Ellis Okamoto

Male - 18 - Mutant
AppearanceEllis' most notable feature is his monochrome aesthetic. Pale skin, white and black hair, light grey eyes, and a white, grey, and black wardrobe give him a ghostly look. He was born to a Japanese father and American mother, yet doesn't resemble either of them very much. His facial structure is similar enough to his mother's, and he has the same hair texture as his father, but he seems to have been drained of any color that would further relate him to his parents. This baffled the doctors his concerned parents took him to, but they could not find any medical issue present and chalked it up to a random genetic mutation.
Despite playing outside in his youth and joining the soccer team in high school, no amount of sunlight exposure added any color to his person. He did develop a keen strategic mind, excellent stamina, and a lightly muscled build. He stands at 5 feet 7 inches tall. His overall appearance is very androgynous, and as such he has grown used to being mistaken for a girl. Ellis isn't particularly offended by this, and will often wear his hair up, paint his nails black, or wear jewelry, further adding to some people's confusion.
When using his power, Ellis' eyes begin to take on a golden color. The longer he uses his power, the more color he gains. His eyes glow bright gold, his hair becomes fully black (not just the ends he dyes), and his skin gains a tan pigment.
PowerPsychic Energy Manipulation: the ability to create, shape and manipulate psychic energy in various ways, including manifesting in material form.
Ellis is able to draw psychic energy from other living beings so long as he can touch them through skin-on-skin contact. The duration of contact determines how much energy is transferred. 3 minutes of contact is enough to cause a human to pass out from psychic energy fatigue. Energy can still be taken even when a person is in this state, but it is highly dangerous and could result in a coma or death.
Ellis is able to manifest this energy into weapons that can deal physical harm as if they were made from steel. He can create a dagger or shuriken with his own psychic energy, or a sword, shield, and larger weapons if he draws energy from an outside force. The more he trains the more weapons and psychic attacks he will learn.
LimitationsAt this point, Ellis cannot choose whether or not to draw energy from a creature he touches. As such, he must be careful not to touch his bare skin to the bare skin of others. After using his own psychic energy or that of others, he becomes extremely fatigued and will pass out if he overexerts himself. He is unable to create psychic energy and must draw from existing sources, meaning himself and other creatures.
Short BackstoryEllis was born to unbelievably wealthy parents. His father was a famous fashion designer know on a world-wide level and his mother was the CEO of a very successful modeling agency. While his parents traveled the globe, Ellis lived in Japan with his aunt and uncle. They raised him alongside their daughter, Haru, and his childhood memories are of belonging to a happy family. When he entered school, problems arose. Ellis was bullied by his peers for his pale looks. They would call him albino, or tell him he looked dead, like a ghost. The children were ignorant and afraid of catching whatever condition he had, so no one would be his friend. Haru, being a grade older, did her best to stick up for Ellis, but a dreadful first semester went by with no improvements. Ellis begged to be homeschooled.
He was sent to Maine so his American grandparents could homeschool him there. It went fairly well, and Ellis was still able to visit Haru and his Japanese family frequently. His parents made sure to see him as well, but he rarely felt a connection to them. He was resentful that he could not be raised by his own parents, but happy that he did have a family regardless. When he reached high school, Ellis tried attending school again. His classmates were more mature at this age, and while there were some bullies, he found himself making enough friends that it didn't bother him as much.
During his junior year, Ellis' power manifested. The mutation that caused his unusual appearance lied dormant until he needed it most. A band of particularly violent bullies cornered him outside school and drew a knife on him. They wanted to see if his blood was white too. Scared and angry, all Ellis could think about was how much he wanted to be able to defend himself with a weapon of his own. A slash was taken at his arm, and dark red blood came from the wound. Ellis screamed, and his eyes began to light up. A dagger made of crackling golden energy formed in his hand, and Ellis threw it at his attackers with no hesitation. It stuck into the hip of one of them, and they all ran away. Ellis passed out against the wall, and while the dagger he threw disappeared, the wound remained.
Ellis lied. He told the authorities, his family, his friends, anyone who asked that he had no weapon. That one of the teens had stabbed himself on accident. With no proof against him, Ellis was cleared of all accusations made against him. He was scared of his newfound ability, and even more frightened when he discovered he drained the energy of whoever he touched shortly thereafter.
After months of restless research, Ellis decided the best place for him to go was the Safe Haven. After graduation, Ellis told his family he was going to a university far away and promised to write as frequently as he could. He's hoping to learn what his power is and how to control it so that he can keep his family safe from himself.