"We may leave as allies tonight, but tomorrow I cannot guarantee that either of us will hold such a truce."
Wilhelm 'Green Fox' Von Harkvald
35 Years, 10 Months - December 15th, 1879EC
Imperial - Schwartzgrad
When a man holds the title of Green Fox, it is only common sense for his followers and all that hear about him to expect a sly and cunning looking fellow. Wilhelm definitely holds that sort of admiration towards himself, making sure his appearance somewhat compliments the name he was given. Wilhelm himself isn't that muscular nor is he too tall for his age, but one thing that sets him apart is his strangely colourless eyes that almost colourise the rest of the world around him, making even the muddiest of trenches look like a flower patch in comparison to that crystal gaze. Though his looks aren't complimentary to his personality and are more akin to his role within the Imperial Armed Forces, Wilhelm still tries to preserve his original self with somewhat neatly made hair and the perfect clean shave he could muster in the times of need.
In terms of his uniform, which is, however, infamously different to that of the regular Imperial soldier. Being one of the first in the entirety of EW1 to adopt a more sophisticated camouflage pattern on his primary uniform, it's harder to properly make out the man in the field of combat. However, once he is seen, it is very easy to depict that he holds importance, charm and integrity to the war he approaches the frontlines. Depending on the environment and season, of course, the patterned uniform is subject to change and altering based on his own wardrobe of multi-camouflage attires on standby. Whilst his uniform and patterns may change, one thing always remains the same: The alias given by both the Federation and Imperials alike.
There are two sides to Wilhelm; one is the honest truth about his personality whilst the other remains the more common folklore surrounding his deadliness and unwavering talent. Starting on the latter, most of whom include his allies as well as his foes, see him as a Maestro of the Bullet. Without a falter in his talent, undoubtedly, Wilhelm is thought to be a rather heartless and cunning individual who constantly works towards outsmarting his prey in vicious manners. Those who had survived his encounters had told tales of his ruthless benevolence to combat. Squads and leaders had fallen under his accuracy and instantly take him for a sociopathic killing machine that the Imperials had struck up in an intense training programme. However, it couldn't be further from the truth. Outside of his infamous image, both back in the Imperial homelands and the Federation, Wilhelm is a rather pleasant individual. There is not a single bullet he's fired where he felt no remorse for those at the receiving end, but his necessary beliefs to ending the war through participation keep him going. One of the most painful things he feels is how the distance between him and the enemy detaches him from the reality of the killing, yet he still conforms to such swiftness. Without a doubt, he is patient, however, and will wait days in a single spot if he had to. Some of his superiors have warned him about his friendliness with the enemy and sympathising agenda towards all who suffer from the war, but with his immense popularity and great propoganda-like image, Wilhelm cannot exactly be removed from the army without angering the news outlets who feed off of his success.
Marksman - Elite Designated Marksman, No Regiment, Said to be in a EW1 Special Operations programme known as OXF.
Wilhelm has always kept one thing clear throughout his years, and that is that his past is something to be forgotten. There are no proven records of his past life before he joined the army during several uprisings in the Southern Sea-front theatre predating EW1. When island-atoll nations tried to secure independence through terrorism and an attempted assassination against the Emperor at the time, Wilhelm seemingly popped out of nowhere as a fresh recruit and instantly demonstrated an almost uncanny ability to shoot with accuracy. However, due to the low demand of the role, he was stuck as a basic infantryman for the duration of the Rebellion Crisis and was to serve on the frontlines with his fellow comrades. No one really knew how to talk to him, but all his regimental comrades at the time all agreed that he was a pleasant individual who was compassionate and almost charming in the way he spoke. He was constantly visited by the field-nurses on a regular basis and had built his own small following simply from being on the frontline, however it was where he truly showed his skill in marksmanship that garnered the great attention he needed.
Wilhelm was reported to have assassinated the Leader of Black Paw, a strange terrorism group hiding away on one of the many atolls in the Southern Seas of the Empire. The mission was supposed to be a frontal assault with amphibious landings, however the Imperials suffered casualties in the triple digits, 531 to be exact, with a full on retreat being ordered. However, as a reported maverick aiming to impress by all means, quite literally, Wilhelm continued to move forward when the retreat was called. He saw that their chance of victory was so narrowly close that he had to act upon it. With the help of two other soldiers, he managed to bypass the evacuation and terrorist defences and got himself into a high position, where he waited for a day with an iron-sighted Imperial rifle until the man showed his face for a few seconds. Days later, he became a national icon and was awarded greatly for his ingenuity and honourable bravery. Many praised him, however unlike most heroes he was not going to fade into the distant future.
Having proven himself as a skilled marksman, Wilhem was entered into a Specialised Programme simply titled OXF. Its specific meaning and abbreviation was intentionally kept under classification as to not give away its intentions at breeding and training the perfect soldiers, yet Wilhelm simply didn't mind. It consisted of more days of practising his aim, flirting with the local women and simply becoming a national icon. Everyone was becoming acutely aware of the tensions arising between both the Federation and the Empire, and thus once he graduated from the programme Wilhelm was immediately given the commissioned rank of Captain, and was told to have served directly beneath the Emperor for a duration of the arm's race. Several classified missions later, he resurfaced and joined the Imperial Army officially once more in 1911EC.
It was within the second year where the Federation became aware of his presence. Having successfully killed 14 major officers and commanding staff in the Federation frontlines and headquarters, including an apparent mission into Edinburgh (though these are only rumours), he became known as the Green Fox when his full clothing and patternised uniform was witnessed by a man who survived the encounter with him in the first place: Alexander-John Middleton. Despite this name, being used as a compliment and an insult with some respect dug within it, he continued to respect both his own troops and the opposing force, until he was ordered to head to his most effective defensive spot. And thus, he was to station himself in Amone.
Mother - Unknown
Father - Unkonwn
Theme Song
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