Avatar of Liseran Thistle
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 362 (0.14 / day)
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    1. Liseran Thistle 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Oh man I am so tired but oh well sleep is for the weak
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5 yrs ago
god i haven't been online in AGES
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6 yrs ago
I have lots more writing on wattpad by the same username if you guys wanna read some more of my writing
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6 yrs ago
I have lots more writing on wattpad by the same username if you guys wanna read some more of my writing
7 yrs ago
Hey did you guys know I have art on my profile.


Hello, My name is Liseran. I'm a writer, an artist, and I usually spend my time fucking off and watching cat videos instead of doing my homework.

I have a Deviantart @LiseranThistle, please consider checking my artwork out if you like my profile picture.

Most Recent Posts

Jackie sighed rather dejected, "I'm a Candelabra, from Candela. Not like you've heard of it before...we're easy to forget." She told the girl. She debated on reaching out to her to shake her hand, and for once her depressing thoughts weren't enough to stop her from being friendly. "I'm Jackie...I'd try harder to sound happy about introductions, but I'm still thinking about being here."

Standing in the halls of Fae Creek, Jackie could finally feel the weight of her decision to come here. I'm gonna be here for months...maybe even years..., she thought to herself. The ceiling beams that reached high into the sky, and arched overhead were extremely intimidating for some reason. Makes me almost wish I had a hole to crawl into...She had been quite late to party, and didn't think it would be appropriate for her to just show up late. She wasn't even dressed well enough to use the "Fashionably Late" excuse, so she decided to just skip the party entirely.

She trudged her way down the halls, looking for her room, and trying desperately to remember where she was supposed to go. She made her way to the room slowly, walking up the stairs. Her wicks were out, only because she knew that it wouldn't exactly be courteous to fill the building with smoke and wax as she walked. She came upon a door, one she knew to be the one to her dorm, and opened it.

She frowned, seeing the room wasn't, in fact, empty. "Oh...there's someone else here already...?" She noted. "I was hoping I would be alone for the first few hours of the day...so no one would have to deal with me."



Name / Nickname: Jackie O' Lanamere
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Jackie comes from a for away land called Candela. Candela is home to Candelabra people, and they specialize in fire magic. They also sell and make specialized magical candle's that have many different uses.


Physical Abilities / Skills: Jackie can light the ends of her hair on fire due to two tiny wicks. She also can light the wick on the top of her head.


Magical Style: Jackie is a fire mage, but she prefers to channel her magic through the wicks in her hair as opposed to her hands.

Magical Quirks: Whenever she uses her Fire magic, it tends to melt her hair just the tiniest bit, as well as melting the wax around her face. This makes her face look very sad, and apathetic.

Magical Skills, Hobbies and Interests: Aside from being able to shoot fire from her head, she's also an excellent candle maker, and can enchant various candle's to do things for her. Her specialty are magical Jack O Lantern's that can run around and eat trash for you.


Why are they enrolled in Fae Creek Academy?: Jackie is enrolled at Fae Creek because there aren't any real magical schools that will take Candelabra's like her. Many people are seemingly biased against Candelabra's, and they are often not allowed in many spaces because of how much they drip wax all over the place. Fae Creek is one of the only schools that are accepting of virtually anyone, and there are plenty of people who are odd like her, so she figured she would fit right in.

Personality: Jackie is a pretty forlorn, and sad person. She often talks in a monotone, depressing voice and could be considered a "Debby Downer" by anyone interacting with her. Despite her somber personality, she's still a pretty social person. She will converse, or at least try her best to, whenever the opportunity strikes. Her sad demeanor often gets in the way of her friendships, because not many people like how depressing she comes off as.

Backstory: Jackie was born to two candle makers in Candela who owned a very well known shop for a few years. The Lanamere's would pass down the family trade to their offspring, passing the torch eventually. Jackie had an older brother, and so when her two parent's eventually retired, they passed it off to him. Jackie was content with just being in the Candle shop and making candle's with her family, however one day, when she was finally old enough to light the wicks on her head, Jackie discovered that she had a great affinity for fire magic. Her family was very happy for her, and encouraged her to pursue an education in magic. But being Candelabra's, many school's wouldn't take her simply because of who she was. Her family spent days trying to find the perfect school that would take her, and they landed their sights on Fae Creek. And thus, Jackie packed her bags, and headed for there hoping to learn some more about Fire magic.

General Skills, Hobbies and Interests: Candle Making and carving.
@_@ damn ya'll work fast i've just been gone for like day lol
uh I kind of have my own little magical species I came up with for my character a long time ago, and it will take time coming up with an explanation for it and stuff. So I hope everyone is patient enough for that lol.

Its been kind of a busy day for me too, I spent most of it looking at prom dresses XD. Hopefully tomorrow I can really start on it.
It will take me some time to make a character!
everyone talking about doing an interview type of character sheet, and now I feel kind of silly for just doing it the normal way >_>
I am interested in this roleplay it sounds super fun ^-^
Raphelia Orlan, Aboard the Quartermaster

The cargo hold area was Raphelia's least favorite place despite all of the valuable items it held in it. The cramped space was becoming filled with even more crates of jewels and weaponry as time had gone on, and she found new sources for these items. She only really came back here just to check if everything was still sealed away in their proper boxes. T7 was upstairs, working on navigating their way to other planets one minute, and sulking moodily in a corner the next.

After confirming that everything was fine, she went back up to check on him. "How's everything going on up here?" She asked him. He wasn't actually sulking this time when she went to go check on him, so that was a good sign at least. They had a few deliveries to make on Corellia, as per usual, but the few recruits she managed to hire actually found a few folk on Coruscant looking for jewels and even weapons. T7 whirred sadly, projecting the map clearer for Raphelia to see. It seems he wasn't all that happy with having to return to Corellia, as his old owners still resided there, and were definitely not happy about the whole "Stealing their old cargo ship in the dead of night" thing.

Raphelia patted the top of the small droids head. "Well try not to think too much on it. I've only got one place to stop on Corellia anyway, we'll be headed for Coruscant in no time once we make this delivery." She said, going to the pilots seat. Now that she had checked the cargo and the directions, she was ready to head off now. There first stop on Corellia was actually at an old employer of Raphelia's who she knew had a certain weakness for Sapphires.

Donya Hollister looked down at Raphelia with a very disgusted, yet welcoming look as she opened her back door for the smuggler. She was a wide, heavy set human woman with pale skin wrapped in an expensive fur robe. "You're on time, for once." She said, as Raphelia entered with the bag of hidden Jewels. Donya was smoking on one of those long, smoking pipes that caused a lot of pollution in the air around her as she walked. The ship was stowed away in an underground garage that Donya had built and secreted behind her home. It was something only she knew about, at least as far as Raphelia knew.

She dumped the bag on a nearby table. "Yeah, well I got you your pretty stones. So where's my pay?" Donya waved her off.

"It'll be provided of course, don't worry." She told her. "I'd be happy to give you a little extra, seeing as I'm probably the only client you've had in months." She laughed, horribly.

"Stuff it, Hollister. I'm not a charity case." Raphelia gritted. "Can you at least tell me what's been going on here on Corellia? I don't listen to much news flying in the Quartermaster."

Donya shrugged, taking a long drag from her pipe. "Nothing much really, it's just the same boring political talk coming from Coruscant over and over again." She said. "I heard someone died, recently. A Pantoran woman who was close to the senator."

Raphelia shook her head. "I guess I really miss all the exciting stuff when I'm off world, huh?" She sighed."Well, that sounds terrible, but not exactly what I had in mind." She supposed she'd just have to find out when she got there and see what the buzz was all about.

There was a certain kind of rat that she had to visit on Coruscant, and in her experience, rats like Marister Jayd knew far more about what was going on then any of her clients.
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