NameHalle Sophia Moore
AppearanceHalle stands at 5’1” and weighs around 124 pounds. Halle is often described as looking “sweet,” with large, doe eyes and a heart-melting smile. She has shiny blonde hair and cream skin. Halle has a well-developed build, with a mature body that has grown greatly since she was first at Hogwarts.
Halle tends to wear her standard Hogwarts uniform while at school, as per the rules state. While she’s out of school, she tends to wear simple jeans and jackets, preferring the Muggle clothes she had grown up with all her life over wizard robes.
Blood StatusMuggle-Born
Wand TypeCypress, Unicorn Hair, 11", Springy
PersonalityHalle is the type of person that makes a great friend, a natural extrovert and amiable person that finds great joy in making other people happy. Kind, accepting, and thoroughly sweet, Halle’s presence tends to be a gift to those who enjoy pleasant conversation or need a friend to talk to. Halle is a talkative, sociable girl, a loquacious debutante renowned for her ability to speak really quickly and socialize with anybody with ease.
Halle has an almost childlike innocence to her, lacking a taste for violence and dueling, and focuses more on compassion and communication over the use of magic to solve people problems. That being said, Halle is a surprisingly fierce warrior, her talent in magic combined with her steadfast moral values and protective nature to produce a dangerous foe in dire situations. That being said, this sort of magical aggression rarely comes out, and Halle tends to be a more sidelined person in a fight.
Halle is diligent and loyal, the type of person that can be counted on to keep a secret or promise. Halle is dedicated in her work and firm in her beliefs, open-minded to others, and tolerant to others. Halle has a strict moral code that she follows regularly, and her one dislike in other people are those that don’t follow their own.
Halle’s compassion is evident in day-to-day life, the type of person that’ll always try and help you finish your homework or spend extra time in the Quidditch pitch with. She’s rather modest, and typically brushes off most compliments without relishing in the spotlight. That being said, she is surprisingly competitive, and enjoys a good competition, whether it be Quidditch or a game or whatnot.
One would find that Halle has surprising insecurity in her blood status, after an incident in her fourth year that involved some Slytherin girls and a certain derogatory term. Halle shies away from conversations about her family life and freezes up when blood-related curses start getting thrown around.
Halle, in her adolescence, has developed a sort of romantic personality, with several instances of “puppy love” having occurred in her late 4th year. With little (actually, zero) experience in the lovebirds department, Halle has sort of pushed away these feelings and continues to remain just a friend to all the clueless males of Hogwarts.
While the Hat saw Gryffindor and even a smidge of Ravenclaw in the girl, Halle’s compassionate personality, loyalty, and overall accepting nature made her a clear choice for Hufflepuff.
HistoryHalle was born into two prestigious houses, but not of the Wizarding kind at all. Her father, Alexander Moore, was a Muggle and hotshot defense attorney known for his moral code and convincing argumentation, and her mother, Miranda Tuthill, was a doctor. The two, who met, fell in love, dated, married, and had a child in less than a year, were very much moral exemplars and kind people, but their work took up lots of time, and Halle would often find herself in an empty home, left with notes on how to heat up food in the microwave and smiley faces. She certainly never had disdain for her parents, but they grew rather disconnected over time.
Halle did pick up several traits from her parents, one being her divine moral compass, and the other her love of socialization. Halle, while not necessarily a popular girl, always had a circle of close friends, did well in school, played football in school, and had a mean viola. She looked like she was heading towards a bright career in the Muggle world, but an owl from a strange magic academy changed everything.
As it happens, there had been a wizard decades prior in the Moore family that covered up his association with the art of magic, and said magic had re-appeared in Halle. Her parents, like any reasonable Muggle parents, were confused and just a bit concerned, but they let Halle go down to Diagon Alley, pick up some stuff for her next adventure, and kiss them both on the cheeks as she walked into another life at Hogwarts.
Though experiencing some unforeseen prejudice due to her magical background (or more accurately, lack thereof), Halle grew into Hogwarts and though she’s grown up, she’s retained the same sort of childhood glee that she went into Hogwarts with.
Extracurricular Activities -Keeper for Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
-maybe more idk
PetGawain the Great Horned Owl. An older owl with a nasty penchant for violence against anything except Halle herself, Halle still loves the creature with a passion.