Created by a team of young video game designers in 2055, The Universe started as a small experiment. It was meant to be nothing more than a place for a group of friends to meet up and spend time together from the comfort of their own homes. What it turned into was far from the original idea. While friends can still meet up, there are over three billion active users at any one time. You can befriend them, steal from them or kill them if that is your preference.
From the Highlands of Scotland to the towering residential blocks of Singapore, the world has been taken over by the 'game' that lets you be whoever you want. Businesses employ people to work in The Universe while particularly good 'users' can earn a living simply by their activities within The Universe. The financial clout that The Universe has surpasses any one nation or business in the world.
The developers location is a secret and it is presumed they live in one of the many mega cities Paradise levels. The levels are called Paradise because that is exactly what they are. Open, spacious areas away from the heavily overcrowded cities that now make up the majority of the worlds population centers. In the Paradise levels there isn't a need for money, those lucky enough to live there are able to avoid having to work and have their every want and desire provided for them.
Now the year is 2075 and the developers have announced a competition, the winning individual or guild will be provided with ten places in their most local Paradise location to deal out as they please. The corporations have begun mass recruitment drives with the promise of a lottery for their employees to have a chance to win a place. This has led to what many call the Corporation Wars. Large scale battles break out regularly between corporations as they try to gain a foothold in the competition.
Your clan, The Legion of Lions, is based in London. They are fairly well known on the clan circuit but until now have watched the competition from a distance. With the large armies of the corporations trying not to lose ground to the others, the clan have decided to get involved and make a push to win the competition.
While all this is going on in The Universe, some of the more underhanded corporations are doing whatever they can to disrupt users and their clans in the real world. Cutting power supplies and network connections and paying off police enforcers to arrest well known players are just a couple of ways they are doing business.
To win the prize you and your clan must stay ahead of the corporations not just in The Universe but in the real world as well. For a group of people who have never met outside of the virtual world, you'll need to work together in the real world or possibly find yourselves locked away for a very long time.

What is in the Modern World Like?
The Universe has taken over the world and is a big part of many peoples day to day lives. It is a virtual reality experience that can make a persons wildest dreams a reality.
The major cities of the world have become countries within themselves, the sheer size and scale of each meaning that very few live outside of these hubs. Each City is broken into distinct districts, in this RP we'll be exploring the City of London.
The outer ring of the city is where the poorest live. The manual labourers, farmers and manufacturers all live here and it is similar in appearance to a favela or shanty town. Homes are either made of scrap metal and wood or people are found in the decaying remains of old buildings. Food is provided by special centres and require a key card. No key card, no food. A black market operates here in everything from food and water to vehicles and guns. [Also known as The Slum, The Favela and similar names]
The next ring is the Manufacturing Ring. Here is where everything is made, built and grown to ensure that the city and it's inhabitants can survive. Farms are now in multi-level facilities that reach down far into the earth. Some factories are as big as small sky scrapers as they try to produce enough for the cities residents.
The next and final ring is the City Ring. This is where the rich and middle class mostly live. Office workers, corporate stooges and high ranking CEO's all reside and work here. The City Ring is taller than it is long, reaching high into the sky. The poorest who are lucky enough to live in the ring live at ground level. Daylight is just a dream here as the many skyways and levels above block out most of it. As a person rises up the levels of the City Ring, their status increases. At the very top are the owners of the Corporations that run the city. Even with their vast wealth they are unable to leave this ring to reached the central area.
The central area of London is called Paradise and rightly so. What was once tower blocks is now a picturesque nature reserve for only the most elite and rich amongst the cities inhabitants. They number less than 100 but have the freedom to move across the vast open landscape they inhabit. Paradise is located above even the tallest skyscraper in the City Ring, providing a view that is unobstructed. Those who live here are the descendents of royalty, the last Prime Minister and super wealthy.
Each ring has the most high tech in security available. In addition to manned patrols there are automated defences that could hit a fly with a single bullet. Each citizen is given a chip at birth which in DNA coded to them, making it impossible to steal someone elses chip and to use it. Those in The Slums have access to the Manufacturing Ring during work hours and The Slums. They are completely unable to enter the City Ring unless they win the lottery or receive a promotion. Anyone caught trying to cross into the City Ring without access will be gunned down after only one warning. The same applies for people travelling from the City Ring to Paradise. Apart from a few courriers and security, access to Paradise is restricted to only those who live there.
The Universe has taken over the world and is a big part of many peoples day to day lives. It is a virtual reality experience that can make a persons wildest dreams a reality.
The major cities of the world have become countries within themselves, the sheer size and scale of each meaning that very few live outside of these hubs. Each City is broken into distinct districts, in this RP we'll be exploring the City of London.
The outer ring of the city is where the poorest live. The manual labourers, farmers and manufacturers all live here and it is similar in appearance to a favela or shanty town. Homes are either made of scrap metal and wood or people are found in the decaying remains of old buildings. Food is provided by special centres and require a key card. No key card, no food. A black market operates here in everything from food and water to vehicles and guns. [Also known as The Slum, The Favela and similar names]
The next ring is the Manufacturing Ring. Here is where everything is made, built and grown to ensure that the city and it's inhabitants can survive. Farms are now in multi-level facilities that reach down far into the earth. Some factories are as big as small sky scrapers as they try to produce enough for the cities residents.
The next and final ring is the City Ring. This is where the rich and middle class mostly live. Office workers, corporate stooges and high ranking CEO's all reside and work here. The City Ring is taller than it is long, reaching high into the sky. The poorest who are lucky enough to live in the ring live at ground level. Daylight is just a dream here as the many skyways and levels above block out most of it. As a person rises up the levels of the City Ring, their status increases. At the very top are the owners of the Corporations that run the city. Even with their vast wealth they are unable to leave this ring to reached the central area.
The central area of London is called Paradise and rightly so. What was once tower blocks is now a picturesque nature reserve for only the most elite and rich amongst the cities inhabitants. They number less than 100 but have the freedom to move across the vast open landscape they inhabit. Paradise is located above even the tallest skyscraper in the City Ring, providing a view that is unobstructed. Those who live here are the descendents of royalty, the last Prime Minister and super wealthy.
Each ring has the most high tech in security available. In addition to manned patrols there are automated defences that could hit a fly with a single bullet. Each citizen is given a chip at birth which in DNA coded to them, making it impossible to steal someone elses chip and to use it. Those in The Slums have access to the Manufacturing Ring during work hours and The Slums. They are completely unable to enter the City Ring unless they win the lottery or receive a promotion. Anyone caught trying to cross into the City Ring without access will be gunned down after only one warning. The same applies for people travelling from the City Ring to Paradise. Apart from a few courriers and security, access to Paradise is restricted to only those who live there.
What is in The Universe?
When you log onto the universe you are loaded into your characters home location. This can be anything as simple as a small apartment up to a useable intergalactic spaceship. These homes can also be set as clan home locations which can then be used as a characters default spawn point. These homes are fully customisable and exist as their own separate entities to the rest of the world. As such, only people with verified access are allowed to enter, making it a good place to store gear.
From this home location the main entrance so whether it is an apartment door, castle gate or airlock, act as a doorway into The Universe. To set your destination location you simply say the locations name. When you then open the door you will find yourself facing into the location you called for.
Locations cover almost everything that you can imagine in terms of pop culture. There is a planet based on LV-426 with its resident Xenomorphs, a full scale recreation of the Mass Effect Citadel, a planet entirely based on Ancient Egypt...the possibilities are endless.
While PvP and PvE are always on, a lot of locations have weapon free zones meaning that characters can not enter with any sort of weapon. This is most prevalent with the Holiday worlds.
Moving from location to location can be done easily using the teleport system but it is possible to travel from location to location using starships. A lot of players, inspired by Eve Online, spend more time on their ships acting as pirates or traders rather than seeing any of the planets. Planets can be bombarded from space apart from those with weapon restrictions. However many planets features heavy defences and even the biggest battleship would have no hope of doing any significant damage before finding itself destroyed.
A lot of people now work through The Universe, whether it is mining currency, farming resources or work in a virtual office. The cost of real world property has skyrocketed and so virtual offices are infinitely easier. With real world currency tied to the virtual, payment is often now made through the virtual currency. This can be automated to pay from time of log on to time of leaving.
Universe Rules
• Each part of the game is broken up into PvE and PvP. PvE areas restrict the use of any weapons or violent behaviour being used on other people. You cannot draw a weapon and any attempts to attack another player will be stopped by the Universes advanced AI. Most non-gaming areas and certain other areas will be labelled PvE. Some PvP areas will have certain restrictions depending on the event. For example certain races will have a no weapons policy or will follow real world rules such as no contact. The only people exempt from these rules are the UPF.
• The unwritten rule of many players is to not share your real world details, but that doesnt mean that people don't. While people may be forthcoming about who they are, many people are not.
• Many of the games areas are adults only and due to the personal chips everyone has, the Universe can automatically detect the age of it's users. This means the more "adult" areas are entirely inaccessible to minors. In addition, a rule in the game entirely restricts users from utilising character models below the age of 18 once they have reached that age. There is no restriction to which gender your avatar is.
• Much like the RPG's of old, many status effects can exist in game. From being frozen solid to being immolated, poisoned to petrified, these are all possible status effect in game. While on their own they will not be fatal, failure to treat them through various in game remedy's can result in a character death.
• The penalty for character death varies, depending on what they are doing. It is possible to be revived in certain instances if a healer can get to you in time, however if a character is vaporised or dismembered then there is no chance of revival and death occurs:
• PvE: A death in standard PvE will result in losing 10% of your credit count.
• PvE Boss: Boss monsters roam the world and can offer a fair amount of rare items. As such the penalty for going against them is steeper than just wandering the PvE worlds. You lose 25% of your credit count.
• PvE Raid: The holy grail of items are often hidden behind the challenging raids of the Universe. Only the strongest and most in sync players can successfully complete a raid. For those who fail, they will find themselves losing all of their equipped items. They then have one hour to return to their point of death to reclaim the items or risk losing them forever. A death against the final boss is often a guarentee of losing all your equipped gear.
• PvP: Is what many people in the world live for. While many fight on the designated battlefields, pirates roam looking to pick off any unsuspecting loners. When you die in PvP your gear drops at your point of death and it will remain their for one full hour. However, unlike a PvE raid anyone can claim the loot. This has resulted in a fairly active bounty hunting services industry.
When you log onto the universe you are loaded into your characters home location. This can be anything as simple as a small apartment up to a useable intergalactic spaceship. These homes can also be set as clan home locations which can then be used as a characters default spawn point. These homes are fully customisable and exist as their own separate entities to the rest of the world. As such, only people with verified access are allowed to enter, making it a good place to store gear.
From this home location the main entrance so whether it is an apartment door, castle gate or airlock, act as a doorway into The Universe. To set your destination location you simply say the locations name. When you then open the door you will find yourself facing into the location you called for.
Locations cover almost everything that you can imagine in terms of pop culture. There is a planet based on LV-426 with its resident Xenomorphs, a full scale recreation of the Mass Effect Citadel, a planet entirely based on Ancient Egypt...the possibilities are endless.
While PvP and PvE are always on, a lot of locations have weapon free zones meaning that characters can not enter with any sort of weapon. This is most prevalent with the Holiday worlds.
Moving from location to location can be done easily using the teleport system but it is possible to travel from location to location using starships. A lot of players, inspired by Eve Online, spend more time on their ships acting as pirates or traders rather than seeing any of the planets. Planets can be bombarded from space apart from those with weapon restrictions. However many planets features heavy defences and even the biggest battleship would have no hope of doing any significant damage before finding itself destroyed.
A lot of people now work through The Universe, whether it is mining currency, farming resources or work in a virtual office. The cost of real world property has skyrocketed and so virtual offices are infinitely easier. With real world currency tied to the virtual, payment is often now made through the virtual currency. This can be automated to pay from time of log on to time of leaving.
Universe Rules
• Each part of the game is broken up into PvE and PvP. PvE areas restrict the use of any weapons or violent behaviour being used on other people. You cannot draw a weapon and any attempts to attack another player will be stopped by the Universes advanced AI. Most non-gaming areas and certain other areas will be labelled PvE. Some PvP areas will have certain restrictions depending on the event. For example certain races will have a no weapons policy or will follow real world rules such as no contact. The only people exempt from these rules are the UPF.
• The unwritten rule of many players is to not share your real world details, but that doesnt mean that people don't. While people may be forthcoming about who they are, many people are not.
• Many of the games areas are adults only and due to the personal chips everyone has, the Universe can automatically detect the age of it's users. This means the more "adult" areas are entirely inaccessible to minors. In addition, a rule in the game entirely restricts users from utilising character models below the age of 18 once they have reached that age. There is no restriction to which gender your avatar is.
• Much like the RPG's of old, many status effects can exist in game. From being frozen solid to being immolated, poisoned to petrified, these are all possible status effect in game. While on their own they will not be fatal, failure to treat them through various in game remedy's can result in a character death.
• The penalty for character death varies, depending on what they are doing. It is possible to be revived in certain instances if a healer can get to you in time, however if a character is vaporised or dismembered then there is no chance of revival and death occurs:
• PvE: A death in standard PvE will result in losing 10% of your credit count.
• PvE Boss: Boss monsters roam the world and can offer a fair amount of rare items. As such the penalty for going against them is steeper than just wandering the PvE worlds. You lose 25% of your credit count.
• PvE Raid: The holy grail of items are often hidden behind the challenging raids of the Universe. Only the strongest and most in sync players can successfully complete a raid. For those who fail, they will find themselves losing all of their equipped items. They then have one hour to return to their point of death to reclaim the items or risk losing them forever. A death against the final boss is often a guarentee of losing all your equipped gear.
• PvP: Is what many people in the world live for. While many fight on the designated battlefields, pirates roam looking to pick off any unsuspecting loners. When you die in PvP your gear drops at your point of death and it will remain their for one full hour. However, unlike a PvE raid anyone can claim the loot. This has resulted in a fairly active bounty hunting services industry.
The Arc System
The interface to log into The Universe. In its most basic form it consists of a headset, gloves and a tracking treadmill. There are travel versions, static chairs and suits that provide physical feedback on the wearers body in relation to what happens in the virtual world. For travel version and static chairs, joysticks are required for character movement.
The interface to log into The Universe. In its most basic form it consists of a headset, gloves and a tracking treadmill. There are travel versions, static chairs and suits that provide physical feedback on the wearers body in relation to what happens in the virtual world. For travel version and static chairs, joysticks are required for character movement.

This over populated area of London makes up the entire outer ring of the city. It is made up of 80% of the cities 10,000,000 population with people crammed into small shacks that rise high into the air. While there are many people, they do have access to basic amenities such as running water, electricity and sanitation. However just because they have access to it doesn't mean that it is entirely functional. Sewage blockages occur regularly which can cause much of the filth to rise through the drains causing major health problems. Diseases and infections once wiped from the British shores are now prevalent once again. Medical care can be sought but at a large cost. Only those successful in the Universe can usually afford this through non-illegal means.
Food is often rationed to ensure that there is enough to go around. There hasn't been a recorded famine in the slums for the last twelve years. Rationing has led to a black market of food and snacks that people have managed to source from the City Ring. The Rogues Gallery is the most well known black market and is a place to get almost anything a person could wish for. Top of the range Arc gear, food, drugs, weapons and fake ID's are all available. There is a rumour that there is someone who can modify peoples chips to allow access to the City Ring but this is often put down to being nothing more than a lie as most who try to use fake chips find themselves incarcerated in The Block.
Key Locations
• The Rogues Gallery - The most famous black market in the entirety of the slums. People can get almost whatever they want here..
• The Block - A massive prison that houses all of London's criminals. Escape is impossible and those found trying to escape are immediately executed.
• Harpers Hope - The main hospital of the Slums. While they do want to help everyone, their very limited resources mean they can only provide medicine to those that can afford to pay.
• Bar District - A street famous for it's many bars, casinos and 'pleasure facilities'.

Those in the Slums and the lower tier of the City Ring will often find themselves working in the Manufacturing Ring. Anything made or grown has likely come from this ring. Technology, furniture, vehicles and appliances are all made here while the many underground farms produce the food that feeds the entire city.
Security is very tight within the Manufacturing Ring due to the burgeoning black market of the slums. People will often be paid to try and steal stuff for the black market gangs. The gangs are at low risk while those they have paid can face up to ten years in prison.
Key Locations
• Gaia Farms - An underground facility on a truly massive scale. Reaching miles into the ground and covering enough square miles to dwarf the city itself, Gaia Farms is responsible for 65% of London's entire food supply. Growing fruit and vegetables while also rearing livestock, Gaia Farms is one of the most important locations in the entire city.
• Corporation Production Facilities - The big three corporations all have their production facilities located here.
• National Grid Powerstations- Run by the National Grid who provide electricity solutions to the entirety of the UK, they have large powerstations that utilise the Thames, solar panels and giant wind turbines. While the energy from the grid is entirely green, the factories around it are not.

The lowest tier of the multi-tiered city ring is sometimes referred to as the ground floor. Sunlight does not reach this level as the levels above block out every last ray of the sun. Neon lighting is in abundance giving it a very cyberpunk feel. It is in a better state than the slums as people have alot more room to move and to live in, however the quality of life is still pretty poor. While medical care is easier to seek out than the Slums, it can still cost quite alot.
The majority of this level who do not excel in the Universe find themselves working in the Manufacturing Ring. Those who don't are usually bar workers, restaurenters, tattooists or have an occupation that isn't entirely legal.
Key Locations
• Gary's Pawn Shop - Run by a man who hides behind a two way mirror, Gary's Pawn Shop has everything a person would want. His prices are often extortionate but he explicity only accepts credits from the Universe.
• Jin's Palace - A large complex that started out as a chinese restaurent. Now it is the biggest legal casino in the Lower Tier. Featuring an arcade, casino games, large restaurent and bar, it is almost always full of people trying their luck.
• The Track - A race course that weaves through the streets of the Lower Tier and is one of the most watched live entertainment spectacles available to the people of the level.

This tier is where much of the office workers and more skilled workers reside. If you have a valuable talent then it is likely you are here if you are not filthy rich. The sky is visible in many parts of the tier but it can often be in the shadow of the upper tier during much of the day.
The quality of life is much improved over the lower tier with even less population density but also free medical care based off the old NHS system. Where taxes used to the fund the NHS, here the corporations are responsible for paying for their employees care. As some of the most skilled individuals in the city, the CEOs of the organisations understand the need to keep them happy and healthy.
The first bit of greenery in the entire city is found here with trees often lining streets.
Key Locations
• Churchill Park - Named after the former Prime Minister, this park was created as the tier was created. It is a fairly large area and features sportsfields and a lake for watersport activities.
• Wembley - The historical stadium was rebuilt here and is home to many different sports. Where teams were once spread across the country, they now all hail from this city. Players come from all over the cities districts. Those from the slums and lower tier are often transported in with police escort, not for their own safety, but to ensure they do not try to flee and escape into a tier they do not belong.
• Harrods - Names after the famous store, Harrods is now a large shopping centre akin to the giant shopping malls of the US. Stores are here for everything and anything a person could want.

If you're rich then you live here. Whether you are one of the cities elite sports stars or a CEO of a corporation, you will reside in this tier. Population density here is right down with many of the people living here owning large apartments or houses. The standard of living here is high with many of it's residents employing servants to take care of them.
The standard of living verges on ridiculous with one doctor being available for every fifty people. This often results in apartment blocks having their own fully equipped doctors surgery with staff.
Key Locations
• Corporation Headquarters - All corporation headquarters are located here.

Little is known about Paradise beyond the name being entirely suitable for the location. Few have seen it and fewer reside their.

Each district and tier is seperated by high level security. In particularly the districts are lined with massively high walls than nobody could ever hope to scale. Security patrol the walls at all hours with advanced CCTV and even anti-personnel turrets active. Those found trying to sneak into a district they do not have access to will receive a single warning before being fired upon.

OIC logo.

Standard OIC grunt skin.
The Owen Isaacs Corporation was founded in 2025 and was at the forefront of "futuretech". They made their money from highly advanced virtual reality systems, navigation technology and general appliances. Upon the Universes release to the public, OIC made numerous bids to get access to the technology behind it. However the developers of the virtual world refused to share and so OIC was left behind in their pursuit for virtual reality supremacy. While they are still a multi-billion pound business, they have not forgiven what they see as a slight against them. They will do whatever it takes to get control of the Universe.
In game they tend to operate using standard ballistic weaponry and make use of a fleet of heavy transport vehicles (ground, flying and space). They can deploy quickly and efficiently wherever they need.
Real World Employees: 800,000 (750,000 work in manufacturing with the rest in various office roles)
Virtual World Employees: 3000 (Limited by access points)
Realistic Grunt Mobilisation Number: 50,000 (With additional access points)

Cartersoft Logo.

Standard Cartersoft grunt skin.
Cartersoft were the video game giant of the mid 21st century. Acquiring EA and Activision, Cartersoft took a stranglehold on the video game market. Producing consoles and video games at a record pace, they earnt billions more a month than their nearest competitor.
They soon began to diversify into motor vehicles of all things and upon the release of The Universe, they now rely heavily on their automotive team to make up for the significant reduction in revenue from video games.
In game Cartersoft make use of jump packs to provide a level of agility. They often use plasma based weaponry.
Real World Employees: 100,000 (50,000 in development with rest in various office roles)
Virtual World Employees: 1250 (Limited Access Points)
Realistic Grunt Mobilisation Number: 10,000 (With additional access points)

Hiroshi Technologies Logo.
Standard Hiroshi Technologies grunt skin.
Hiroshi Technologies have never been involved in gaming but rather the development of robotics, artificial intelligence and utilising it to create self driving vehicles. They stepped into the Universe with their significant financial clout, not to take over, but to help spread its wealth to benefit the users. They see treating the users of the Universe well as good marketing. This has paid off as the number of home helper robots sold monthly increased ten fold after a recent item give away they held in the Universe.
While usually peaceful in game Hiroshi users are equipment with mono-blades and powerful laser weaponry.
Real World Employees: 50,000 (40,000 Manufacturing with rest in various office roles)
Virtual World Employees: 500
Realistic Grunt Mobilisation Number: 1000

A relatively small but highly efficient guild. The majority of it's members reside in London but at located in all corners of the city. What they make up for in number they make up for in skill and talent. The Elite Ten as they are referred too, are worth a thousand of the corporations standard grunts. Excelling in all aspects of competition whether it be racing, fighting or one of the other challenges, they are often a name featured.
Each guild member is allowed to equip their character however they wish with no restrictions.

During the early twenty first century gamers often spoke of toxic communities within certain games. In the Universe there is no guild more Toxic than the Fists of Omega. They exist solely to annoy and disrupt the enjoyment of other players. They will often arrive at locations en mass and kill any unprepared player they come across. They have been at war with the Legion of Lions for the past five years.
Members are expected to wear the Omega logo prominently on their characters armour and to use weapons that look the most brutal. Chainsaws, grenade launches, bayonets etc are common place.

Standard UPF Officer skin.
The complete opposite to the Fists of Omega, the UPF exist for the sole purpose of protecting the players of the Universe. They number in the high thousands and patrol many of the PvP and PvE areas to control against griefers and trolls. The developers have even granted them special powers to be able to kill offenders within PvE zones. Members of the UPF must pass a rigourous background check that looks through their entire history within the Universe. Any blemish or sign of toxicity and they will be refused entry.
The standard skin of the UPF features a built in siren and flashing lights with their standard weapon being a high powered semi-automatic ballistic rifle.
So the CS is below with a little explaination but just so you're all aware, there are NINE available spaces in the RP. There will be a deadline for CS applications of Friday 22nd February as that is when I intend to get everything started. If we only have nine applicants and the CS' are acceptable then great. However if we have more then i'll have to choose based on which I think is better suited to the setting.
So before you get to your CS here are a few things to be aware of:
• The RP is 18+ only. That is in terms of characters and forum users.
• The overall tone of the RP is quite serious. There will be time for jokes and what not but things will get pretty dark at times so keep that in mind when creating your character.
• Every person will be part of the guild (this is mentioned above but just thought id repeat it).
• Preferably no double agents for or against the corporations.
• Hacking the Universe is impossible no matter how amazing your character may be with computers. So there are no cheats, no bots or anything that would give someone an unfair advantage (without earning it through items of course). However there is a strong modding community who develop skins for weapons and items but these are cosmetic only.
• If you have a concept you are unsure would be acceptable then please just ask.
User Details
Name: Easy
Age: Easy
Gender: Easy
Sexual Orientation: Easy
Height: Easy
Weight: Easy
Appearance: Real life pictures only
Home: Which area of the city do they reside? What is their housing like? Anything better than mid tier City Ring will need a great explaination to be accepted. Feel free to use a picture or two.
Occupation: What does your character do to earn a living?
Real Life Skills: What five things is your character really good at?
Likes and Dislikes: Five things your character likes and dislikes
Items: Put up to ten things your character possesses, e.g. car, high end Arc system etc
Personality: Write a paragraph or put key words to describe your characters personality.
Background: A history behind your character
Username: Your characters name in game
Appearance: Can be pretty much any art work within reason (keep to the tone of the RP I.e. It’s going to get dark at times so I’d rather not see Care Bears or My Little Pony)
Home: Provide a picture/description of their private spawn area.
Fame Tier: How famous is your Avatar? Unknown / Relatively Known / Well Known / Popular / Famous
Specialty: What is your avatar a specialist at? Racing? Shooting? Stealth? One per character. Try to use RPG style classes and throw a description in with it.
Feats: A bit of a background on what your avatar has accomplished in game. The more famous a character, then realistically the more feats they should have.
Items will each have a rarity. The rarity scale is listed below. If you are not sure about what rarity to assign an item then simply post your CS and i'll help you out:
Common - Bog standard items that have basic outputs. Prevelent in game.
• Weapon - Katana, Axe, M4 Rifle, M4A1 from Alien, Lancer from Gears etc.
• Armour - Plate armour, Kevlar, Leather etc.
• Utility - Omni-tool for hacking, tricorder for environment report, heartbeat sensor for tracking nearby enemies.
• Steed - Anything with little to no offensive capability i.e. standard car or motorbike.
Rare - Items that often drop from boss fights or require some sort of purchase.
• Weapon - Heavier weaponry e.g. Smartgun from Aliens, Rocket launcher, grenade launcher etc.
• Armour - Armour that often provides some sort of shielding or protection against elements e.g. plate armour with dragon cloak to resist fire.
• Utility - More powerful items such as support drones or turrets.
• Steed - Vehicles or mounts that have some level of weaponry i.e. Humvee with mounted machine gun or a bear.
Legendary - Very expensive items that only usually drop at the end of raids or cost large sums of credits. Uses of these items abilities are often for a limited time with short cooldowns to avoid spam.
• Weapon - Highly powerful weapons with unique abilities e.g. Thors Hammer (Mjolnir) or the BFG from Doom.
• Armour - Extremely protective armour e.g. Space Marine Power Armour or Mjolnir Armour.
• Utility - Usually powerful support abilities e.g. mortar strikes, air strikes or summoning abilities.
• Steed - Anything with a strong combat ability i.e. Tank, Batmans Tumbler, Alien Queen.
Epic - The rarest of all items. Most of these are limited in number and in some instances are entirely unique. Can mostly be used only once an instance for a very short period of time before ceasing.
• These are reserved solely for artefacts. They allow a character to become extremely powerful for a very limited time. Examples are: Green Lanterns ring, Goku's Gi, Gundam suit, Godzillas skin etc.
Below are the list of items you need to select. In total you can have the following (you dont have to if you don't wish:
• Unlimited Common
• 2 Rare
• 1 Legendary
• 1 Epic
Weapons: Select up to three weapons for your character to have
Armour: What skin/armour does your character have?
Utility: List up to four utility items e.g Omni tool, tricorder etc
Steed: A non-flying mount for your character.
Artifacts: Pick one artifact that could be considered high powered e.g Green Lanterns ring.
Name: Easy
Age: Easy
Gender: Easy
Sexual Orientation: Easy
Height: Easy
Weight: Easy
Appearance: Real life pictures only
Home: Which area of the city do they reside? What is their housing like? Anything better than mid tier City Ring will need a great explaination to be accepted. Feel free to use a picture or two.
Occupation: What does your character do to earn a living?
Real Life Skills: What five things is your character really good at?
Likes and Dislikes: Five things your character likes and dislikes
Items: Put up to ten things your character possesses, e.g. car, high end Arc system etc
Personality: Write a paragraph or put key words to describe your characters personality.
Background: A history behind your character
Username: Your characters name in game
Appearance: Can be pretty much any art work within reason (keep to the tone of the RP I.e. It’s going to get dark at times so I’d rather not see Care Bears or My Little Pony)
Home: Provide a picture/description of their private spawn area.
Fame Tier: How famous is your Avatar? Unknown / Relatively Known / Well Known / Popular / Famous
Specialty: What is your avatar a specialist at? Racing? Shooting? Stealth? One per character. Try to use RPG style classes and throw a description in with it.
Feats: A bit of a background on what your avatar has accomplished in game. The more famous a character, then realistically the more feats they should have.
Items will each have a rarity. The rarity scale is listed below. If you are not sure about what rarity to assign an item then simply post your CS and i'll help you out:
Common - Bog standard items that have basic outputs. Prevelent in game.
• Weapon - Katana, Axe, M4 Rifle, M4A1 from Alien, Lancer from Gears etc.
• Armour - Plate armour, Kevlar, Leather etc.
• Utility - Omni-tool for hacking, tricorder for environment report, heartbeat sensor for tracking nearby enemies.
• Steed - Anything with little to no offensive capability i.e. standard car or motorbike.
Rare - Items that often drop from boss fights or require some sort of purchase.
• Weapon - Heavier weaponry e.g. Smartgun from Aliens, Rocket launcher, grenade launcher etc.
• Armour - Armour that often provides some sort of shielding or protection against elements e.g. plate armour with dragon cloak to resist fire.
• Utility - More powerful items such as support drones or turrets.
• Steed - Vehicles or mounts that have some level of weaponry i.e. Humvee with mounted machine gun or a bear.
Legendary - Very expensive items that only usually drop at the end of raids or cost large sums of credits. Uses of these items abilities are often for a limited time with short cooldowns to avoid spam.
• Weapon - Highly powerful weapons with unique abilities e.g. Thors Hammer (Mjolnir) or the BFG from Doom.
• Armour - Extremely protective armour e.g. Space Marine Power Armour or Mjolnir Armour.
• Utility - Usually powerful support abilities e.g. mortar strikes, air strikes or summoning abilities.
• Steed - Anything with a strong combat ability i.e. Tank, Batmans Tumbler, Alien Queen.
Epic - The rarest of all items. Most of these are limited in number and in some instances are entirely unique. Can mostly be used only once an instance for a very short period of time before ceasing.
• These are reserved solely for artefacts. They allow a character to become extremely powerful for a very limited time. Examples are: Green Lanterns ring, Goku's Gi, Gundam suit, Godzillas skin etc.
Below are the list of items you need to select. In total you can have the following (you dont have to if you don't wish:
• Unlimited Common
• 2 Rare
• 1 Legendary
• 1 Epic
Weapons: Select up to three weapons for your character to have
Armour: What skin/armour does your character have?
Utility: List up to four utility items e.g Omni tool, tricorder etc
Steed: A non-flying mount for your character.
Artifacts: Pick one artifact that could be considered high powered e.g Green Lanterns ring.
[hider=Character Name][center]
[color=CLAIM][h1]Character Name[/h1][/color]
"[color=CLAIM][i]Character Quote[/i][/color]"[/center]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Name Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Age Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Gender Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[b]sᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ[/b]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Sexual Orientation Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Height Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Weight Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Home Details Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Occupation Details Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[b]ʀᴇᴀʟ ʟɪғᴇ sᴋɪʟʟs[/b]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Skill 1[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Skill 2[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Skill 3[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Skill 4[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Skill 5[/i][/color][/indent]
[b]ʟɪᴋᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴅɪsʟɪᴋᴇs [/b]
[indent][color=39b54a]✔[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Like Here[/i][/color]
[color=39b54a]✔[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Like Here[/i][/color]
[color=39b54a]✔[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Like Here[/i][/color]
[color=39b54a]✔[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Like Here[/i][/color]
[color=39b54a]✔[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Like Here[/i][/color]
[color=ed1c24]✘[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Dislike Here[/i][/color]
[color=ed1c24]✘[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Dislike Here[/i][/color]
[color=ed1c24]✘[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Dislike Here[/i][/color]
[color=ed1c24]✘[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Dislike Here[/i][/color]
[color=ed1c24]✘[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Dislike Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Item 1[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Item 2[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Item 3[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Item 4[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Item 5[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Item 6[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Item 7[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Item 8[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Item 9[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Item 10[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Personality Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Background Here (Couple of Paragraphs Please)[/i][/color][/indent]
[hider=Avatar Name][center]
[color=CLAIM][h1]Avatar Name[/h1][/color]
"[color=CLAIM][i]Avatar Quote[/i][/color]"[/center]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Username Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Home Details Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[b]ғᴀᴍᴇ ᴛɪᴇʀ [/b]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Fame Details Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[b]sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟᴛʏ [/b]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Avatar Specialty Here[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=cccccc][i]Feats go here[/i][/color][/indent]
[b]ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴs [/b]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][b][i]Weapon 1 Name[/i][/b][/color]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Rarity:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Weapon 1 Rarity[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Description or Link to image[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Functionality:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Key Functions of Weapon 1[/i][/color][/indent]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][b][i]Weapon 2 Name[/i][/b][/color]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Rarity:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Weapon 2 Rarity[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Description or Link to image[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Functionality:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Key Functions of Weapon 2[/i][/color][/indent]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][b][i]Weapon 3 Name[/i][/b][/color]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Rarity:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Weapon 3 Rarity[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Description or Link to image[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Functionality:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Key Functions of Weapon 3[/i][/color][/indent]
[b]ᴀʀᴍᴏᴜʀ [/b]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][b][i]Armour Name[/i][/b][/color]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Rarity:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Armour Rarity[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Description or Link to image[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Functionality:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Key Functions of Armour[/i][/color][/indent]
[b]ᴜᴛɪʟɪᴛʏ [/b]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][b][i]Utility 1 Name[/i][/b][/color]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Rarity:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Utility 1 Rarity[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Description or Link to image[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Functionality:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Key Functions of Utility 1[/i][/color][/indent]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][b][i]Utility 2 Name[/i][/b][/color]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Rarity:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Weapon 2 Rarity[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Description or Link to image[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Functionality:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Key Functions of Utility 2[/i][/color][/indent]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][b][i]Utility 3 Name[/i][/b][/color]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Rarity:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Utility 3 Rarity[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Description or Link to image[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Functionality:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Key Functions of Utility 3[/i][/color][/indent]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][b][i]Utility 4 Name[/i][/b][/color]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Rarity:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Utility 4 Rarity[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Description or Link to image[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Functionality:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Key Functions of Utility 4[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][b][i]Steed Name[/i][/b][/color]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Rarity:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Steed Rarity[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Description or Link to image[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Functionality:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Key Functions of Steed[/i][/color][/indent]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [color=cccccc][b][i]Artifact Name[/i][/b][/color]
[indent][color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Description or Link to image[/i][/color]
[color=CLAIM]•[/color] [b]Functionality:[/b] [color=cccccc][i]Key Functions of Artifact[/i][/color][/indent]