Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roby6Com
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vincent Paulson
34 | Male | 1.82 m | AB+

General Information

NAME: Vincent Paulson

ALIASES // TITLES: Uncle Paulie

SEX: Male

AGE: 34

APPEARANCE: A stocky built man with both muscles and fat, usually dressed in a simple black trenchcoat, with standard shirt and tie. His face is usually noted for bearing a greater age than his real one, with mild scars from bygone events. He spots one natural brown right eye that usually turns dark green when exposed directly to heavy lightning or when heavily drunk, and a cybernetic prosthetic right arm . He has several small tattoos spread across his upper forearms, many from prison culture and only a few with certain specific symbolism. His sleek black hair is usually kept short with a combover to hide the start of a receding hairline. Vincent almost always shaves, at certain times leaves a slight stubble, underneath his broad and small nose.

OCCUPATION: A troubled youth, Vincent found himself among the ranks of the underworld criminal organisations, particularly noted for being the thug of William "Willy" Calluzzo, the boss of the renowed Calluzzo crime family. His early twenties were dominated by racketeering, intimidation, money laundering and illegal firearm, cybernetic enhancements and drugs posession. Together with this low life, Vincent was also the mafia's personal spy, spending much of his time among the rabble of the streets in order to gather intelligence regarding anything, from the pattern of the police patrols in the neighbour to watching the daily lives of the recruits of the criminal underworld. After a drug business transaction gone wrong, Vincent was imprisoned together with several members of the crime family and only at the behalf of Don Calluzzo himself could Vincent serve only a 10 year sentence in the prison. Now, after a decade in prison while cut from most of his past life, Vincent found himself forced to adopt society's standards of today and thus, seek employment as the private investigator of Campbell's team.

CAMPAIGN TEAM POSITION: Being the personal detective of Campbell means, most of the times, to pick up the phone and answer when the big man is calling. Altough considered part of the team itself, Vincent is regarded as some sort of "auxiliary", an unofficial team member. Campbell instructed Vincent clearly to keep a low profile as possible, especially when his political status is at stake. Vincent is the man that will investigate rivals, especially looking for dirt to smear any potential political rivals. Any job that requires dirty hands? The team calls Vincent, for he's the eyes and ears of Campbell among the streets.

Psychological Profile

Manipulative | Mildly Sociopathic | Responsable | Frugal | Analytic | Daydreamer

PERSONAL GOAL: Vincent's persoanl goal is to get his life back on track and offer a better future to his sister and her fatherless child.

CAMPAIGN GOAL: Vincent's main reason for seeking Campbell's employment was because the big man offered an average enough stable payment for Vincent for the time being. It remains to be seen what kind of ambitions or connections Vincent might display later.

PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY: The only thing sacred to Vincent in this world is family, both his blood one and the criminal organisation. Where he lacks in empathy, he makes up in responsability foremost to his own self. He also inherited the philosophy of hypermasculinity from his father, detesting any behaviour that might not resemble a masculine one by traditional standards. Personal motto? "Gotta enjoy the little things in life, such as as an ice cream in the summer or a hooker here and there."

POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: Vincent is a fierce critic of heavy non-essential cybernetic implants, and views those heavil augmented as similar to degenerate drug addicts who mutilate their bodies because that's "the fashion". He's also a patriotic american, not to mention racist both ironically for the jokes and unironically at times.

SECRETS: Perhaps the biggest secret is his past's criminal life, for it could ruin his future legal employment options and draw attention from the police once again.

FEARS: The biggest fear for Vincent is to end up alone without a family and a purpose in life.

REPUTATION: Many old friends, especially from the mafia, still fondly remember Vincent for his charisma and "talk less, more action" approach to things, but there are many who harbour bitter resentment for Vincent, including wifes of murdered rivals, children without a father and victims of his criminal abuse.

LIKES: Women, whiskey, gambling, brawling, listening to old music

DISLIKES: Effeminate behaviour, police, insects, boring work

QUIRKS: Vincent is still an old school type of character, refusing to become strangled in an endless modern conformity. Many call him "Uncle Paulie" because he is dressed as classic and archaic as he can.


”Character Quote”

Operative Information


Engitech Prosthetic Hand Augmentation X.20 - Due to a severe brawl in his youth that almost killed him, Vincent's left eye and right hand had to be replaced with augmentations. His right hand was, at that time, the most affordable average wrist augmentation he could find, and he adorns it to this day, tending weekly to his arm in order to ensure it functions and optimal parameters. Altough old in design by today's standards, his Engitech wrist still manages to be very helpful, especially when circumstances require brute force and resistance.

Engitech Orbit X.20 Series - Part of the same generation as his right hand, his blue cybernetic eye requires same maintenance.

EQUIPMENT: A black suitcase for documents, a brass knuckle and a standard pocket Glock pistol.

- Handy with street brawling
- Average knowledge of firearms

- No regards to privacy of people
- Short temper

I modified the sheet a bit to change the position in Campbell's team to 'private investigator'
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition π•‹π•–π•”π•™π•Ÿπ• π•π• π•˜π•šπ•”π•’π• π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Would an enforcer have any use to the campaign or would that relegate my character to their own story away from the direction of the RP? I'd prefer the later if we could swing it.

I was actually hoping someone would take on the role of an Enforcer. It would be different from the party, but the dynamic would be skewed so vastly that it would redefine the party dynamic. I invite you to do so. We can work in your personal story alongside everyone else's of course.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bork Lazer
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Bork Lazer Chomping Time

Member Seen 1 hr ago

We need someone to be a cyber-doge or cyber-cat, stat. It'll be the mascot of Campbell's campaign. (Or maybe, it'll be some sort of free promotion for Hyperhuman propaganda but who gives a shit, I wanna scratch the belly of ma cyber-doggy.)


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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Prizrak
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Very well then I’ll handle the enforcer. I’ll continie to work on the car throughout the day.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AdobeFlash
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AdobeFlash Thrumunculus

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Life’s been hectic. CS tomorrow I hope
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Prizrak
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Another question. What is or was the state of the military? Are they still around, were they just recently proven obsolete, and could there be veterans of past wars and services say in their late 20’s early 30’s?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition π•‹π•–π•”π•™π•Ÿπ• π•π• π•˜π•šπ•”π•’π• π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Another question. What is or was the state of the military? Are they still around, were they just recently proven obsolete, and could there be veterans of past wars and services say in their late 20’s early 30’s?

The military will still exist, though it is mostly cut down to a reserve of elites that will strike at the command of the governing forces, though this is subject to change as different political parties take hold of the power. Most all of the hostile actions committed around the world will be done through paramilitary organizations. War will be occurring globally all the time, so veterans definitely still exist. Most of them just come from paramilitary groups for hire.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Prizrak
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


So if my character would happen to have served in the military and is now an enforcer that would be okay?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hour Error
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Hour Error A Visitor of Strange Hours

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Being slightly less sick and having rethought some of my original ideas, I tried to channel someone a bit more nobody-ish and far more monk-y:

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Being slightly less sick and having rethought some of my original ideas, I tried to channel someone a bit more nobody-ish and far more monk-y:

The sheet looks good. You've got a neat concept. The only thing I'd mention is that since Emma is so heavily augmented, she's probably going to require Neurosynth to prevent the onset of SPECS. You don't have to add that into your sheet, but I wanted to let you know. Feel free to move to the character tab.

To prevent the RP from dragging on any further, I'm going to say that applications will be closing off on Friday. For those of you still getting a sheet together, you have a handful of days. From there, I'll begin to discuss where we will be starting off in the grand scheme of things.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hour Error
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Hour Error A Visitor of Strange Hours

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The sheet looks good. You've got a neat concept. The only thing I'd mention is that since Emma is so heavily augmented, she's probably going to require Neurosynth to prevent the onset of SPECS. You don't have to add that into your sheet, but I wanted to let you know. Feel free to move to the character tab.

Sounds good, I'll add an addiction to Neurosynth and at @The Bork Lazer's suggestion an artificial liver. :D

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Vertigo watchful

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'll try to get a CS in before closure on Friday!

Just a question though, which one would be more welcomed; the earlier mentioned hitman, or a hacker contracted to wreck all sorts of havoc on opposition campaigns and such? We already have a bodyguard and a middle-aged man with criminal connections (which would have been my angle with the hitman) so I'm learning towards the hacker to keep the cast more varied. He would be a younger man in his twenties. Would a character like that work, or should I try to find a third option?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Bork Lazer
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Bork Lazer Chomping Time

Member Seen 1 hr ago

To prevent the RP from dragging on any further, I'm going to say that applications will be closing off on Friday. For those of you still getting a sheet together, you have a handful of days. From there, I'll begin to discuss where we will be starting off in the grand scheme of things.

I'll try to get a CS in before closure on Friday!

Just a question though, which one would be more welcomed; the earlier mentioned hitman, or a hacker contracted to wreck all sorts of havoc on opposition campaigns and such? We already have a bodyguard and a middle-aged man with criminal connections (which would have been my angle with the hitman) so I'm learning towards the hacker to keep the cast more varied. He would be a younger man in his twenties. Would a character like that work, or should I try to find a third option?

That would work in my opinion. Hackers are like, one of the core aspects of cyberpunk and it would be good to explore the version of the Net that Opp laid out in their lore.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition π•‹π•–π•”π•™π•Ÿπ• π•π• π•˜π•šπ•”π•’π• π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'll try to get a CS in before closure on Friday!

Just a question though, which one would be more welcomed; the earlier mentioned hitman, or a hacker contracted to wreck all sorts of havoc on opposition campaigns and such? We already have a bodyguard and a middle-aged man with criminal connections (which would have been my angle with the hitman) so I'm learning towards the hacker to keep the cast more varied. He would be a younger man in his twenties. Would a character like that work, or should I try to find a third option?

A hacker-type would definitely be a welcome addition. I was figuring someone would try something of the sort. Some sort of hitman could work too if you'd like to try that, but you'd have to come up with some way for him to contribute to the campaign.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AdobeFlash
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AdobeFlash Thrumunculus

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I hate to keep delaying but I'll definitely be done by tomorrow! I've gotten most of it done thankfully
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ezekiel
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Ooh looks rather interesting. I'll see if I can think up a character if you're still taking.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bork Lazer
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Bork Lazer Chomping Time

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ooh looks rather interesting. I'll see if I can think up a character if you're still taking.

Well, due date's this Friday, so, don't take too long.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Hey, I remember this guy from another Cyberpunk RP. He dropped a ship on our group, fun times.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Hour Error
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Hour Error A Visitor of Strange Hours

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Going to add to the relationship tab, tomorrow probably.

Also, @MagratheanWhale...Budapest. :D
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Hour Error

You like that? :D One of my character's likes is nicknames after-all :P The first iteration of yours was a mashup of zen and zeitgeist yet Budapest won out haha
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