Name or Nickname: "Driver's license says 'Nathan Bedford Castle.' Customers call me Nate. Friends call me prick. You'll call me Nate."
Sex and preferred gender: "What're you, my doctor? Take a good look at me and tell me what you think?"
Species: "Polish-American. How's that for a species?"
Factional Alignment: "Faction? What the f*** is that supposed to mean? How 'bout this? You don't cause any f***ing trouble, you pay your g*****n tab, and you leave your s****y grudge matches the hell outta my bar!"
Abilities: "You know how many hours a GI like me would spend on the rifle range before going to Korea? Whatever you're thinking, it's too low. You start s**t here, I can make sure you never do it again from three-hundred meters away on that road. At this range, I'll make sure your funeral is closed casket."
Strengths: "I serve all kinds here. That means I got friends in every hospital, police station and fire department in this town. You ever wind up in an ambulance or a police cruiser, one call from me and you'll be dead before you get to where you're going. And if you push your luck, my friends Colt and Abrams behind the counter will make sure I get no sass from ya."
Weaknesses: "I'm too old for this hocus-pocus s**t. And this place doesn't pay for itself anymore."
Age: "Old enough to have changed your diapers, you little puke."
Alignment: "Good? Bad? Here's your drink, there's a private booth over there, now pay me what you owe me."
Personality in a nutshell: "Don't start no problems and we won't have any. I serve all kinds here- I don't care what kind of beef you have with them or their kind. You got a problem with how I run this watering hole, you can take it up with me or the city council."
Any Important Backstory: To be completed as we write.
Nate is the sole owner of the Redhaven Bar and Grille. He opened the bar in cooperation with James William Shaib in 1962 and has kept it in operation ever since Shaib passed away in 2003. Even though Nate is getting on in years, he refuses to let his family take ownership from him and try to ship him down to a retirement home in Florida. He employs a mixed staff of mundane and supernatural workers- two dishwashers, six servers, four cooks and three bartenders (including himself).
While many places of business are engaged in a public frenzy of denying service to creatures that may be literally (or at least legally) seen as no longer human, Nate couldn't give two damns. If you pay, you get served- and anyone who has a problem with that can take it up with him.

When not at the Redhaven Bar, Nate lives off the beaten track in the New Hampshire foothills.