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Will be posting some CSes, finalised and WIP here for reasons. Have a good day.
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

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" M a y b e y o u d i d n ' t h e a r , S c h ä t z c h e n ? I t ' s c o l d o u t s i d e . "

H E L M U T J A K O B Z E M O / J A M E S B U C H A N A N
B A R N E S ? ? ? / ? ? ? / 1 9 1 9 ( 9 8 ) M A L E T R U E N E U T R A L

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

This interpretation is based on a version of the character that I have been mulling over for sometime. Following their defeat at the hand of the Allies in World War II, the leaders of HYDRA were left with two choices: jump ship to serve under SHIELD or return to operating within the shadows. The remnants of HYDRA survived on in this way, influencing the course of world events with the aid of special operatives known as Winter Soldiers. Recruited against their will, these assassins and enforcers were mentally conditioned for absolute obedience to their HYDRA masters. As part of their brainwashing, they were fed false and conflicting memories while their own were suppressed, in view of eradicating the person's sense of self, and to ensure their compliance, a method pioneered by Dr. Arnim Zola. When the Winter Soldier was not in use, they were frozen cryogenically, suspending their body's natural ageing process. After Zola's assumed death following a SHIELD raid on their principal facility, the project was thought abandoned and the Winter Soldiers were placed in stasis until such a time as they could be made useful again.

I intend to tell the story of one such Winter Soldier, awoke by accident and struggling to reconcile the two lifetimes sharing his head. One, the son of HYDRA's one-time leader, BARON HEINRICH ZEMO; the other, sidekick and follower of American war hero STEVE ROGERS. Their goals: to find out who they are, and to dismantle HYDRA.

Nothing too lofty.

N O T E S:


Dr. Arnim Zola: The engineer of Winter Soldier's current state, and a high ranking HYDRA operative. It is believed that he was killed in 1995, in a raid carried out by SHIELD.

Baron Von Strucker: By most accounts, the leader of the international terrorist group HYDRA. Their are rumours that he has served them for more than a lifetime.

Captain America (Steve Rogers): The American super soldier and hero of World War II. Bucky served under him, alongside Nick Fury's Howling Commandos for much of the war. Cap seemingly died, preventing Baron Heinrich Zemo from launching a super weapon that would have ensured the Axis Powers' victory in the war.

Baron Heinrich Zemo: Father of Helmut Zemo and HYDRA super scientist, he served under the Red Skull up until his defeat at the hands of Captain America. He became the leader of HYDRA and survived many attempts on his life, dying of natural causes after retiring to Brazil.

Colonel Nick Fury: Rumors say the leader of the clandestine SHIELD agency served in WW2, in charge of the Howling Commandos. But that can't be right surely?

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

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" Y o u ' r e s t a r t i n g t o p i s s m e o f f , b u b . . . "

J A M E S ' L O G A N ' H O W L E T T 1 S T / A P R I L / 1 8 8 4 ( 1 3 3 ) M A L E C H A O T I C G O O D

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

This iteration of Wolverine differs from the character as shown normally in that he was never offered a position on Charles Xavier's team of X-Men, or admitted to the school for gifted kids. His history up until this point is similar to that of his 616 counterpart, with some streamlining.

After being rescued from the wilderness by the Hudsons and rehabilitated, Logan was invited to work for Department H (the top-secret Canadian peace-keeping organisation). He has served off and on with the department for the best part of four years at the point the game begins. At James' request, Logan became the leader of Alpha Flight, a team of Canadian metahumans sanctioned by Dept. H. The group has been active for four months, mostly comprising of training and a few scrapes with low tier criminals. As we meet Logan in the roleplay, he and a few members of Alpha Flight will be in New York acting on an anonymous tip-off, without the Hudsons' knowledge, for a mission that might just get Logan fired.

N O T E S:

JAMES MACDONALD HUDSON - Wolverine's friend and handler at Department H, Hudson spends much of his time chiding his charge for his lack of cooperation and recklessness. Having taken Logan in during his time of need, he feels responsible for his reassimilation into society and his success at Department H. He is one of the chief minds behind Alpha flight, believing there to be a need for Canada to represent themselves on the world stage following the formation of other super groups found stateside. He recommended Logan for leadership of the team. He is married to his colleague Heather Hudson.

HEATHER HUDSON - Heather played a significant role in nursing Logan back to health when her husband James returned home one night with a wild-man. The two share an unspoken attraction for each other, one that could threaten to destroy the two men's friendship were it acted upon. Heather works as a researcher for Department H, occasionally assisting Alpha Flight as Vindicator.

DEPARTMENT H - Headed up by a nameless director, Department H is a clandestine organisation, ran as a branch of the Canadian government. It's charged with superhuman peacekeeping in relation to Canada and their national interests. They are responsible for the formation of Alpha Flight.

ALPHA FLIGHT - Canada's premier superhero team:
Wolverine (Logan)
▹ Vindicator (Heather Hudson)
▹ Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
▹ Snowbird (Anne McKenzie-Thompson)
▹ Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen)
▹ Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

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" G e t a w a y f r o m m e ! I h a v e t o f i x t h i s . "

R O B E R T B R U C E B A N N E R 1 2 t h / J U L Y / 1 9 8 2 ( 3 5 ) M A L E C H A O T I C N E U T R A L

M u s i c a l F l a v o u r

☢ C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

☢ P L O T M O C K - U P:

This is where you elaborate on your intentions for your character. If a character is designed for interaction and crossover arcs, this is where that would be specified. Should you prefer going solo though, this is where you can lay out some arcs to give the rest of the players an idea of your overall story. Even if a character is interaction based, one or two plot ideas would help give insight into your writing style and intentions.

☢ N O T E S:

Supporting Cast:
Elizabeth Banner (née Ross):
Rick Jones:
General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross:
Glenn Talbot:
Samuel Sterns:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.
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"But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Matthew 9:13


Real Name: Matthew Michael Murdock
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Powers, Abilities, and Gear:
Thanks to his training at the hands of Stick, Matt is an exceptionally talented martial artist; by Stick's own reckoning, he ranks as at least a tenth degree black belt in Ninjutsu, although he is also proficient in boxing and Jui-jitsu. His training has also left him an expert acrobat and aerialist, skills heavily utilised on the rooftops of Manhattan.

As a result of the accident that blinded him, Daredevil's other senses were enhanced to the Nth degree, enabling him to see without seeing using a radar sense. The extent to which his senses have been altered and their limits do not substantially differ from that of his 616 counterpart's - he has difficulty differentiating between colours, cannot interpret screens, and sensory overload or deprivation can render his abilities useless.

Daredevil is armed with a custom-built billy club, a multi-purpose tool that can be used as a variety of different weapons and utilities, not limited to but including: two short blunt weapons, a staff and a grappling-hook.

Matthew Murdock was born into a low-income, Catholic household, the son of John and Maggie Murdock. His mother ran out on them when Matt was too young to remember her leaving his father, a heavyweight prize-fighter known in the ring as "Battlin' Jack Murdock", to raise him on his own. Unable to see his son fall into the same dire life that he led, he insisted that Matt study hard so that he might one day go to college and get a real job. He was eventually approached by the mob, and a man known as The Fixer, who were willing to pay him to throw his fights. He reluctantly accepted, knowing he would struggle to raise his son without a real income.

When Matt was twelve, he was blinded by radioactive substances after a truck carrying hazardous materials overturned next to him. The chemicals also increased the strength of his other senses. In order to pay for Matt's medical bills, his father began to take on small jobs for the mob. Jack struggled to keep this up, however. When Matt was older, John, realising he was in too deep, tried to pull out of his commitments to the mob. He was told to throw one last fight and he wouldn't hear from them again. Seeing Matt in the crowd, however, he couldn't go through with it - he couldn't let Matt live by his example. He stopped throwing his punches, knocking his opponent out in the second round. After the fight, the mob confronted him. He was murdered in the alley as the two left. Unable to identify the killer, Matt vowed to get justice for his father. Here, the seed was sewn for him to become Daredevil. He was soon moved to an orphanage, where he remained for his formative years.

Not long after his father's death, a grieving Matt Murdock met Stick, a blind ninja master from an ancient order. He helped him to realise the potential of his gifts, possessing a similar radar sense to Matt, and taught him how to see using his other senses. For months, he tirelessly trained Matt in martial arts, eventually abandoning him when he realised he was not the weapon he was looking for. Despite this, Matt continued to train, pushing the limits of his mind and body. It was at this time he decided he would become a lawyer.

It was at Columbia University where Matt studied law, and where he met his future partner, Franklin Nelson. In "Foggy", Matt had a best friend who he bonded with over the seven years they spent at law school, eventually finding employment at Nelson's mother's lawfirm after they both took the bar. After a year, they left to form their own practice, taking up rent of a property in Hell's Kitchen, which became the Law Offices of Nelson and Murdock. They quickly took on a secretary, Karen Page and started to accrue a few low-level cases. They initially struggled to make ends meet, offering pro bono legal services for clients that couldn't afford the justice they deserved.

Unbeknownst to Karen and Foggy, it was at this time that Matt would begin to use his other gifts for good, becoming a vigilante. Armed with his altered senses and martial skills, he started to take the fight to the criminal underbelly of Hell's Kitchen. As time went on, he formed a makeshift costume to protect his identity, and armed himself with weapons of Stick's design. He soon drew the attention of New York's criminal elite, including the Kingpin of Crime himself, Wilson Fisk.

At the time the roleplay begins, Daredevil has been active for around three years. With the help of The Defenders and other heroes, The Kingpin was finally taken into custody, with Nelson and Murdock ensuring that he stayed in jail. The high profile case finally put the struggling lawfirm on the map, attracting a great deal more attention. As Daredevil, Matt has begin to disassemble the remains of Kingpin's criminal empire and continues to protect the Kitchen from those who would do it harm.


High Concept: I want to explore Daredevil at a time when everything should be going his way. But while the defeat of the Kingpin has offered the Kitchen a moment of peace, Murdock knows that challengers to Fisk's mantle are inevitable. In his attempts to break up what's left of Kingpin's criminal empire and maintain the fractured peace, he discovers another faction operating in the shadows of Hell's Kitchen with their own designs for New York. Principally, my story will follow The Man Without Fear's investigation into a cadre of criminals using adapted Chi'tauri tech, led by Jonathan Ohnn (The Spot).

Despite the fame that their efforts in prosecuting Wilson Fisk garnered them, the law practice of Nelson and Murdock continues to struggle getting off the ground financially. I will be exploring how this effects the relationship between the two lawyers, as well as Matt's attempts to make ends meet, alongside Foggy's continued knowledge of Matt's other life as Daredevil.

Motivation and Conflict: Daredevil is fueled by his desire for justice, his love of his friends, and his catholic faith. His internal struggle stems from trying to reconcile a life as a vigilante and as an agent of the law. Ultimately, he is determined to see justice done whatever the cost to his body and soul.



Player Name: ErsatzEmperor
Preferred Contact Method: Guild PMs/Discord messages are the best way of reaching me.
Why This Character?: Daredevil is a character very near and dear to my heart and has been for the longest time. He's the best example of a street level hero that I can think of. He's been seeing a lot of love lately and I figured I'd share in that love.
What Can You Bring to the RPG?: A generous helping of self-loathing and mild neurosis, and an eye for detail.
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Ultimate One Universe: Year One Application

Character You're Applying For: Dr. Stephen Strange

Powers And Abilities: Doctor Strange has been trained in the Mystic Arts, allowing him to channel and manipulate extra-dimensional energies to affect change in the physical realm. His connection to this energy allows him powers limited only by his imagination and his ability to harness them. Some common manifestations of his magic include: teleportation, illusion, levitation, energy blasts, telekinesis and matter manipulation. In addition to this, his studies in the mystic arts enable him to leave his physical form as an astral projection. In this form he is unbound by physical laws and is undetectable unless he chooses to be. Strange possesses a number of magical items and artifacts that provide him with further abilities. Chief among these possessions is the Amulet of Agamotto, a relic whose mysteries Strange has yet to decipher.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):
Doctor Strange's backstory remains largely unaltered. In his heyday, he was a talented neurosurgeon who was an authority in the field. Strange was fuelled by a desire to be successful and to gain recognition for his achievements - to him, his role as a healer was an after thought if anything; often he would turn down terminally ill patients to preserve his perfect record, and seek out the most high profile cases that might pad his reputation out further. He was arrogant, self-absorbed and unlikable. While driving one night on the way to an awards event, Strange lost control of his vehicle, flipping it and leaving him comatose for a week. When he came to, the damage was clear. The use of his hands had been all but lost, suffering extensive nerve damage as a result of his surgery. In a moment his life had been upended. Unable to continue his work and failed by western medicine, he turned to the mysticism of the east, upon hearing about a healer from a place called Kamar-Taj, hidden deep within the Himalayas.

Here he finds The Ancient One, the last of a secretive order of mystics, a being of immense age and wisdom. He agrees to train Strange in the mystic arts, something Strange is sceptical about at first. Over time, he learned to embrace the teachings. After five years of rigorous study and practice, Doctor Strange ranked as highly proficient in the ways of the mystic arts. The experience entirely reshaped his worldview - it left him stoic and humbled. He would have appeared a stranger to the man who had first journeyed to Kamar-Taj. The Ancient One soon began preparing Strange to inherit the title of Sorcerer Supreme when he eventually passed on. This did not materialise. An estranged student known only as Mordo arrived at Kamar-Taj, committed to killing his former master and to usurp him as Sorcerer Supreme. He was thwarted by the combined efforts of the two mystics. His second visit ended differently. This time he more than outmatched the ageing sorcerer and his apprentice.

A great wave of force rocks Kamar-Taj. The mountainous compound quakes with the force of what feels like an avalanche. Doctor Strange is busy meditating as it hits, the Ancient One close-by.

"Master, I sense..." The doctor is cut off abruptly. In the doorway stood a robed man.

"Master indeed!" His voice booms in reply. The Ancient One looks to his apprentice knowingly, with a short look of regret.

"...Mordo." Strange finishes, trying to process this. He turns to face the interloper. The man looks past him. He was here for the Ancient One. Strange goes to his master's side.

"You have returned. I had thought you would still be licking your wounds. Hoped even that you would have abandoned this fool's errand. A pity." He sighs.

"You are not rid of me yet," the fallen learner chides.

"Mordo," the Master implores, "Reconsider this. All of this." Mordo's dead eye stare offsets his own. The two were beyond reconciliation. Both men understood this, even if they had yet to admit it.

"You would still appeal to my humanity, old man?" A tense smile pokes at his lips. "I thought I was beyond your help."

"You may have strayed from the path but that does not mean--"

"No! This is not the time for your fortune cookie platitudes! You will listen." Mordo's foot strikes the ground, a wave of anger overtaking him. He composes himself. "This is the end of our journey together. The end. For you and for your mongrel dog."

Strange holds his tongue. His eyes scan around the room for something he could use to his advantage. No one speaks for what feels like a lifetime. They stand, like great sculptures, chiselled and unmoving. The master betrays nothing with his face; Mordo's own is marked by rage.

"Leave this place." The Master pleads.

"Goodbye, old friend." His hands extend towards his adversary. "I invoke the power of the Devourer-God, the All-Killer!" A green aura overtakes the zealot. The Ancient One's own arms are up in an instant as he rushes to form a shield. A bulbous mass of green energy pours at it, moving in waves, like the body of a snake.

Strange begins conjuring a response.

"In your name and with your fury, dreaded Shuma-Gorath, I end this life!" The endless stream thrashes against the protective construct. It bends and cracks against it with a force unyielding. Without any warning, a red energy sweeps over Mordo. It envelops him, wrapping around his form.

"Now that is quite enough." Strange remarks at his work, the energy flowing from his hands. "The crimson bands of Cyttorak hold you fast. Do the smart thing and yield to them."

"You are more the fool to stand with him still. I will not be denied." With a surge of force, Mordo shatters his binds and with the excess energy sends Strange flying across the room. He pours the dark energies into both of them, a conduit for the otherworldly force, the power filling the room. With a last push, the Ancient One makes his stand. But the force overwhelms him. The shield fizzles into nothing as a mass of eldritch tentacles pierce his material body. Strange watches on desperate. He had to do something, Anything.
Sample Post

In a last act of desperation, Strange casts his soul bare to the multiverse and draws strength from Dormammu, the once towering ruler of the Dark Dimension. Embracing his dark magics, he redirects Mordo's supernatural assault and severs the Elder God's hold over him - Mordo is cast adrift, banished to the creature's own realm. The mentor had succumbed to a final attempt on his life. Strange followed the Ancient One's final instructions: return to New York - find the Sanctum Sanctorum and protect it with his life. He gets there and finds a box waiting for him, contains the mystical artifacts amassed by the sorcerer supreme during his own life. He transfixed over one item in particular, a golden amulet. At the time the roleplay begins, Strange has resided there for two weeks, and is trying to come to terms with his new role as a protector of Earth's dimension.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:
For this Year One story I decided to start with Strange at a familiar point - the Ancient One is dead, and the title of Sorcerer Supreme lies unclaimed. He is not at the height of his power; at this point in his career he has only faced two otherworldly threats, only surviving in the first case thanks to the help of his mentor, and most recently by channelling the power of Dormammu, a force he does not truly understand. He is certainly not an authority on magic yet, or considered as such by his mystical peers, although he carries a certain level of prestige as an apprentice of the Ancient One. This gives me the opportunity to allow him to grow into his traditional role in real time, learning more about his powers as the RP goes on, with the help of Wong, his substitute instructor here, rather than his manservant.

I have decided to leech at least one idea from the the MCU interpretation of the character, with the Sanctum Sanctorum acting as one of many magical locations designed with the purpose of protecting against mystical threats to Earth. Ownership of the mystical brownstone found in Greenwich Village was passed to Strange after the Ancient One's demise. However, they are not all linked to Kamar-Taj and their masters may not take as kindly to Strange's influence as they did the Ancient One.

A clear divergent point here will be how he interacts with the spiritual characters that would otherwise inhabit the DC universe. Don't expect him to be channelling the power of Shazam right off the bat, but DC-based mystics and creatures will hopefully be able to pop up in my interpretation from time to time.

Supporting Characters:
The Ancient One: Doctor Strange's former master and the last Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, the Ancient One lived for nearly half a millennium, keeping malevolent magical forces at bay for much of his life. Despite his age, when Strange came to know him he had the appearance of a man in his late fourties. Nearing the end of his life, he chose to make Stephen Strange his apprentice, shaping him into a man worthy of the honor in the process. He died at the hand of his former student, Mordo, all of his accumulated magical artifacts passing to Strange.

Wong: Before his death, the Ancient One foresaw its coming. Knowing that his apprentice had much left to learn before he would be ready to take on the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme, he entrusted to Strange the Mentor Stone. Containing the combined knowledge of Sorcerers Supreme of the past, for Strange it manifests in the image of Magister Wong, a magical construct patterned after one of the earliest Sorcerers of their order. In Wong, Strange finds a teacher and a companion.

Baron Mordo: A disgruntled former apprentice of the Ancient One, his desire for power and willingness to engage in the most sordid of magical practices led to his banishment from Kamar-Taj. Twice, he had attempted to exact revenge on the ageing Sorcerer, once having bridged the gap between the Dark Dimension and Earth to summon Dormammu. Despite his already faltering power, the Ancient One was able to seal the master of the Dark Dimension back away in his own realm, with the aid of Strange. The second time however, Mordo invoked the power of Shuma-Gorath, a God of Chaos, overwhelming his former master and ultimately destroying him. Strange, borrowing strength from Dormammu, was only able to sever the Elder God's ties to Earth's realm. In doing so, he also trapped Mordo in the tentacled entity's home dimension. His current status is unknown.

Shuma-Gorath: An Elder God who desires conquest of all the multiverse. In terms of raw power, he far outclasses Earth's other mystical threats.

Dormammu: The ruler of the dreaded Dark Dimension, Dormammu is a powerful being intent on expanding his influence to all realms. He is the kind of malevolent entity The Sorcerer Supreme is charged with combating. Strange has only caught glimpses of his realm thus far, a inhospitable wasteland populated by beings known as the Mindless Ones. Now that the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth is dead it is only a matter of time before Dormammu's gaze turns to Earth once more.

Nightmare: The Master of the Dream dimension. Not yet encountered by Strange.

Mephisto: A multidimensional being of immense power, Mephisto oversees a hellish realm of his own. He lives to torment others and enjoys entering into diabolical pacts with mortals.

The Vishanti: The Vishanti are a trio of God-like beings that serve as the supernatural patrons of Earth's sorcerer supreme, and protectors of the realm. They are known as Oshtur (the Omnipotent), Hoggoth (the Omnipresent) and Agamatto (the Omniscient). A sorcerer can invoke their name or names to channel energies to fuel their own magic, or imbue artifacts with their abilities. As of yet Strange has not communicated with these beings directly.

Other Prospective Characters (Character not from Strange-lore):

Boston Brand / Deadman: I love this character. A Brave and the Bold-type of adventure where Strange helps Brand piece together the details of his murder and see out his purpose as a marauding spirit is something I would very much like to write. However, I would understand if any of the other players of magically-inclined characters would want to lay claim to him. I am fully open to a work around for that, be it collaborative or on a time-share basis.

Cain and Abel: Further on I can see having a use for these characters. However, that is dependent entirely on whether they factor into anyone else's plans and can be substituted if required.

Others: There are other DC characters who due to their popularity I would entirely expect to be seized as player characters and in no way wish to reserve (such as Shazam, Etrigan/Jason Blood, The Spectre, Trigon, Raven etc.) They comprise a large chunk of the DC mystic universe that would be interesting to utilise, if only on a mention to mention basis.

Post Catalogue:
An Introduction to Magic Vol. 1
An Introduction to Magic Vol. 2
Demonology 101
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Character You're Applying For: Dr. Stephen Strange

Powers And Abilities: Doctor Strange has been trained in the Mystic Arts, allowing him to channel and manipulate extra-dimensional energies to affect change in the physical realm. His connection to this energy allows him powers limited only by his imagination and his ability to harness them. Some common manifestations of his magic include: teleportation, illusion, levitation, energy blasts, telekinesis and matter manipulation. In addition to this, his studies in the mystic arts enable him to leave his physical form as an astral projection. In this form he is unbound by physical laws and is undetectable unless he chooses to be. Strange possesses a number of magical items and artifacts that provide him with further abilities. Chief among these possessions is the Amulet of Agamotto, a relic whose mysteries Strange has yet to decipher.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:

Supporting Characters:
The Ancient One: Doctor Strange's former master and the last Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, the Ancient One lived for nearly half a millennium, keeping malevolent magical forces at bay for much of his life. Despite his age, when Strange came to know him he had the appearance of a man in his late fourties. Nearing the end of his life, he chose to make Stephen Strange his apprentice, shaping him into a man worthy of the honor in the process. He died at the hand of his former student, Mordo, all of his accumulated magical artifacts passing to Strange.

Wong: Before his death, the Ancient One foresaw its coming. Knowing that his apprentice had much left to learn before he would be ready to take on the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme, he entrusted to Strange the Mentor Stone. Containing the combined knowledge of Sorcerers Supreme of the past, for Strange it manifests in the image of Magister Wong, a magical construct patterned after one of the earliest Sorcerers of their order. In Wong, Strange finds a teacher and a companion.

Baron Mordo: A disgruntled former apprentice of the Ancient One, his desire for power and willingness to engage in the most sordid of magical practices led to his banishment from Kamar-Taj. Twice, he had attempted to exact revenge on the ageing Sorcerer, once having bridged the gap between the Dark Dimension and Earth to summon Dormammu. Despite his already faltering power, the Ancient One was able to seal the master of the Dark Dimension back away in his own realm, with the aid of Strange. The second time however, Mordo invoked the power of Shuma-Gorath, a God of Chaos, overwhelming his former master and ultimately destroying him. Strange, borrowing strength from Dormammu, was only able to sever the Elder God's ties to Earth's realm. In doing so, he also trapped Mordo in the tentacled entity's home dimension. His current status is unknown.

Shuma-Gorath: An Elder God who desires conquest of all the multiverse. In terms of raw power, he far outclasses Earth's other mystical threats.

Dormammu: The ruler of the dreaded Dark Dimension, Dormammu is a powerful being intent on expanding his influence to all realms. He is the kind of malevolent entity The Sorcerer Supreme is charged with combating. Strange has only caught glimpses of his realm thus far, a inhospitable wasteland populated by beings known as the Mindless Ones. Now that the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth is dead it is only a matter of time before Dormammu's gaze turns to Earth once more.

Nightmare: The Master of the Dream dimension. Not yet encountered by Strange.

Kierrok: Kierrok is an Elder God and master of the N'Garai realm. Doctor Strange ventured to his realm at the request of the Vishanti to intervene in a civil war between his forces and the rebelling Ru'Tai, the consequences of which would be felt across the multiverse. Strange defeated Kierrok, ending the war and securing the realm.

Knight Nurse: A demon trained in medicine. Available for summoning.

Mephisto: A multidimensional being of immense power, Mephisto oversees a hellish realm of his own. He lives to torment others and enjoys entering into diabolical pacts with mortals.

The Vishanti: The Vishanti are a trio of God-like beings that serve as the supernatural patrons of Earth's sorcerer supreme, and protectors of the realm. They are known as Oshtur (the Omnipotent), Hoggoth (the Omnipresent) and Agamotto (the Omniscient). A sorcerer can invoke their name or names to channel energies to fuel their own magic, or imbue artifacts with their abilities. They appeared once to Strange, offering him a task. Having completed it, he stands in good stead to become the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth's dimension.

Other Prospective Characters (Character not from Strange-lore):

Boston Brand / Deadman: I love this character. A Brave and the Bold-type of adventure where Strange helps Brand piece together the details of his murder and see out his purpose as a marauding spirit is something I would very much like to write. However, I would understand if any of the other players of magically-inclined characters would want to lay claim to him. I am fully open to a work around for that, be it collaborative or on a time-share basis.

Brother Blood: Pending approval

Others: There are other DC characters who due to their popularity I would entirely expect to be seized as player characters and in no way wish to reserve (such as Shazam, Etrigan/Jason Blood, The Spectre, Trigon, Raven etc.) They comprise a large chunk of the DC mystic universe that would be interesting to utilise, if only on a mention to mention basis.

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S H A Z A M !
rth's Mightiest Mortal

K A M A L A K H A N S U P E R H E R O / S T U D E N T J E R S E Y C I T Y T H E W I Z A R D / T H E R O C K O F E T E R N I T Y

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"A hero is just somebody who tries to do the right thing even when it's hard. There's more of us than you think."

Kamala Khan is a seventeen-year-old, Pakistani-American high school student from the Sixth Borough. She lives with her overbearing parents and studies at Coles Academic High School. In her spare time she likes D&D, playing videogames and reading comics. She has a pet cat called Tawky Tawny. She's Wonder Woman's number one fan.

She's also the superhero Shazam.

Kamala's characterisation isn't going to diverge too much from her 616 counterpart. The change here is primarily the source and nature of her powers. Granted abilities by the Wizard Mararagan, she has to juggle family life, school commitments and her responsibilities as his champion. Upon saying the magic word, she's gifted with all of the abilities of Shazam, though she has had little experience in using them. Her outward appearance also changes when transformed, concealing her identity.

Inspired by the feats of comicbook and real life heroes, she strives to make the world a better place wherever she can. She's only ever dealt with street level threats and has yet to face down a fully-fledged supervillain. That promises to change with the rebirth of Teth-Adam, the Wizard's previous champion. For now, she remains a headache for Jersey's muggers and petty thieves.

Under the handle SlothBaby, she also chronicles her adventures in the form of fanfictions. While the accounts are often embelished, they have helped to raise the profile of the otherwise little reported hero.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I landed on this concept for a number of reasons. Chiefly, I wanted to break my habit of writing habitually depressed protagonists. I feel this has been one of the many reasons I've fell behind with takes on characters like Doctor Strange in the past, getting bogged down with exploring their baggage and not much else. Both Kamala Khan and Shazam are great fits for stories with a lighter, adventurous tone, and I hope this in turn will help me retain enthusiasm when writing them.

The latest Ms. Marvel is one of the more relatable additions to Marvel's roster, and embodies many of the same positive qualities attributed to Billy Batson. It seemed a natural fit to have her assume the title and abilities of Shazam and gives me a fresh angle to explore both mythologies without rehashing.

I'll be looking to experiment a little with post structure occassionally. While I will keep to traditional posts for much of the time, I will aim to pepper in fanfic-style narrative for an alternative perspective when I feel it is justified. Kind of just a bit of fun on my part.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Will add notes on additional characters here as they are introduced.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Superheroes > New York
By: SlothBaby
This chapter serves to introduce the super-powered adventures of Shazam.
Rated: Fiction T - Action/Adventure - Original Character - Chapters: 1 - Words: 269 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 0
Updated: Mar 10 - Published: Mar 10 - id: 6268769

(A/N: Yikes, it's been a while. Sorry I haven't posted much recently. School is killing me at the moment and I wound up writing myself into a corner with that last story so starting fresh. This is a WIP and I promise I'll keep adding as long as you keep reading. Plotted out at least ten chapters for this one, so let me know if you want to see more of this. Thanks to everyone who's stuck around. I'll get a new chapter for Wonder Woman X Captain America (The Lies that Bind Us) up as soon as I can.)

(So yeah, enjoy.)

(As always, I don't own any characters used (obviously). Apologies in advance for any grammer errors. It's 3:00am here. Constructive criticism welcome.)

Chapter 1: The Word of Power

Kamala used to be a normal high school student. That all changed when she was given strange powers by an ancient wizard. Sensing her soul was pure, he made her his champion on Earth and blessed her with amazing powers. Imbued with the Living Lightning, all she had to do was say the magic word (Shazam!) and she was transformed into a superhero with the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the skill of Athena, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury all combined.

In her transformed form she fights Supervillains, has awesome team-ups and saves the day. So read on for the new adventures of Shazam!

(A/N: let me know if this is the kind of thing you want to see more of. Please keep feedback constructive. Bye for now.)

P O S T C A T A L O G U E:


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