[ Privy Newstream ]
Massive Variant Ravages Midtown Causing Numerous Casualties
NEW HAVEN — An extremely large shadow-type Variant went on a rampage through part of Midtown in the late hours of the evening. Several deaths as well as substantial amounts of property damage were reported. Dylann Hunt, head of the legal department in N.O.V.A.'s New Haven office, issued a statement earlier concerning the current status of the Variant.
« "We are all utterly stunned by the absolute chaos that ravaged our streets. Numerous lives were lost in the reckless destruction, including military personnel and government agents. This act of violence was needless, unyielding, intrusive, and appalling. Never has such a dreadful crime been committed against the citizens of New Haven.
The Variant responsible for this attack, known as Subject 7, has been detained and will remain in confinement indefinitely. Further action in this matter is being considered and reviewed. Thank you." »
Dylann Hunt sat in her office at 1 Marshal Avenue dressed in regular blue jeans, a white button down top, and a pair of flats. She had rushed out in the wake of the attack on Midtown and hadn't had an opportunity to don her usual professional attire. So much for meatloaf night. Instead, she had to settle for the takeout that was brought to her moments ago by the man seated on the other side of her desk. Bryan Drake, the Warden of MAD's Detainment Facility, was settled into his chair with his arms folded wearing his signature frown. He and Dylann had been working together for years and he admired her for her sharp mind. Dylann let out an audibly irritated sigh as she finished her meal.
"This is a fucking train wreck...no, scratch that. I'd rather be dealing with a train wreck," she said, tossing her fork into the empty takeout container.
"You know confinement won't be enough. Everyone will be screaming for a death sentence."
"Yes, I know...and I would agree one hundred percent," Dylann said quite matter-of-factly. "But, unfortunately, I have to go through the proper channels."
"I say fuck the proper channels. We need to ex this thing right now. You saw what it did to the city...this was a deliberate malicious attack on innocent, unsuspecting people!"
"No need to get loud, Bryan. The process is in place for a reason. If we don't follow it, we're just as much a murderer as that jolly black giant."
"Sometimes extreme measures have to be taken, Dylann. This is on par with terrorism."
"Our job is to control the extremes...not abuse or create them. We have enough bullshit to deal with without rattling cages."
"Well, I'm really not trying to argue here. Just stating my outrage with this whole situation," Bryan said as he rose from his chair. "Variants like that shouldn't be allowed to roam free. I'll even go as far to say that some should just plain disappear."
Dylann sat a little straighter in her chair and folded her arms, her facial expression remaining neutral.
"And at the end of the day, whenever they do merc this freak, it'll be getting what it deserves and society will be better for it."
Drake exited the office without another word, leaving Dylann to contemplate NOVA's next move.
– Warehouse District –Sierra's phone vibrated in her pocket once again halfway through her trek to the warehouse district. Her mouth hung open a little when the news break appeared on the screen.
Wow...I was just over there! How did I miss…? Sierra whipped around and faced the direction she had come from. Gazing curiously toward Midtown, she fought the strong urge to head to ground zero and analyze the wreckage. After a moment's contemplation, she resigned herself to continuing her journey to meet with the Underground. She wasn't really the type to keep others waiting on her.
The lights became less and less prevalent as she neared her destination. Parts of the warehouse district were still very much abandoned and didn't necessarily warrant spending money on a lot of street lights. When the building came into view, Sierra gave a slight grin of familiarity. It was like one of several second homes sprawled throughout the city, a place where being a Variant was actually the norm and not the exception. She suspected that others were already inside since she was rarely the first to arrive at anything.
There wasn't an immediately apparent way to get into the building upon first glance since all of the doors were sealed off and the windows were too high up to climb into. Around the side, however, there was a catwalk that lead to a door on the upper floor. The problem was that the flight of stairs leading up to the catwalk had completely collapsed forever ago…or, at least, it would be a problem if you weren't a Variant capable of flight. There was also a secret entrance for those who couldn't access the upper door, but Sierra never used it. She flew up to the outer walk and entered the warehouse.

She could hear the light chattering of a few voices coming from the floor level of the warehouse, one of which belonged, of course, to Manny. She casually descended the stairs, each step softly clanging as her sneakers met the steel. As she rounded a collapsed wall, she spotted the small gathering of Variants nestled comfortably into a nice little alcove of the room. Manny was accompanied by Ruby, Graffite, Siren, and Noxia. Sierra gave a small wave as she approached the group.
"You made it, firefly," Manny said with a sly grin. Sierra readily responded with a certain unkind hand gesture. She wasn't too fond of that particular nickname, and Manny took every opportunity to pester her with it.
"So, is anyone else coming or am I the last of the Mohicans?"