Avatar of Cotton
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  • Posts: 99 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Cotton 5 yrs ago


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Welcome, Welcome! I hope you're having a good day, and welcome to my Bio!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Cotton! Why is my name Cotton? Because it is!

I have a few years' worth of experience with Roleplaying, primarily as a GM but also as a player, in both groups and in one-on-one RPs. My interests include Magic, Fantasy (Medieval/Steampunk), and more!

Feel free to ask me stuff or talk to me!

Either way, have a good day, dear reader!

Most Recent Posts

Sorry for the radio silence, been busy and thought I'd already replied!

I'm currently working on finishing up some worldbuilding now that things are getting a bit less busy with work, I'll try to get the proper thread up this weekend.
A question; how much will we be expecting fights vs character interactions?

I'm striving for mainly character interaction, but fights will still happen - it just won't be an endless strings of fights, fights and more fights.
Very few people have not heard the story of the Wicked City, though not many have actually seen the city spoken of in the many legends that surround it, mostly because those who enter almost never make it back out.

Situated by the coast up in the cold north, at the foot of a large mountain range and surrounded with wide open plains on one side and dense forests on the other, the Wicked City at first glance doesn't stand out much, though if stories from the few lucky ones who made it out are to believed, it is also completely abandoned and devoid of life.

Nobody knows how old the city really is, who used to live there, or where it's inhabitants went. It appears on no old maps either, as no kingdoms spread their territory up to include it, leaving it as a rumour until it was eventually officially discovered.

Nowadays, the city is the subject of many horror stories and mysteries. Occasionally, someone organizes an expedition to explore the city, but they rarely make it off the ground. Those that do either end in failure before they make it there, or are never heard from again. The city is very consistent in that nobody who goes there ever returns.

Which is a problem for you.

Because you've found yourself within the Wicked City.

Will you be able to make it out? Perhaps even unravel it's mysteries?

Or will you be one of the many who vanish within it

Hello and welcome, dear reader, to this interest check of mine! My name is Cotton!

I've been wanting to get another RP up and going for a while now, but Life and Motivation issues have blocked any of my efforts. Until now!

This RP will be centered around the characters finding themselves stranded within a mysterious city that is commonly said to be cursed, and it will focused a lot on exploration/mystery as the characters work together to survive and unravel the mystery of the Wicked City.

The exact details of the setting beyond the Wicked City itself are still a bit WIP, but I intend to leave a reasonable amount of room for player creativity when determining your character's backstory.

Tech level wise, the most advanced nations have mastered steam power and are experiencing a bit of an industrial revolution. Swords and bows and such are still the dominant weapons in the world, as firearms are extremely rare ever since powerful mages began working together to ensure their presence in the armies of various nations stayed as minimal of possible; guns are reliably capable of taking out even a very powerful mage.

As such, magic still very much plays a key role in the world, but the amount of mages has been steadily decreasing. More and more often magic-sensitive children are born to households who stand no chance to afford a tutor to help teach them how to put their talents to use.

Beyond that, I'll be providing some more detail on races/nations/etc in the actual thread when I get around to making it.

But for now, do let me know if you're interested, and if you have any questions in advance!

But most importantly, thank you for reading, and have a great day~!
@Gin Shirogane

Yeah, looks good!



<First Floor - Unclaimed Bedroom>

Within the envelope Gino opens sits a note. It seems to be hand-written, yet there is... something odd about the words on the paper. They seem... foreign. Unreadable. As though written in a language he is not familiar with. Yet at the same time... he can read the text perfectly, as though it was the simpelest of texts ever written.

Hello, dear guest.

I must, first and foremost, apologize for not being able to meet with all of you at this time. Something has occured at this time that requires my attention, and so I am unavailable for the time being. But worry not, I will be back soon, and the Manor contains all that is required to take care of yourself.

Some notes and information to begin with. This building has a basement, attic, ground floor and a first floor. The majority of the common rooms are on the ground floor, and the majority of the bedrooms on the first floor. Within each bedroom you can find a key. The first person to lock the door to a bedroom - assuming they have not yet claimed any bedrooms - claims the room. This allows them access to the room's bathroom, as well as the personal safe each room has.

The kitchen stores a large amount of food, with enchantments placed upon the storage container to prevent rot. It is not recommended to put a living being within this storage container without supervision, as it can lead to... unintended side-effects.

To ensure the safety of this manor, there are several security systems in place. Do not worry, these will not activate unless hostile intent or human life is detected, and for the most part these blend into the building or are unseen entirely.

Finally, and most importantly, do not harm the birds.



<Ground Floor - Lounge>

On the backside of the paper there is indeed more text. It appears to be a note of somekind, hand-written with beautiful characters and symbols. The letters and words are a bit strange, yet it feels... right to be reading them. There was something about it that felt... familiar and comfortable.

Hello, dear guest.

I must, first and foremost, apologize for not being able to meet with all of you at this time. Something has occured at this time that requires my attention, and so I am unavailable for the time being. But worry not, I will be back soon, and the Manor contains all that is required to take care of yourself.

Some notes and information to begin with. This building has a basement, attic, ground floor and a first floor. The majority of the common rooms are on the ground floor, and the majority of the bedrooms on the first floor. Within each bedroom you can find a key. The first person to lock the door to a bedroom - assuming they have not yet claimed any bedrooms - claims the room. This allows them access to the room's bathroom, as well as the personal safe each room has.

The kitchen stores a large amount of food, with enchantments placed upon the storage container to prevent rot. It is not recommended to put a living being within this storage container without supervision, as it can lead to... unintended side-effects.

To ensure the safety of this manor, there are several security systems in place. Do not worry, these will not activate unless hostile intent or human life is detected, and for the most part these blend into the building or are unseen entirely.

Finally, and most importantly, do not harm the birds.
@Gin Shirogane

Read through your sheet, and the character seems fine, though there is one issue. How do they carry all the items you have listed in their 'items' section with them? Does he have some kind of bag of holding or something of the like? Since characters enter the RP by arriving at the manor; they don't already live there.



<Ground Floor - Lounge>

A rush of wind blows past Yus as she peeks through the door followed by... silence. On the other side of the door is another room, it seems. A lounge or sitting room, of some kind, with a few cozy armchairs, a fireplace, and a low table of some kind. In addition, there also appear to be two tables, each with two chairs, flanking a shelf carrying writing supplies. A way to pass the time, perhaps?

Lying on the low table in the middle of the room appears to be a note of some kind. Written on the visible side is 'For the Guests', but nothing else. Perhaps the other side of the note holds more text?



<First Floor - Unclaimed Bedroom>

Gino's knocking on the door and calls go unanswered, and nothing stops him from opening the door. On the other side appears to be a bedroom. There's a comfortable-looking double bed with a nightstand, a dresser, a desk with an armchair, and two doors on the other side of the room. On the bed lies an envelope, with a brass key next to it with the number 3 carved into it. Perhaps it's the key to this bedroom?

The room is illuminated by a lamp hanging from the ceiling, with a cord hanging from it, alongside a lamp on the nightstand.

@LazyBoy - @jasbraq

Pike - Adara

<First Floor - Central Hallway>

Pike and Adara's journey up the stairs takes them past Gino as he opens the door to a bedroom, before leading them into what seems to be a hallway connecting the western to the eastern hallway. There appears to only be one door here, directly to their left, but at the end of the hallway there appears to be a set of stairs heading down to the ground floor. The part of the hallway they are in right now is more decorated than the rest, however, as four identical statues line the right wall; Marble statues of faceless knights, the only splash of colour they carry being the blue gem with a green core imbedded in each of their foreheads. Much like the lamps, these gems seem to radiate mana and give off some light. Are they just decorative, or do they carry a greater purpose?



<Ground Floor - Eastern Hallway>

As Marrok heads east, his nostrils can very vaguely pick up what certainly cells like meat coming from quite close by. It seems that he's made the right choice, heading east, as the vague scent of meat seems to be coming from the second door on the right side of the eastern hallway. Perhaps a kitchen, or simply a pantry? Either way, that's where the smell seems to be coming from, and there's only one way to know for sure what lies behind that door.

Whether or not the meat will turn out to have been preserved properly is another story entirely, however...

@Conscripts - @Roundabout

Goroth - Tova

<Ground Floor - Livingroom>

The doorway through which the Orc and faun pass seems to lead the two not into a hallway, but into a room. Comfortably furnished with some couches, a bookshelf, and a large table with some chairs, this room seems to be a livingroom of some kind. There are two other doors here, one to the right of where they entered, and one opposite of them. Lying on the table appears to be a letter of some kind, still sealed, but with a letter-opener lying next to it. It is adressed to 'The Guests', with no other names on it.

Will be working on another GM post tonight or tomorrow, but here's a link to the Discord server~

If there's enough interest in a Discord server, I'll make one~

It... depends. I have a layout for what kind of room is where, so I would rather stick to that. Regarding what is inside said rooms, though, I think that it's fine to just go off of what I say and add stuff to it. I'll still be describing important stuff, of course, but you all will also get freedom in deciding what all is inside some of the rooms.

And yes, shorter posts are certainly acceptable.
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