Name: Noemi Ophelia Wayward
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Mortician
The Body
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 105lbs
Hair: Brown and curly
Eyes: Muddy, chocolate brown
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned
Appearance: Small and curvy with an hourglass figure. Her hair can be one of two ways, wild and unkempt curls or nicely brushed out beachy sort of look. She has no set sort of fashion though she loves floral patterns. Jeans and a t-shirt or a long dress and sunhat. Her taste in clothing is as unpredictable as she is. She rarely wears make-up but when she does it is typically a natural and light sort of look.
The Soul
Likes: Books, tea, dive bars, cats, family, photography, sorting books, travel, and adventure.
Dislikes: Oatmeal raisin cookies, waterlogged shoes/wet socks, burnt toast, big box stores, ask-holes, and 'those' vegans.
Positive Traits: Outgoing, welcoming, generally in a good mood, always ready for adventure, affectionate, and comforting.
Negative Traits: Flaky, unpredictable, emotional, frivolous, needy, trouble having serious conversations, and easily distracted.
Perfect Date: "We plan a whole day! Maybe we start at a coffee shop, drink together, chat about things. We would move to maybe a park or maybe somewhere we can walk and continue our chat. Oh! Or a museum! Lunch will be necessary and I think something fried is the best way to go. We could then go to a pet store and pet all the puppies and kitties and look at all the cute critters there. We can finish up by going to a club to dance or a bar and drink. Oh! Karaoke and sing our hearts out! And then, depending on chemistry go to a hotel to seal the deal or maybe you can kiss me on the doorstep."
Worst Date: "You mean a day in my dating life? Haha! Uhm, I guess going to a movie to watch some washed out Hollywood this and that. Popcorn, 'nachos', and soda. No talking really. Taking me on a 'drive around town' in your car. Stare listlessly through car windows and listen to whatever is on the radio. Just.... boring, boring, mundane things. uhg."
- Makes amazing coffee or tea
- Solid photography skills
- A knack for picking up whatever is thrown her way
- Cats tend to like her
- A great singing voice, though can't dance worth crap
- Can eat the spiciest of foods with no issue
Brief History:
- Born, via a midwife, in her parent's home.
- Only child. Summer baby.
- Mother did woodworking, father ran a business. Both were deeply in love and had undergone the TAP vacation.
- Mother urged her into hobbies and she tended to become good at whatever she tried her hand at.
- Grew up a strange child but somehow liked by many of her peers. Of course there were those who found her much too strange.
- Went to college to become a mortician.
- Became a member of the Order of the Good Death and works in a funeral home the specializes in green/natural burials.
- Currently lives in a small apartment with two cats and a romantic dream.
The Story
The morning started out for her as most mornings did. A gentle paw with just a hint of claw scratched lightly at her cheek. When she opened her eyes she found a magnificent pair of gold eye peering down at her through the deep grey of dawn. “Good morning Fezzik,” she said in sleep slurred speech. The giant Maine Coon chirped at her and she patted the fluffy beast. Noemi allowed herself a few more minutes to wake while curled up beneath her warm comforter.
After the morning routine of showering and dressing, the young woman moved into her living room to find both of her cats sitting patiently beside the cabinet in the kitchen. It was only when she popped open the can of wet food that they danced, wove, and sang around her legs. It only quieted somewhat when she placed their bowls down from them. Fizzgig was a happy eater and talked while he ate.
Avocado toast and a cup of coffee were brought to the windows which led to the fire escape. She sat on the window seat there and watched the world begin to come to life. It was slow at first. A person leaving here or there and lights coming on in apartments and homes. Fezzik came to join her but was much more interested in the birds that alighted on the fire escape rails for a brief respite.
Breakfast done, the young woman bid her cats goodbye, pulled on her thick winter overcoat, knitted hat with matching scarf, and furred boots. Off she went out into the morning. The cloudy grey sky was typical of an early spring day in Boston. Snow still clung to the sidewalks, dirtied by the streets. Noemi watched her breath come out as steam and thick as dragon’s smoke. She was lucky enough to live a fifteen-minute walk from her work and it even included crossing through a small park.
As she made her way down to the end of her street, a car rolled backward out of an auto mechanic’s shop and was immediately hit by another car. There was yelling and swearing and all sorts of to do. Noemi watched with curiosity for only a few moments, wondering if she could get by the usual way. It seemed today the universe was telling her to go a different path.
With a shrug, she headed off down a side street only to find a group of teenage boys of the thugerous persuasion. Noemi tried not to judge people by the clothes they wore but there had been reports of purse snatching in the area lately. She didn’t carry a purse but a mugging was never out of the question. As she approached them it became apparent they were having a heated argument. One of them was gesticulating wildly while another pointed a finger at him. Their voices rose to a shout and she stopped a few feet from them, preparing to turn and walk away.
“Hey, yo, Miss,” one of the boys called out before she could move.
“What is the plural of moose?” She stared at the boy, stunned. Was this all the arguing as about?
“It is also moose, I believe.”
“See, told you Reg. Momma didn’t raise no idiot.” The sour, angry faces turned to smiles. Laughter and teasing ensued while Noemi felt more at ease passing by them. How silly to have gotten so caught up in her own thoughts. To think she would have thought they meant to harm her. They were just boys.
Turning down the next street she heard the shout of, “Thanks, Miss!” Noemi giggled to herself. It was moments later that she entered the park she normally went through. Checking her watch she found she was going to be late if she didn't hurry. She speed walked down the brick path all while attempting to avoid patches of ice. Her mind was so concentrated on where she was to place her feet that she barely got out of the way in time for a tiny, yapping dachshund to bite at a much larger rottweiler. The big dog seemed confused at first and backed away. The dachshund continued its onslaught as its panicked owner ran after with the leash the small dog had slipped.
The big dog’s owner was trying to pull away from the fight but the dachshund managed to get teeth into the big dog’s ear. The rottie yelped then growled, now invested in harming that which harmed him. Noemi rushed forward and pulled the tiny dog off the larger one who proceeded to close its mouth around her arm. It was brief and left no more than slobber on her thick coat jacket.
The woman pulled her dachshund out of Noemi’s grasp and cooed and cuddled it. She then began yelling at the man about his menace of a dog. He had even bit that nice lady there. The rottie owner yelled back about her little savage dog. Yelling, screaming, and Noemi was late. She sighed and backed away from the pair. There were threats of police involvement and the big dog’s ear was bleeding. Noemi only got a few paces away when the rottie owner caught her upper arm.
“Please, a moment. Can I get your info as a witness?”
“Oh. Um, of course.” She dug through her pocket and pulled out a little notebook. Once her name and number were on the paper she pulled it from the book and handed it to the man.
“I’m sorry my dog got you. Are you hurt at all?”
“Nope, just fine, see?” She showed him the coat was merely a bit wet. “I don’t think he meant any real damage.” Noemi smiled brightly and the man relaxed and smiled back.
The Ether
Color Code: D87093
Face Claim: Emmy Rossum
Theme Song: Savage Daughter as sung by Meade Elspeth