Evangelia Ridoran

Warm sunrise in her hair and her hands cold as gold.

Name: Evangelia (Eva) Ridoran
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Orientation: Heterosexual
Race: Human
Class: High

Gender: Female
Age: 22
Orientation: Heterosexual
Race: Human
Class: High

About the Ridorans: Ridoran is a family that comes from the tropical city Khalad. Their business was thriving, because not only are they people from an entirely different continent, but despite cruel sandstorms in the island, they managed to grow quality cotton and expand their trades. Their business brought them a fortune and the previous generation of the Ridorans got them a spot among the Noble Families in the largest Kingdom of Argos.
Currently the Ridoran family consists of four people: Hemmet Ridoran, the Head and the father of three children. He has grown up in the field of cotton and other plantlife and still proceeds to spend his free time there. He is very humble at home, but once you'd come to meet the man, he comes off as very strict and cold.
Nicholas Ridoran is the oldest child of the three and he's known to be the muscle of the family. Not the sharpest tool in the box, he has no skill with the plants or making any sort of business, but his friendly and open-minded nature offered him a chance to meet plenty of people, therefore allowed the more responsible members of his family to work with trades while he gets on everyone's good side.
Eva is the second oldest child, works in the field in her free time, but it was as if she was made to be a noblewoman who is ruthlessly making coin through trades.
Coraline is the youngest child and is three years younger than Evangelia. Perhaps the smartest of her siblings, she works well behind the scenes, but she shows no interest in dealing with the society of Argos or it's people. She buries herself in her books and is generally very shy.
Currently the Ridoran family consists of four people: Hemmet Ridoran, the Head and the father of three children. He has grown up in the field of cotton and other plantlife and still proceeds to spend his free time there. He is very humble at home, but once you'd come to meet the man, he comes off as very strict and cold.
Nicholas Ridoran is the oldest child of the three and he's known to be the muscle of the family. Not the sharpest tool in the box, he has no skill with the plants or making any sort of business, but his friendly and open-minded nature offered him a chance to meet plenty of people, therefore allowed the more responsible members of his family to work with trades while he gets on everyone's good side.
Eva is the second oldest child, works in the field in her free time, but it was as if she was made to be a noblewoman who is ruthlessly making coin through trades.
Coraline is the youngest child and is three years younger than Evangelia. Perhaps the smartest of her siblings, she works well behind the scenes, but she shows no interest in dealing with the society of Argos or it's people. She buries herself in her books and is generally very shy.
Reputation: Eva has met many people in both Khalad and Argos, even more in the second location, given that it is where most of her family business bloomed. While favored mostly by men, Eva is known as very charming, communicative, well-spoken and very confident woman. She makes sure that it's she who ends the conversation, be it by words or something she does, it's also known as a bad trait. Her confidence is is also seen as her being very demanding and self-centered, sometimes even mean. She doesn't really care about concealing her stubborn nature, especially when it comes to the business that is now up to the children of the Ridoran to keep it thriving and she is worried less about those who cannot handle her ambition and focuses on those who think similarly.
Relationship status: Very single, but rarely alone
Likes: Well-spoken and hard-working people, her two large wild cats, her family, good wine, the smell and feel of fertile soil and the smell of the yard after a heavy rain during spring
Dislikes: "Good" and kind women, lazy men (lazy people in general, but despises men who don't do anything of use), winter and snow, and she sees cheating as the worst of deeds a person can do
Hair: Blonde (golden), wavy and waist-length
Eyes: Emerald green
Height: 5'8''
Body type: Hourglass, average weight

Relationship status: Very single, but rarely alone
Likes: Well-spoken and hard-working people, her two large wild cats, her family, good wine, the smell and feel of fertile soil and the smell of the yard after a heavy rain during spring
Dislikes: "Good" and kind women, lazy men (lazy people in general, but despises men who don't do anything of use), winter and snow, and she sees cheating as the worst of deeds a person can do
Hair: Blonde (golden), wavy and waist-length
Eyes: Emerald green
Height: 5'8''
Body type: Hourglass, average weight

Style: Wears dresses of light fabrics of any color she feels like that day specifically, but mostly it would be jewelry she'd pay most of her mind to. Evangelia loves jewelry mostly that have the color of gold and gems on it. She loves things that are not easily accessible and high quality. If she can tell that something is worth having, she will never ask for a price.
Her hair is styled almost every morning with complex braids, usually decorated with various hair pieces. But there are times when she would leave her loose braid rest over her shoulder and wear less jewelry. She's found that men find her much more appealing in such "loosened" state. She seems less "frightening".
Eva strongly believes in the phrase "Your body is your temple", so she takes care of herself, worships herself during long baths with oils beneficial to her skin and self-care is a high priority to the golden haired woman. This also means that she rarely leaves her house without putting make up on. Hardly a surprise, hm?
Her hair is styled almost every morning with complex braids, usually decorated with various hair pieces. But there are times when she would leave her loose braid rest over her shoulder and wear less jewelry. She's found that men find her much more appealing in such "loosened" state. She seems less "frightening".
Eva strongly believes in the phrase "Your body is your temple", so she takes care of herself, worships herself during long baths with oils beneficial to her skin and self-care is a high priority to the golden haired woman. This also means that she rarely leaves her house without putting make up on. Hardly a surprise, hm?
Hobbies: Spends time with her two precious wild cats (trains or just leisurely drinks wine and reads with them close to her), visits markets often and rarely is she alone without a company of a man and drinks wine (a lot)
Mannerisms: When she speaks, she doesn't speak with her voice, but her body. She's elegant and gracious with her gestures. Even the tone of her voice will fit whatever impression she wants to make, her every move is calculated. But it definitely is not a good sign is she falls silent and stares at someone with a raised left eyebrow. The more she's still in the crowd, that means that she's less relaxed.

Mannerisms: When she speaks, she doesn't speak with her voice, but her body. She's elegant and gracious with her gestures. Even the tone of her voice will fit whatever impression she wants to make, her every move is calculated. But it definitely is not a good sign is she falls silent and stares at someone with a raised left eyebrow. The more she's still in the crowd, that means that she's less relaxed.

Who is the bright maiden?
Evangelia Ridoran is the second child of the family and her reputation has changed in the course of years. Once, she was known as a shy and very reserved girl, much like her younger sister Coraline nowadays, who loved to spend time in the fields and work with the crops and flowers, now she is a social natural disaster. By that, it's actually meant that Eva has an appearance that demands attention (and perhaps some sort of respect, depending how she affects some people), and her charisma does not take that aura away from her. In the eyes of the many, she is well-spoken, enticing and can actually seem as a pleasant person, someone you can trust. However, while that doesn't have to be always the case, Eva is manipulative and seeks her own interest, and even more importantly, she seeks the interest of her family. She is selfish, yes, but she cares about her family greatly. As the matter of fact, the members of her family are the only people she cares about.
Evangelia is aware that there is competition all around her, especially in Argos, given the other Noble Families with successful businesses and reputation, she takes this as a challenge. When it comes to her relationships with these people, it is a very complicated puzzle. She holds respect for some of the, and she will show it, but there are some members of these families she absolutely cannot stand. Truth be told, Eva has a strong distaste towards women and girls who come out as gentle, kind and pure. To her personally, those women lack character and strength, and in her mind, those women cannot be trusted, because in a world like this, such traits are not genuine. But when it comes to men, she hates those who think with the wrong head. She thinks of them as weak-minded and easily manipulated, replaceable/expendable and that they're good for only one thing (though that is arguable, as well). Men who go from woman to woman to kill time is something that rubs Eva the wrong way and spitefully drags them into a situation where they would worship her, only so she would leave without a word after tiring them to the point of passing out. Even better if she gets to act as if she doesn't know them the next time they meet, only to make a fool out of themselves in the public. Of course, she would only do this to the select few where there is no evidence that they actually met and cannot prove to anyone else that it is true, since she is well-aware that this can affect her reputation.
Evangelia is aware that there is competition all around her, especially in Argos, given the other Noble Families with successful businesses and reputation, she takes this as a challenge. When it comes to her relationships with these people, it is a very complicated puzzle. She holds respect for some of the, and she will show it, but there are some members of these families she absolutely cannot stand. Truth be told, Eva has a strong distaste towards women and girls who come out as gentle, kind and pure. To her personally, those women lack character and strength, and in her mind, those women cannot be trusted, because in a world like this, such traits are not genuine. But when it comes to men, she hates those who think with the wrong head. She thinks of them as weak-minded and easily manipulated, replaceable/expendable and that they're good for only one thing (though that is arguable, as well). Men who go from woman to woman to kill time is something that rubs Eva the wrong way and spitefully drags them into a situation where they would worship her, only so she would leave without a word after tiring them to the point of passing out. Even better if she gets to act as if she doesn't know them the next time they meet, only to make a fool out of themselves in the public. Of course, she would only do this to the select few where there is no evidence that they actually met and cannot prove to anyone else that it is true, since she is well-aware that this can affect her reputation.
Long story short - Eva does not like people. She hates them generally, but respects individually.
You may catch Evangelia staring at someone in what only can be said a very frightening way. What is usually dismissed as a "bad day", it's usually when she cannot stand anyone. Should she be picked on or someone presses the wrong buttons, there's no guarantee that she will not try to verbally devour the person. There's so much hidden rage inside this woman, some sort of unknown hatred towards people, that is an absolute opposite to what she shows Even if she cares about the people from her family, no one in the world knows what is happening inside this woman's head. Ask anyone either in Khalad or Argos about her and you will hear the same things over and over. There are rumors circulating, some whispers and false tales that are not possible to be confirmed, all are contradicting one another, but no one knows this ironically well-known woman.
She will come home after dealing with people for the entirety of the day, close herself in the room, all by herself and get drunk on wine while she broods. She loves her family, but she feels completely and utterly alone. Nobody is good enough for her. And that is what kills her. And unfortunately, she doesn't give a chance to anyone to prove themselves to her, so she would finally understand that she was wrong. All her thoughts never left that cage that is her skull. All that void filled with finery and endless ambition, yet she is once again alone in her room, drink in her hand, quietly staring outside.
You may catch Evangelia staring at someone in what only can be said a very frightening way. What is usually dismissed as a "bad day", it's usually when she cannot stand anyone. Should she be picked on or someone presses the wrong buttons, there's no guarantee that she will not try to verbally devour the person. There's so much hidden rage inside this woman, some sort of unknown hatred towards people, that is an absolute opposite to what she shows Even if she cares about the people from her family, no one in the world knows what is happening inside this woman's head. Ask anyone either in Khalad or Argos about her and you will hear the same things over and over. There are rumors circulating, some whispers and false tales that are not possible to be confirmed, all are contradicting one another, but no one knows this ironically well-known woman.
She will come home after dealing with people for the entirety of the day, close herself in the room, all by herself and get drunk on wine while she broods. She loves her family, but she feels completely and utterly alone. Nobody is good enough for her. And that is what kills her. And unfortunately, she doesn't give a chance to anyone to prove themselves to her, so she would finally understand that she was wrong. All her thoughts never left that cage that is her skull. All that void filled with finery and endless ambition, yet she is once again alone in her room, drink in her hand, quietly staring outside.

First comes a blessing of all that you've dreamed
But then comes the curses of diamonds and rings
Only at first did it have its appeal
But now you can't tell the false from the real
But then comes the curses of diamonds and rings
Only at first did it have its appeal
But now you can't tell the false from the real

Business = status
It is no secret how seriously Eva takes her role as the member of one of the Noble Families and she wants to make sure that everyone is aware that they saw nothing yet. The golden haired woman is certain that one day she will be the Head of the Ridoran family. In her mind, it's in their best interest - she puts them first, she cares about the quality of what they have to offer, strictly follows the rules of reputation in Argos and is ready to do whatever is necessary to keep their family at the very peak. Eva after all is responsible for doing the trading and contacting the customers and clients, all the while her brother Nicholas knows many people and can be of great help in that field of her work. She always offers the best to the interested clients and customers, but she will not take any deals she doesn't see any benefit for her business. That is already a strong point: well-spoken, warm and friendly, and only has the success of her family in mind. But, she does have her own selfish reasons to be the head of the family, after all. While those reasons never left that pretty head and seem endless miles away from the possibility, Evangelia swore to make it happen.
Business with growing cotton has been going well, Eva who has expensive taste and know what good quality is, wants to spread her influence a bit more. While certainly she wouldn't be the only one with this idea and obviously this business is already running in the world, but Evangelia wants to make her own wine. She wants to make the best and most expensive wine in the world. She is already in her free time collecting some fruits if she runs into a merchants that are selling them and is running her own research about wine brewing and growing of the richly flavored grapes. If Eva wants to succeed and make special and quality wine, she needs to find a way to make it more special. Of course, that's just a goal, but whatever plan she made in her head, she's going to make it happen, no matter the struggle or cost.

From porcelain to ivory
When she reached 11th year, Eva has been introduced to the business that their family was running and she was a quick learner. While Coraline at that age was more excitable to jump to conclusions and suggestions, Eva before her would quietly sit, listen, watch and observe. She was like a sponge that absorbed everything that was thrown her way, it was only as she was growing older that Evangelia began to understand some things by herself about the agriculture and done some growing of her own. She loved flowers and would try to grow some for herself before learning how to grow cotton properly. At that age, nature fascinated her, especially when she learned all the benefits that it gives to the people and how life would be impossible and unbalanced without it. While she secretly hates the people, she does love the flora and fauna and holds massive respect for the nature. However, to her unluck, Eva's strength lies in communication. She has, what one may call, a "green thumb", but it's overshadowed by her natural social skills that drains her energy. Evangelia became aware of this talent once she was finally considered mature by the society and grew much bolder. And bolder she grew for one reason only - to get something her innocent and naive heart desired... And that one thing she so genuinely wanted was never meant to be hers.
While the fair lady of the Ridoran family is rumored to be quite ruthless when it comes to romantic relationships, that she has men wrapped around every finger on both of her hands, nobody knows that this untouchable woman was once a romantic soul that innocently fell in love, less than a year before her legal maturity. It was love at first sight, something she knew was not supposed to happen. It was before her first trading lessons, so she was still coming out as a shy person who wouldn't speak much to anyone, even less to the strangers.
She was walking through the streets of the Argos with her older brother, who was at the time familiar with the place and people. He greeted one of the citizens he knew who was a Argos guard. A man who also just recently came to the city, which is how Nicholas met him in the docks. To anyone, he was just another freshly mature and capable man who came to the city of Argos to make a living, but to Eva, he was something else. He might not look noble at all, perhaps exotic to a naive girl like her, but he was a beautiful man. When he politely introduced himself to her and smiled, Evangelia got lost in that moment and she was quiet before saying her name, completely lost in a natural charm. He was not like the people from either Argos or Khalad who were taught how to act, but this man was naturally gracious. And gods, he was beautiful! It took the golden-haired girl a few seconds before she introduced herself. The worst part was, she cannot remember his name. She got lost in that situation so much that she couldn't hear anything around her or see anything but him and lost in the depth of his melodic voice. Nights would pass after that very first meeting and the poor girl could not sleep. She would read through the romance books, imagining herself and the guard in those fantastical and touching situations. Just the mere thought would have the gentle maiden innocently blush!
She would see him in the city occasionally and he would politely approach to greet her and share a moment for a small talk out of courtesy, since he knows her brother and because of her family name. She knew he was a bit older than her, she knew the differences between their positions, but everything in Eva made her want him. She would secretly draw them together on paper, just waiting to be mature and grow bolder. She would spend some time in front of the mirror, talking to her reflection, imagining that it was him, reading dialogues from the books and making gestures as she would recite heart-felt confessions. It was so innocent and naive, so wishful. But at one point they did return to Khalad around the time when it was her birthday and once they returned to Argos, she would purposefully walk outside more during her free time in hopes to run into him. To her unluck, she never saw him again. To say that Eva was devastated was an understatement. All that yearning for the time when she could be old enough to have more than just small talk about the weather, state of the trades and the city and such with him and get to know him was crushed. She never asked her brother who that guard was. She still to this day doesn't know his name. And no one knows about this heartbreak that Eva experienced. To her, it felt like weakness, a foolishness, something that part of her hates. She blames herself for being so idealistic and childish. She blamed herself for the purest emotion she has felt so far in her entire life.
To this day, she has never felt for a person the way she has for him. Despite that being naivety, what she felt was real and someone who got to have everything and be rewarded after the struggles her family went through, to Eva this was a hit she never recovered from. Every man she has met was compared to him, even though she never knew him. No one was good enough, no one was him. Perhaps this was a good thing for Eva, since it made her work so stubbornly for everything so she would get what she wants as soon as possible. She follows her intuition and grows her roots in her own direction and uses her talents to achieve potential great things. Yet she still would dream about him. She would look out the window and hope to see him in the crowd. She hopes, even though it's very unlikely that she's going to get the only thing that her heart desires and not her gnawing greed.

She was walking through the streets of the Argos with her older brother, who was at the time familiar with the place and people. He greeted one of the citizens he knew who was a Argos guard. A man who also just recently came to the city, which is how Nicholas met him in the docks. To anyone, he was just another freshly mature and capable man who came to the city of Argos to make a living, but to Eva, he was something else. He might not look noble at all, perhaps exotic to a naive girl like her, but he was a beautiful man. When he politely introduced himself to her and smiled, Evangelia got lost in that moment and she was quiet before saying her name, completely lost in a natural charm. He was not like the people from either Argos or Khalad who were taught how to act, but this man was naturally gracious. And gods, he was beautiful! It took the golden-haired girl a few seconds before she introduced herself. The worst part was, she cannot remember his name. She got lost in that situation so much that she couldn't hear anything around her or see anything but him and lost in the depth of his melodic voice. Nights would pass after that very first meeting and the poor girl could not sleep. She would read through the romance books, imagining herself and the guard in those fantastical and touching situations. Just the mere thought would have the gentle maiden innocently blush!
She would see him in the city occasionally and he would politely approach to greet her and share a moment for a small talk out of courtesy, since he knows her brother and because of her family name. She knew he was a bit older than her, she knew the differences between their positions, but everything in Eva made her want him. She would secretly draw them together on paper, just waiting to be mature and grow bolder. She would spend some time in front of the mirror, talking to her reflection, imagining that it was him, reading dialogues from the books and making gestures as she would recite heart-felt confessions. It was so innocent and naive, so wishful. But at one point they did return to Khalad around the time when it was her birthday and once they returned to Argos, she would purposefully walk outside more during her free time in hopes to run into him. To her unluck, she never saw him again. To say that Eva was devastated was an understatement. All that yearning for the time when she could be old enough to have more than just small talk about the weather, state of the trades and the city and such with him and get to know him was crushed. She never asked her brother who that guard was. She still to this day doesn't know his name. And no one knows about this heartbreak that Eva experienced. To her, it felt like weakness, a foolishness, something that part of her hates. She blames herself for being so idealistic and childish. She blamed herself for the purest emotion she has felt so far in her entire life.
To this day, she has never felt for a person the way she has for him. Despite that being naivety, what she felt was real and someone who got to have everything and be rewarded after the struggles her family went through, to Eva this was a hit she never recovered from. Every man she has met was compared to him, even though she never knew him. No one was good enough, no one was him. Perhaps this was a good thing for Eva, since it made her work so stubbornly for everything so she would get what she wants as soon as possible. She follows her intuition and grows her roots in her own direction and uses her talents to achieve potential great things. Yet she still would dream about him. She would look out the window and hope to see him in the crowd. She hopes, even though it's very unlikely that she's going to get the only thing that her heart desires and not her gnawing greed.