Saki Verstegen
Epithet"Coffee? Tea? Come to Verstegen's!"StringLight Side
FactionThe Tea Elite
BiographyBorn to a dutch-japaneese family that had descended from Willem Verstegen and had turned to the tea trade, Saki's parents owned only a small, run down, barely profitible single-store tea and coffee shop in Hirado, Nagasaki. Having grown up in the upstairs of that shop, the young Verstegen would not be detered from rebuilding her family's once great trading empire.
When she was told she was being forced to move to academy cities, Saki's dreams did not die! Through bribery, cunning, blackmail, and simple buisness savy uncanny for a seven year-old, Saki managed to get a stall built in a mall nearby the school she attended. When middle became highschool, that stall became a small store located in the cafeteria of Hybrid Academy.
Member of the Tea
Club Elite
Branch Manager of Vertegen's
Rival of "The Chef" that runs Hybrid Academy.
PersonalitySmall but energetic, Saki is a cheerful buisnesswoman in search of opportunities. Not afraid to blackmail or lie against 'evildoers' in the buisness world, she is suprisingly undeceptive in her normal interactions (she seems to consider doing so 'fair play'). Well dressed although not obsessed with appearence, a b average student, and phsyically weak enough to be crushed by an oversized blow up doll, Saki prefers to avoid direct confrontation.
SkillsLevel 5 Tea and Coffee maker
Level 3 Chef
Level 4 Buisness Savy