Avatar of Liseran Thistle
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 362 (0.14 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Liseran Thistle 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Oh man I am so tired but oh well sleep is for the weak
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5 yrs ago
god i haven't been online in AGES
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6 yrs ago
I have lots more writing on wattpad by the same username if you guys wanna read some more of my writing
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6 yrs ago
I have lots more writing on wattpad by the same username if you guys wanna read some more of my writing
7 yrs ago
Hey did you guys know I have art on my profile.


Hello, My name is Liseran. I'm a writer, an artist, and I usually spend my time fucking off and watching cat videos instead of doing my homework.

I have a Deviantart @LiseranThistle, please consider checking my artwork out if you like my profile picture.

Most Recent Posts

The first day-Evening time
Houston, Texas-Paradox H.Q

Shou was tired that evening, leaning against the metal interior of the shaky elevator, his arms crossed and his eyes closed for the duration of the ride. He had not gotten a lick of sleep, in fact, it was only about 2 hours before he had decided to finally clock out of H.Q for a well-deserved sleep. His uniform jacket, which was usually nicely put together was clearly disheveled and still covered in the debris from an earlier mission he had that day. He hadn’t even had time to wash the jacket, or the undershirt for his uniform before getting another ping from his badge calling him back here to H.Q.

The doors opened, and standing there in the hall to Leila’s office was his partner, Connor Ashlen. That signature, lazy smirk of his was tuned on his face as he walked with Shou to the office, his hands stuffed into his pockets. Connor was lanky, and tall with chestnut brown hair that seemingly cut horribly, though Shou would never tell him that. He had lightly tanned skin, with brown eyes, a very average yet handsome looking man. He was taller than Shou by a foot, yet his slight slouch made it seem like they were more or less the same height. “Crazy day, huh? Can’t believe a loan shark gave us that much trouble.” Connor spoke. “Everyone’s buzzing around H.Q like the pope’s coming, or somethin’. Kind of makes me nervous, you know?”

Shou was quiet for a moment before he reached the doors. Connor wasn’t usually this apprehensive about being pinged for a mission, yet Shou had learned to always take into account his partner’s odd “hunches” from time to time. Gut instinct had saved both of their lives more than once, thanks to Connor.“It’ll be fine. It’s just another mission.” He said to Connor in his low tone, before pushing the doors open gently. “Good evening, Miss Motle-” Shou was interrupted by the shock and disarray of the office.

It was a large space, much larger than one would think an office for a business person should be, with an oval and oak wood desk in the far back of the room. The floor was carpeted with a dark green felt, and there were usually many tables and chairs for other Agents to come and sit at, in order to commune and work together with one another. Leila’s office was usually a place of respite and like a common room more than private space. Tonight, however, it was a mess, more than usual, with papers and pens and spilled hastily brewed coffee all over the place.

Agents of all ranks ran this way and that, busily talking with one another in harried loud voices. Computers and laptops had been set up in multiple places, what they were trying to get a hold of though, Shou couldn’t tell. “What the hell’s going on in here?” Connor asked, looking around at the mess with a more telling reaction than Shou’s calm demeanor. Connor wanted to stop one of the Agents, anyone really to ask for context to the busy mess in the office, and what had everyone in here in a tizzy, though nobody paid him any attention.

“There you two are, Agent’s 4 and 5, I’m glad you’ve made it back quickly.” Leila came up to them both, a grim look on her very young-looking face. She was a short woman with black hair that was styled short and boyishly cut, in a nicely tailored cardigan and dark dress pants She wore the same, simple uniform the other Agent's wore, even sporting the signature pin on her breast pocket. Her usually vibrant green eyes were tired and held heavy bags under them, two large dark circles tinting the skin.

“Mind telling us what the hell everyone’s so worked up about, boss?” Connor asked her.

Leila let out a tired sigh and nodded. “I have terrible news, we’ve lost some of our smaller bases in the U.S just now.” She explained. “The most important being the one in San Francisco. Though we didn’t lose it through normal means, the best I can describe it is...the entirety of the city of San Francisco has been destroyed.”

Connor choked on his own words, not knowing what to say to that, or how to even begin. Shou was also shaken, so much so that he was the one to actually speak first.

“What?” He asked, in disbelief. “Was it the work of some Super, or-”
“We don’t know what exactly destroyed San Francisco, just that the city is currently in shambles.” She said bowing her head. “We lost contact with them about 30 minutes ago, and we haven’t been able to get into contact with them since then.”

“Then how…do you know the city is destroyed?”

Leila sighed heavily again, closing her eyes and opening them to reveal two green, glowing orbs had taken their place. “Because I can see it right now, Agent 4. The city is gone, nothing is there when I try to reach out to view it with my power.” She blinked and the glow was gone, her eyes back to normal. “I want to tell you all that maybe...maybe my power is just on the fritz. But my eyes have never deceived me.”

“So...so what do you need us to do?” Connor asked her, finally finding his voice. “Find the person who did this? Make ‘em pay?”

“I need you to go to San Francisco and help the people there. I’ve already sent out multiple groups already, and I’ve told them to hell with secrecy. If anyone is still in the city...in the shape I saw it in, they will need our help.” She explained.

“And if we don’t find anyone there?” Shou said.

“Then find out what caused this. Find any evidence you can, investigate the city, and anyone who tries to stop you from finding out the truth shall be treated as an enemy.”

The two of them nodded solemnly, turning around to head out of the office. They both were silent as they made their way to the elevator, though Shou could hear Connor’s mind whirring a mile a minute. When they made it back to the elevator, Connor’s hands were shoved into his pockets, his left foot tapping nervously on the metal floor. “A whole fuckin’ city, Shou...Who could even do something like that, huh?” His partner said anxiously. Shou shook his head, not answering. He didn’t know what he could say to calm his nerves, so he pressed the button going to the first floor, and leaned back against the door.

“Just finish the mission.” Shou told him, as the doors closed.

"It'll be misfortunate because I tend to have a rather adverse effect on people...I've been told I'm quite the 'Debby Downer', or whatever that means..." She explained to Katalynn. "I'm not from 'Canada'...I've never even heard of a place like that before." She was starting to kind of like her new roommates...even if they were a little strange, she could just chalk that up to the unusual school they had all enrolled in. It didn't get its reputation from nothing, after all. The dorms were nice, and she even sort of liked the halls, however she definitely wasn't going to express this. It was too much work on her poor, melted face. "I wonder what the teachers are like...I never got to meet any, I'm afraid...on account of being so late to the welcoming party."


Jackie noticed the new girl, and almost wanted to go and hide in the bathroom. "So many new people...I didn't know about having to live with so many, I'm afraid." She said. "I guess I have to introduce myself...yet again. My name's Jackie O' Lanamere...I'm from Candela, it's misfortunate meeting you."


"My picture...?" Jackie muttered. "I've never had a picture taken of me before. It's kind of exciting...in a weird way. Sure, go ahead and take the picture."


Jackie heard them having a conversation in the other room, and decided she would go and introduce herself to the new comer. Though...what if I scare her off...? Not many people have heard of a candle girl around here... She decided she would take her chances, and she walked out of the bathroom, and greeted Kate and Alura once more.

"I didn't know I would have two roommates...now I feel overworked..." She mused. "That's more people to disappoint."


Jackie nodded at her, and decided that the first place she should check out was the bathroom. That was definitely a place she should go to, given the whole Wick and Flame problem. It was pretty small, but she thought that it would suffice for her issues. "Ah...I see there is a lot of water here..." She commented. "That should be perfect for me."

Jackie was, for once in her life, a little put off by this person before her. She's too positive to be normal...It kind of creeps me out... She then berated herself even more for such an awful thought, and tried to force a smile on her face to return to Alura. Instead however, it looked like an awful grimace rather than a smile, so the end result was more terrifying than welcoming

"I-I'm sure we will become friends...or maybe acquaintances... Actually, you feel more like a 'Person I sit with during class to feel less lonely'."

Jackie went over to the window, and looked out for a second, seeing the steep drop to the ground. "Fire magic, obviously...I am a Candelabra, after all." She explained. "Fire magic's all we really know...I've never known a Candelabra who was attuned with anything other than Fire..."

She noticed something was just a bit...off about Alura. Why's her voice keep doing that thing?, she wondered. Then she silently berated herself for thinking such rude things, and about someone she had just met, too!How disgraceful, Jackie...but no one is surprised.

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