The mournful, bitter wind screeched around street corners and hammered on bolted doors, a violent storm dancing in the skies above the dismal village. What few villagers still lived cowered in their homes, calming the children that dared cry and praying for the ones who had never uttered a peep. Far above the streets of dilapidated buildings and abandoned houses, the ancient walls of Castle Ravenloft loomed like a spectre in the night. An odious rumble and a crack of white illuminated the stark figure standing alone on the parapet. His cape billowed and snapped in the howling wind, his cold calculating countenance a handsome but frightful visage to behold. The ravages of madness, power and tragedy danced along the thin razor edge of his emerging smile. Adventurers had just entered his ancient domain.
He did so enjoy breaking in new guests.
He did so enjoy breaking in new guests.