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"You're coming with me."
A hand had fallen gently on Rose's shoulder. She glanced over it to see James smiling down at her. Rose had not felt alarmed at all since she had guessed by the gentleness that it was a friend and not a foe. He was feeling all better already? Maybe he felt bad about freaking out and was going to surprise her to make up for it. Poor thing had nothing to feel guilty about. "James, you don' have to worry it's oka-"She began as he led her. She broke off mid-sentence when she noticed the empty dorm room. This was odd. Her stomach churned and a bad feeling formed in her gut. As he shut the door and looked at her, he pointed a gun at her.

Rosaline had thought her heart had stopped beating. She had never been in a situation like this. This wasn't a joke and that was a real gun. It was just one of those things everyone thought would never happen to them. It was only the material for movies and sad stories on the news. She swallowed a lump in her throat as the little illusion of James melted away to reveal a different boy. She barely recognized him. He lit off a spark in the back of her memory but it took her a few moments to realize this was one of the boys James had warned her about.

"One wrong move and you're dead, Rose."

Rosaline had heard the line in movies but she was never too clear on what was considered a wrong move so she decided to stay still. This guy clearly had the ability to mess with her mind and the gun was the last thing she had to worry about. She could get through this. She just needed to take him by surprise before he played more mind tricks. Adrenaline was pounding through her body at what felt like the speed of light. She could capture him in a forcefield and run but she wasn't too sure if that would really limit his abilities. It dawned on her she might actually have to hurt him. Funny how someone could be training to defend themselves and use supernatural abilities for all these years and then have no idea what to do in a dangerous situation.

She finally decided on trying to figure out his motives whilst stalling him at the same time. He needed to be be more distracted since Rose had no idea what else he could do. Perhaps he didn't have anything all that offensive since he was using a gun as offense.

"Uh hey there buddy. I'm Rose, I'm fifteen and I really like cinnamon. What's your name?"
Her nervous voice reached her ears and for a moment she wanted him to shoot the gun and put her out of the misery that was her embarrassment. She was such a moron.



It wasn't hard at all to locate Shay. She was pigging out on pizza just as he thought she would be. He liked a girl with little appetite for food. He decided that was one of the first things he'd change about her to make sure she always looked best for him. The music was blasting in his ears yet he head none of it. He tuned it out as if it was just as easy as clicking an off switch. His gaze was set on her. The mighty lion had his sights on his prey now. She had no where to run.

He swiftly moved through the crowd and behind her, looking over her shoulder at her with a charming smile. He had snuck up on her like a quiet fox smoothly moving through the trees. "Hello beautiful"He breathed in her ear lowly, moving his hands down her sides slowly and seductively. "Let's go somewhere a little more private, hmm?"He gripped her arms and began moving her none-too-gently out of the dorm. He moved her down the hall and slammed her against it. He moved his grip higher onto her wrists and pressed her to the wall, kissing her neck, "You better go along if you value your loverboy's life." He hissed in her ear, "I came here for some fun and I. am. not. leaving. without. it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 3 days ago

IP - ARIANA & superior


The reaction from Rose drew loud booming laughter from him. He could barely stand upright. The laughter emanating from him was high-pitched and wavered on the edges of sanity. He had to grip a dresser to stay standing. After he wiped tears from his eyes, his gaze locked back on her. He held the gun tightly and straightened up. "Alright, cinnamon," he came up to her and shoved the gun into her body, "You use your power and not only will I kill you in the worst way possible, I will make sure to murder everyone you've ever known or loved. Do you understand me? So be a good girl."

He smiled and shoved her onto the bed and then moved over her. The gun was still aiming at her in his hand. "Are you going to be good, or do I have to go outside and kill everyone?" He smiled down at her and touched her cheek with his free hand. "Your skin is the softest thing ever. I can't wait to be with you soon, little Rosaline."

He traced her face with the gun and then set it out of her reach. He was not letting the opportunity get away from him. He knew he had to be quick, though, because James could come out of his traumatic flashback soon.


When he opened his eyes, James found himself in an empty room. He stared with panic; then relaxed seeing Jason. "What.. What just happened?" He gulped in air and stared for Rose. "Rose, where is she? Rose?" He tried to get up but his knees unbuckled. Was she mad? Did she hate him? He felt tears sticking to his face and wiped them. He felt as if he had been hit by a truck and left out to die. If he had lost her over this, he'd never forgive himself. "Where is she? I hope she didn't get mad and leave me. I have to apologize." He sniffled and stared at his twin with desperation. "Please tell me she doesn't hate me."

James' gut, which was already a wreck, tightened into a knot. He got up frantically and left the room to go find her. Something may have happened to her. It would be his fault. Thing usually were. His mind reeled when the familiar maniac laughter of Mortimer filled the air. How nobody heard would have been a mystery if he had not been in the superior. At the ripe age of 16, James thought he was having a heart attack. Rose was mysteriously gone, and now Moe was laughing? It added up. He began to yell at the other students to find where Rose had gone but nobody seemed to know. They just stared at him like he was some sort of freak. He certainty felt like one.

He frantically began tracking their phones. After using tehcnopathy and locating them, he started sprinting madly to the room. He wanted to die. This was not happening to her!


"Why are you so obsessed with me?" The words left Shay's mouth before she could stop herself. She may have been high, but alarms bells were sounding in her head. This was the man from earlier who had pissed Alex off. She stared with wide-eyes into his and gulped. The situation was real. No matter how many times she blinked, it did not change. This was a nightmare, or something out of a movie. It wasn't happening; but the scene before her did not change. Her heart was going to jump out of her chest.

Alex. He'd threatened Alex. Her eyes widened to the size of the moon, and her skin began prickling. He wasn't just a creep, but a psychopath. He seemed to be the kind of guy who believed it was him or death. Shay grimaced at him kissing her neck and his sentence. She wanted to jerk away, but the threat to Alex caused her to remain motionless. "What fucking hole did you crawl out of?" She averted his gaze and tensed up. Did no-one see? She couldn't help but wonder if Alex would be mad at her. How could he? She wasn't fighting back, but on the account it didn't harm his life. She felt conflicted.

"What the hell is your name and are you even a minor?" Her voice was low so it didn't cause attention, because she felt too afraid of something horrible happening to Alex. Was that why he left? She squirmed uncomfortably. It was minor, so she didn't piss him off."You know I couldn't care less; just so I can kick your ass later, you punkass bitch." She had to distract him but how? There was no way she was cheating.

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Rose had never seen anyone laugh like this before. She much rather he would have started belting out a classic "Mwuhahahaha!" like a classic villain. This wasn't just some evil laugh or someone finding something genuinely funny. It was edging on insanity and growing in pitch. She was sure the reason for the laughter was lost early on. He was just laughing because he was crazy at this point. She regretted not bolting to the door during the time he was laughing instead of staring at him in fear. He was wiping his eyes now and it was too late.

"Alright, cinnamon," He was up in her face before she could process it, shoving the gun painfully into her body. Most people knew she was not the biggest of people and her weakness was definitely stronger opponents. A strong blow really dealt her quite some damage. She doubled over, clutching her stomach as sharp pain had racked through it, radiating from the attacked area faster than the attack had been dealt. "You use your power and not only will I kill you in the worst way possible, I will make sure to murder everyone you've ever known or loved. Do you understand me? So be a good girl."

She couldn't manage a reply even if she wanted to. Her stomach was hurting so bad she couldn't focus on anything else. The only thought coursing through her brain at the moment was if she could ask if she could sit a moment. In a way, she got her wish as she was shoved into the bed. Her body bounced painfully on it for a second and she moaned. She threw her arms over her stomach again in reaction to the pain. What the hell was wrong with this guy? This couldn't be real. She had never met someone this insane or been purposely attacked in her life.

As he moved over her, his finally motives became clear to Rose. He wanted her alive to satisfy his lust. The way he was looking down at her made her want to crawl away and hide. She wanted to be back in James arms. She had been stupid not to heed his warning and take him seriously. Now this man would do as he pleased with her and kill her. Rose had never imagined she'd die this horribly.

"Are you going to be good, or do I have to go outside and kill everyone?" He smiled down at her and touched her cheek with his free hand. She shuddered and resisted the urge to punch him. She had to think of everyone else. She couldn't have this guy going around shooting everyone because she was dumb. "Your skin is the softest thing ever. I can't wait to be with you soon, little Rosaline." She again had to resist retaliation by biting her tongue. She wanted to yell the word "ew" louder than she had ever before. Who said things like that? He kept tracing her face with the gun, which kept her heart racing painfully.

Then he made his mistake. She watched him set it down. This was her moment to do something. If he didn't have the gun, he couldn't hurt anyone. Though, he had done something to her head before. Maybe that just meant she had to be quick. By the look on his face, he seemed to think he had control of the situation. She wasn't sure if he was anticipating her trying something. Rose decided she had to gamble on that or risk this guy doing some really weird things.

Aidan had made her make forcefields over and over. It was a thin, colorless, transparent matter. One could tell it was there by the electromagnetic waves coursing through it. She could form it into a wall, stretching as long as her eyes could see but the longer and thicker it was, the more energy it would take out of her. After all, it was not like in superhero movies. The power did not just come out of nowhere. Energy must come from somewhere. She could also curve it into a protective sphere. However, that wasn't what she wanted. She needed to make a half sphere that grew from her and shoved him off her. She concentrated and the shield burst outward at him.

In response to Mortimer being thrown backward, she would proceed to roll over to grab the gun. She didn't really have a plan at this point and her adrenaline was moving her actions. Before she could conceptualize what she was doing, she was slamming the gun into the back of his head over and over with more anger she had ever felt. She had felt so violated by the way he was looking at her and treating her. She was letting it drive her fury and take over her actions.



"What... What just happened?" Jason rubbed James back as he finally came back to Earth. "You totally freaked and had some sort of flashback."He told him. It didn't seem like he was really listening though. The boy was looking around the room, distractedly. "Rose, where is she? Rose?" He hated seeing James go through this shit. He wanted to kill every superior who had been involved in doing this to him.

He immediately grabbed James arms as he tried to get up and held him up as his knees unbuckled. Jason sa him back down and looked at him as he kept asking. "Where is she? I hope she didn't get mad and leave me. I have to apologize." He was staring at him with more desperation than Jason had ever seen. He really did love Rose with all his heart. "Please tell me she doesn't hate me."

"She left to get you some food."Jason finally told him but realized quickly it had been way too long. He wasn't sure what would delay her this much unless someone had taken her. With James' high profile in the superior, he wouldn't be too surprised. James must had been having similar thoughts since he got up and darted out faster than Jason could react. He quickly got to his feet and followed him.

He halted at James side hearing the all too familiar laugh of Mortimer. Knowing his love for cute little blondes, this was super bad. He looked around the room, hoping to find Rose by the pizza but she was no where to be seen. He took his shoulder as he started yelling at people. "They're not gonna know bud. We gotta follow that laughter." James started tracking them on his phone instead which was probably a decent idea. Once he started sprinting, he followed suit. Jason started to quickly burn a hole in the door by the door knob. He could hear the sound of someone being beat with something. The smacks of an object against a head was all too familiar. He put his arm through the hole and unlocked the door from the other side and then quickly yanked it open to find Rose angrily slamming a gun on Mortimer's head.



"Why are you so obsessed with me?"
The girl really did like to flatter herself. She was stuck up and clearly stupid to talk back to him. He could wring her little neck in three seconds flat. "Shut up if you know what's good for loverboy." It seemed to be finally sinking in. He watched her irises widen with glee. "Look at these big ol' eyes. So pretty." He touched her cheek, laughing.

"What fucking hole did you crawl out of?" Just as Louis had thought this was going to work out perfectly, fury filled him. Who the hell did she think she was ? He slapped her cheek hard, glaring ferociously. "That's just rude, miss Shay."He snarled, "You don't wanna find out what I do to rude girls."

"What the hell is your name and are you even a minor?" Her sass had to go. It was driving him up the wall. He stopped what she was doing to pull her wrists into the grip of one of his hands and grab her neck by the other. It was easy since his hand was so much bigger than hers. Just when he thought maybe she'd smarten up, she kept going. "You know I couldn't care less; just so I can kick your ass later, you punkass bitch."

Louis burst into laughter, his own eyes widening. "You dumb fucking bitch!"He yelled at her, laughing. "I was just gonna have a little fun with you tonight but you clearly like to dig your own grave don't you? I'm going to show you what happens to girls like you who think they're hot shit." Louis knew it would be no fun if he broke her this early on but he knew he had to give her a good scare and maybe just a taste of torture. He immobilized her and threw her body over his shoulder. He took out his phone and made a few texts before they were teleported out of the dormitory and straight into the heart of the superior camp.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Potter
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When the maniac grabbed her throat and her hands separately, her eyes widened. The names he called her then his statement were frightening. She realized her mistakes too late now. He'd immobilized her. She fell against the wall, her wings smacking painfully against them. They were tucked uncomfortably against her back. She thought there may have been a crack, but she wasn't sure. She had no time to assess any damage because they were telported out.

Fear rushed through her and adrenaline; yet she could not move to act upon it. She looked over Louis' shoulder at their surroundings. They were in a forest with large indistinguishable buildings. Shay stared in awe. How had she never seen this place? It was massive! There were people everywhere, and especially around a campfire. She swallowed hard as a thought rushed through her mind: the superior? But they didn't exist.. Was this some off-brand psycho group of them? She was silent for five minutes, then managed to say to Louis, "Nice place you got here." She looked around as people turned to stare at them. "No worries, just a kidnapping. Commence your activities,"

She wondered about Alex and bit her lip, finally quieting down. This was insane. She had to tell Aidan but how the hell was she ever getting out of here in the first place? No wonder they could never go in the forest. There was this psycho kidnapping group here. She was hesitant to call them superior though without proof, but her gut told her otherwise.

James' throat swelled shut as he rushed to the room. At first he feared the worst, then saw it was Rose attacking. He stared, jaw agape. Rose was beating him? Oh God. He was so proud of her but it was short lived. Unfortunately, Mortimer's gaze fixated on him and managed to kick Rose off of him. James lurched forward when he did that and screamed in panic. He was too late. Mortimer had grabbed the gun and shot at Rose. His heart stopped and his pupils dilated. It was a scene out of one of his nightmares: Rose in danger. It rooted him to the spot and he thought he might have fainted inside.

James watched with horror as Rose was shot. He ran forward and watched Mortimer kick Rose in the stomach once more and sneered down at her, "You're mine, Rose," and teleported out. Jame's eyes teared up as he ran to Rose's side and scooped her up into his arms. He started sobbing and shook her gently "Rose, can you hear me? My love? My girl?" He started texing Toby, Aidan, Jessamine; anyone, to come save her. He held her close and sobbed. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! You're gonna be okay, I promise. I'm here now, babygirl, he'll never touch you again." He rocked back and forth as he held her and clutched her tightly.
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The sound of the door swinging open made Rose glance over on instinct. James and Jason stood there looking as shocked as ever. However, it was that stolen glance that royally screwed her over. She got kicked off to the floor and found herself winded. She felt like a cartoon character with little birds dancing around their head. Rose struggled to sit up on her elbows as sudden agony burned through her hip. She screamed in pain almost at the same time James had screamed. She had barely even heard the gunshot so at the moment she couldn't even comprehend the source of the pain. It felt so awful. It hurt more than anything she had ever felt. It was like pain exploding from her hip through her entire torso, which had already been in pain prior, constantly and unforgivingly. She could feel tears burning her eyes and she threw her hands over the wound in agony, as if clutching it would ease any of the pain. A kick to the stomach allowed for another cry to escape her lips as pain yet again jolted through her but she had mostly been silent after her scream. Her ears were ringing painfully now and the scene around her was getting blurry.

"You're mine, Rose."

The voice had dimly reached her ears and brought the terrifying realization that this wasn't over. This was only the beginning. Arms wrapped around her and moved her body, making her yelp like a kicked puppy. Sobbing filled the air and she moved her head to look up at him. "Rose, can you hear me? My love? My girl?" She parted her lips to answer him, clutching her wound still but he continued sobbing. Somehow, watching him sob was more painful than the wound. It tore her apart to see him like this. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! You're gonna be okay, I promise. I'm here now, babygirl, he'll never touch you again."

"It's okay. I"m here."Her voice came out hoarse and pained. She had meant to come off as normal to not worry him but it seemed like she had no control of that. It was probably best not to talk anymore. Rose picked up one hand off her wound to touch his cheek and paused in midair. Her hand was drenched in her own blood. The red liquid was dripping down her wrist now. She quickly put it back to her wound.

"What'd you get yourself into now?" Jason's teasing voice reached her. He was kneeling in front of her now and ripping his shirt over his head hastily. "You're alright Rose. Just hold on a little longer." She felt him gently lift her body up in James grasp and begin tying his shirt around her hips. Any movement racked more pain through her body but she didn't vocally announce it.
Everything was slowly dimming now. She tried to glance over to see if anyone was at the light switch but everything went black before she could turn her head fully.



"I'm glad you like it because you'll be spending a lot of time here."

Some people were looking over but most didn't care. They were used to shenanigans. They were in a large open field in the forest with a huge, abandoned warehouse in it that surprisingly had rooms and nice furniture inside and went underground as well. However, that could not be told from the outside of it.

This group in particular had around eighty people in it. Most were inside at this time of night or doing something crazy. Louis's friend Lindon was sitting out by a tree at the moment. He stood up and came over immediately seeing them. "Dude what are you doing? This is way too soon. You drunk or something?"

Louis shook his head, "Nah she's just such an annoying bitch. I want to teach her a lesson to be afraid of me. You wanna help?" He drove a knife into Shay's arm suddenly, laughing. He was positive the stupid little school girl had never felt any real agony before and this would be a wake up call.

"You crazy fuck."Lindon grinned, shaking his head. "Alright I"m so in."He came over and kicked Shay in the stomach hard. She was immobilized as this point.
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As Shay laid there, staring up at the psychopath, astonishment washed over her. How could he just sit there and laugh? Clearly he was crazier than she had imagined. The knife piercing her caused her to cry out. Tears of pain filled her eyes which blinded her from seeing which other psychopath joined. Whoever it was kicked her hard in the stomach. She grunted in pain and managed to blink hard enough to clear her vision. She stared at the red-haired boy and briefly recalled him from earlier before school. Who the hell was Riley hanging out with? This wasn't like him. These people were not people he'd ordinarily hangout with either...

She washed it out of her mind and glared at them. They were laughing. Her arm and stomach were killing her and pain flooded through her. She managed to swallow hard and spit at them. "Tough guys aren't you, torturing an immobilized girl? What a bunch of cowards you are." Shay rolled her eyes and bit her lip hard to avoid crying out more. She was still half blind from pain but was overpowered with anger and disgust. Her chest was tight and her body quivered from pain and fear - yet she wasn't backing down. This definitely had to be the superior. Surely the guardians knew, right? She had so many questions.

"If I'm so annoying, why are you still bothering me? You want to teach me to be afraid of you, huh? All I have to do is look at your ugly face and a piece of me dies inside. I bet your mother abandoned you the moment you came out of the womb." This was pushing it more than she had wanted but she hoped to distract them. Above them, the sky started turning black. Clouds were swirling together and slowly thickening. A thunderstorm was starting to brew despite the clear forecast predicted for tonight.

Leaves, sticks, and other woodland debris was starting to rustle, but only a bit. She could feel the shift in her body. The weather and her were unified. If she focused hard enough, there would be damaging winds, rain, and lightning. Still, creating what she had imagined was harder to perfect without her hands. The amount of concentration needed was rough and she was already in pain. She gritted her teeth and tried to focus as best she could.

It didn't help that she was surrounded by these crazy shits and God only knew their powers. She had to be fast and unpredictable. Hopefully, the guardians would notice her storm, she thought bitterly. She prayed to God Aidan and or Toby would find her too. How the hell would she get out of here? She had never felt so afraid and bewildered in her life. Her heart was going to burst out of her chest.


Rose's bloody hand on his face caused James to shudder. This was not right. It couldn't be his girl, right? He was just imagining this... As he stared down, though, he saw her and the blood. He swallowed hard as his panic mounted. James set her down carefully, keeping their bodies barely inches apart. He lifted his shirt over his face briefly and wiped her blood off of him. Thank God he had Jason. He glanced at him as he teased her but didn't laugh. He pulled the shirt down finally and sniffled hard. He had to be strong for her, no matter how sick he felt.

In the back of his mind he knew he'd probably have a tougher time being here for her after tonight. He had to be strong... He had to... James felt a cold sweat overwhelm him and began to wipe his face off with his arms. He was turning slightly blue in the face and coughed hard. He bit his tongue not to cry out or show anymore distress. He was going to kill Moe. Absolutely rip him to shreds. He was going to die - painfully.

Rose passing out only scared him further. Quickly though, the guardians and a few superior hunters came at that time. He watched Scarlett arrive with a dark and sullen expression. He wondered what she had seen in her visions. If only he could read her mind.... "She'll be okay," she told James as they loaded her onto a stretcher, as if hearing him, "just make sure to stay by her at all times now." He sniffled and nodded. He knew he would if Mortimer was attacking her and hurting her especially. This arse was never going to lay a hand on his babygirl ever again. He would make sure of it.
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Louis couldn't believe she was spitting at him. She was clearly outnumbered, in a place where she clearly had the disadvantage and she was getting her ass beat. Nevertheless, she proceeded to spit and then remark,"Tough guys aren't you, torturing an immobilized girl? What a bunch of cowards you are." He gritted his teeth. He had taken her here out of anger but he did want to see what he was dealing with. She was going to be an ass to break. She was clearly no stranger to this situation and was still able to fight back with words if she couldn't with fists.

"If I'm so annoying, why are you still bothering me? You want to teach me to be afraid of you, huh? All I have to do is look at your ugly face and a piece of me dies inside. I bet your mother abandoned you the moment you came out of the womb. This bitch either had a death wish or she just had no ounce of self control. Part of him wanted to kill her here and now. She was so annoying. Most girls begged for their life or stayed quiet, knowing better than to talk back to someone attacking them.

"You little bitch."Louis snarled, "Just who do you think you are?" He kicked her hard over and over, enraged. Lindon caught his wrist suddenly, "Louis.." He wondered why the hell Lindon was interrupting him but it was made clear when he noticed the random sticks and leaves slamming into his body as the wind rapidly picked up at an unnatural pace.

The sky above was becoming the color of charcoal. She really could control the weather then. He glanced back down at her, "You don't wanna try me, Shay."he said darkly, "You see it's not just you I can hurt." He crouched down and touched her cheek with a crazed grin. Threatening her and attacking her was just edging this girl on. He had to take a different approach. "I know the dorm room numbers of all your friends. I know little Rosaline Gale is your room mate and best friend. I know Alexander is your boyfriend and you're quite good friends with Jason and Harry is a childhood friends of yours. Alcina is another close friend who helps you with your schoolwork. Ariana her sister... Garrett your adoptive father. I know you get in a lot of trouble at school often and you like to wear plaid. I know more about you, your life and everyone you care about than you think Shay. Consider everyone you love doomed-"

A female voice cut him off. "Another one of your obsessions huh?" The tall and thin girl with shoulder length, wavy blonde hair was sitting on a nearby log, painting her nails with precision despite the wind. "It's almost sad really. Lacking so much love in your life that you go and pick up chicks at the local high school and take them to the forest to beat them. " She laughed at Louis's expression, "Aw. Hit a sensitive note didn't I, big guy?"

Lindon straightened up and glared at her. "Fuck off Skylar. She wasn't giving Louis respect. We're gonna run the place soon and this bitch might end up with us or dead. Either way they gotta respect us."

"Damien's not going to be happy, Lindon."She said with an eye-roll. "He doesn't want them here without his permission. Especially her. Get off your high horse. No one owes you two losers respect."

"I didn't take you for a rule follower."Louis retorted, "Since when were you a goody goody?"

"Oh no worries. I'm not." She said with a wink. She tilted her head a bit. Lindon narrowed his brows, stumbling suddenly. He collapsed into the grass on his elbows, suddenly exhausted. He groaned, trying to get up but his attempt only resulted in him laying down.

"You bitch. You know we're not supposed to attack each other-"He began to sneer.

"Told you I'm not a rule follower." She mused smugly, closing the tube of her red nail polish and setting it down. She raised her arms forward, letting the wind blow at her nails, smiling. "You know Shay, I was really worried that these would take too long to dry but here you are coming in clutch."

"I'm going to rip off those fucking whore nails-"Louis growled, leaving Shay's side and going toward Skylar. He didn't understand what had gotten into this bitch. She never intervened nor cared before if superior brought in people. She had a lot of nerve screwing with him right now.

He knew deep down she was right. No one was going to really ever love him but he was okay with that. He didn't want deep connections to others either. Being in the superior meant freedom. They could all do what they wanted. No more school, no more work, no more being a game piece in the government's order. He hated the idea of just being raised up to work a mundane job and keep the world running for the sake of everyone else. He was doing things for himself in this life. Being a superior also meant you and anyone around can get caught or killed at any moment. There was no room for love. It would only hurt you.

But then he saw Shay and everything had changed. She was so beautiful and so strong. If he could make her be the way he wanted and make her love him, he wouldn't have to be alone like everyone else was. Of course she wouldn't love a killer unless forced to. He had to just break her down until she was so vulnerable he could sculpt her into someone who could love a murderer.

This was something Louis thought Skylar would understand. She had been pulled into this lifestyle and killed people herself. Surely she didn't think anyone sane would want to be with her either. She'd have to understand what he was trying to do right?

Then it clicked in. She was Alex's sister after all. Why wouldn't she look out for his girlfriend? He stopped before her, an evil smirk crossing his lips. "So that's how it is. You put your old family before the superior. Oh they could kill you if they found out what you're-"


Damien's voice boomed as he rapidly approached. He stood before them in a long black jacket, his dark hair neat and his blue eyes glaring right into Louis. "What is she doing here, Louis?"He had yet to gaze upon Shay. "You know we had other plans tonight and I don't need her messing them up."

He rolled his eyes, "She won't. I was gonna put her back after I teached her a lesson. She's a rude bitch."

"You kidnapped her."Skylar pointed out dryly.

Louis glared at her, "Shut up already! I just told you why I did!"

Damien rubbed his head, "Louis. Bring her back without anyone seeing you. "

"She's attacking us ! Can't you see the wind and storm shit?"Louis cried, "She's not afraid of us! Isn't that an issue?"

"Oh? This little breeze?"Damien referred to her wind condescendingly and grinned at Shay, finally looking at her. "Oh that won't be an issue at all Louis. I have a feeling she recognizes me and now knows exactly what she's dealing with. " Louis opened his mouth to reply to that and ended up just closing it without a sound. Damien glanced at him sideways before moving toward Shay and taking her chin in his hand. "You are your father's daughter. Stubborn and fearless with eyes as grey as the clouds you control. Unfortunately that will be the downfall of you both." He roughly let go. "Put her back before I kill her."

"Fine."Louis said lamely. "Stop using your power Shay and I'll take you back to the school." He'd take her back in the forest and give her an even better beating to make sure she was terrified if she wasn't already. He didn't give a shit what Damien said. He immobilized her to make sure she didn't run off.

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As Louis knelt down in front of her, Shay felt a chill run up her spine. She swallowed and stared up at him. His words next scared her:"You don't wanna try me, Shay." he said darkly, "You see it's not just you I can hurt." He crouched down and touched her cheek with a crazed grin. She glanced at his hand then his gaze. She averted it quickly. "I know the dorm room numbers of all your friends. I know little Rosaline Gale is your room mate and best friend. I know Alexander is your boyfriend and you're quite good friends with Jason and Harry is a childhood friends of yours. Alcina is another close friend who helps you with your schoolwork. Ariana her sister... Garrett your adoptive father. I know you get in a lot of trouble at school often and you like to wear plaid. I know more about you, your life and everyone you care about than you think Shay. Consider everyone you love doomed-"

Thank God he broke off, because Shay's anxiety had risen. What the hell? This was beyond her imagination. She was thankful for someone else speaking, because she had to process everything. Wheat were the guardians going to do? she had to see them - if she ever got the hell out of this shithole. The scene flashed before her; the red-haired was yelling at a woman then passed out, and the one who was threatening someone else. She tried taking in everything, but her body was shaking too much. She wondered what he fuck she'd do now. This wasn't just a random creeper: he was prepared and knowledgeable. Toby... She had to get a sign to Toby, or Aidan...

She swallowed and looked up when she heard her name. Her focus was disrupted, but she earnestly continued trying to create a lightning bolt. "You know Shay, I was really worried that these would take too long to dry but here you are coming in clutch." She glanced up and managed a laugh. She briefly could see her and felt stunned when she made eye contact. She looked so familiar: almost like Alex and Emma... But he didn't have an older sister, right? Or maybe he didn't know, or tell her...

"Feel free to hit me up any time for nail drying," She sounded strained but managed a smirk out of force. She wouldn't let him get ot her. The Guardians would protect them, wouldn't they?

The blonde's comment only made the man irate: "I'm going to rip off those fucking whore nails-"

Before he could do anything, a voice stopped him: "Silence." The voice boomed over everyone else and she craned her neck to look over. Unfortunately she couldn't see, so she waited for more information. Her heart was hammering. The man came into her eye view and she sucked in a deep breath.

"Oh," she whispered, staring up at Damien Graves. She stared, awestruck. But he was supposed to be dead, right? So were the superior. Clearly everything she knew was a lie. How much else were the guardians lying about? Her mind was reeling. The night didn't seem real. She was high still, right? The pain in her sides, her stomach and legs, told her this was real. She was silent now and listening.

Damien argued with the man (now known as Louis to her) over her. When he commented on her "little breeze", Shay felt a surge of fury. Shay knew she could do a lot more than just a breeze. If anyone were wise to weather manipulation, she could create catastrophic disasters. Shay growled at him menacingly under her breathe but remained silent otherwise.

Now, she watched as he turned to look down at her now condescendingly. He knelt in front of her and she stared back into the Devil's eyes. "You are your father's daughter. Stubborn and fearless with eyes as grey as the clouds you control. Unfortunately that will be the downfall of you both." He roughly let go and she snarled at him viciously. Her eyes had widened at the mention of her father. Her dad. Her dad!? He knew her dad!? But he had died, hadn't he - along with her mother? Shay jerked, trying to move so she could keep her gaze on him as he stood up. She had to know what he knew. It was short lived, though, as a result of what he said next: "Put her back before I kill her." Shay felt her fear accelerate. Now, her life was on the line, and it relied on the crazy superior Louis. The odds were not in ehr favor.

"Fine." Louis said lamely. She glanced up at him now, distracted and "Stop using your power Shay and I'll take you back to the school." She swallowed, tensing. Now she either became defenseless, or continued fighting. She swallowed and took a chance he'd return her. With a deep breath, she focused on stopping the storm. Toby, Scarlett, Lucy, Dalton, Aidan, Jessie - the other guardians... They had to find her. Shay knew she couldn't trust Louis to return her like he said; he didn't look committed to it. The tone of his voice was telling enough.

As she quit the storm, she managed to create a discreet bolt of lightning strike near the guardian's wing. Someone had to have seen it. There weren't many people in the school with the ability to control the weather or lightning. She focused and shut her eyes. The wind picked up only near the guardian's wing. She spoke, hoping Dalton's enhanced senses, would hear it. She was dry mouthed, shaking, pale and wide-eyed. She felt as if she would have a panic attack any moment now.

"I won't use them." Shay replied and coughed again loudly. A guardian with superior senses just had to fucking hear it. She was betting on them. "I guess the superior are alive and kicking, huh, Damien? You don't look a day over twenty. Good for you."


Leslie watched from the back of the superior gathering, eyes narrowed. The tiny girl had been about to intervene when Louis had come towards her sister. Thankfully, Damien came to interrupt instead. She skipped to Skylar's side and hugged her waist. "Sky, are you okay?" She stared up at her with concern. She frowned at Shay and moved behind Skylar with anxiety. She was shaking at the thought of Sky being hurt. She watched the black haired girl look her in the eye then away. She swallowed and hid behind Skylar.
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Shay seemed so terrified to see Damien that he could barely hold back his smile of joy. Of course, the silly girl tried to act like she didn't give a shit and mused something quite casual, to which he started to laugh loudly, bending over and holding his stomach. Louis snickered at Damien's reaction. The guy was insane. He glanced sideways to see Skylar hugging her younger sister Leslie and trying to quickly move her out of the area.

This was the time to do it. He grabbed Shay's arm and began dragging her toward the forest. "I'll take you home then."He said and gave her an evil grin. He was no where done with this bitch. Her attitude was driving him up the wall. He wouldn't quit until she sobbed at the very sight of him. Once out of the plain and in the trees, he slammed her against a trunk hard enough to make some leaves fall of the branches. "You have some nerve don't you? "He snarled in her ear and twisted her wrists up and held them above her head. He began to punch her over and over until she bled, "You're mine now, little bird."



Lucy hadn't ever been in the woods outside Fernwood before. She had never tried to venture due to her family's strict fore-warnings. Somehow, she had convinced them to let her do a patrol. Patrols were when pairs of guardians were released into the woods to make sure students weren't wandering off or getting dangerously close to the superior camp. Apparently not much happened during the patrols but Toby still had been entirely against letting her go on one. She couldn't believe he had really let her go. The only downside was that she had been paired with Dalton, who just had a meltdown earlier on. Let's just say he wasn't Lucy's first choice.

"Hurry up." An impatient voice reached her as she shrugged her jacket on. She had been standing right outside the door of school. "If you take this long to put on a jacket I can't bear to see you in a battle." If strands of her hair could break off the top of her head like in cartoons, it would. He hadn't said one nice thing to her so far at all. She groaned in annoyance, pushing the doors open. The tall boy with the sandy-colored brown hair turned to glance down at her, eying her up and down as they stood on the steps of the castle-like school. She was wearing the black tight pants and long-sleeved shirt all guardians wore along with her black hoodie over it. Her hair was in two fishtail braids that came just above her chest.

Finally he took one of her braids, twisting it back and forth as he scrutinized her, "Pigtails? Really? " He let go of it and scoffed, moving forward down the stairs. "Stay close."He ordered, not turning to look back at her. She frowned. "I like my braids."She mumbled her under breath and followed behind him. Why was this guy always a grumpy asshole? Was it because of his brother apparently hanging with the superiors? Something told her this was his personality.

They made their way over to the barrier guards, who let them through the gates with ease. Once they were facing the forest, Dalton stopped walking. She glanced sideways at him, perplexed. That was when black fur started to cover his arms and legs. Lucy did a double-take, jumping backward, "What the fuck!?" She couldn't help but yell in shock.

Dalton got down all fours. Before she could register what just happened, there was an overgrown black wolf in front of her. He looked at her with the same brown eyes, impatience swimming inside them. This was definitely something she had never seen before. It took her a moment to comprehend it..

"That's your ability? You turn into a dog?" Lucy said lamely once she had gotten herself together. He growled loudly and began trudging into the the woods. She gazed up at the large trees, and then down at the dark woods in front of her. With a gulp, she followed after him. They walked around for around an hour before Dalton bit her sleeve, shaking her arm.

"Ow! Hey!" She glanced down at him with furrowed brows. He shook his head in a northern direction and began bounding forward. She ran after him, struggling to keep up. By the time she had caught up, Dalton had tackled down some huge dude into the mud. She looked around wildly, her gaze finally falling on the dark-haired girl against the tree. Was that Shay? She was so hurt and bloody it was hard to recognize her. Lucy knew better than to think twice and grabbed her hand. Hastily, she began pulling her along with her back towards the school. "Sorry I gotta get you out of here!"She told her.

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As Louis dragged her back and Damien's laughter rang in her ears, Shay knew she wa screwed. He threw her up against a tree then held her wrists with one hand. She tried to move, but the immobilization was strong. She stared at him as he snarled, "You have some nerve don't you?" For the first time that night, she wisely didn't reply. Leaves and branches fell around them form the sheer force.

Unexpectedly, he began wailing on her. Shay inhaled from shock and pain as her vision turned white. Her face started to throb and an audible crack told her that her nose had broke. She started to cough up blood and felt it gushing down her chin onto her neck and chest. She lost track of time or how many times he'd punched her: all she knew was she was unable to fight back. The pain was intense. She willed herself not to cry and give him that satisfaction. Nonetheless, she couldn't breathe, so tears of pain and helplessness unfortunately overwhelmed her. Shay's vision blurred form tears of pain. She tried to breathe but her body was in shock.

The onslaught of punches came to a screeching halt. Shay leaned against the tree, immobilized, staring in shock. What had happened? She coughed up more blood onto herself and the ground. She blinked and found she could move. Shay immediately wiped her face off with her arms. Both of her eyes were swollen; the right one was nearly completely shut. Shay squinted at the scene. There was a wolf on top of Louis and then a girl speaking to her. It looked like Lucy. Shay had no idea and cried out blindly in pain. "Don't touch me!" She yelled immediately but it was muffled and garbled. Who the hell was grabbing her? Was it the Guardians? She couldn't tell.

She was pulled along by whoever it was. "Sorry I gotta get you out of here!" Shay moaned and didn't respond. She held onto whoever it was and coughed up blood. "Who are you?" she tried to ask, but it was muffled once more. She squinted again and discovered it was Lucy. She gripped her hand tightly and obeyed her commands.
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The last place Alex expected to find Emma was at a police station. Opening the door, he found Emma seated in a chair, her head in her hands. She was in her usual hoodie and jeans. He came over and immediately gave her blonde head a nudge. "What the hell?"He demanded. "What did you do?" She muttered a response in reply, not picking up her head. With a sigh, he glanced over his shoulder at the officer, who now cleared his throat.

"I was expecting her parents." He told him, "I called-"

"She probably lied and told you that I was her dad." Alex groaned and gently took Emma's wrist. "I'll take her home. What did she do?"

"She broke into private property and trespassed. Since she's young, I don't think any charges will be pressed but the guardians are coming to escort her back. Please wait. She'll be speaking to the headmistress."The officer explained without interest, seating himself back at his desk.

Alex made a face, "That's not like you at all Emma. Why would you-"

"My friends... At least I thought they were my friends.... They dared me to go in and I didn't want to seem stupid and I think they called the cops on me." Emma finally told him with a sniffle. She picked up her head and wiped her eyes. Alex finally softened and rubbed her back. She had fallen for one of the classics unfortunately. Emma was too gullible for her own good sometimes.

"Don't worry about it. I won't tell mom and dad."Alex said, "They'll get mad at me more than you anyway."

"Yeah they'd totally blame you since you're a butthead."Emma said with a faint smirk. He playfully nudged her.

Their parents were the least of their worries. The headmistress was such a raging bitch and she'd really give Emma a hard time for this one, especially since they wandered off campus amongst the disappearances. "Listen Emma. I don't want you wandering off campus ever again okay? You could have got really hurt or worse." For some reason, the faces of those boys they had seen this morning filled his mind and he clenched his fists. James had blocked both Rose and Emma from their view. Who knew what those sickos could had done to her. He was totally going to get the little brats who got her in this situation in trouble too. They would not get away with this bull.

His thoughts were interrupted by sound of new footsteps. A number of guardians walked in, muttering to each other. They went over to the police officer and began talking to him.

"Can you read their minds?"Emma whispered to him.

"No... I can't."Alex said quietly back. They were completely blocked off. Something really weird was happening and the guardians clearly did not want him to know. He swallowed. He really wished Shay was here but he was glad she and Rose were having a good time at the party instead of being here as worried as him.



The last thing Louis had expected was a wolf to tackle him. He was very strong too, pinning even someone of Louis's frame right to the ground. "Get off me you mutt!"Louis snarled. He ended up yelling out as claws sunk into his arms. His vision went white for a moment as he was consumed with the pain.

Shay must had done something to call them. That stupid clever bitch was going to get it. He was going to get this dog off him and get Shay and the other girl. He shut his eyes, trying to ignore the pain and the attacking animal. Suddenly the dog went still, unable to move. The confusion swimming in his eyes was fantastic. Louis started to laugh as he scrambled out from underneath, blood dripping from his arms and staining the grass beneath him. "Didn't see that coming, mutt?"He grinned at him, staggering a bit as he got to his feet and threw himself into a clumsy run after the girls.



"Uh so how did you end up in that situation?"Lucy asked in a nearly out of breath voice as she tugged Shay along. She was running as fast as she could, hoping Dalton would be able to hold his own. He certainly had a way better chance than her at least. If she screwed up today, Toby was not going to let her try this again for a while.

She dared to look over her shoulder and cursed under her breath, "Alright don't look back."She warned, "I mean it." The guy was charging not far behind them. It had been hard to catch any details but she could have sworn she saw blood on his arms. She could hear the crunch of the leaves distantly as he tore angrily through the woods towards them, even over her own noisy footsteps. Dalton had seriously let him go? Was he joking?

They were so screwed. "Run faster, okay? Like your life depends on it!"Lucy ordered.
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Shay heard Lucy ask a question, but couldn't think of how to respond. She moaned in pain as she stumbled along. Her vision was blurry and white. She tripped a few times and scrambled back to her feet. She cursed like a sailor under her breathe in Russian. She was so furious with her night. This guy was unbelievable. The superior were alive and so was Damien Graves. How had nobody told the school yet? She shook as she ran and coughed up blood onto her bodysuit. Dammit, she had paid so much for it. She sighed.She hoped Rose was safe and the others... Ale and Emma. Her heart clenched. Was she safe? Was Emma all right?

The crunching of leaves behind them and Lucy's anxiety told her that Louis was behind them. Shay didn't look back as she suggested. Instead, Shay focused on ignoring her pain. It was hard, because every time she moved, it multiplied. She focused hard. At first, nothing happened, but after nearly exploding her head in concentration, it began to pour. "This little breeze?" She heard Damien taunting in her head. Shay focused and caused the breeze to turn and start to gust. Woodland debris began to fly around hazardously as a full fledged thunderstorm began to strike. She cause branches to fly at Louis and blindly held onto Lucy. She tried to focus and hang on, because she wanted to pass out from pain and exhaustion. She focused even more and caused lightning to start striking randomly. The clash of it began to echo and animals all around began to run and take cover.

"Little breeze, my ass, you old bastard," She whispered under her breathe and clutched Lucy tightly as her vision went black. She briefly passed out which paused the storm. She fell against Lucy and moaned. Once she she was awake, the storm quickly restarted. Shay focused harder. They had to go back. This dude needed to back off. She wasn't dealing with his bullshit anymore. Shay glanced back to wave her hand. The tree they had just passed was hit with a whirlwind of air and came crashing down onto the forest floor behind them to help block Louis. It thundered to the ground and shook the flower. Leaves and sticks came crashing down around them.

"Oh, shit!" Shay hissed and fell against Lucy dizzily. She had been hit in the head. "Help me. God, damn it, are you okay?"
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Alex and Emma



The young girl did not have to be a mind reader to know that something was very off. She stood up immediately, making Alex grab her wrist rather instinctively. "Alex," She said in a hushed voice, glancing down at him. "I think we should go." This whole situation had created a knot in her stomach. Every fiber of her was telling her they were in danger.
Emma moved her gaze to the guardians for a moment, mentally counting off five of them. There were four men and one woman from what she could tell. They all looked strangely similar with the same dark, emotionless eyes and dark hair. Their clothes were the standard guardian uniforms donned with long cloaks. She had never seen any of the guardians wear hooded cloaks like that. The hoods were all down and they were all surrounding the police officer in a circle.
Looking back down, she tried to determine what her brother was thinking. He had yet to say anything nor had he loosened his grip on her wrist. His skin had paled slightly, and his eyes were focused on the door outside as if he was listening to something. He looked afraid.(edited)
“Alex.” She repeated, urgency rising in her tone. “What the heck?” She shook his shoulder with her free hand. He finally drew his gaze away to look at her. “Don’t speak.” He whispered finally, then stood up slowly and silently.
His hand lowered from her wrist to her hand rapidly and he began tugging her with sudden haste toward the door. She stumbled but managed to catch up with his pace. Looking over her shoulder through her fair hair, she saw blood staining the officer’s shirt. The blood stain led up to his neck where a long, deep slash separated the skin and muscles of his neck. Blood had poured out like a waterfall from the wound, trickling down his shirt in rapid patches of red. The man’s head hung back over the chair, eyes lifeless. Her scream caught in her throat as they all began to turn in unison toward them.
She tore her eyes away as she fixated them back up on Alex through her eyelashes. She could barely think with her heart racing this fast. He was busy with getting the locked door open, jamming a paper clip into the lock with trembling hands. Where he had got it was over her head.
“That door will not open, Alexander.” The woman’s voice coolly rang from behind them. Emma didn’t want to look back again and see if they had moved closer to them or not. She gripped the fabric of her brother’s shirt as she hugged his waist. They weren’t going to die here, were they? Alex was ignoring the woman, trying anyway. He kneeled suddenly and eyed inside the keyhole. Emma was about to question what good that would do when the door flew open. He straightened and picked her up faster than she could process, making a run for it.
hihihihi pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.


The boy must die.

The voice had made Alex look at the door in alarm. The nearby so-called guardians still had their minds blocked. Someone else’s thoughts were coming from outside. He swallowed hard, trying to get anything else that could clue him into what was happening but nothing else was coming through. Emma’s voice brought him back to reality and he looked down at her. She was shaking his shoulder, a look of sheer terror on her face. The one person had been able to receive thoughts from clearly was the police officer in this room. However, they had come to an abrupt stop. He was dead. Alex swallowed, too terrified to look and confirm his observation. "Don't speak."He whispered to Emma and did his best to stand up without alerting the attention of the others. Quickly, he grabbed her hand and tugged her along toward the door. Kneeling beside it, he jiggled the door knob hopelessly to find it locked. He racked his mind for a way to open it. Roughly checking his pockets, some small plastic item touched his fingertips. He pulled out a paperclip and undid it's loop to shove the end in the keyhole.(edited)
"The door will not open, Alexander."
Oh it'll open.
He could feel Emma clutching the fabric of his shirt as she hugged him. Alex could feel her tiny body trembling with fear. They had to get out of here. No one was going to hurt her. Dropping the paperclip, he looked inside the keyhole. He could just make out the inside of it and began moving the mechanism from the inside in order to unlock the door. It flew open and he knew better than to waste any time. He grabbed Emma and tossed her over his shoulder less gently than he usually would. Alex bolted out of there as fast as he could, not looking back.

Alex bolted into the street, moving swiftly through the empty road toward the sidewalk to run down it. He had an idea where they were and if they just followed upward they'd reach the school. The road went up on a hill and and he scaled up the elevation to the top. Over the hill, all the buildings were in flames, smoke rising into the air. The school had smoke rising up from it in the distance. The sky was actually tinted red and blackened with smoke. It was a scene out of a movie. Everything was red and bright. People were screaming and crying over the roar of the flames. Some were knelt by bodies sobbing, others screaming for help. "Oh my God."(edited)
He set Emma down, who stared with wide, watering eyes. "Alex what's happening.."She whispered in disbelief. He held her to him under his arm, trembling, "I don't know. " He admitted. "I-.." With a hard swallow he took her hand, "We can't get to the school. We have to go a different way."
He began running her into the trees. This would be a decent shortcut to the school. What the fuck was going on? How could this have happened so quickly?
"Alex-. Alex wait stop!"Emma cried, her voice raising with each word. Alex skidded to a halt as the sudden growling of wolves filled the air. "Fuck."He muttered and looked around. They were coming from all areas. He darted again in a random direction and fell, Emma also falling to her knees with a cry.
Rushing back to his feet, he helped Emma up quickly and stared as he came face to face with a boy with bright yellow eyes. He was standing there, essentially staring into his soul with them. The boy wasn't very tall and he had very messy black hair that was slightly longer than average. His facial features were rather cold. Alex felt like he had come out of a horror movie. He grinned slightly and grabbed Alex's hand tightly, glaring at him. "What the fuck? Let me go!"Alex snapped and pulled his hand free. The boy did not give much effort to keep holding his hand and simply moved backward to allow them to pass.
"Weirdo!"Emma yelled at him as the two continued running. Once they went through the thicket of trees back to the school area, they found that there were no fires at all. There was no evidence of there being a fire either.
The two looked at each other in confusion for a moment and then Emma pointed to his hand, "Alex..."
He glanced down at it to find his hand to be completely blackened. It was not burnt but the skin was definitely as dark as charcoal. There was an almost invisible energy force radiating from it. "What did he do to me?"
Emma stared at it with fear, shaking her head. "I don't know... I wanna to go to sleep I don't understand what's happening."
Alex took a deep breathe and put his other untainted arm around her, "It's okay sissy, I got you. I'll take you to your dorm. "
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Lucy stumbled as the wind started to pick up. A few twigs and some dirt hit in her in the face and she gripped the taller girl's shoulders when she had held on to her. Thunder crackled above and lightning struck violently nearby, enlightening a tree in flames, making Lucy stare with wide eyes. "You're... You're doing all this?"She whispered in disbelief, watching smoke rise into the sky. She had nearly missed Shay whispering under her breath as she looked behind her to where Louis had been. He was audibly grunting,his arms in front of his face as he struggled to see where he was going. He jumped when lightning struck nearby and let out a yelp before turning the back the other way. Lucy couldn't help but laugh and looked up at Shay with joy, "You did it Shay!!"
"You beat him.... But you should probably-" The girl fell hard against her and Lucy caught her before she could fall. The storm stopped momentarily as soon as she passed out. There was no doubt that Shay had never used this much power before. She probably felt like utter shit right. Lucy had no idea how hurt she was from the superior but she did look awful. Swallowing, she glanced around with slight fear at the suddenly quiet forest. There was some crackling of flames from the tree that had caught aflame but they seemed to be diminishing. She was sure one of the superior was probably trying to make sure a forest fire didn't ruin their camp.
A wolf came bounding over, making Lucy sigh in relief. He was injured but appeared fine otherwise. He made a head gesture as Shay stirred awake, cursing as she fell against Lucy, who cried out in shock. "I'm f-fine."She managed, looking around as the storm started to pick up again. "Shay stop it, he ran away. We have to get you back now and this storm is going to make it very difficult."
Dalton shifted back into his human form rather rapidly, the sound of his bones moving audible. He stood nearby them, missing quite a few things he came with. Lucy screamed in reaction and clumsily spun around eyes wide. "Dalton!"She cried. "You're naked!!"
"No shit."He said lamely, picking up a pair of pants that was strewn in the grass. Lucy could recall the fabric in his mouth upon rejoining them that she had ignored for some reason at first. Once the belt-buckling became audible, she turned around, pale, stating, "Okay Dalton, she can't walk. Pick her up."
"You can't?"He asked in annoyance and took Shay from her arms and pulled her on to his back piggy back style and held on tight to her. "I'm a girl. I'm not strong enough and you also have freakish wolf strength anyway." Lucy retorted. She had been nice the entire time but now she was starting to get fed up with his attitude. "If you let the fact you're a girl hold you back from your potentials, you will probably end up dead sooner than I predicted. " Dalton said without looking at her, "which would probably be better off for the team anyway if that's the case." Lucy's face reddened with anger but she couldn't think of a good retort. He started to run Shay off to the clinic anyway. She kicked the dirt in frustration to get her emotion out before following.
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Shay's consciousness flowed in and out. At times, she'd open her eyes to see the trees; others, she would see the school. Once she finally opened them for good, she found herself in the clinic. She felt a soft mattress, unlike the hard woodland ground outside. Her vision was blurry and she had to keep blinking away tears. She heard a familiar cry and picked her head up from the bed. She hadn't been rolled into the clinic yet as they were preparing her a room. She saw Rose being rushed passed her with a team of doctors and James being restrained. She picked her head up higher but a horrendous pounding made her lay back down. "Rose...?" she tried to call but her voice was dim. "Rose?"
She looked up at Dalton and Lucy with confusion. "What's going on...?" She tried to get up but a doctor gently pushed hr back down. "Lay down, Shay, you're in a bad condition. Rose was shot. She's going to the ER."
"What?" she cried hoarsely and stared with pnaic. "How-"
The doctor gently pushed her back down as soon as she tried to sit back up. "Some creep," He finally replied after a long hesitant pause. "Shel'll be fine. She's in good hands." Shay stared wide-eyed and started trembling.
"I have to go see her-" The doctor sighed and hsook his head.
"Only when she's out of surgery. I'm sure you'll be behind James, too." He glanced over his shoulder to see him being restrained as he sobbed and wailed for Rose. Shay moaned and rubbed her head. She tried to move but her body would not cooperate. It felt like a thousand rocks were weighing her down. She was taken into a room and sniffled. Her stomach was churning like the sea during a thunderstorm. She gritted her teeth. Rose had to be okay.... Shay didn't know what she would do without her best friend; or any of them, for that matter.
Her mind raced and the memories of tonight replayed quickly and sickeningly in her mind. It was hazy, though, due to being high. She swallowed hard and shut her eyes when doctors came in to treat her. She didn't want to answer their questions or anything. She waved them off when they tried asking her and ignored them. How the hell did the superior exist and how come their camp was nearby their school? What bullshit was that? She had to interrogate the guardians later.
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The last thing Jason expected was for Shay to be brought in to the clinic bruised and scratched up. He had been trying to calm down James to no avail but he hoped perhaps Shay's presence would distract him. He rubbed James arm, "Hey James wait look Shay's here and she's hurt." His eyes traveled to the doctors restraining him to keep an eye on him if the distraction hadn't worked. He moved over toward Shay's room once she had been brought into it only to have the door pulled shut in his face. Dalton moved roughly in front of him, towering over with what Jason thought to be a freakish height.

"She's being treated."Dalton said, glancing down at him. "Don't interrupt."
Lucy gently touched Jason's shoulder from behind, her tone much more friendly than Dalton's as she spoke, "She's been through a lot. It'll only take a few minutes for them to assess her and then get a healer for her. Come sit with me?"

Jason glared at Dalton a moment. He couldn't remember a time when the guy wasn't going around acting like some tough guy who's too good to talk to anyone else. The two had some history but he hadn't liked him from the start anyway. "Sure, Lucy. What happened to her?"

Lucy moved towards the waiting area whilst Dalton remained at Shay's door and leaned against it, looking much like a bouncer for club with his all black attire and stocky build. Jason moved to sit beside her and she took his hand comfortingly, squeezing it as she glanced towards James, "What happened to Rose? I feel so bad seeing him like this... It's so unlike him."

"She got attacked and shot by a very sick superior boy named Mortimer that the guardians were supposed to prevent from even entering the school." Jason's reply made Lucy stiffen. She was so used to covering up superior stories that Jason was sure she hadn't expected him to be so blunt and knowing. People talked about him and most knew that he was aware of things more deeply than others but he guessed reserved Lucy didn't know too much about his reputation.

"Oh."She whispered softly and folded her arms, "You, uh, know and everything?"

"Yes. I know. So before you give me some answer about things being classified when I ask again what happened to Shay... Think twice."
Jason said sternly, letting go of her hand now. Shay and him were very close. He wanted to know everything. Lucy filled him in a low voice, glancing around uneasily every so often. She went dead silent and shrunk in her seat nervously, her eyes glued to the entrance suddenly. Jason followed her gazee to see Aidan rushing in to Shay's door.

Dalton moved out of the way without question for Aidan. Jason mumbled something under his breath before rushing to his feet and over. His words rushed out of him and anger filled him before he could rationally even think of what to say to him. "How can you let this happen?"He demanded from Aidan, glaring. "Why the fuck would you all let them in? Let them take Shay? Let Rose get shot? " He was grabbed by Dalton when he had come a bit too menacingly towards Aidan.

"I didn't let any of these things Jason. You know how complicated things are."Aidan told him with a notably forced calmness as gave Lucy a sideways irritated glance. He opened the door and held it open. "We're allowed to visit her now. Let him go, Dalton." Once Dalton had let go of his arms, Jason swiftly moved into the room and to Shay's side, Aidan shutting the door behind the two of them while Lucy moved to comfort James.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Once the haze had passed and the pain subsided, Shay glanced around the infirmary. She heard ruckus outside but didn't bother listening to it. A sigh escaped her once she saw Aidan. He was more a parental figure to her than anyone. "Aidan," she tried to smile but the pain of moving her cheeks hurt. She grimaced and relaxed despite the relief filling her. "Jason!" She reached for both of them, "Oh, it's so good to see you."

She swallowed hard. People were going to wonder what the hell happened to her face. How would she explain to to Alex? Perhaps they could just lay around tomorrow and not have to go to class. She wanted to go but her mind was reeling and her body was shaking. The idea of going tomorrow was daunting. "Does this mean I'm excused from classes tomorrow? I mean, you know, I can go to a few of them if necessary... Like yours, Aidan." Her voice shook like rocks during an earthquake. Shay cleared it, scowling. "Sorry. Is, um, Alex around?" She vaguely remembered him leaving but didn't know where he had gone. "Is Rose okay? What happened?"

She glanced at the others and ushered them closer just in case that freak returned. She kept scanning the room but the guardians presence was calming enough. "Come sit by me, Jay," She glanced at Jason with a playful s,irk. "You know you missed me."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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"Yeah you're excused."Jason told her as Aidan had left. "Alex's been texted and I think Rose will be okay. Some crazy guy shot her but we have a good team of doctors here so." He came to sit by her as she asked and smirked back at her. "Yeah yeah maybe a little but you're still annoying."He teased. "So um Lucy told me what happened. Do you understand where you were, Shay?" He had seen the superior boys this morning, sure, but he hadn't expected things to blow up the very same night the very way they did. Shay didn't have much time to really reply because Alex came barging through the door. He looked around rapidly, eyes wild and his hair a mess. He had a few scratches on his arm but he looked relatively okay.

He finally locked eyes on them and ran over and clutched Shay's hand, "Oh baby girl... What happened to you?"He sat beside her and rubbed her hand soothingly. The poor guy looked more terrified and worried than Jason had ever seen him. However, Alex had seemed scared before he even saw Shay. Something must've happened to him too. Alex's eyes teared up. Jason was sure his worst nightmare was seeing Shay in a hospital bed. Jason sighed and rubbed his shoulder.

"She's going to be okay man."Jason assured him. "It's kind of a lot so let's just talk about what happened tomorrow-"He cut off seeing Alex's other hand. His palm was all black and had bits of energy coming off it at times like smoke. "Oh man, Alex. You really did yourself in.."

"What?"Alex glanced over his shoulder as Jason then at his hand, "Oh that. I don't know. Some weird guy grabbed my hand and put that there. I was going to try to just wash it off."

"You can't. "Jason said, "James might know what to do but he's not going to pay you any attention right now. Rose got hurt too."

"What the fuck is going on? Rose too? Why would the hell would James know what to do about some stupid dirt or whatever he put on my hand?"Alex asked frustratedly. He was becoming overwhelmed, probably by both things he was hearing through his ear and through his mind.

"It's a signaling power. It's like putting a tracker on someone. Someone has a bounty on you. "Jason explained, taking a seat beside him.

Alex furrowed his brows, "On me? I'm nobody I'd be worth like 5 dollars," he replied incredulously.

Jason shook his head, "Apparently not to somebody. For them to put that on you, you're worth at least half a million."

"I don't understand any of this."Alex said in a sad and quiet tone, then he turned his attention back to Shay, trembling. Jason decided not to push him any further for now.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Shay stared a Alex came in and opened her arms up to him quickly. "Alex!" She cried before she could reply to Jason. "I've missed you!" She shrugged off her injuries and tried to crack a smile but whimpered in pain instead. Her face felt like glass. She stopped trying to smile and instead pulled him closer to her so she could rest her face against his chest. She was careful to filter her thoughts about her evening so he would not be able to read them. All she allowed herself to think about was how much she loved and missed him. She then looked at Alex's hand after hearing Jason and stared with panic. "What the hell?"

As she listened to the exchange, her eyes teared up. Rose, now Alex? Why was this happening? She grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around his hands. "We'll have to get you gloves. I think I have some in my room, okay? I won't let anything happen to you, Boo Bear. You're safe with me." She hugged him tightly to her and wouldn't let go of him. "Nobody's touching you."[/b] There was a pause, then she added, "And of course Alex is worth at least half a million, I'd say he's worth everything in the world. Don't you, love?"

She rubbed his back in small circles and ignored the throbbing pain from her face, abdomen and chest. Her head felt as if there were bombs going off on it. She gripped her head painfully and bit her tongue hard which only caused more pain. The room was spinning around her the more she moved or sat up. She moaned and laid down and stared at Alex and asked him telepathically if he'd lay down with her. Shay stared at the two of them. "Will you let me know how Rose is the moment she wakes up so I can come see her?"
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