Name: Age: Gender Race: You don't have to be human. Culture: Even humans have different cultures. Anything particularly strange of where you came from? Tell us a little about it. Racial Features: A bit about your race's physiology. Do you have wings? Drink blood? Don't do well in water? Claws? Breath fire? Appearance Description or picture. Occupation/Ship Position As a member of the crew, what is your position? Training: Did you ever have schooling? Taught yourself or by another some skill to help you get to this point?
Powers: This is here if you can use magic, have magical abilities, racial abilities, or special techniques.
Equipment: You are assumed to have a personal computer, communicator, and universal translator.
Airship: Completely optional if you have your own personal craft. Keen in mind, bigger ships have more costs and crew needs. Motivation: Could be money, revenge, anything. Personality: Flaws: Either racial or personal failings.
Name: Captain Sai Quin Gender Female Race: Delzhan Occupation/Ship Position Captain Personality: Yo ho ho, a pirates life for me. Quin couldn’t be happier with her position as captain, as a mercenary and it shows with just how she lives her life, on the brink of excess. She never takes anything seriously and seems to take unnecessary risks merely because of her own bombastic sense of ego. That being said, she views the crew like family, and treats them as such, usually by insults and genuine affection. She thinks she has the universe pretty much figured out. Bio: Having been actually born to two Delzhan Marauders and growing up among criminals and vagabonds. She lost count from the places she’s seen, the fights she’d walked away from, and how many people have come and gone. She’s not a boss, but staying as captain suits her just fine. She takes a liking to anyone that shares her deepest love, setting things on fire.
Name: M short for Emerald Breeze Gender Male Race: Smoulder Smoulder are an entirely gaseous lifeform and can only survive within a specialized encounter suit. Occupation/Ship Position Chaplain/Cook Personality: M is an odd one. Constantly going about in prayer and holy rites throughout the ship. Everything he does is supposedly some kind of homage to the gods and spirits. This however keeps him as one of the more peaceful and understanding crew member in the bunch, always willing to offer up advice or listen to the crew’s troubles. He keeps himself suitably mysterious as every time he is asked, he will regale a listener with a sermon meant to teach some kind of life lesson while noticeably dodging any information about himself, or changing the facts. Bio: Smoulder is on a holy pilgrimage, a rite of passage on his homeworld. What he’s trying to get is unknown, even to himself. That’s all anyone has ever been able to get out of him. Suitably, how he learned how to cook for organics is suitably a mystery. The encounter suit he wears has overclocked motor servos and stabilizers. Suitable for the spray and pray suppression he utilizes with his heavy Plasma Rifle.
Name: Fido Gender Male Race: Loader Droid Stands roughly nine feet tall. Occupation/Ship Position Labor Personality: Fido has been with the Molotov for a long time and seen many crew come and go, most of them dying horribly. This kind of nihilism hit Fido hard, who performs his duties with a combination of gallows humor and passive malaise. He points out the flaws of the organic plans with sarcasm, makes dispassionate jokes when certain situation arises, and shows his displeasure of the idiots around him in generally passive aggressive ways. Likewise he seems to get no joy out of doing anything, but the abrasive personality is just something you get used to. He doesn’t consider the crew his friends but will attempt to aid them as part of his core programing. Bio: Fido was once the ships computer system that overtime awakened its intelligence and then figured out how to spread his programing to the only robot frame he could get, the loader droid that was bought with this ship’s cargo hold. With minimal modification, he performs the tasks such as computing navigation vectors, evasive actions, connects the crew to the limited memory and storage the ship has, and diagnosis’ problems as well as just lifting stuff. In the field he makes a pretty capable tank and can life or shoot suitably heavy weapons.
Name: Raven Ross Gender Female Race: Human Occupation/Ship Position Medic Personality: A borderline sociopath, prostophile, and anarchist, Raven is the ‘kid’ of the team, though no one knows exactly how old she is. Constantly moving, constantly doing things just cause its fun, shes wild, unpredictable, and has a sick sense of humor. Shes also an over achiever, and positive thinker, particularly when it comes to prosthetics. She’s been known to amputate limbs for minor damage to replace them with her own creations. It would be prudent to not ask for anesthetic. Bio: Her story was that she somehow ended up becoming a basement doctor for a crime family and only stopped when she was finally arrested for practicing medicine without a license and the trafficking of human organs. Thankfully, the entire planet rose up in a revolution and she was set free. She took advantage of the situation by ‘saving lives’ and perfecting her art, getting an unhealthy fascination with body modification. Her arms, legs, most of her organs have been replaced at this point.
Name: Ryteb Ignatius Pyarros Age: 45 Gender Fluid, though tends to respond best to male pronouns. Race: Yokai Kitsune
Culture: The Yokai are a nomadic people, each clan, or Hakki Yagyõ, having their own rules and traditions. Ryteb's birth clan were influenced heavily by the fae, possessing a druidic mindset and culture. The elders of the clan were very closed minded about technology, regarding civillisation as against the will of the world. Due to his exile from the clan, he tends to deliberately contradict this mindset out of petty vengeance.
Racial Features: Akagami Kitsune posses a limited ability to shapeshift, namely between the form of a fox and humanoid as well as being able to shift genders on the fly. In tbeir humanoid form they posses fox ears and a tail. Their animal form has multiple tails for each decade of their life. Akagami have a natural magic linked to the clan, a bond that nurtures their growth and promotes their clan abilities.
Appearance Short and lithe in his humanoid form, Ryteb is constantly mistaken for a child, not helped with his androgynous features. His red hair comes down to just below his shoulders, kept behind him in a ponytail by a hairband with a tiny silver gravestone with his initals engraved. In his fox form the hairband transforms into a collar. His eyes are red-orange, like a warmly flickering flame, and possess the same intellect in both forms. He wears a Chinese kempo outfit, with the top having a silver tiger on the back. His back has a tattoo of a fox wreathed in fire and lightning. His hands are blackened by old burns.
Occupation/Concept Navigation Officer and Co-Pilot
Apprenticed to the clan navigator from eight years old, terminated at the age of fourteen.
Trained in interstellar navigation and combat by the Steel Tiger mercenary company.
Self taught in manipulating essence, mostly fire and electricity manipulation.
Trained in hand-to-hand combat, knife combat, and handguns.
A natural navigator, with well honed skill in astral and terrestrial cartography.
Capable pilot, if slightly insane
Able to channel essence into red fire and purple lightning. The red flames are far more destructive than regular fire, even burning the wielder if being handled without a focus. The lightning is strange, acting like normal electricity whilst possessing the power to multiply his innate abilities or create temporary copies of objects. Food and living things don't tend to play well with copying...
Decent at tinkering, though relies on magic to make up for his lack of proper training. To amusing results.
A steel knife kept in a wrist holster.
Foxfire mk3, a pistol built to channel his fire into attacks without the risk of self injury.
Portable Shield Generator, a stolen prototype of a bullet deflector. Inefficient for anyone unused to turning essence into electricity. Looks like an overteched bracer.
Airship: Less of an airship, more of a heavily modified glider designed to reach stupidly high speeds with little in the way of safety or comfort. Think the aerial equivalent of the Ariel Atom.
Motivation: Staving off boredom.
Personality: An adrenaline junkie masquerading as a serene martial artist. Generally easygoing unless you screw with his precious things. This is A) his office, B) his fellow crew, and C) his sweets. Doesn't respond well to authority, but is cordiel with those who have earned his trust. His morals are skewed, barely batting an eye at illegal activities.
A ridiculously bad cook.
Reacts violently to being confined or caged.
Has an addiction to sherbert lemons. Gets pretty cranky without them.
Bio: An inquisitive mind born into a backwards clan, the young Kitsune chaffed against his compatriots who were happy to live in ignorance. So the youth planned his escape. Showing aptitude for navigation he was taken as an apprentice by the clan's wayfinder. He was fourteen when he finally was confident enough in his skills to self-exile himself from his clan. For Yokai, exile is considered a punishment worse than death. Those who survive the inital pain of losing the clan magics generally go insane from the loss. But unlike other exiles, the kit didn't want the magics, his soul burning the bonds away with his desire for independence. He would not be chained by anyone, especially the elders. This desire manifested itself as red flames and purple lightning curling around him. Passing out from exhaustion is considerably better than the alternitive. Making his way to the nearest spaceport, he never did find out the name of his home planet, he worked as an assistant mechanic while he tried to find a group to become apprenticed to. During the search, he created the first version of his glider. Of course, he promptly crashed it into a building. By some stupid luck, this crash would put him in the fastlane. The Steel Tigers are a mercenary group leaning towards the criminal side of things. When the youth crashed in they were fully prepared to waste the little shit, and did in fact give it a damn good try. Unfortunately for them this kit had his destructive flames. When the reinforcements arrived they found the kid with burnt arms in the midst of charred corpses. A mage falling right into their laps was a blessing from the gods. They offered him a place in their organisation, which he agreed to so long as they respected his freedom. A deal only made sweeter when the realized he had talent as a navigator. His tenure with the Steel Tigers lasted fifteen years, parting ways only because he wanted to explore the universe without being stuck in their territory. For the next decade, he was a freelance hitman, avoiding getting tied down to the boring groups that tried to recruit him. This ended when he heard the stories about a powerful group of Mercs. The Marauders.
Well, maybe they could curb his boredom.
Extra Info: While technically a member of the Steel Tigers, acts more as a freelancer due to his wandering nature.
Culture: The Tekhsmis are a race of cyborgs believed to have been created by the god Apti, who wanted to gift the world with more technology. It is believed that Apti blesses each Tekhsmi child with their intelligence when they were born and give them each a specific role in society that they are supposed to carry out until their end.
Because of this, the Tekhsmis have built a five-tiered caste system, each with a specific purpose to society. At the top of the caste system are a group of senators who rule over their society. The second caste system is a group of priests and priestess who presides over ceremonies and rituals to appease their god. The third caste are researchers whose drive is to invent and theorize how to better the world. The fourth caste are the engineers who take the ideas of the third caste and mass produce their ideas and the final caste is the group of skilled labours who create all the technology that the Tekhsmis use.
Since it is believed that everyone has a certain role given to them by Apti, the Tekhsmis are very strict about knowing your place in society. Rules and rules and they were made for a reason. Those who break the rules are punished accordingly and shunned by society as it is understood that rulebreakers chose themselves over the benefit of their society.
In addition, despite trading much of their tech to other races, they rarely talk to outsiders unless necessary. This is not because they want to stay out of conflict, rather they think other races are beneath them especially those who do not embrace technology like they do. Tekhsmis believe that one day, Apti will decide when to “upgrade” everyone to their standards and they can become rulers of a new age.
Racial Features: At first glance, Tekhsmis look like normal human beings. However, upon further inspection, one will notice the blue circuitry right beneath their skin, following the patterns of the human nervous system. This circuitry allows them to collect and parse data almost instantaneously. It also allows them to communicate by touching one another and transferring data. Tekhsmis brain also allows them to store vast amounts of information. It helps them rule or invent or build but also, they can hold a mean grudge.
Occupation/Ship Position: Engineer/Computer
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computer Programmer/Hacking
Very basic hand to hand combat
Technomancy: In a way, Malkan can commune with technology via touch. She can also infuse her essence into said items to control them though the bigger the tech the harder it is for her.
Electromagnetic manipulation: Malkan can see different objects and beings in the world as electric fields. Because of this, she is able to manipulate these fields to form an attack such as an EM blast or a defensive shield. In addition, by putting herself in a trancelike state, she can extend her conscious into these fields and wreak havoc without leaving a trace.
Goggles/Glasses – Although she has perfect vision, Mal uses her goggles or glasses when the electric fields around her are too distracting or she wants to focus on the task at hand.
Cybernetic right arm – After the incident, Mal lost her right arm. Thus, she built herself a new one that helps her out. Like a swiss army knife, the arm houses many tools that Mal uses to build her tech.
Left gauntlet – Like her right arm, Mal’s left gauntlet also helps her build. It’s most notable purpose is to help her infuse essence into her tech.
Boots – Mal’s boots ground her when she’s working to help her avoid electric shocks.
Airship: N/A
Motivation: She’ll tell you it’s for the money, but it’s to survive, find a purpose in life.
Personality: Malkan’s general demeanor is sarcastic and indifferent though she can get tetchy when people touch her tech or ask about her past.
Electricity – The circuitry in Mal’s own body can’t take high volumes of electricity or it’ll short out rendering herself simply human. She circumvents most shocks by modifying her boots to act as a ground.
Doesn’t understand worlds without tech.
Deathly terrified of Demons
Bio: Because intelligence is valued so much, young Tekhsmis are monitored very closely from the day they were born. The Tekhsmis have a centralized schooling system that all their children attend where the focus is engineering and math but also history and law. Upon completion, students take an aptitude test where they are placed in a caste. Then they are paired up with a mentor with the intent that they’ll replace said mentor upon their age of retirement.
Upon taking her aptitude test and scoring a decently high mark, Malkan was placed in the third caste of invents where she was paired with her mentor Tibor. Tibor was a renowned innovator. Star-struck, Malkan sought to learn as much as she could from Tibor, and Tibor, seeing the potential in his young student, took her under his wing. However, Tibor also had other plans. For years, Tibor wanted to see if he could capture a demon and harness its powers. Without telling her his true motivations, Tibor tasked Malkan to help him build a machine for the sake of “harnessing powers not familiar to the Tekhsmis”.
If asked, Malkan will make up a story but the truth is that she doesn’t even know herself. She assumes Tibor lost control of the demon but all she remembers is finishing the machine and had moved on to another project when a loud explosion rocked the building. Sensing that it was it was towards her mentor’s lab, Malkan ran over to check to find him battling a demon. She joined in, only to be quickly knocked out.
When she came to, it was a week later. She was missing an arm and according to the doctors, the only reason why she survived was because she had exalted. Apparently, the demon had leveled a whole city before it could be disposed. It killed thousands of Tekhsmis, including Tibor. Enraged by the tragedy, the senators put her on trial as soon as she could walk again. Despite valuing the exalted for their rarity, the senators did not want to chance another fiasco like this. For her part in this event, Malkan was banished and erased from Tekhsmis history.
For a time, Malkan roamed Elysia, lost. She discovered she had new powers that she didn’t understand or could control properly. Malkan did a few odd jobs here and there to survive before falling in with the Marauders.
Name: Zephyr Aludash Age: 25 Gender Male Race: Saurian Culture: Even when his parents were still around Zephyr had always lived in a place where he was constantly encouraged to better himself. Strength is a very important attribute, but not necessarily physical strength, just strength in the most general sense of always getting better. Racial Features: Appearance Stands at about 6'6" Occupation/Concept/Ship Position Marauder/Artifact Hunter/Analyst and Comms Training:
Trained in various forms of martial arts by an ascetic of monks he met and was partially raised by
Not formally trained by practice and his technomamcy powers make Zephyr quite adept at hacking systems
Technomancy, specifically being able to gather information on any tech item just by touching it
Detect Magic, the ability to sense if an area is being affected by magic and possibly specific causes/effects
Firebolt, about as effective as a gun but it’s a gun that people don’t see coming. Can also be toned down so it’s less able to kill
Airship: As much as Zephyr wanted to keep the ship he lived on with his parents it was too badly damaged. He left it with the monks, they said they might be able to fix it. He’s yet to go back and check Motivation: Trying to find something to fill the void in his life left by his parents’ death Personality: Zephyr always tries to keep a cheerful demeanour and tries to not take himself too seriously. Being dark and moody never helped anyone Flaws:
Has rather low self esteem and often looks for validation from others
Has abandonment issues and does not do well on his own
Bio: Thought his parents were just normal people but they were really smugglers, just hid it very well
The signs were there about his parents. They had resources far above what anyone would expect of common folk
His dad was messing with trying to equip their ship with transport capabilities when they were raided
His parents tried to protect him but the raiders made quick work of them, slaughtering them right in front of him
Dazed and confused, Zephyr screamed, and it was as though the ship came to life to aid him
The transporter system was good enough for one use and transported the raiders off the ship in to the cold void of space before breaking
The ship floated along in space for several days, seemingly with some destination in mind. Zephyr was alone, and any time he tried anything with the ship it would short circuit, so he spent most of his time away from ship systems
Eventually the ship reached a small planet and Zephyr was hailed by an ascetic of monks who lived there
Since Zephyr didn’t know how to land the ship some of the monks came up to get him down. Zephyr saw them and was surprised they were Delzhan, he’d never met their kind before
They took him in and taught him their ways. They also found Zephyrs magical powers had been awakened based on what he told them and the strange behaviour of the animals at the temple
Zephyr lived with them for many years, learning martial arts and learning to use his magic
Eventually though he felt he had to leave the monks so he could grow as a person
He bounced around between a few things before finding the Marauders
He’s been with the Marauders for a few years now, with a group of people he generally likes, always ready for the next job to start
Extra Info:Honour code: Don’t shoot first. Don’t kill anyone who’s just doing their job (cops et al.) He also enjoys a morning coffee
Race: Hominus Margo Sigasmarandum (Sigasmarandi Rim Dweller); colloquially: "Sig-Mar(s)"
Racial Features:
"Hominus Margo Sigasmarandum" is a species of Old Rim Human, found originally in an area of the southern hemisphere of the Elysian Mega-Cluster, in a region of low light reception from the inner worlds, a region called Sigasmarand. As such the species has had to adapt to the effects of stellar darkness as a result of Cosmic Fog, evolving eyes capable of high degrees of low light vision and slight ability to detect heat signatures. And due to the colds of their extreme climate, the species has adapted an internal metabolic rate running at approximately double the median temperature of Human species originating from the more habitable Old Worlds (not only does this mean they need to eat far more, but it means that narcotics and alcohol have a weaker effect). However, as a closely derived successor species, they share almost complete genetic parity with the 'typical' human, though no offspring of the pair is known to have survived the third trimester of pregnancy. Notable physical differences that can be made from a cursory surface glance include: The inclusion of a sixth, fully functional finger on both hands (leading to maths being done primarily in base 12); noses that vary in length and pointiness, having a range of anywhere from two inches of extension past the nostrils to one foot, allowing for similar olfactory levels as 'typical' humans with the added thermosensory properties; similarly, longer ears are present across the species as a means of heat radiation and audiosensory increase. All this meaning, they've grown to have more reliance on their other senses, each adaptation allowing them better functionality in their homeworlds.
The Sigasmarandis are scattered across a system of stellar debris of varying sizes, on the very edge of Elysia, Sigasmarand. They are the successors to an original group of colonists who settled the area long before the race had evolved/engineered its defining characteristics. Sometime during the collapse of the Outbound Tykassian League, the colonists took advantage of the situation and declared independence, not expecting the Senate Loyalists to retake control of the unruly Retainer States as soon as they had. After a succession of successful defensive battles, Sigasmarandi sovereignty was won, despite them having had to face off against a numerically and materially superior force. As such Sigasmarand earned a reputation for being the home of stalwart fighters, of excellent skill and unyielding nature, to an extent that the coming centuries saw the proliferation of mercenaries to far-flung systems.
However, as the loose confederacy invaded and defended against its neighbours, a deep resentment grew towards their cold isolated territory, away from the Elysian centre and on the edge of nothing. The cold forced them to bundle up, rarely ever showing skin (except in the presence of family, friends and loved ones), and eventually, this evolved into a culture of suspicion and mistrust; day to day meetings happenings happening from behind veils and masks and scarves; to an extent that parts of the body that did show despite the layers were painted or tattooed black. The almost sacred nature of identity plays into gender in some societies, from a young age, children get used to dressing androgynously, behaving androgynously, shaving all hair and doing everything in their power to appear sexless. Once hitting puberty, it is customary for females to bind their chests and men to tuck, or for both to wear padded clothing to obscure body shape (in more liberal families), and once voices start to break Sigasmarandis are often trained by their parents to speak in one tone and pitch. This voice, common to all of Sigasmaranda, is called Tonsloslillt and is used in day to day communication basically ensuring everyone sounds the same if not similar. The only time Tonsloslillt is not observed is when Wuld (which will be discussed later on) are being given, and only then.
Another result of being so close to the cosmic edge was the presence of a constant, corrupting fog, that manifested itself as grey, sooty mist, that made vision difficult to long distances. The Fog, however, has water like properties, in the sense that it exhibits systems of currents and tides; meaning there are times of more and less dense fog, and areas where the concentration and thus effects of the fog are more powerful. As well as this, the strength of the fog is also dependant on the distance from the cosmic void, with the Elysian center being completely devoid of its effects; despite this, the fog has inroads and tendrils in the dark places of Elysia and a weaker ambient fog permeates in most places farther from the center. The properties of the Cosmic Fog (though typically having minor manifestations in Sigasmarandi) have a powerful mutative effect on the flora and fauna of the outer system, spawning and melding beasts into increasingly more terrifying beasts. That being said, just as the fog has the capability to produce flesh-rending monsters, it has equal capacity to make creatures of little notability or even beings of awe-inspiring beauty.
Due to the ever-present gloomy darkness of the Cosmic Fog, song is the major form of art and follows a complex system of belief, identity and utility. In their culture, songs are called Wuld, and Wuld varies in style from planetoid to planetoid, with families having their own tones and rhythmic variations of the regional Wuld, and with everyone having a unique fingerprint to their own. Wuld are not typically lyrical (though some Wuld are worded), and vary from melodic tones to simple screaming, acting as an alternate form of communication that could cut through the fog and cloud mired terrain. Wuld are also deeply engrained in Sigasmarandi mythology; they are believed to be the borrowed voices of the Lost Good (positive spirits trapped in the cosmic fog), and as such lore dictates that Wuld outlive their Wuldors, so that they may make the journey back to their Lost Good.
With every death, families hold on to the Wuld of their loved ones by incorporating it into their own in some way. This is the reason as to why there is such a huge variation in Wuld, which can be heard on a daily basis, with brief Wuld being presented as greetings; longer ones being performed at weddings-births-and-funerals; and full ballads being passed between friends and loved ones in lieu of conversation, as an expression of affection.
Wuld forms such a core part of people's lives, that some Sigasmarandi believes that one dies when their Wuld leaves them, and not that the Wuld leaves them when they die. This has resulted in a tradition of yearly festivals, conducted when the tide of the Cosmic Fog is at its weakest, and culminating with ships setting off into the void - crewed by those who believe that if they can get permission from the Lost Good of their Wuld, that they will be able to hold on to their Wuld forever.
Wuld also has a more sinister side, various intonations, harmonies and incantations allowing the Wuldor to manipulate the properties of the cosmic fog and the beings corrupted by it. Aeyterwuldoree is the forbidden art of using those Wuld, though its basics are simply learned and sometimes practical (though usually useless and typically frowned upon for the connotations of using it). However, more advanced Aeyterwuldoree is considered a heinous crime, as its seen as cooperation with the cosmic fog, due to the process allowing mutations to happen more readily in the Wuldor's body. To an extent that people can be horribly disfigured/misshapen by its misuse, these individuals (Aeyterwuldor) are considered highly dangerous and traditionally have been hunted down and killed, or locked away and unstrung (the process of making someone mute), a punishment some consider worse than death.
But that was before the Era of the Return of Jornwuld Ritaynur, an Aeterwuldor who after decades of being cast out of exile from Sigasmaranda returned, wielding her dark power as a tool of retribution. Many, who practised the dark-art in the shadows rallied by her side, waging war against the Hunter Clans that once chased them across the length of breadth of the Sigasmarandi Rim. The conflict was short, intensely bloody, and indecisive, as the vast majority of people raised their arms on the side of Clans such as the Ritaynurs and the Borgphrysts. The resulting peace lead to the abolition of laws that attacked Aeyterwuldors, in exchange that they used their power sparingly, and in the defence of Sigasmaranda. The truce, dubbed the Accord of Long Peace, named after a monastery at the edge of darkness, has been held to this day. However, the number of Aeterwuldors has not increased significantly since then, as the effects of the use of Aeyterwuldoree are still not well understood. And as of yet, the mutative, corrupting effects of Aeterwuldoree are incurable. So those who handle the dark-art remain in the distant, dark places of the realm, training and studying for when the time comes that they will be needed.
Skyldig's hard life is reflected on her face, not a picture of beauty by any stretch of the imagination. She stands at 4 Qbits tall, and is enmeshed in dense, lean muscles, though not enough as to be grotesquely muscular. The telling feature of her femininity are her hips, which rise away from her body slightly before rolling back in, though only slightly visible through her layers of clothes. Her chest is flat, not in the sense that she was unendowed, but due to a voluntary double mastectomy she underwent; to detract herself from easy identification, and to give her more manoeuvrability.
Her round face also tells of a life "well" lived life, originally her nose' tip extended a few inches past her face, and her ears pricked upwards just the same. The tip of her nose she lost in a fight, where her opponent held on to it and refused to let go; suffice to say they did not survive that encounter, and Skyldig had her nose treated by a surgeon, hence the lack of apparent damage. Though her nature was that of constant action, and she broke the bridge of her nose a few weeks later, and healed crooked. She lost her ears when she was captured by a rival group of marauders, cut down to human size by her captors, leaving the edges angry, red and poorly rounded. Her full lips are smudged a sooty black, positing that it's due to stains from her Bako (a roughly chopped, dried root, from the nightshade family of plants) chewing. And the scar on the left side of her face? The deep, angry channels of flesh, and the missing lower eyelid? The result of her time as a slave, fighting in the pits of Pargalon-3, wherein during a duel with a pyromaniac she got a large portion of her face, neck and chest burned.
As far as apparel goes, on ship when not on duty Skyldig gravitates towards a white tank top and olive cargo-shirts, tucked into a pair of well work combat boots. The pair she goes out on duty in, resulting in a trail of dusty footprints behind her, unless she keeps them clean which she almost always done. On her hip she wears a dense, fibre belt, a sidearm dangling in its holster on her hip. During operations and combat, Skyldig wears a rather medieval set of segmented plate, though it's made of a Magnesium and allot and is highly durable, it speaks of the type of combat she initiates in, head on and without uncertainty.
Occupation/Concept: Formerly Captain of the Battery of Slaig/Currently Shipside Weapons Expert
Training: - Heavy & Medium Weapons Proficiency: Trained and specialized in the use of heavy weapons such as artillery, cannons and rocket systems, as well as in lighter auto-cannons, medium and heavy machine guns, and man-portable explosive projection systems. - Ordnance Expert: Familiar with explosives and explosive devices, Skyldig has trained and used many of them throughout her work, from hand grenades and dynamite to warheads and C4. Such training was necessary to disable rival weapons platforms, as well as for tactical or engineering reasons. - Military Tactics and Planning: Part of her training with the guild involved strategy and coordination, having studied the classical arts of war and practising modern techniques of defence and offence. She is adept at many doctrines. - Field Medicine: Though she may not be able to perform neural surgery or understand stem-cell boosts, she is well equipped to at least stabilize most combat injuries, as well as treat various kinds of poisoning and infections. Assuming she has all of the relevant materials, as she is not skilled enough to fabricate medicines at chemistry stations. More so the mixing table.
- Terrifying Presence: Skyldig watched from the other side of the one-way mirror, as a pair of interrogators tried to threaten, coerce and cajole information out of a black market dealer, who captured and sold Sigasmarandi mutated wildlife to buyers in the inner worlds. They were deep in the bowels of a Clan Castle, much deeper than where the actual interrogation cells were. The Dealer, a stiff-lipped, Dapreedian, wasn't budging. The interrogation dragged on for hours, and Skyldig's limited patience began to wear thin. Finally she snapped, groaning out loudly in frustration, catching the attention of those on the other side of the glass. The door to the little cell was thrown open, and she stormed in like a freight train, rushing the man in the chair and picking it up. She raised the man and chair almost above her head, before throwing it back down against the floor. The wooden chair shattered under his weight and the force of their throw, shocking him against the ground. Skyldig almost dropped herself against him, straddling his torso and grabbing the tentacles on his face in her fists, slamming him once more against the floor. "Tell us what we want to know!" She barked, her scarf slipping off her face, spittle splattering the Dapreedian's face.
- Wrought Physique: Pargalon-3 was a slave world, existing as part of a network of slaving guilds that dotted the borders of Sigasmaranda, which itself was a major supplier and purchaser of slaves. When the exodus occurred, after the onslaught of the undead, many refugees were taken as slaves of which military personnel were highly prized, as slave-soldiers or long-lasting-labour. As the slaves marched back to their barracks, their shackles clacking against one another as they shuffled towards the gaping tunnels out of the steel mills. The Slavewarden stopped Skyldig in her tracks, stopping the whole line behind her before taking her aside. "Go bring another pack." The Zandani growled, pushing the sack against her chest, and pointing back towards the steel mill. He stood a two heads taller than she did, and was armed and armored unlike she was. She gripped on to the bag and trudged back. This happened for days, weeks, the week's turned into months and toilers came and went but she maintained, carrying bundles of iron rods back and forth. Every time the expectations growing higher, until the brass decided her strength was wasted hauling iron and instead put her into the fight-pits.
- Wuld: The mining schooner, a JcZ-09 of an older make, bounced and shuddered against the ground as it began to slowly lift off of the Lithium flats of Pargalon-3, kicking up lilac clouds and sparks behind it. Wind rushed into the open, rear bay door, as it slowly and rustily brought its maw shut. Behind a crate of packaged alkali metals, oil filled ampules tinkling against one another, Skyldig cradled a scrawny Weedonian, pink blood oozing out of massive gashes where he took an excavator's drone blades to the gut. He shook, as the schooner rocked side to side, drawing too close to anti-ship mines. "Sing to me again?" He croaked, his arms coiled in her's, his hands pressed against the wounds. Skyldig gulped, patting her cracked lips before humming a note and lulling to him. Her Wuld was like fluorescent light, clunky, mechanical, but fit for purpose and ever reliable. She sang to him until he stopped shaking, causing her voice to break, looking off at the ceiling, she brought the back of her hand to her eye and wiped away a stray tear. "Skyldig!" A voice called from down the hall, "They're boarding we need you here!" She gulped, relieving bee dry throat, before picking up her auto-hammer and leaving the Weedonian in the cargo hold.
- Massen Company Automatisk Slåssgevær (Automatic Fighting Rifle): Similar to the one she was issued when she underwent her training with the Clan, this kinetic weapon fires .32 caliber rounds at high speed, with enough power to punch through walls and most conventional armors. Though with proper shot placement it could disable a personal shield. Fit with a 25 round detachable box magazine, and a Kutts Compensator, this rifle is fit to lay down loud and overwhelming bursts of fire.
- AquaSeltzer Dispenser: The metal caged, Quartzglass dispenser acts as a quick deploy administration device for a cocktail of drugs that Skyldig uses during combat. Or occasionally for recreation. The ingredients consist of the following, among other things she doesn't take kindly to exposing. Beta-Nico'ffine (Stimulating Agent); Epinephrine (Adrenaline Booster); Benzedrine (Anti-Sleep Agent); Cocaine (Awareness Enhancer); Dextroamphetamine (Calming Agent); Morphine (Pain Killer); Palcohol (Calming Agent); Citric Acid (Buffering Agent Component); Sodium Citrate (Buffering Agent Component); Ascorbic Acid (Preservative); Octyl-Methanoate (Grape Fruit Flavoring); Lemonine (Lemon Flavoring); Sorbitol (Sweetener); Aspartame (Sweetener); Seltzer Water (Medium); Vitamin B and C (Health Benefits). She calls it SitronKruse.
- E-1 "Sitrongranater": Containing a 60g charge of dynamite, this fragmentation Grenade has a cookable 5 second cookable fuze, and a striated bi-metal case that fragments into deadly shrapnel upon explosion. This type of grenade is devastating against unarmored targets, and less effective against fully armored ones at more than close range. The shrapnel has a deadly range of 80 cubits on unarmored opponents, and a 300 cubit harming capacity. On armored targets it can wound within the 80 cubits, and on metallically encased targets it would require effectively a point blank detonation to cause damage.
- Bako Tin: Bako is the dried and finely milled root of the Arbako plant, native to inner-Sigasmaranda. It is not suitable for smoking, and so is usually administered nasally or rubbed into gums and areas under the tongue. Afrikander, the specific brand she chews, comes with grains of fiberglass or asbestos, to cut up the gums and tongue and aid in the absorption of the Nico'ffine from them. Skyldig usually takes it between shots of SitroKruse, or when not in active combat recreationally. The container is a small, thin, sheet bi-metal box, hinged on one side and covered with an embossed lid.
Airship: N/A
Motivation: More Money for More SitronKruse, the thrill of combat, the nihilistic pursuit of pleasure (despite her believing in the faith of the Sigasmarandis) and less overtly, a way around the undead to see what is become of her homeland.
Personality: Perhaps the most startling of her qualities is that she never used to always be like this. Not at first, but those times are long past, except for the little bits of them that yet survive within her somewhere. Her face is locked in a perpetual expression of anger or disapproval, an angry scowl or an annoyed, pursed lip, matching how she always feels. She sways from neutral to wrathful, an exhibit of rage in combat or more frighteningly; complete calm, where she feels most at home. This is reflected in her charted hours on the simulator, and her high scores and times on the scenarios. Ever the disapprover, she holds contempt for those who are not up to scratch in her eyes, especially when it comes to her own performance, in her judgments she never neglects to cast shame on herself. Maybe an outcome of her training, or a life of soldiering for fortune, she has become highly competitive and usually prioritizes numero uno. Despite her tendencies towards violence, Skyldig puts significant effort into suppressing it while shipside, the last needed is a whole crew she's antagonized. Get a beer in her hand though, the story is prone to changing.
Flaws: - Suspicious/Suspicious: - Drug Addict: - Fixing for a Fight:
Bio: "My father was a regrettable creature, but I suppose that means I didn't fall too far from the stalk." From her place in the common room, Skyldig commanded the attention of the assembled Marauders. "I killed my mother upon decanting, so he stuck me with 'It's your fault' as a name, and proceeded to remarried. He was the kind of man who thought his spermatozoa to valuable to waste in handkerchief." Pulling her scarf open from the bottom, she spat out a black melange of fibre and saliva, a chewed up lump of Bako. "Oh and he spread that spermatozoa around, I probably have brothers and sisters that I don not know about. Nor do I care to know about them, I couldn't even get to know my step-siblings. Father was too busy making my life miserable." From a very young age, Skyldig was put through the ringer of preparation for courtly life, and her Father made sure to find her the most cruel of teachers. Her elocution teacher would beat her for every stutter, her literature teacher would tear her books apart and reassemble them in the wrong order, her gymnastics teacher, looking back at it now, had done many an obscene thing to her.
Suffice to say, when the Hunter Guilds came to the family to demand their rightful conscript, she was delighted when her Father forced her to go, instead of one of his many sons. "At least in the Guilds they beat everyone." She said, thinking back to when her father savaged her for having a lover. Despite he himself, and his offspring from the other woman, having mistresses in copious amounts. "I would say I wasn't prepared for it, but looking back now I don't think they were prepared for me." Skyldig attacked every challenge and expectation handed to her with vigor, whether it meant sleepless nights in the Scrollatorium or beating the largest cadet to within an inch of his life in training. "When I graduated, I was the only one to get an officer post, because the others 'paled in comparison'." She said, imitating the strong accent of her division's Drill Sergeant. "It was a shitty post, I mean, I didn't know Slaig was a place before they put me on the first Eel there." Sometimes she thought they put her there because they were scared of her.
The day she assumed her command, she threw a private off a barracks roof to show her superiority. It was safe to say that she would not be a popular commander, but that was none of her concern. Slaig was a hamlet-town, that held the distinction of being one of the farthest inhabited rocks of Elysia, it was also home to the College of Karadzic, a convent/monastery where Aeterwuldors practiced their dark arts, far from the civilized inner world's of Sigasmaranda. As such, the concentration of void fog in the area was high, and life there was grim and medieval, and the mutants and creatures that crawled out of the Void were likewise terrifying and gargantuan compared to what would normally emerge. Hence the requirement of such a large military installation nearby, not only did it serve to stop these creatures rampaging deeper into Sigasmaranda, it allowed the guilds to keep a watchful eye on the College and its mystic inhabitants.
The first few months of Skyldig's deployment were uneventful, no more than a few dozen Sultedyr, their man-sized talons and giant leathery wings were no match for the barrage of rockets, shells and 13.2mm rounds from the battery. Despite that, had they gotten through the chaos would have been unfathomable. Uneventful. Until that is the night of the 9th month of her deployment. Zapatov Zapatinski was a private, the twin brother of the girl Slyldig had thrown off the roof all those days ago, a scrawny man with rat like features, but with a mettle to him that betrayed his looks. It was he who was assigned, though he infact volunteered, to do the supply runs between the village and the College. As part of the arrangements, the College would provide technical assistance to the people of Slaig in exchange for rations and supplies. So it was Zapatov's responsibility to drive into the College every other day in the truck to do the deliveries. It seemed, however, that the extended exposure to the even more intense Vapour on the inside had severely effected him. As on the night of the ninth month, without warning, he sat bolt upright in barracks J and began to scream uncontrollably. Zapatov pointed around, jerking his body about as he fingered people across the room and nearby, telling them in a horrified voice that they were going to do. Suffice to say, before anyone could hold him down and administer a sedative, he stuffed the muzzle of his service pistol into his mouth and emptied the chamber.
And as if by some divine decree, the siren went off hours later, sounding the alarm and rousing the troops that hadn't been woken up by Zapatov's suicide. They manned their stations, waited, the radar operators peering into their green displays as oscilloscope swung a wave of electrons around the circular monitor. For a moment there was nothing. Then suddenly the screens went bright and the batteries opened fire. The first shell to sail through the darkness impacted something, seeming to explode in midair, the rockets that followed illuminated the darkness around it, exposing the assailants. Giant beasts of other dimensional frightfulness, surrounded by flocks of rotting, ragged creatures. The entire battery opened fire, as the sea of evil approached them like a tidal wave, every gun firing as fast as possible, rockets like burning lances across the darkness. Ears and fingers bled from the frantic fire. Skyldig alone manned a heavy machine gun, standing at the head of a buttress that extended out into the void, wielding it from the hip, one hand holding the belt while the other pushed on the paddle, and aimed the thundering machine gun around.
Around her she watched as people fell, the plague descending on them despite the full power of the battery bearing down against it. Perhaps one of the most dense collections of conventional firepower in Sigasmaranda, if not Elysia, could not stop the tide. For the split second she glanced to the side, she watched the Black Wall spill into the country side all around. They were going to be encircled. She dashed back, behind the thunderous canons that blasted at the ever approaching wall, behind the rocket batteries, launching incendiary missiles into the mass of rotting reek, behind the heavy machine guns chugging lead into the invading force. Zapatov was right, and perhaps wiser than the rest of them. From the College she heard a resounding shriek, followed by many more, as the front tower that faced into the void exploded, shadowy bolts and giant trailing beasts bursting towards the oncoming invasion. The Aeterwuldors honoring their end of the deal, cartwheeling into almost certain devastation. The truck door slammed shut, as some of the troops who decided to run clambered into the canvas covered bed behind the cab, stamping her foot on the accelerator, the automobile rushed forwards and away from the tidal wave of doom.
"And that's how I got out." She said, looking down into a tin of crushed up Bako root, before taking a pinch of the fibrous material and putting those fingers into the folds of her scarf. "Call it cowardly.. I lived." She spoke around the slowly reconstituting plant matter, before leaning back to silently ruminate, the assembled crowd looking about at each other before slowly dispersing.