It was a cold january day when we left home. There were no tearful goodbyes, no onward future to march into the sunset to, no friends or family who had last words to utter to us. There was nothing, nothing at all to warn us that today would be our last among the world we knew. When we first came here, some sort of wonder permitted me joy but now all there is are tears. Tears in knowing that the world I knew, the people I loved, the dreams I had have been consumed by this place. Once upon a time I had a home. Now...

Date: January the 29th
Missing people reported: 8
In the last 2 years a spree of disappearences have wrecked little America, taking many people without incident, notification or even clear pattern to them. At this moment in time our sources at the Daily Drama news network could not aquire the total counted for missing people report from the authorities but from peicing together what we can the estimated missing people is now at 35. This number, we suspect, is lower than the true count due to being files being classified and the police department uncooperative history on this topic.
In our researched cases none of these people have been found. Alive or dead. What happened to them? Where could they have gone? Is this the work of a new spree killer or something much more insidous?
What we do know is that both police and locals have been searching around the clock for many of these missing people and we all want to let them know, if they are reading this, we miss you and want to know you're ok!" - Author: Jarled Shermon, father of the still missing Debby Shermon.
"TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH" - Recording found the still active phone of the youtube ammature voice actress that went missing last year.
Every missing person who ends up here would call it hell. I guess that a fitting name as any. I don't think it's true though, I think it's worse than hell. Hell is a place where bad people go to be punished, these fuckers...they're not being punished. They're being rewarded! They didn't find themselves here, they made here. It's their home. It's their home, their domain, their dimension for being exactly what they are!
- Jenny's Last Words before she disappeared.
You and several others find yourself at the wrong end of the road. For one reason or another one day you left home and you walked into some place that was just a bit off. Maybe it was abandoned, maybe it was just strangely shadowed. Maybe it was just an empty slot in an active city. Either way you went to check it out and when you entered you were someplace else entirely. The first hint was the sun didn't shine more than dimly stared, the shadows almost reached out across surreal distances and the air was chilling to the touch even if by all looks it was a sunny day.
You're phone can't make contact and when it does it seems to find sites and numbers you've never seen before. Wherever you are, no matter what road you take they all lead to one pivotal structure or place in this location.
Missing Persons:
The role of the missing person is to escape the domain without being killed and harmed as little as possible. A warmer breeze hits you occasionaly to tell the vague direction of your escape, getting hotter as you progress through the domains. Each domain is different and may hold different challenges but your goal stays the same.
Hosts are the tormentors and main big bad guys of each domain. They are all supernaturally powerful in some manner and their domain while not especially created by them is made to be on their side in someway. Hosts have to kill as many missing people as possible and get POINTS for doing so.

A place of healing turned rotten. No one suspected that such a place could make such a dramatic conversion. Hinsten Women's Rehabilitation Centre was donated to aid the combat against drug addiction somewhat 60 years ago but as the time ticked on after the donaters death the exploitation and manipulation of the women within grew worse. Addiction could be helped but was more effective as a means of control.
The nurses/aids were the obedient and the disobedient forgotton in padded cells or strapped. Doctors of male and female alike profiteered as they monitored and abused as needed. Through paperwork, cunning, and outside criminal support this place flourished. No one could no know the evil that truly lied within, however.
Description: As a map the centre is filled with many, many dead ends, enclosed spaces, and bells at certain doors still active to alert the residents within nearby of those in its halls. Many of the walls and windows are bared, stopping escape and the cells have an unnvering habit of closing themselves without warning.
Host Arch Types Suggested: The Nurse, The Seductress, The Pimp, The Doctor, The Pervert, The Insane, The Addicted.
Domain Threats: Flesh Market: Many items and other oddities are sitting here but everything has its costs. A vast number of the corpses are reduced to manniquins and dolls, flesh held by joints and severed. Many of them miss a part. Those who can find or even...give what has been lost can pass by these victims without issue and even be rewarded. But those who do not will find they are more lively than they look.
Domains will all include maps with square grids. You can move multiple squares each post-you'll be informed how many you can move under what conditions-
In casual you can move many, many squares at a time.
However in INTENSE scenarios in the RP world only 10 to 30 seconds is passing each post so you're movement will be more limited to reflect this although PERKS may increase how fast you move in INTENSE moments.
Posting Times:
There are TWO posting times.
Casual: A casual posting time is within 2 days. A casual scene is pretty any time you're talking, chilling, standing about, or moving through a safe area or at least, an area with no immediate danger.
Intense: When a scene turns from casual to intense then INTENSE will be included by the poster who turned it so at the top of the page in h2 bold, red font. When a scenario is intense you have a day to reply-the same day it was posted or 24 hours since it was posted- or your character is considered to have been taken by surprised, frozen with fear, confused ectr.
Intense moments are: the host is within visual, audible or some sort of "feeling" range in someway. You are in combat in some way, fleeing or hiding.
Posting Standard: You are expected to post a standard of 2 paragraphs and a maximum of 6 paragraphs. This is ironclad, you will always be given leeway but you if you consistently break the min or max then you will be warned.
[MP perks examples]
It was a cold january day when we left home. There were no tearful goodbyes, no onward future to march into the sunset to, no friends or family who had last words to utter to us. There was nothing, nothing at all to warn us that today would be our last among the world we knew. When we first came here, some sort of wonder permitted me joy but now all there is are tears. Tears in knowing that the world I knew, the people I loved, the dreams I had have been consumed by this place. Once upon a time I had a home. Now...
Horror is our Home

Date: January the 29th
Missing people reported: 8
Wanted: Alive and at Home
In the last 2 years a spree of disappearences have wrecked little America, taking many people without incident, notification or even clear pattern to them. At this moment in time our sources at the Daily Drama news network could not aquire the total counted for missing people report from the authorities but from peicing together what we can the estimated missing people is now at 35. This number, we suspect, is lower than the true count due to being files being classified and the police department uncooperative history on this topic.
In our researched cases none of these people have been found. Alive or dead. What happened to them? Where could they have gone? Is this the work of a new spree killer or something much more insidous?
What we do know is that both police and locals have been searching around the clock for many of these missing people and we all want to let them know, if they are reading this, we miss you and want to know you're ok!" - Author: Jarled Shermon, father of the still missing Debby Shermon.
"TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH" - Recording found the still active phone of the youtube ammature voice actress that went missing last year.
Every missing person who ends up here would call it hell. I guess that a fitting name as any. I don't think it's true though, I think it's worse than hell. Hell is a place where bad people go to be punished, these fuckers...they're not being punished. They're being rewarded! They didn't find themselves here, they made here. It's their home. It's their home, their domain, their dimension for being exactly what they are!
- Jenny's Last Words before she disappeared.
You and several others find yourself at the wrong end of the road. For one reason or another one day you left home and you walked into some place that was just a bit off. Maybe it was abandoned, maybe it was just strangely shadowed. Maybe it was just an empty slot in an active city. Either way you went to check it out and when you entered you were someplace else entirely. The first hint was the sun didn't shine more than dimly stared, the shadows almost reached out across surreal distances and the air was chilling to the touch even if by all looks it was a sunny day.
You're phone can't make contact and when it does it seems to find sites and numbers you've never seen before. Wherever you are, no matter what road you take they all lead to one pivotal structure or place in this location.
Missing Persons:
The role of the missing person is to escape the domain without being killed and harmed as little as possible. A warmer breeze hits you occasionaly to tell the vague direction of your escape, getting hotter as you progress through the domains. Each domain is different and may hold different challenges but your goal stays the same.
Hosts are the tormentors and main big bad guys of each domain. They are all supernaturally powerful in some manner and their domain while not especially created by them is made to be on their side in someway. Hosts have to kill as many missing people as possible and get POINTS for doing so.

A place of healing turned rotten. No one suspected that such a place could make such a dramatic conversion. Hinsten Women's Rehabilitation Centre was donated to aid the combat against drug addiction somewhat 60 years ago but as the time ticked on after the donaters death the exploitation and manipulation of the women within grew worse. Addiction could be helped but was more effective as a means of control.
The nurses/aids were the obedient and the disobedient forgotton in padded cells or strapped. Doctors of male and female alike profiteered as they monitored and abused as needed. Through paperwork, cunning, and outside criminal support this place flourished. No one could no know the evil that truly lied within, however.
Description: As a map the centre is filled with many, many dead ends, enclosed spaces, and bells at certain doors still active to alert the residents within nearby of those in its halls. Many of the walls and windows are bared, stopping escape and the cells have an unnvering habit of closing themselves without warning.
Host Arch Types Suggested: The Nurse, The Seductress, The Pimp, The Doctor, The Pervert, The Insane, The Addicted.
Domain Threats: Flesh Market: Many items and other oddities are sitting here but everything has its costs. A vast number of the corpses are reduced to manniquins and dolls, flesh held by joints and severed. Many of them miss a part. Those who can find or even...give what has been lost can pass by these victims without issue and even be rewarded. But those who do not will find they are more lively than they look.
Domains will all include maps with square grids. You can move multiple squares each post-you'll be informed how many you can move under what conditions-
In casual you can move many, many squares at a time.
However in INTENSE scenarios in the RP world only 10 to 30 seconds is passing each post so you're movement will be more limited to reflect this although PERKS may increase how fast you move in INTENSE moments.
Posting Times:
There are TWO posting times.
Casual: A casual posting time is within 2 days. A casual scene is pretty any time you're talking, chilling, standing about, or moving through a safe area or at least, an area with no immediate danger.
Intense: When a scene turns from casual to intense then INTENSE will be included by the poster who turned it so at the top of the page in h2 bold, red font. When a scenario is intense you have a day to reply-the same day it was posted or 24 hours since it was posted- or your character is considered to have been taken by surprised, frozen with fear, confused ectr.
Intense moments are: the host is within visual, audible or some sort of "feeling" range in someway. You are in combat in some way, fleeing or hiding.
Posting Standard: You are expected to post a standard of 2 paragraphs and a maximum of 6 paragraphs. This is ironclad, you will always be given leeway but you if you consistently break the min or max then you will be warned.
[MP perks examples]