Kori'Andh nar Chayym
Race: Quarian
Gender: Female
Class: Engineer
Age: 22
Homeworld: Chayym Liveship, Migrant Fleet

As with most members of her species, Kori’Andh wears a sealed enviro-suit at all times to protect her weak immune system. An enviro-suit is a highly customised and important cultural item for the Quarians and so Kori takes great care with hers and has given it a black/grey/red paintjob. Physically she stands at about 5’6”, with a frame that is slightly more petite than most humans.
Psychological Profile: Growing up on the Flotilla and its limited space has made most Quarians highly social and Kori'Andh nar Chayym is no different. She loves to talk and will gladly share her opinion on whatever topic or situation is at hand. This talkative nature doubles when she is stressed and she has been known to begin to babble when in highly difficult situations. Regardless, she finds speaking with and befriending new people easy and forming bonds with others brings her great joy. She has been known to be sassy at times, although she usually tries to avoid being hurtful. She tends to wear her emotions on her sleeve, even if she may not be very open about the root of the problem. She values loyalty highly and dislikes breaking promises.
On a related note, Kori is hardworking and dislikes leaving a task half-finished, even if it is not necessarily enjoyable for her. For good reason she distrusts most synthetics, doubly so for anything involving the geth. At her core she is altruistic and selfless, thinking of the greater good over her own personal needs more often than not, though her time on Omega has given her a thin patina of caution and wariness to temper her Flotilla-forged social inclinations.
Overall, if you need someone to fly a ship, fix a ship, or just talk about Fleet and Flotilla with, Kori is your girl.
- Quarian Enviro-suit (Light Armour)
- Modified Logic Arrest Omni-tool
- M-22 Eviscerator Shotgun equipped with a choice selection of Quarian mods courtesy of her Mom.
- Shotgun High Caliber Barrel
- Smart Choke
- Overload
- Sabotage
Bio: Born on one of the Migrant Fleet's three Liveships, Kori'Andh was always interested in the piloting of ships. Her father, Koma'Andh was an AgriTech and helped manage and grow food on the Flotilla. Her mother, Hara'Andh was a shuttle pilot and flew in the Patrol Fleet. Growing up, Kori loved to accompany her mother on her shuttle as she flew patrols for the Fleet. She also loved to spend time in the cockpit of the Chayym, watching with awe and observing the bridge crew of the huge starship as they went around doing their duty. A lot of her peers in the young children loved the engine room and hum of the core and the whirr of the vital systems and learning how to fix them. Kori did her due diligence and like most young Quarians learned to fix ships and do basic mechanical repairs, her first love however, was always flying ships. When she was a teenager she begged her mother to let her fly her shuttle, and even though she had asked many times before Hara finally felt that Kori was old enough and began to teach her. At first, they merely went over the controls and Kori had to memorise the preflight and postflight checklists. But slowly, as she gained experience Kori was allowed to take the shuttle for short jaunts around the Flotilla under the supervision of her mother and the other crewmembers.
In the years closing in on her Pilgrimage, her mother finalised the lessons she had taught her over the course of her teenage years. Though not an official member of the crew, she tagged along on countless patrols, even acting as a co-pilot when the actual co-pilot was indisposed. As her Pilgrimage loomed ever close, Kori had settled on a gift before she ever left. She was going to bring back a ship. Her own ship. And she would sail through the void like her ancestors had soared through the skies of the Homeworld all those generations ago.
Finally, the year of her Pilgrimage arrived. Kori'Andh told her parents of her plans to return with a ship. Her father, though slightly disappointed that she wasn't planning on bringing back rare food synthesizers, was supportive and proud that his daughter had grown into a such a driven young Quarian. Her mother on the other hand, was worried that she would find herself in over her head if she rushed headlong to get a ship. A Pilgrimage needn't be a short affair, Hara explained. A Quarian on Pilgrimage was supposed to experience the galaxy and gain knowledge and wisdom about the Universe, not rush into a goal they had decided on before they had even left the Migrant Fleet. Still, she was proud of her daughter and wished her nothing but success on her journey. Next, Kori began the six month training course that all adolescent Quarians about to embark on their Pilgrimage undergo. Within the course, she learned basic combat and survival techniques from the Migrant Fleet Marines as well as electronic decryption and hacking systems. In addition, her own considerable starship piloting skills were bolstered by a formal flight class which she aced. Starship maintenance was also covered and she excelled at that as well. Finally, to further guarantee her success, Hara gifted her only child a modified human-manufactured M-22 Eviscerator that she had traded for on a recent trip away from the Flotilla.
All of her preparations completed, Kori'Andh nar Chayym left on her Pilgrimage, bound for Omega. Her plan to acquire a ship basically hit a snag the moment she stepped onto the virtually lawless station. The first starship dealer she struck a deal with took her credits and when she tried to take the ship, he chased her off with a hail of gunfire. Poorer in credits but richer in wisdom, Kori realised that she was going to have to get a ship through other means. After a few days of searching, the Quarian found what she was looking for. A small, private docking bay had a derelict ship that someone had dumped there and never come back for. It was too damaged to fly (most likely why the original owner had limped it into the port and abandoned it) and getting it removed would cost the owner a lot more than it was worth, but it was starting to cut into the profits of the docking bay. Kori cut a deal with the Volus owner. If she could get the parts and get the small shuttle flying again, enough that it could vacate the port, she could have it. He even allowed her to stay on the shuttle as a sort of mini-apartment. He was just glad to soon be rid of the damned vessel.
Kori had no idea what had initially crippled the shuttle. Most parts that could be safely removed and sold separately had long since been stripped clean. Most likely by the Volus in an attempt to stave off the financial drain that came from being unable to rent out one of his bays. Luckily the drive core could not be safely removed and was still functional. Kori set up shop and began cataloging all the parts she needed to acquire and needed to repair. It took her seven months to get the shuttle functional again. She had set up a small side business repairing basically anything to get the credits she needed so she could buy the parts she otherwise couldn't fix (which wasn't many.) She had even improved the performance of the shuttle, turning it into somewhat of a sleeper ship. She had replaced two of the four main thrusters with higher power but older models and even had enough reactor power left over to add a second set of maneuvering jets, improving the handling significantly. To compensate, she stripped out a majority of the high-power survey gear (Kori had neither the expertise to repair it nor any use for it) that the original model had used, presumably for its primary role in exploration and charting. This in turn had freed up a significant amount of room in the vessel as well as a large portion of reactor power that could be used elsewhere. For now, under her limited budget she let it power the oversized engines. As a final touch, she gave it a nice new green and gold paintjob and christened it the Eyas.
Of course, what Omega gives, Omega takes back. The minute she had left the hangar she was swarmed by fighters and her comms were assailed with hails and directions to follow them or be blasted into space dust. Having no other choice, she obeyed. The unmarked fighters escorted the Eyas to a private landing zone on the far side of the station. Once landed, Kori'Andh was escorted off of the ship and led by armed guards into the VIP room of a nearby club. There, it was explained to her that the ship she had fixed up was actually property of Aria, and she would be expected to hand it over. When Kori protested, saying that no one had claimed it for years and it was basically just a shell when she found it, the turian in charge told her she didn't actually have a choice. Furthermore, she had stolen it and owed Aria the full retail value of the shuttle. Obviously, Kori lacked the almost 700k credits it would take to purchase one and made no secret of it. The Turian just grinned. "Looks like you'll be working for us then."
It has been a year and a half since Kori'Andh effectively became an indentured servant for Aria's organisation. She now spends most of her time fixing and maintaining vehicles for the organisation, being paid a small stipend (the majority of which goes to her 'debt'.) In addition, any money she makes on the side also goes towards her debt. On certain occasions she is allowed to fly errands to other nearby systems, always accompanied by another member of the organisation. At this point, she's given up on tracking her debt day by day.
On a slightly more upbeat note, she is excited for an upcoming flight out of system with a new group of freelancers.
- First and foremost, Kori'Andh is a skilled pilot. Many beings can claim to be pilots, but not many pilots can weave through the Migrant Fleet at top speed without so much as scratching the paint on a Liveship. Flying in the void has been her calling since she was a girl and she has spent countless hours either in a sim or in a ship, honing her zero-gee skills.
- As a side effect of both being a void-junkie and a Quarian, Kori has learned how to maintain, jury-rig, and otherwise fix up countless ship designs, and by proxy mechanical objects. Give her enough time and she could build a fighter out of a omni-tool. Whether it would be her ship is another story...
- Though not nearly as skilled with electronics as she is with mechanical objects, she is still quite handy with them. Her Pilgrimage training gave her above-average decryption and slicing abilities.
- Highly sociable, can and will talk to someone about anything she can think of. Failing that, she will talk to herself.
- Though she has basic combat training, Kori'Andh is far from a skilled combatant. She prefers talking her way out of violence or ideally, avoiding the problem by flying over it.
- Unless in the pilot's seat, she has trouble under large amounts of stress. She is the opposite of cool under fire. She is hot under fire.
- Despite her time on Omega doing much to burn off her childlike wonder, she is still a bit trusting and naive, Omega having been the first and only stop in her Pilgrimage so far.
- No immune system. Do not sneeze on her.
- Big fan of Fleet and Flotilla
- Loves to browse the extranet in her spare time, can be found giving her opinion on various forums across the 'net
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