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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Ali brushed herself off, glancing back at the arguing in the background, before returning her attention to the girl.

"Uhm, yeah. It's fine, totally. No harm, no foul, right?" she said hesitantly. "I was just distracted by that crash, y'know? First day at a new school, new place... Kinda my fault, too, for not paying attention. Uhm, you going to school, too? Wouldn't mind some company on the way, if we're going to the same place and stuff. If you want."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Jake's drone would go unnoticed by the intruder, they were fully distracted by the pile of scrap they were digging through. Even with this better view of the intruder it was still difficult to get any kind of read on them, mostly because they had some kind of steampunk exoskeleton on that obscured a large amount of their features. The only things that really stood out was a dirty head of long white hair, the rest was a mystery. It was also quite obvious that the suit wasn't just for show, the figure demonstrating strength far greater than his form would have you believe. Whoever they were, they were obviously some kind of villain.


Maceroy's phone would go off, he'd received a message from Taylor, a fellow teacher at Linkertown college. "Hey Mace the schools in a bit of a spot at the moment. Blorb is having a poke at us again so don't worry about your lectures today. You can come if you want but I'm pretty sure the students are just going to use this as an excuse to dip outta class. But hey it's up to you."


Blorb would be hurling globs of spiced mince meat at the windows of the Linkertown college main building. "Ha take that yo-!" Blorb's attention would be taken by the emergence of Wet Towel, he would growl as he turned to face her. "You again!" He hissed as he placed his hands on the floor and made a few handfuls of Doritos chips out of the pavement. "I'll best you this time!"

With a wave of his hand Blorb would send a spray of Doritos in Wet Towel's direction, they'd be traveling pretty fast but Doritos aren't know for being powerful projectiles.


Eve's flight through the sky would obviously not go unnoticed, a ball of fire flying through the sky was kinda hard to miss. It was also pretty concerning for quite a few people, a fireball was scary enough even if people knew Eve was one of the good guys, her flying overhead probably meant there was a bad guy out there causing trouble at the moment.

Eve herself would have a rather nice flight for the most part, at least until some light started blaring into her eyes. It flicked for a moment causing a slight strobe before dissipating, light bouncing off some windows or car side-view mirrors could be pretty dangerous Eve.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Lady Selune
Sure enough, as she poked her mostly invisible head out, there appeared to be two men mugging a young woman. Trash from the overturned trashcan spewed out into the pavement as the two leered down at the woman, who was mostly blocked from Charlie's view.

No one had noticed her yet, but police would be several minutes away. Would Charlie step in?

Unsurprisingly, except to the bully, the confrontation didn't go quite as well as they had thought. While their victim wasn't much taller than the leader himself, who was an impressive 6'2" football star, they had failed to notice that he wasn't like most of their victims. In fact, he was more on their level without his powers than they might have guessed. As such, the attack to the groin went unblocked. While that would put most boys down, this bully had taken his fair share of hits below the belt. Somewhat desensitized to the pain, he only mildly bent forward, quickly recovering enough to send out a hard jab that connected solidly to the solar plexus, driving the wind cleanly out of Charles' lungs.

The other two swiftly advanced, wrangling his arms out wide and slightly behind him while applying pressure to his shoulder blades.

"Oh, you asked for it you little shit," the leader growled, opening up with two punches at Charles chest.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FluffyKnife


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Some Doritos hit the Wet Towel's blindfold while the rest are blocked by a summoned towel.

"So, like, you got anything better to do than fling junk food at people?" she taunts while whipping the dirtied rag in her hand into a rat tail. She readies herself for another attack before trying to retaliate. "You probably should check the food guide again, I'm just saying."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Eve flew through the skies, carefree as always. In her room, she had constant reminders that she was at a dead end job, but here in the sky she could feel her true self basking in the wind. Hell, even her powers seemed to work better when she was this relaxed! They probably didn't, but it still felt fantastic. It was almost a euphoric sensation, driving through the clouds like you were a god amongst men... okay, maybe she kind of was with her flames, but that's not the point! A lot of people had powers, it was just up to them to figure out how they worked.

As Eve flew about the city on her way to the post office, she noticed one of her smaller booth roosts atop a smaller building. She used those as a way for her to get around the city quickly while not blowing her secret identity out of the water. They worked by just providing an easy place to change in and out of clothes, and making them wasn't too hard... after making a few arrangements with a friend, anyway. She coated herself in a fireball again before spinning herself about as she plummeted to the booth. The plummet created a smoke screen as she hit the ground, allowing her to slip inside the booth, throw her dress and hoodie on, and slip out before leaping off the building and sliding down a nearby pole. Once at the bottom, the harpy threw on some glasses and walked towards the post office.

Checking her phone, she saw it was only five minutes until the place opened. She wasn't too far from it, but still, she had made it with good timing.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 21 days ago

Mr Gimmick

Jake was certainly interested in the idea of meeting a fellow villain. However, rushing into meeting face-to-face was not a good idea. If Jake appeared out of the door, in costume or without, the villain would certainly learn who he was. Not only that, but not all villains were as friendly and communal as Jake was, and might have wanted to get rid of the competition.

Luckily Jake wasn't born yesterday. Inside the drone was full capability for talking with microphone and speaker.

"Greetings, fellow villain" The drone said in a mechanically distorted voice that resembled an insect buzzing. "Name is Mr Gimmick. No need to worry, I'm not one to attack someone for no reason at all. Haven't seen you before. Are you new to the business?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

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Maceroy Falthon

Ugh. Blorb again. Why was it that that guy kept managing to harass the academy? Why did he even feel the need to do so? You'd think somebody would have put him away by now. And yeah, there was a good chance at least some students would take it to mean they could just ignore his classes... though it'd give him an excuse to actually take a break from his three hour non-stop work morning.

On the other hand, though, as a secret superhero with secret superpowers, he was in fact obliged to assist with the problem in some form. That was the sort of commitment he made when he started doing this gig; just going home because the villain was a pest at worst was no excuse. And besides, if he didn't show up to his lectures, what sort of teacher was he?

I'll be in, at least for a bit, he texted back. Might take a scenic route, though, just until Blorb's gone. Pretty sure that I don't want to get involved with his nonsense. Straight lie: he was going to get directly involved, and he was going to be disguised whilst he did it. Finding a convenient alleyway to duck into unnoticed, he stepped out of the main street to move several meters down the alley, then removed his jacket, shirt, and tie, and held on to them for a moment, just long enough to finally stretch his wings out from his back with a satisfied groan. Goodness, it was nice to stretch them out... he didn't quite notice the discomfort folding them away offered until it was gone. It was unnatural that he could do it to begin with, of course it was. But it was convenient. Maybe he ought to figure out how to remove even that discomfort, though.

He hung his removed clothing from the corner of the nearby metal wall steps as he took flight. The emergency stairs. The concept of external stairs was odd for a man who could fly, let alone stairs for the sake of escaping a burning building, but it was a necessity for regular humans. Another of the oddities of living in a human-dominated society that he'd been forced to get used to. He feared he'd never get used to the idea of not flying as often as he liked, though - there was nothing else like it, and unlike his daughter, Maceroy didn't need (or want? He hadn't quite sorted that one out yet) to make himself highly visible to do so. He could soar on his wings, let the breeze caress his bare upper body... all without being particularly obvious to anybody who might happen to look up in his direction. Perfection.

And yet, something that never lasted long enough. It wouldn't take very long to reach the college, and he was sure Blorb would be an obvious presence once he arrived. Then would come the second step of the heroics...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Blorb growled as Wet Towel asked if he had anything better to do than throw food around, the gall. "You know very well that I don't. This place is evil and must be destroyed!" Blorb narrowed his eyes as he saw Wet Towel coil one of her towels into a rat tail. He would quickly put his hands to the floor and transmute the concrete in front of him into taco mince with spicy seasoning. "I won't let you stop me this time, wench." Suddenly the meat would lunge towards Wet Towel, the mass of cocked beef forming a greasy tentacle.


As Maceroy closed in on the college he would easily be able to spot the fight between Wet Towel and Blorb. The villain had summoned a tendril of meat and was trying to smack Wet Towel with it. It seemed that Maceroy hadn't been noticed by the portly criminal yet, leaving Maceroy an opening to strike.


The moment Eve looked up from her phone she'd see a woman in a suit smiling at her. "Hello Eve. Do you have a moment?" The woman would ask, her voice having a distinct aura of authority to it. The woman didn't even wait for a response before walking past Eve and it seemed she was expecting Eve to follow.


The figure would flinch as Mr Gimmick spoke through the drone, quickly jumping back and raising their fists. The figure looked up towards the drone, revealing themselves to be a rather meek looking teenager. The boy kept his fists raised and tilted his head at the drone, small jets of steam escaping from little exhaust ports on the boys back. "Mr Gimmick huh? You're that master thief right?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago


"Oh... uh..." Eve stopped when the woman referred to her by name. How did she know her name? Eve certainly didn't remember hers if they had met before... wait, they have met before, right? Oh Christ, she's never met this woman, has she? How did this woman know her name if they've never met? Maybe she worked in the government? That'd explain it somehow, if it did, but if that's the case, why not meet her at her house? How'd she know that Eve was gonna be here?

Eve took a moment to calm down and sigh. She was asking way too many questions. If push came to shove, she knew she could get out of there in a jiffy. It'd probably ruin her identity, but hey, it might not. When the suited woman finally passed her, though, that was a little annoying. Reluctantly, Eve followed behind, her claws scraping against the pavement. It wasn't very comfortable, but it wasn't too bad as long as she sat down later.

"So... uh... excuse me if I'm forgetting, but who are you?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Old Amsterdam
Charles would cough from the punch before seemingly grinning like a mad man. He would use the two holding his arms to hold his weight raising his legs to attempting to kicking the football player's fists away along with aiming for his face, using any force he can get to then throw himself and the other two backwards. "Pathetic" Charles would shout "a star football player being a coward calling on goons to help in a straight up fight" condescending at the leader.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 21 days ago

Mr Gimmick

Jake and his drone waited for a while for the villain, who turned out to be a kid, to calm down a little, before continuing.

"That would be me." The drone said, bowing. Or at least floating in a way that resembled a bow. "Although I myself prefer avant-garde artist. But details. Pardon me for appearing like this. Not everyone in the supervillain community, if you can call it that, is as courteous as me. But enough about that. Who, might I ask, am I speaking with?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FluffyKnife


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Wet Towel dodges to the side of this tentacle, intent on not sharing the fate of Blorb's magically-generated ground beef.

"Hey, haven't you heard about staying in school? 'Cause I don't think these people want to have their dorms become gravy. Why haven't you considered a job in catering?"

While talking, she tries to close the distance between them and get a whip in.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

Maceroy Falthon

And there was Blorb, trying to lash out at what looked like somebody wearing a towel, and Maceroy could guess which superhero that was. Ineffectual as Blorb was, Maceroy had to admit his ability wasn't exactly impotent; it was just the ludicrous way he employed it. He could probably drown large quantities of the city in low-quality meat and cheese if he so chose, and yet the fat bastard repeatedly only attacked the high school he worked at, apparently just to screw around with the students, in such a limited fashion that somebody else could routinely defeat him with a towel. Well, he was done with that situation. If he could get Blorb arrested, and contained in a proper facility, that could be the end of things.

Hovering overhead, Maceroy calculated his trajectory, figured out the routes, then began to plummet. Partway down, his exoskeleton manifested, his body rapidly surrounded by a humanoid barrier of whitish-blue light that flared like a comet before he lowered its brightness, just enough to unveil the exoskeleton's form, complete with four wide plane-like wings to cover his real wings. Thematically appropriate, he reckoned, for both offense and intimidation, whether or not he was noticed before he reached the ground.

He might have allowed himself to simply crash into the concrete near Blorb, if he wished. He'd easily be able to survive the impact. But, that was school property he'd be messing up. Instead, at the last second, each of his construct-wings briefly doubled in length and flapped once, as guided to by his true wings, slowing his fall to something of a glide with a burst of air just for good measure, before he finally landed by the duelling duo with a thud. Arm cross for dramatic effect... aaand perfect.

Nodding to the Wet Towel in acknowledgement, Arete sternly uttered 'Blorb, it's over. Come along quietly, and there won't be any trouble,' his voice masked by his own exoskeleton. The overweight man was surely no threat to him whilst his armor was up, and if he did try to fight back, well, he had answers to those questions.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@FluffyKnife @BCTheEntity

Blorb let out an enraged battle cry. Wet Towel's words seemed to have struck a nerve. He split the large minced meat tendril into three smaller one's and repeatedly slammed them in Wet Towel's direction. Though while his rage intensified his attacks they only worsened his aim, Wet Towel easily dodging his attacks as she closed into whipping distance.

It was around this moment when Arete landed and caught Blorb's attention. He grit his teeth, it was a two on one now. "Two on one huh!? Of coarse no lone hero could hope to defeat me in one on one combat!" Blorb says completely neglecting the many times that Wet Towel and Arete had defeated him single handed. "Haaah take this!" Blorb would shout as he launched off his set of tendrils at Arete, aiming to slow down the glowing giant.


"The name's S-Punk, and I'm a pretty good thief myself." The boy's stance relaxed and he crossed his arms, still looking up at the drone. "What's brings you to this scrap heap? Not really heard of you robbing a scrap heap before." S-Punk raised an eyebrow at the drone, it wasn't in the best shape, unless it was meant to look the way it did, either way it did make a bit of sense to S-Punk that a gadgeteer like Mr Gimmick would probably raid scrap heaps from time to time. S-Punk was there to gather parts himself so.


The woman walked up to a large chrome blue van and opened the back doors. "I'm Amanda. Now if you'd be so kind." She said gesturing into the back of the van. Once everyone was seated and the back doors of the van were firmly closed Amanda would start speaking again. "Now I'm sure you're a little curious as to what's going on. Oh but first." Amanda was handed a folder from a well built man who was at the wheel of the car. "I think these are yours." Amanda held the folder out for Eve, it had a couple of letters inside it, the ones Eve had gone to the post office to get in fact. "With that out of the way. I'm here to make an offer from the American sector of the Union of United Super Heroes. Would you consider registering and become an official hero of Ruststone?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FluffyKnife


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Wet Towel took the brunt of one tentacle, getting slathered in grease as she rolls backwards a bit from Blorb. Damn meat tentacles dirtying her costume.

She looks over to Arete and smiles. "Hey, help's appreciated!" she remarks as she runs up again to take a whip at Blorb.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 3 days ago

Maceroy Falthon

'Glad to offer it,' he replied to the towelled superhero as Blorb flailed his taco ingredients rather pathetically in his direction. Pff. As if a few globs of meat could hold him off. He'd fought Blorb many times before, and he had learned down to something of a science what his basic strategy was by now. More importantly, Blorb seemingly hadn't learned a thing about how either of his opponents preferred to fight.

'You never did learn when to back down, Blorb,' Arete sighed, his right arm shifting into a bludgeon to whack aside the meaty tendrils as he rushed the meaty man... well, fatty, really. And as The Wet Towel made to distracted him with more towelling, he threw a punch at Blorb's torso. Just a normal punch, nothing fancy - but with the size and strength of his exoskeleton in play, it was sure to make quite an impact, as it always did.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Eve paused as she heard the offer. "Wait, hold on. You want me to be a superhero?" Eve tilted her head as she pulled her hood down from her head, rolling up her sleeves to reveal her feathers that she didn't like to show. She saw the van doors were closed, so she wasn't too worried about revealing her identity to the people inside the van. They already seemed to know it, so it wasn't much of a bother to her. Eve was mainly still confused about why they wanted her.

"I-I gotta say, it's definitely a tempting offer, but why me? Why not someone like Wet Towel or Arete?" Eve shrugged. "Is the reckless and kamikaze harpy that tempting of a hero to the Union?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 21 days ago

"S-Punk, eh?" Jake, or rather Mr. Gimmick now, replied, "The classic steampunk reference with a hip hop style shortening added in." The drone looked at the landscape, "Material collection is not exactly the most glamorous part of the supervillainy. Nothing to brag about or anything, so I don't really mention it. Still, since we are both thieves, and gadget using ones at that, what would you think about meeting sometime? I'm currently not planning anything, so I have time. As for the style of meeting, both civilian and uniform work for me." Jake observed the boy's reaction. It was best to let him decide.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago


The force of Charles' full body kick sent the football star onto his ass and also threw off the balance of the two goons that were holding his arms, causing them to fall over as well dragging Charles to the floor with them. At this point, the scrap was starting to amass a crowd the kids all eager to see how this clash of seniors would go. "Gah you piece of shit." The football star growled as he got back up, though a loud "Enough!" quickly stopped the boy in his tracks.

It was Noelle the resident hardass teacher. Sure she was only 5'4 but she'd burn you at the stake if she was allowed to, at least that's what the rumours say. "All of you in My office! Now!" The woman snapped before storming off down the hall and into her office.

@FluffyKnife @BCTheEntity

Blob looked a little frightened as Arete almost effortlessly clubbed away his meat tendrils and advanced. He didn't get much time to think before Towel whipped him in the face with a well-placed strike. "GAH!" Before the man could even recuperate Arete planted a might punch into the fat man's gut and he was sent rolling onto the floor heavily winded. Blorb threw a hand up into the air and suddenly a wave of meat corn chips and salsa erupted from the ground the wave of food quickly obscuring Blorb from view.

Without warning blasts of meat would start firing out at both of the heroes, aimed for their heads. "You will fall!"


Amanda smiled when Eve asked why they chose her, letting out a brief chuckle. "I'll be blunt with you. It's because you were the easiest one to track down. Arete is next on the list. Also, you're flashy and attention-grabbing you'd make a great poster girl for the city and its heroes." Amanda produced a document with many details about how registration worked and what kind of benefits it had. "I'll obviously not ask you to decide now, but please take this and think on it. Ruststone is sorely lacking in full-time heroes and we could honestly use the extra manpower."

Amanda looked back at the driver and gave them a quick nod and the car started off down the road. "Don't worry. We're just taking you around the block so we can drop you off, wouldn't want to rouse any more suspicion than we have to.


S-Punk rubbed his chin and mumbled to himself for a moment. "Well, I don't see why not. I only had this planned for today." S-Punk then took a moment to look around and make sure there weren't any unexpected listeners. "Alright. We meet at twelve PM. The abandoned observatory in Creese. In uniform." S-Punk said in a rather assertive voice. The kid definitely had an attitude that was for sure.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Charles would roll his eyes as he stood back up free from the goons, he'd crack his neck looking at the football player with simple disdain. before walking past him following the teacher since he wanted to just get this over with. The system was broken so he figured he'd probably be expelled or gain detention but he didn't care either way. He could just find ways to practice his abilities more if such things was the case.
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