Still somewhat W.I.P

|| NAME ||
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|| AGE ||
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|| QUIRKS ||
Keizo Arata
敬三 あらた

"I don't want to be a famous ninja...would make sticking to the crowds and shadows harder"
Basic Information
|| NAME ||
Keizo Arata
|| GENDER ||
|| AGE ||
|| RANK ||
Keizo stands at about 153cm, weighs in at 42kg and has white hair and dark purple eyes. He tends to keep bandages wrapped around the majority of his body except his face, there is a reason for this but it's not something he ever intends to share with others. Over the bandages he tends to wear a simple and baggy black vest and Over that he wears a long baggy Dark Grey coat with fur around the hood. He also wears some black shorts that come just over the knee's and of course are a little baggy. Keizo enjoys wearing baggy clothing as it not only feels comfortable but it lets him move a lot easier which is essential.
At any given time he can be found carrying multiple Ninja tools such as Kunai, Shuriken, Wire Strings, Senbon and Smoke Bombs.
At any given time he can be found carrying multiple Ninja tools such as Kunai, Shuriken, Wire Strings, Senbon and Smoke Bombs.
Personal Information
+Observant -Distant +Focused -Can be Somewhat Negative
Keizo likes to try keep to himself and thus doesn't necessarily enjoy working with or around others as he finds people can be very intrusive. This has led to him shutting himself away whenever he can and likes to get as far away from those that notice him so he can relax in peace as he finds people often annoying and in the way. He's never had any desires to make friends simply due to the fact that he thinks friends are a pointless distraction a Ninja doesn't need, it only makes your job harder when you let yourself get attached to someone or something. Aside from this he wants to become strong for his own reasons but doesn't want this strength to make him famous in any way. He finds it hard enough to blend in due to his white hair which is why he he wears dark clothes and often has his hood up to try blend in to the shadows a bit more and not draw so much attention.
With what he thinks of people aside and how it affects him, he is quite intelligent and a hard worker. He will always focus whenever there is something of value to be learned and will practice relentlessly to try master what he's learned, it's one of the few things he enjoys. He is also creative when it comes to most things but this can sometimes blow up in his face...Also...Should he unlikely and rarely get angry, his demeanour will change quite drastically as he becomes almost solely focused on what has angered him resulting in some perhaps rash actions along with some perhaps unwanted fury from Keizo...Suddenly he wont care so much about people noticing him, not until afterwards when he's calmed down which only adds to his shut away nature.
With what he thinks of people aside and how it affects him, he is quite intelligent and a hard worker. He will always focus whenever there is something of value to be learned and will practice relentlessly to try master what he's learned, it's one of the few things he enjoys. He is also creative when it comes to most things but this can sometimes blow up in his face...Also...Should he unlikely and rarely get angry, his demeanour will change quite drastically as he becomes almost solely focused on what has angered him resulting in some perhaps rash actions along with some perhaps unwanted fury from Keizo...Suddenly he wont care so much about people noticing him, not until afterwards when he's calmed down which only adds to his shut away nature.
|| QUIRKS ||
● Will often crack his knuckles/fingers
● Will sometimes day dream if something is boring
● Will sometimes day dream if something is boring
● Training
● Reading Books
● Learning
● Watching Nature
● Reading Books
● Learning
● Watching Nature
+ Sweet Food/Drinks
+ Beef Ramen
+ Being Alone
+ Learning/Training
+ Animals
- Nosey People
- Loud/Obnoxious People
- Group Activities
- People who act like they know everything
+ Beef Ramen
+ Being Alone
+ Learning/Training
+ Animals
- Nosey People
- Loud/Obnoxious People
- Group Activities
- People who act like they know everything
Backstory & Skills
Keizo was found at a very young age in the fire country near Amegakure by a patrolling Konohagakure Squad. He was found in bad shape by the Ninja who took him back to Konoha to be treated, when he finally awoke he was questioned as would be natural considering his strange circumstances however he didn't remember much other than running from something or someone. After being kept under observation for a week they deduced that he was clearly not a threat as he'd not made a single attempt to escape or harm anyone. Afterwards he was taken in by a middle aged man that ran a Ramen Shop, this is where his love for beef ramen stems from. Although Keizo isn't very talkative with his technically adoptive parent he does do his part around the house to show that he's grateful that he'd even take him in, although it's simply comes down to the fact that the man in question is a former Ninja himself and was tasked with not only raising Keizo but also to keep an eye on him in case he was a spy of some sorts or perhaps a sleeper agent.
-Known Release types-
-E-Rank Skills-
Body Replacement Technique
Clone Technique
Rope Escape Technique
Transformation Technique
-E-Rank Skills-
Body Replacement Technique
Clone Technique
Rope Escape Technique
Transformation Technique