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Sons of the Harvest 4th Grand Caravan
Strike Cruiser The Coming Rain
Karia System Mandeville Point

Litanies of gratitude for He On Terra's protection through the warp sang through the vox network as The Coming Rain screamed into realspace, with all the shuddering and groaning of ancient machine spirits that such a feat entailed, as a lone figure sighed in relief within the Navigators chambers. Draugen Grosse, Librarian of the 4th Caravan, let his body crash into the navigator's throne as sweat steamed from his body before it could bead. Even for one of the Emperor’s Astartes navigating through the Immaterium was a perilous thing fraught with madness, death, and worse for those that called The Coming Rain home. Truly it was The God-Emperor's holy providence that allowed the Grand Caravan to make these treks unharmed.

Time, however, was ever an enemy and there was still much to do. Whispering a prayer of forgiveness for his moment of weakness, Draugen rose from his throne and garbed himself in the rough, brown robes he'd worn since his days as a Neophyte before making his way to the Armoury for the Rite of Armament.

Yet before he could leave the threshold Draugen paused to gaze at an unfinished illumination he'd been working on before the jump. Weeks it had sat there half finished as Draugen steered The Coming Rain through the warp, an account of the campaign of extermination against an errant Ork Waaagh!! that threatened the agri-world of Grekiod 4. Of the blood spilled on those days, the brothers who were lost, the people they had saved, and the weight of responsibility the Sons of the Harvest carried on their backs… of the warmth brought by faith in He On Terra on days when rain cut as cold and sharp as razored knives.

Draugen wondered if he would be blessed enough to finish it once this was over.

Deep within the Reliquary of The Coming Rain stood a massive figure cloaked in black and bone, the deaths head glare of his skull helm giving away nothing to the many attendants as they waited on the Garde Manger Fossagrim’s commands. The large Firstborn marine ruminated over a broiling concoction that took center stage in the Reliquary as various smokes, fumes, and vapors belched from metal pipes and winding glass.

“It is missing something,” he thought to himself, a thin straw siphoning the biosludge the Caravan lovingly called “trail soup” into a nutrient canister before consuming the sample through an intaoe port hidden in the cheek. Deep notes of umami complimented by an acidic ba, with a distinct oily finish that let the toxins within it sting at his tongue, [i]”The toxins are too thin to bind, I'll need collagen… and something to enflame our brothers spirit. Perhaps it's time to use the rest of that Ork?”

Fossagrime continued to muse to himself as his attendants began to act on his words, there was scarcely a beast in all creation that the Sons of the Harvest hadn't consumed at least once. Upon a great slab Fossagrim's attendants struggled to roll out what remained of a great Ork Nob, a beast that the Garde Manger took great pleasure in peeling open, showing his young protégés the few ways to bleed such creatures dead. Now all that was left of the thing was half a torso, the meat separated from the bones neatly and packed in salt. Truly a shame that their organs were too redundant to have any real flavors, Brother Cadmeus once even complaining that their guts were unfit to become sausages, yet the glands produced chemicals that infused Fossagrim’s concoctions with violent efficiency.

As the Garde Manger's attendants began to put the prepared chunks of ork flesh within the cauldron they quickly broke down quickly into a film of scum that floated to the surface. Once skimmed, the Garde Manger once again samples his volatile broth and let a rumble of satisfaction as the chemical rush lit his nerves aflame.

With a flick of several switches and a prayer of thanks for the Holy Emperor's bounties, Leuan's Cauldron began to bottle the trail soups into easy to consume nutrient packs that could be integrated into the power armour of his Brothers.

”It sure is an ugly thing,” thought Captain Huldran Grosse to himself as he scoured a pictogram of the unknown xenos abomination that threatened the system.

As foul in form as the great beast was, there was a small degree of comfort in the knowledge that it wasn't some strain of the Tyranid disease infesting the galaxy, but little else. It was an unknown, a mystery, a phantom nightmare that crawled out of the depths of the void. And it would die, that much the good Captain understood.

“Captain Grosse, we're receiving vox… Scions of Dorn, The Black Templars!” Spoke the Vox Master, her amplified voice cutting through the silence of the Command Bridge.

“Repeat and patch it through Vox Mistress,” replied Captain Grosse, a toothy, near feral grin splitting the half mechanized face of the Lord of the 4th Grand Caravan. The prospect of fighting with Sons of Dorn, and his fabled second sons no less, was setting his warriors blood alight, “Vox Mistress, record this message and release it on open comms.”

”Children of the Imperium hold tight your weapons, keep lit your holy places, guard your faith. He Who Sits upon the Golden Throne has called upon his angels of death to fall upon the Abomination that threatens your world. The Sons of the Harvest are here, we are coming. The thunder of war has called upon you but be not afraid for the rain has answered. Deliverance is here."
--The Sons of the Harvest--

Founding Chapter:UNKNOWN
Founding: 13th Dark Founding
Chapter Master: Vohst Ashkeladd
Homeworld: Vostkadd's Cradle
Fortress-Monastery: Materholm, a fortress wrought from the original ship that made landfall on the planet that would become Vostkadd's Cradle.
Colours: Straw yellow, chrome trim, umber arms.
Specialty: Marksmanship/Sabotage
Void Strength Present:
The Coming Rain, a bloated strike cruiser that is home to the 4th Grand Caravan Company. Grafted with some of the technology from the original colony ship that seeded Vostkadd's Cradle with human life before the times of Long Night, the old beast is armoured thick and can lay down a rain of orbital cannonfire and drop pods in a class all its own by sacrificing Lance and torpedo capabilities.

Sanguinem Ore - Nova Class Frigate

Shield of Fools - Hunter Class Destroyer

Arm of the Cradle - Gladius Class Frigate

The Grand Caravan - A flotilla of largely unarmed freighters that house stores of high quality rations, replacement tools, manufactured arms and armour, and the ability to deploy them to surviving PDF or Astra Militarum forces on the battlefield.

Ground Strength Present:
4th Grand Caravan
Cornucopiad Command Squad
Captain Huldran Grosse

Draugen Grosse, Librarian of the 4th Grand Caravan

Ancient Vassik, Standard-bearer

Garde Manger Fossagrim, Chaplain and Apothecary both

Trailmaster Vespic Krawl

Lieutenants Vosk-Firstborn and Currio-Primaris

Primaris Techmarine "Smidyr" Helstadt

10x Firstborn Tactical marines, Chainswords and Bolt Pistols
5x Firstborn Tactical Marines, Camelioline Cloaks and Bolt Snipers
10x Primaris Assault Intercessors
3x Primaris Eliminators
3x Primaris Agressors w/ Boltstorm Gauntlets
3x Primaris Supressors
5x Man Devastator Squad, Heavy Bolters
15x Scouts
5x Scout bikes
2x Invader ATV
1x Armoured Supply Crawler
1x Venerable Dreadnought "Brother Barkus"

The Pilgrim Horde - The Frateris Milita informally lead by the Pontifex Kristantin.

History: As a chapter of the 13th Dark Founding any fact of their origin is hidden under a Bull Absolute from the Inquisition and they aren't very forthcoming with that knowledge. What is known is that very soon after their deployment to the Segmentum Tempestus in the later years of M35 all contact was lost until a minor Rogue Trader house broke through into their space at the tail end of M38. At some point in their past the Battle Barge that housed the whole chapter was forced to land on the agriworld of Vostkadd's Cradle where they would stay, losing their original history and heraldry to a combination of death, invasion, and ion storms ravaging datastacks.

Forever changed by their closeness with the peasantry, when the rogue trader came only the oldest Librarian could even speak in something that resembled High Gothic and after a time pacts were made, materials traded, and maps exchanged. After several decades of repair the Sons of the Harvest were ready to return to the galactic fold while the Rogue Trader was free to establish their Dynasty along the untapped potential of the frontiers.

In the millenia that passed the Sons of the Harvest have made a name for themselves not amongst their Astartes peers or the aristocrats of the Imperium, but the Astra Militarum and peasantry they so often come to the rescue of.

Recruitment & Training: By necessity the Grand Caravans of the Sons of the Harvest travel on crusade, either cherry picking from the orphan peasantry of the world's they visit or drawn up from the enforcer clans of the Caravan. Scouts are taught to cultivate situational awareness and marksmanship above all else, to find weaknesses in supply lines and exploit them or eliminate an officer with a single shot. Separating the wheat so that the chaff smash themselves against the ceramite wall of their Battle-Brothers.

When these lessons are perfected and a Scout ascends to the rank of Astartes they eventually get sorted into one of two parts, “The Brash” who stand shoulder to shoulder with each other, barking war cries and thumping chests at the vanguard of peasant holdouts while the “The Reaping” center their aim on the heads of officers and the weak points of warmachines, removing them from the equation.

Notable Relics:
Vorpal Orizon - Artificer Astartes sniper rifle not matching known mass produced models, wielded by Trailmaster Krawl to devastating effect.

Battle Standard of the 4th - A large adamantine pole affixed with a tapestry showing a large Son of the Harvest strangling the life out of an unrecorded Xenos species in one hand while offering a full cornucopia to small, outreaching hands in the other. An integrated vox system built into the standard ensure that Ancient Vassik's wrath is heard above the din of battle.

Svartre - A large staff made of an unknown xeno hardwood with exotic, psychoactive metals studding its length. A potent force weapon passed from one Librarian to the other since before the forgotten time.

Leuan's Cauldron - No more a simple cauldron than a Thermal Lance is a metal stick. The exact origins of this biochemical crucible are lost in the fables of the Chapters history, a tale of hunger so great that the Astartes turned to boiling metals and rubbers to soften them for mortal consumption. What is known is that it is capable of rendering down biomatter into nutritious slurry, refining combat drugs out of organs, and the more mundane utility of crafting high quality meals to impress delegates or celebrate holidays.

Notable Members:
Librarian Draugen Grosse: Librarian, blood brother of Captain Huldran Grosse, and the first Son of the Harvest to cross the Rubicon Primaris. Draugen is trying to drag the Sons of the Harvest into the modern day, much to the consternation of his Chapter Master who sees no benefit to shedding their isolationism or accepting the Primaris into the ranks. Undeterred, Draugen has leveraged his relationship with the Captain to strike deep into Imperial space to prove his theories right and hopefully show the Chapter there is more they could do besides minding the border.

Brothers Bou and Lukan - Driver and Gunner of the Invader ATV “Eludo Fragor”, the pair were children when the Horus Heresy ravaged the stars and stole The Emperor's dream. Prone to seemingly insane acts of vehicular carnage.

Pontifex Astra Graivus Kristantin V - The current descendant of the original Kristantin who joined the 4th Caravan when they saved the Forgotten world of Devos 3 from Ork invasion. The family has served the 4th for over a millennium, accounting the movement, storage, and manufacture of supplies while cultivating death cults, training crusaders, and whipping toothless fools into well drilled militias ready to defend the holy places of the Emperor.

Alright, got it done.

I'm not sold on the Cornucopiad as the Chapter name and will switch to using it as a reference to the command staff. As for the speciality I wasn't exactly sure how to word it so I'll spill it here and see what I can do with it.

If they had a true Specialty it would be mortal morale enhancement, the Sons of the Harvest have an incredibly tight bond with the mortals of their Homeworld and the citizens of the imperium as a whole, seeing themselves as shephards and humanity as their flock or the bees to their keepers. So when a company goes to war its to either protect population centers from encroaching hordes, facilitate the evacuation of civilians if the planet should fall, or avenge them should they find nothing left to protect.

On the flipped side of the coin, the Sons of the Harvest inspire the flock so much that once mewling mobs get whipped into mobs of wild zealotry in the the defense of their homes.

I guess on an individual level the Adtartes of the Sons of the Harvest are great duelists, accurate shots even by astartes standards, and patient/stubborn to dig in on the defense, but as a Chapter they don't really shine in the eyes of the Highlords of Terra or their Astartes peers in ways that they would value.

As for The Coming Rain my idea for it has always been that it's oversized and undergunned, in terms of ship to ship combat at least. It's Strength comes from the fact that it holds so much supplies in reserve with an ability to craft arms and armor, grow food and medicines through sophisticated hydroponic systems, and support a staff of Chapter Serfs who are willing to jump into the fires of war as eagerly as their lords and masters. On paper the Mechanicum are... fine, with The Coming Rain since, officially, it was an Explorator fleet Archmagos that created the thing, but the fleet was lost and the Techpriests who inhabit it now have been fully naturized after 2,000 years of service. Off the books they'd really like to peel it apart because the launch bays and drop pod launchers are more advanced than their counterparts.

After Space Marine 2 came out I've been itching for some 40k roleplay. You can count me in.

Yeah quick couple, what's the exact date we were planning on? I have a couple of ideas for a character but I'd like the make the events roughly the same even if the countries are different. What's the technology level for prosthetics at, I know you have said something vague about magic being a wild force and steam power, but I've never taken a deep dive into aetherpunk so I don't know what my expectations should be.
I'm going to have to roll the idea over but I'd like to claim the chef position. Something speaks to me of playing an equivalent American, post civil war, who's been drifting ever since the conflict and made it on the ship because as scary and thuggish he is the man is a damn fine chef. I have to take a look at the game itself but I think I'm seeing potential.
This looks weird so I'm in. I like the idea of "boutique" breeds of predators having to rehone their hunting instincts over several generations and seeing which ones pass through the evolution filter.
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