Discord: discord.gg/p6RjdVj
Once we were all a joined race. Man and Man. Of the Sun. Woman and Woman. Of the Earth. Man and Woman. Of the Moon. Our backs were attached, and we rolled around to move. We were one in our duality. The Gods feared our strength and cut us in twine. Oh, the sorrow we felt, looking to join again. Taking pity on us the Gods moved our genitals to the front so that we might join again and feel whole.
Here at The Aristophane Project, or TAP, it is our job to help you secure your other half. By giving just a few bio-samples and taking a test we begin to refine your matches. A two-week long holiday then allows you to get in touch with your other half as well as create new friends. During this time, you will wear a monitor which will put the final pieces in place. Once you are matched the monitor will tell you who your match is when you are close to your future partner - it will play a song meant for the two of you. We keep the monitor's attached simply help us in securing future matches. Don't worry it is not recording your actual doings, just levels of love hormones and how you get along. We have a 95% success rate!
Enjoy trips to tropical locations, camping in the woods, parties on a yacht, or enjoying the best five-star hotels have to offer. When you sign up for TAP we will do everything to ensure that you and your eternal partner are able to get to know each other. Relaxation is our ultimate goal… besides helping you find the love of your life of course.
If you do not find your other half, you will be given a second trip for absolutely free. Call 1-800-555-5309 to begin your new journey into romance. Intheeventthatyoucannotattendthetwoweekventureyourmoneywillnotberefundedunlessathirtydaynoticeisgiven.Nosubstitutions,nootherpersonmayuseyourtickets.LawsoftheUSAstillapplyandnorefundwillbegivenforthosewhoareaskedtoleavethevacationprematurelyduetoillegalaction.Whileyourhappinessisourdesirewemaychoosetonothonorcertainwishesbasedonlegality, availability,andfinalrulingbyTAPpersonel.
---------The Above is Subject to Change---------

This roleplay is designed for freestyle, take it as it comes. The matches will ALL be decided/randomized by the Co-GM and myself. Discuss and attempt a getting to know each other upon your match. Your character’s profile, as well as your writing style, will be considered before making matches. If you are uncomfortable with a match let us know. If a switch can be made we certainly will, however, it does say a 95% chance of happiness. Play out the unhappiness for a bit until new character can be matched. If this is the case, after working together with your partner, tell us what dissatisfies you so we can better get you a match. The CS will further help us decide your future partner.
It is also designed for FUN! I want to know what places you would like your characters to go. Islands? Hotels? Let me know, I want this to be collaborative. Seriously, tell us all. Even if it is something your character might not like!

It's the future my lads! Only, a slight future. Not too much has been created just more green in nature. No pun itended. Skyscrapers have trees and plants growing on and over them. Cars and technology are powered by mysterious source the governemnt has yet to tell us. Everything is just a bit more advanced that it was before, use your imagination. I want you to help power this universe. Toasters that pre-butter toast. Coffee machines that already know when and how to make the best coffe based on presets. A car you can nap in and will take you to work without your navigation. This is just as much your world as it is mine. Use your imagination and lets build something creative, interesting, and minorly futurisitc. Need help? Think a bit "Black Mirror"

• Be kind, be courteous, and be a good citizen. Do unto others and all that.
• Posting once a week will be the rule. Posting more is absolutely encouraged. If the week is up and you have not posted your character turns into a plastic ficus which I or the co-GM will pilot. If you have not returned within a month your character is forfeit. I have the right to kick them off for illegal activity or be called back for work or some shenanigans. If you come back your character is not returned. Depending on the circumstances I may allow you to make a new character.
• If you no longer wish to play, just let me know I won't be offended. However, I do request you write your character out of play – Quits or does something bad, whatever
• ALL images must be real life people and things.
• Use the CS provided for you below.
• This is marked as 18+. There may be suggestive language as well as stuff like Sauna Yoga Courses. THAT being said, follow site rules and take the sexy things out of eye sight.
• I would like to, at the minimum, see 2-3 detailed paragraphs per post. Sometimes I know our fickle muses abandon us, so if the occasional small post happens. I am not about to kick you out the door. I am a benevolent dictator.
• All applications will be considered. However, if I find that the character idea does not fit with the setting, I may deny it. I want some realistic characters with flaws and what have you.
• Limit 2 character per person for now, one of each sex. They must all be able to be matched up, so if your character is the odd duck out you may be asked to change sexuality.