Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Nice to meet you, Jackie! I'm sure we'll have fun together!" Alara said excitedly, shaking Jackie's hand before letting go and taking a step back. "I've never heard of Candela or Candelabras before, but I never did go out much. You look really cool though!"

"Anyway, this is our room! I'm sure you'll love it here! We've got beds, baths, and... uh... ...a view? and a view!" She added, gesturing towards the window. "Go check out the bedrooms, and the kitchen, and stuff! I'm sure our other roommate will be here soon! I'm looking forward to our time here together."

"Oh! Before I forget, what kinda magic do you have? I wanna know~"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jackie went over to the window, and looked out for a second, seeing the steep drop to the ground. "Fire magic, obviously...I am a Candelabra, after all." She explained. "Fire magic's all we really know...I've never known a Candelabra who was attuned with anything other than Fire..."

She noticed something was just a bit...off about Alura. Why's her voice keep doing that thing?, she wondered. Then she silently berated herself for thinking such rude things, and about someone she had just met, too!How disgraceful, Jackie...but no one is surprised.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Oooh! Fire magic is cool! Well, not cool, that's ice magic, but like... It's fancy! You can do lots of cool stuff with it! So you're a species of Fire Mages?" Alura responds, flopping back down onto the couch. "Does that mean you're like... Naturally weak to water? You look like you're made of wax...

Alura falls silent for a moment, intently staring at her own spellbook for a good few seconds, as though entranced or caught up in conversation. Then, she suddenly turns back to Jackie. "Anyway. Sorry if I sound a bit too excited, I'm not too used to being in the company of people." Alura says, smiling softly. "But you seem like a fun person, I'm sure we'll be good friends!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ypnosi
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Aelich meandered about absently for a few minutes, not having bothered going to the party, instead carrying a little slip of paper. Azalea... Azalea...


That is a series of tunnels. Eh, whatever. It's not like she cared too much. To think that they had regressed to more sophisticated cave people, however... perhaps it was a quirk of the school? Either way, standing out here thinking wasn't going to get anything done. Aelich took her rather meager collection of belongings, which essentially consisted of a few pairs of clothes and a thick, but surprisingly crisp journal, walking in.

It wasn't terribly long before she found room A0, and stepped in, tilting her head, then smiling at the wide array of foreign devices before her. Now these would be interesting... exploring the room, Aelich just sort of tossed her belongings into an empty corner, fiddling and just sort of poking the mechanical contraptions. Such strange... things, made of metal and... more metal. And also more metal. She supposed it was a rather sturdy material.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jackie was, for once in her life, a little put off by this person before her. She's too positive to be normal...It kind of creeps me out... She then berated herself even more for such an awful thought, and tried to force a smile on her face to return to Alura. Instead however, it looked like an awful grimace rather than a smile, so the end result was more terrifying than welcoming

"I-I'm sure we will become friends...or maybe acquaintances... Actually, you feel more like a 'Person I sit with during class to feel less lonely'."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zinita
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Most students had taken the halls and staircases like normal people, but Yon simply thought it would be prettier if she tried to enter the room through the outside. Climbing the window frames of the tower and using her uncanny lightweight, she was soon able to reach one of the broken windows. Helena would just, out of nowhere, hear birds flying and that weird long-eared girl landing.

Scanning the room, the Lunarian was quick to notice her roomie sitting nearby. She was excited to keep meeting new people on this land, as even back in her home she didn't have many friends.

"Oh hello! I saw you at the party early today." she ran to the cat and quickly sat by her side. "I remember your tail actually, it looked so pretty I wanted to bite it. Anyway! Are you Helena or Daria? I am Yon."



Mela was carried on Sarah's hand across the school, at first, it was pretty pleasant, she liked being held by people. However, she soon was reminded of the harshness of the world as they entered a tunnel. Was this her dorm? It looked terrible! The dark, half-lit corridor was full of shacks were black market services and products were provided, it had a bad smell and many of the students had no qualms about licking her lips and eyeing her little red pome form with hunger as they moved by.

"I don't like this place, why did I have to end in such a shady room! The ones they showcase on the pamphlets are all the pretty new ones, they never mention this weird shanty town of a dorm!" they didn't even have ANY furniture outside of the two beds and the table, what was this?

She sighed, being placed on the table still in apple form, she would become a human again, standing up to properly greet her roomie.

"Well, you are Sarah right? I am Mela. And yes, I do struggle in staying a human, I need to burn a lot of my mana to stay like this and any emotional moment is enough to break it. I hope you don't mind if I am an apple most of the time, I need to save my energies for the classes and, ugh, going to the communal showers here."

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 3 days ago


"Communal showers?" A refined voice asked with noticeable interest. "How very exciting! What a wonderful opportunity it will provide to build camaraderie with our fellow students! Oh! And you must be Sarah and Mela! How delightful to make your acquaintance! I am Parrthineas E Doxon the First, but you may call me Parr for short! I have been informed that I shall be sharing a room with you good ladies, and I greatly hope that we can all become the closest of friends!"

"Due to some rather regrettable circumstances, I arrived at the welcoming party just as everyone departed for their room assignments. No sooner had I grabbed a small snack than I found myself completely alone! Utterly bereft of the boistrous socilazation I had so greatly anticipated! So, you must do me the kindness of telling me all about yourselves! Where do you hail from? What magic do you specialize in? And, do either of you smell apple? It is one of my favorite fruits!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 2 mos ago



Helena looked up as she heard birds flying off, only to be greeted by the long-eared girl she saw earlier. It was indeed Yon, one of her roommates. Giving the girl a smile as she took a seat next to Helena, the catgirl raised an eyebrow as her roommate commented on her tail, and instinctively moved her tail away from the girl.

"My name's Helena, please don't bite my tail..." Helena said, sighing softly before smiling. "Anyway, nice to meet you, Yon. I hope we'll get along well. May I ask what kind of magic you use?" The ice mage added, a hint of curiosity in her voice as she sought to learn more about her roomie.

Alura raised an eyebrow at Jackie's comment and facial expression, but it soon gave way to a small chuckle.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure we'll get along at least, even if I might be a bit weird at times." Alura said softly, her voice slowly becoming more difficult to hear as she goes from loud and excited to quiet and calm for just a moment.

"You should take a look around the room, specifically the bedrooms. There's two different types, so you should probably decide which you like so we can decide who gets which room when our other roommate arrives.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jackie nodded at her, and decided that the first place she should check out was the bathroom. That was definitely a place she should go to, given the whole Wick and Flame problem. It was pretty small, but she thought that it would suffice for her issues. "Ah...I see there is a lot of water here..." She commented. "That should be perfect for me."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The heels of Baron's boots clicked against the worn stones of Dorm Azalea's floor. Lighting another cigarette, he glared at the utter incompetence that surrounded him-- broken lights, fried outlets, poor ventilation, and horrendously outdated wiring. Even more infuriating, was the fact that the inside of the dorm was littered with delinquents and wretches, the type of squalor you'd find in a backalley slum. The sooner he could reach his assigned room, the sooner he could quench his urge to repair this complete shitstorm of a housing complex....

Scanning the room as he opened the door to A0, Baron was pleasantly surprised to see that with a bit of work, cleaning, and upgrading-- this could become a proper workshop! However, his brief bout of enthusiasm waned as his eyes fell upon the once cutting edge machines that littered the room, left to rot in this glorified landfill.

Speaking of which, there seemed to be a girl prodding one of the rusting scrapheaps; likely a straggler that didn't get the memo that this room was now occupied, "You do realize these are private quarters don't you? Why don't you mind your manners and go find some other place to squat."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gertrude smiled at AJ's awkwardness. The guy was so cute! And speaking of cute, she opened the door to her new room and gasped. It was so frilly and overblown, she had to stop for a second and just take it all in, conflicted. The modest part of her was ready to faint, but her inner six-year-old was absolutely squeeing with delight. Dropping her bags on one of the beds, she looked back at AJ. "Well, guess this is home sweet home."

Meanwhile, Sarah looked at her room and sighed. "Rats." Speaking of which, there probably were a fair few vermin in here. The shapechanging sorceress set Mala down on a dresser, then heard a rather refined voice. Looking down, she saw it was coming from a dog. But her beastspeaking powers hadn't activated, which meant... "You're actually talking? I guess I can now safely say I've seen it all- or heard it, rather."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Location: Tower Dorm Room

With the apple girl safely handed off to the snake girl - who turned buck into a girl-girl, Daria retreated from the welcome party after figuring out where exactly she lived after she was forced to ask for directions. After she was told her room was at the top of the tower, Daria debated the easiest way to arrive at the top.

Helena and Yon would likely hear someone rapidly climbing the tower on the outside before a pink haired leopardess also jumped in through the same window that Yon had, leaping over the broken glass and landing with a short roll. She considered introducing herself until she realized the other cat girl from earlier - the one who had defended Sir Low Constitution - was already there. And they appeared to be talking. Daria shrugged, climbed a little into one of the nearby trees, and sat in a comfortable spot as she passively joined the conversation.

Her roomates would notice Daria carving a piece of wood in her hands, ears pointed in their direction but eyes only glancing periodically towards the chirping birds - and each time she did so they would see her knife move faster over the wood.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Zinita
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Collab between Zinita and @Ponn


“Right.” Bet Eil nodded. “It's with the admissions officer, hopefully you have met him before.” the slime said, some people did fake their documents so she couldn’t be too sure but she assumed she would know where that was. Once she went to the place, she would find the room empty but the documents in place, hopefully the man was just catching a break. Still, she would have what she needed to meet the Headmistress. After taking a quick snapshot of each of the application forms, she made her way to the Headmistress’s office.

Even if she hadn’t really seen the worst of Fae Creek yet, it was noticeable this part of the academy was better kept than anything else in the school, she could even see her own reflection in the marble floor and the walls were all decorated with paintings. Soon, she would face the large wooden door with a metal frame. Without even the slightest hint of trepidation, she rang the ornate doorbell.

“Come in~” a surprisingly young voice said from within the room, snapping her finger which caused the door to be unlocked. Within would be Messalina Dumont, Headmistress of Fae Creek Academy. She smirked seeing the girl who was at the door.

“Hey there, Boss Lady!” Kate said with her most friendly smile. “Councilor Betty was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the antics going on at the welcome party, so she asked me to bring these application forms up to you.”

Casually walking over to the desk, she placed the applications folder atop it.

“Miss…” the Headmistress spied the files she had on her table, “Kate Carson, nice to see you, I have been thinking about your report. Very interesting information.”

“I’ll bet it was,” Kate said with a chuckle. “And on that topic, I just wanted to personally assure you that I’ve got no intentions of causing you any trouble whatsoever. In fact, I’d like for my time here to be beneficial to both of us.”

With that the headmistress tilted her head ever so slightly, raising one eyebrow and smiling. “Ah. I see. Beneficial to us both, hmm?” her left eye closed in a wink. “How so? I am somewhat curious. And please don’t tell me things like ‘I won’t rat you out if I find something suspicious’ because the reward for that is not becoming an actual rat.”

She had to say, she liked the courage of the girl, to go straight to her and demand an audience like this while saying she could benefit her. It showed a sense of cleverness she respected, if only because it reminded her of herself. A smile slowly formed as she waited for the girl to make her case.

Sliding herself into a chair, Kate leaned back and placed her clasped hands on her stomach.

“Ma’am I won’t even be looking for anything suspicious. I’ve heard the rumors about this place’s old photography club, so I can totally understand if you were a bit… displeased to see my name on an application form. That said, I’d have to be an idiot if I thought getting on your bad side was a good idea. Like I put down on the form, I’m just here for a little vacation. But there’s nothing to say that a vacation can’t be productive…”

Her mouth formed a sly smile.

“So, here’s what I had in mind: we restart the photography club, the journalism club, the whole frickin’ school paper, but this time, we’ll make it work for you. The only publicity you’ll get will be good publicity. We’ll tell the narrative you want people to hear. Heck, give it a few months, and we’ll change everyone’s opinion of this place for the better. And I don’t think I need to tell you who’s gonna get the credit for that.

“Just find me one or two incredibly gullible, and/or easily malleable idiots to write the prose pieces, and we’ll be all set.”

The headmistress chuckled. “Not that I am one to deny the wonders of propaganda, but…” she stopped herself, it was amusing, was she trying to get her to bless the journalism club just so she could run coded messages of rebellion? Was she really going to try to write that Fae Creek is great and make the paper a total joke? She couldn’t tell, and that was exciting.

“Katey, that is… interesting. I will actually give you that chance, just don’t overdo it darling, I am not a fool.” she picked up a box from under her desk and opened it up, looking over what seemed to be the belongings of a group of people: bags, clothing, shoes. “Ah, here it is.” she grabbed a key.

“The key to the photography club, I was going to have the place cleaned up, but if you will make use of it.” she got up and delivered it to her hand before patting her shoulder a bit. “Now, on the topic of fools, I may have one to spare, but you will find plenty of those among your colleagues.”

“Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me,” Kate chuckled. “Also, there’s another, slightly more confidential, service I can provide. From what I’ve seen of your staff so far, they’re either too apathetic to do anything, or too incompetent to succeed at anything they try to do. You need someone who can look out for your interests, covertly keep tabs on the other students, that sorta thing. I’m sure you read all about what my camera can do, so you’ll believe me when I say that I can tell you everything you’d ever want to know about anyone with just a single click. And no one would ever suspect a thing.”

“All I’d like in return is…” she began counting on her fingers. “Free food, free lodging, free medical care, free tuition… Free everything, basically. Oh, and speaking of lodging, I hear you’ve actually got a few nice rooms in this place. I’d like to stay in one of those, if it’s not too much trouble. I don’t really need all that much space, so if you want, you could even let someone else share it with me. I don’t mind having a roommate, as long as my sleeping quarters are private, and depending who they are, a roommate could be very beneficial for the both of us.”

“So, whadaya say, Boss Lady? Do we have a deal?”

The headmistress laughed and then sat down. “Hmm, I guess you are lucky. Lucky that you aren’t making a deal with a genie.” she focused on the chair, making it move on its own, turning Kate towards her as she walked. “The food, lodgings and healthcare in this facility are already free, but I guess the saving grace of your wishes are that you asked for a nice room, and that isn’t quite included in the basics. There is this girl in your class, what's her name, Alura! Yeah, she is in a nice room with no roomie, you may join her. ”

Should she mention the eldritch nature of such a girl which is why she went straight to an area that is somewhat meant for containment? Nah...

The headmistress moved all the way to the shelf and picked up an alarm clock with some sort of crystal core inside. “And here is a little gift, it should keep your ears safe. Consider it my best wishes to the new journalism club.”

”Thanks!” Kate said as she placed the clock into one of her jacket pockets. “Y’know, I’m really glad we were able to sort all this out.”

Rising from her chair, she held her hand out to the Headmistress. “To the start of a profitable partnership,” she announced with a grin.

The headmistress ignored her hand and gave the student a head pat. “I sure hope so.”

3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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After her meeting with the Headmistress, Kate had made her way to her new dorm room. As she approached, she heard voices coming from within.

Huh, I thought I was only gonna have one roommate... Oh well! The more the merrier!

Putting on her most friendly smile, Kate strolled through the open door.

"Hey guys! I'm Kate Carson. Looks like we'll be rooming together. Sorry I'm a bit late. I just got finished helping Councilor Betty deliver some papers."


"Well of course I'm talking, my good lady!" Parr replied to Sarah's inquiry, his indignation clear in his voice. "Good heavens, miss! I should think you've encountered a Canine before!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Helena looked towards the window as she heard someone climbing it, then raised an eyebrow as a pink-haired catgirl entered the room in much the same way Yon had. Giving a soft smile, Helena waved in greeting. "Ah, you must be Daria. Didn't get the opportunity to properly introduce myself earlier, but I'm Helena." She said, watching as Daria climbed into a tree. "And at this rate we don't even need the staircase, I'm the only one who seems to use it." The ice mage added, chuckling softly as she watched Daria carve a piece of wood for a moment, before returning her attention to Yon.

Alura nodded as Jackie went off to explore the bathroom. She seems nice enough, doesn't she? I wonder what the other roommates will be like Alura thought to herself, as she moved to sit back down on the couch, only for the door to be opened by another roommate! Speak of the Roommate and she doth appear!

"Helllllo! My name's Alura!" Alura said, seemingly brimming with energy once more. "Our other roomie is currently checking out the bathroom. She's cool, you should say hi! The mage added, smiling as she looked the second roommate over for a moment, taking note of the camera.

"Also, now that we are all here, we should decide who gets what room at some point soon. But you should probably look around first to see which you like!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 3 days ago


"Nice to meet ya, Alura!" Kate told the cheerful girl with the odd speech pattern. "Love the voice thing, by the way," she added as she looked over the trio of rooms.

"I don't really need a lot of space, so I'll call dibs on this room here," she said, pointing her thumb at the single-bed room nearest the door.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Voice thing...?" Alura asked, rather confused. "But that's not me, that's..." Alura suddenly fell silent, staring at the book in her hands for almost a minute. Then, by the time Kate calls dibs on one of the rooms, she suddenly seems to snap out of whatever was going on.

"Oh, that. That's just a quirk. Don't worry about it." Alura said quietly, giving Kate a faint smile as she clutched the book close to herself. "I don't mind much what room I get... I'll just take whichever one's left."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ypnosi
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Aelich blinked, broken from her reverie by the sound of another entering the room. Ah, yes, roommate. A rather rude one too. Squat? She was clearly standing here. Straightening her back, Aelich turned to examine the man for a few moments. Hm, seemed elegant enough, spectacles... but that attitude was another thing. Pausing for a moment, she spoke, with a rather curious accent on her speech. "I could say the same to you, but unlike you, I made the assumption that a large room with two separate bedrooms would indeed support two people." Aelich gave him a smile, dripping with exaggerated cheer.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zinita
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"Don't bite your tail?" Yon stared at it for a long time, before sighing. "Sure sure, I will try my best! And yeah, I think I will try to go inside, but its just fun climbing the stained glass windows."

She looked up to see Daria arriving and going up to her tree, she then focused back on Helena. "Oh, I do animation magic!" she couldn't quite animate the tree, so she animated its branches, only one, making Daria shake as it unnaturally moved to grab Helena up by wrapping around her, also placing her in the tree.

"And what do you do, Helena? Same to you, Daria." with ease, Yon jumped into the the tree aswell.



Mela was sitting in the drawer, one of the rare bits of furniture the room had, and she was too impressed to see a talking dog. She went back on the floor, as she wasn't really an apple at the moment. "Hmm, you think communal showers are good? I can see your point about making people acquainted and equal, but I doubt this school had such noble goals in mind. Plus so many naked humans... such as I, I am a human, yes." she gulped, why was she trying to hide her nature from the dog? She didn't really think it through.

"Oh, I am Mela I am from Ostfeld in the federation. I guess." she rubbed behind her head sighing. "The apple smell is because I specialize in apple magic, which is mostly a variety of magic types but apple themed. Apple grenades, healing apples, you know the style. And I think we both have seen canines before, just never talking ones, unlike cats most dogs I met didn't talk."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Cotton
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Cotton Full of Magic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Helena couldn't help but softly chuckle as Yon said she'd try not to bite Helena's tail. The girl seemed to be a bit... unusual in terms of her personality, but Helena didn't mind; she definitely seemed nice! Then, the girl mentioned she had animation magic. The ice mage was about to ask for clarification when one of tree's branches took hold of her!

"H...hey!" Helena yelped, trying to figure out what was happening as she was put in the tree as well. Sighing and making sure she wasn't at risk of falling out of the tree, Helena began to grin. "You startled me... but to answer your question, I do Ice magic!" The ice mage announced, grabbing one of the branches above her. Slowly, icicles began to grow from the branch, which then took on the shape of flowers. Flowers of ice, hanging from the branch above her. "I can make shapes, statues, and projectiles of ice."

"I'm also immune to the cold, so if you find me encased in ice that's probably because I enjoy the quiet it provides." The ice mage explained, smiling softly. "So don't try to break me out, there's no need."
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