Name: Katelynn (Katt) Ridley
Sex: female
Age: 18
Personality: Katt can be somewhat hard to handle. A rebel at heart, she is a defiant one to say the least. She can be somewhat hostile towards people she meets for the first time and distant to the rest. She can be a very cynical person believing almost everyone to be out for their own personal gain. If you can get past her callous demeanor, however, you will find someone who is caring and loyal.
Likes: comics, video games, angry music
Height: 5'6
Weight: 134 lbs
Music likings: Metalcore, Nu Metal, speed metal, progressive metal

Ethnicity: Asian
Piercings: navel piercing
Clothing style: black and grey, she can be seen sporting combat boots and short sleeved shirts under oversized flannel shirts
mutant power: Teleportation, she has the ability to teleport on command to anyplace she has been to before. She can use her power teleport people, objects, and even use it in combat.
Origin: Katt was born in Fort Collins, Colorado. She lived there with her grandmother and sister until she turned eleven. She discovered her power when she was five after falling from a tree and teleporting into her grandmother's kitchen. Her grandmother was the only one in her family she cared for. Where others like her sister condemned and bullied her for it, her grandmother saw it as a gift that made her unique. After her grandmother's passing at the age of thirteen, she lived with her older sister. Katt hated every minute of every day with her. When they were not arguing, they were fighting until she had enough. She left home at the age of fifteen, living off of scraps and sometimes stolen money from meters. It was not until she had visited a homeless shelter that she heard about the school. two weeks later she had been sent there from the shelter.
Favorite class: science, p.e.