xI scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream! Miss Mills has found her match. Hopefully.After carefully listening her table mates introduce themselves, Barbara felt overwhelmed with a slight tinge of excitement. Every one had interesting careers and lives. Babs in comparison had felt like hers was just starting, barely in her schooling career. She was intimidated slightly by this fact, but knew that it just meant that she was more flexible. She reassured herself, she was quite the catch or so she thought.
When the lights dimmed a smile formed on Barbara's lips as she turned slightly in her chair. The founder of TAP introduced himself as the round of applause erupted from the crowd. Babs found herself clapping as well, giving a small cheer to the mix. It might have been an inappropriate thing to do at such a formal event, but the mix of other people doing the same made her feel more comfortable. Vance concluded his speech as the wait staff came through the side door, scurrying around with several tall flutes of ice cream.
The waiter placed a very bright blue scoop in front of her, her eyes widening behind her glasses frames.
"Wow!" she cooed, looking to her table mates various colors and most likely flavors of ice creams. Barbara looked at her name tag and noticed the beautiful handwriting, she wanted to take it home and keep it forever.
"Let's dig in guys." she exclaimed with a smile, as she looked around the table before taking her spoon and taking a healthy bite.
The familiar flavor of cotton candy swirled around her tongue. Playful and light, and awfully sweet. Barbara wondered if it would be okay to ask for seconds if she finished hers too quickly? Her second bite came with a surprise. A hard piece went against her teeth and she was thankful she hadn't swallowed. Pulling the object from between her lips she revealed a
OPAL ring. The iridescent of whites and other speckles were something she hadn't really seen before. She promptly put the ring on her thumb and took another bite of her ice cream as she looked around the table frantically to see who had gotten their ring out already.