HQ.

Hero Type: Brick/Muscle

Power Level: City Level (8081 still has a few tricks up its sleeve that even Bobi hasn’t discovered.)

Powers: Bobi is an enhanced human with robot prosthetics, one of which is incredibly powerful. She has enhanced strength, and is able to connect herself to the world's database, gaining access to any and all information.

Height: 5”6

Weight: 128 lbs

Strength Level: 50

Speed/Reaction Time: 60

Endurance at Maximum effort: 3 hours

Agility: Normal human (She’s not very coordinated on her feet)

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting skill: Trained (Shay has taught her a few things since they’ve first met)

Weaknesses: Even though 8081 has regained some kind of composure, sometimes it can reach its limit. This can happen if Bobi pushes her abilities too far, or even still if she gains too much knowledge at once. When 8081 reaches its limit, parts of her body start to malfunction or shut down completely, which is very bad if she’s fighting someone.

Supporting Character: Shay Vanabound, her assigned Partner; Leila Wingsbury, the Leader of Paradox; Mindy Diasco, a girl Genius; Eris Goodoire, New Jerseys number one music hero; Phoenix, a kind boy from another time; Beatrice Hanamura, Paradox’s only weapon smith; Shou Hanamura, Paradox’s only spy; Cosmos, Paradox’s first interstellar Agent; Thomas Beastly, Paradox’s mythological Beastmaster; Charles “Coggs” Devesh, Paradox’s only practicing Mage and another international Agent like Bobi herself.

Do you know how to post pictures on rpg boards?: Yes

Sample post: (I won’t post one, I feel you guys can get to know her through the posts.)

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

wow that was fast, lol.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Finally got this post up. I had the first half of this post done since before Christmas, but that was also the day I first got sick (and I'm still trying to get back to 100% 3 weeks later).

I wanted to push it out, so the proofreading on the post was non-existent. So if you see any blatant errors, just let me know. :)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

a bit late. But the sirens as mermaids is taken from germanic tales, where the river sirens are beautiful women.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Indy Cooper
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Indy Cooper Deity-in-training

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character you have created: Djarrawi Hunter
Alias: Sleepwalker, Dingo Girl, Today Girl (These aren't codenames, just nicknames from her people)
Speech Color: Dark Orange

Character Alignment: Hero
Identity: Known

Character Personality: Djarrawi is quiet, watchful, and aloof, but quite friendly if you actually engage her. She loves playing with animals, tending plants, and watching children, and is an extremely adept storyteller. She loves creativity in all its forms and will actively encourage anyone she sees struggling with a hand on the shoulder, hug, and warm smile. Her concepts of personal space and ownership are a bit off from Western values, but she is quite firm in her beliefs. If she didn't have the status she had, she'd probably have been arrested for numerous misunderstandings. John also helps with this, as does Tree.

Theft, oppression, and mistreatment of nature will probably be met with anger, if not physical force.

Origin Info/Details: Djarrawi is the daughter of Samantha and Powa. Samantha was part of the Stolen Generation, born in 1978, but found her way back to her roots with the Djabugay in Queensland and settled there as a farmer. Djarrawi is their only child. As a young girl, she was curious and playful, and very quick on her feet. Showing a keen awareness for the world and for spirits, Djarrawi began to learn her trade as a medicine woman by the time she turned seven, though training isn't necessarily the best word.

When she was fifteen, she went on walkabout, and journeyed out into the Outback for some distance, saying hello to other tribes and the ranchers and farmers out in the scrublands. Out there, she chanced upon a nest of vipers along the edge of a cliff, and she dodged their bites, only to jump and land on a loose rock, which sent her careening down the slope and off the edge, a hundred feet below. Normally, this would have killed her, but Djarrawi was clever, and twisted enough to catch a branch sticking out of the cliff to slow her fall. It snapped, but allowed her to land with only a broken femur and spine.

As she lay there paralysed, a voice came to talk to her. She looked around and saw a dingo, watching her carefully. It told her that she had killed it, as well as herself, because she had gone and broken the sacred branch that he was. But there was a way to save them both, if she was willing. Since she did not want to die yet, she agreed that they should do this thing. The dingo directed her to shove the piece of branch she held into her leg, where the bone was sticking out. It took many minutes for her to work up the courage to do so, but she did. She immediately passed out from the pain.

When she woke up, it was night time She could stand, and, better, she could move much better than she had before her fall. She could see in the dark just fine, and breathed easier than she ever had. And the dingo's voice, barely a whisper, taught her all the ways of the ancestor spirits and how she could effect bulurru now. This took several weeks, during which time her family assumed she was still on Walkabout.

When she returned, and showed what she could do, her tribal leaders convened. Then the entire regional council conveneed. Phone calls were made, other shamans from as far away as the Great Western Desert came to see her. Eventually, over the course of a month of poking, prodding, and questioning, she was instructed that she must tour to all the other peoples of the continent, and see the whole of the place and check on the land. She did this for four years, during which time, to keep her company, she made Tree.

Last year, when she was twenty-five, the full council tasked her with travelling off-continent, to seek any evidence of sacred sites outside of the lands they had lived on forever, and to return any sacred items that might have been stolen by Englishmen. She agreed to do so, on the condition that she be supported by someone with actualy diplomatic powers so she could have authority. This led to John Mulvaney going on his first trip by sailboat, and his first trip to America, accompanying a strange girl in traditional clothes and face paint and a giant man who stood too still to be normal.

Hero Type: Acrobat/Supernatural
Power Level: Street/???

Physical Stuff: Aside from just the physical strength and toughness growing up in the Outback gave her, Djarrawi's unique spirit and training allow her to accomplish astonishing feats. She can run at nearly sixty miles an hour for half a day, leap up to twenty feet vertically, hit like a kung-fu master, and twist in ways professional gymnasts would be jealous of. She's resistant to disease and venoms and toxins, but not to a metahuman degree. She is just Australian.

Bulurru: Bulurru started the world, but hasn't ended. But Djarrawi, with her newfound powers and responsibilities, can shape some aspects of bulurru to suit her needs. She can, when physically touching any solid object of any make, mold it as if clay, and while doing so transform the material to anything else she wishes. This cannot however, create man-made materials, only naturally occurring things. For example, she can turn sand into iron, but not into steel.

Living creatures, upon being touched on the forehead with her fingers, or simply held if they are small enough, are turned into whatever other living creature she wishes. This is temporary, the length of time depending on the willpower of the person in question and how much effort Djarrawi put into it. At a maximum, the most weak-willed person that Djarrawi thinks should be changed permanently will stay in their new form for a week. Animals and plants effected by this, however, are only changed back when she wants them to, and she can accomplish that simply by willing the change to go away. This change has no detrimental effect on the subject, and sentient beings keep their minds, though if she turns you into something without speech parts, you cannot speak. Subjects inherently know how to use any part of their body as if they had been born that way. Interestingly, once returned to normal, some bleedover effect remains, and dreams often tend to be from the view of the thing the subject was turned into, and ever after there is an unwillingness to hurt aid creatures.

Water can be instantly cleansed of pollutants, and food of the same, upon her touching it. Any air she breathes is subconsciously cleaned of everything except naturally occurring elements. All the soil she walks on is cleansed out around an acre from her footprint. Sticking her hand in a river will cause everything downriver from her to be cleansed at a rate somewhat above just the water she is touching, as if the effect was spreading. She doesn't seem to be able to effect seawater.

Witch ochre paints, Djarrawi can draw something on a surface, and then breathe life into it. For example, if she draws a kangaroo in red ochre and gives it life, a full, real red kangaroo leaps from the surface she drew it on. This only works for things she paints, and it has to be ochre. She cannot create sentient life from paintings.

When Djarrawi plays her didgeridoo, it doesn't just make music. Any and all spirits within earshot wake up from their slumber and come to see her, and the whole world inside this zone takes on a dreamy, unreal quality for any normal people inside. Trivial and material things seem less important, and the natural world seems suddenly painfully vibrant. This effect persists for a few minutes after she stops playing, as the Bulurru settles back down, but can leave lasting impressions on people.

If Djarrawi names something, then it becomes more real. (This is a very difficult concept to explain, so bear with me). When an ancestor spirit gives something a name in bulurru, they give it form. Sometimes this requires trading objects with other spirits to learn the name it needs, but the name was simultaneously already there and not. The act of naming something out loud gives it a truer form than it had, since it now exists in bulurru where before it might have just been pretending. Physically this has no effect at all on, say, mountains or skyscrapers or people or anything. It does make them more spiritually a part of the fabric of the land around them, but this isn't even really perceptible except to Djarrawi and other spirits.

Height: 5'11”
Weight: 132

Strength Level: A bit over what you would expect from a well-trained human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: ~Four times as fast as peak human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: ~Twelve hours
Agility: Can tie herself into knots and dive through holes just wide enough to fit.
Intelligence: Higher than average, but not a genius
Fighting Skill: Raw talent, very little real training

Resources: Zero, except the stipend she gets from the Australian government


She staunchly refuses to ride in anything powered by gasoline, oil, coal, or nuclear power, and thus is restricted to walking, sail, paragliding, horseback riding, etc.

Despite her exceptional physical abilities and her powers, Djarrawi is still vulnerable to bruises, lacerations, gunshots, etcetera.

Technically, her left femur is made of hardened wood, instead of bone.

She has a tendency to just wander off, even if others need her. A byproduct of her connection to bulurru, there's not much to do about this.

Her powers over bulurru come with extreme moral limits, and as such what she can do with it is far more expansive than what she will do with it. She will never kill or destroy with these powers, though she may change for what she sees as a benefit to the world. She may do things which seem cruel to some, but which are learning opportunities she feels are necessary. But many, many actions others might conceive of are completely anathema to the ways she has been taught. Material gain, corruption, bridging the dead: None of these will ever be done.

If Djarrawi ever loses control of herself, through mind control or otherwise, her power over the Bulurru stops working. Forever.

If Djarrawi doesn't get enough sunlight, fresh air, and outdoor time, she begins to weaken, slowly turning into a normal human. In addition, she must visit spiritual sites at least once a month, or risk her powers disappearing for an unknown amount of time.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Tree is a walking man, Aboriginal, seven feet tall and powerfully muscled. He looks very old and weather-beaten. He is, in fact, a tree, animated by Djarrawi. She affectionately refers to him as her grandfather. Tree isn't necessarily intelligent, at least not like a human. However, he seems to know what he needs to do without being told, and can speak in simple sentences.

John Mulvaney, 42. a Special Envoy diplomat from Australia, tasked with travelling with Djarrawi in order to keep her safe and enable her to do her job. He really has no idea what to expect, and since he was otherwise doomed to a desk job, has determined to have fun with this. He is a nervous, pale man, though quite friendly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Indy Cooper I am Tree, I amm Tree? I am tree.. Tree?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 14 days ago

Character you have created: Djarrawi Hunter
Alias: Sleepwalker, Dingo Girl, Today Girl (These aren't codenames, just nicknames from her people)
Speech Color: Dark Orange

Character Alignment: Hero
Identity: Known

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

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We're coming for you icon!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DearTrickster
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Charlie's anniversary post will be arriving in a few days closer to the deadline. Instead of the past we are looking into the future...!

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 14 days ago

We're coming for you icon!

Hmmm, this gives me an idea. I’ll PM you later.
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