Avatar of Krasnaya


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1 mo ago
Current I want you to bounce on it... Crrrrrazy style.
2 mos ago
Every year for one unspecific time period I get Crisis Core PTSD flashbacks and I'm genuinely not okay
2 mos ago
I love my mom to death, but sometimes I wanna bite my fingers off because she simply refuses to see stuff from my or anyone's perspective, and she adds so much pressure on everyone and everything.
2 mos ago
Have you ever seen a woman so fucking beautiful it made you go like "damn, she deserves 10 boyfriends" I'm a straight, monogamous woman and I'd be boyfriend #4 for her.
3 mos ago
I'm sorry, but it's not a good enemies to lovers story unless they literally tried to kill each other (and almost succeeding) a hundred times, and then they can't imagine living without each other.


I would die for this man.

Just your typical goth gal who likes darker settings heavy themes and steamy romances.

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Standards for you and me:

  • It is necessary for you to read the first two sections of my request thread
  • 3rd person narrative
  • At least 200 to 500 words on average, 1k+ for setting the mood and introductions of the scenes/characters/other (I wrote posts that were long several google doc pages when I'm particularly inspired)
  • 3/3/3, no fluff, no fade to black, words worse than f-bombs being thrown around
  • Use of more characters
  • Use of realistic art or real life people references (no anime characters or simplistic drawings, I'm a very visual person and prefer realistic faceclaims)
  • Use of imagery and music for roleplay (optional for you)
  • I tend to ignore messages that don’t have any introduction. If you’re really interested in writing this with me, it is necessary you contact me with details that you think are necessary for our partnership and especially if you have ideas based on my request!
  • Also please send me a DM, I tend to miss comments on my posts because I forget to subscribe for whatever dumbass reason

Writing sample

Necessary details about my current interest:

Vampires! I am someone who had been in the goth scene for over 15 years at this point, and with that came the absolute adoration for everything vampire related. I am currently just playing Queen of the Damned soundtrack on repeat, and I will say that I am quite inspired. Chester Bennington's “System” is definitely my current favorite song from the soundtrack.

Both roleplays are taking place in modern day world!

If you’re someone who is well-versed in the lore of Vampire the Masquerade and you love the Bloodlines game, you and I will get along great, because both of these roleplays tonally are loyal to the atmosphere and style of the universe of Bloodlines. You may consider me a VtM veteran, considering that World of Darkness is that one fandom I have really stuck with for over a decade, even though I do prefer the earlier versions than what the WoD had become after the many revisions, so I am a bit old school on that front.

I do have to share one grievance I have often with roleplayers whenever playing in this kind of setting, and that is that my partners always gave me “plain” main characters. I generally am not the type to tell you how your character should be, I want you to like your character and play the individual you have visualized, but I’ve become tired of my immersion breaking in a gothic/punk atmosphere lacking characters who fit the vibe and narrative. With that said, I’d prefer your character to have a certain flavor, edge or style looks-vise. My characters are always stylized to fit the vibe and I’d appreciate the same!

The two following plots follow a very similar direction, but substance-vise is very different. I suggest you read everything so you can understand the vision I had. If you have any suggestions, ideas or questions about my plots, I would absolutely love to hear them!

The plots:

Fall from Grace
Modern day Bram Stoker’s Dracula inspired story, with a lot of Christian themes

This story is dramatic, romantic and filled with intrigue

My character is a young woman who recently moved from a small town into the big city where she is trying to start a new life, and the city happens to be riddled with hopelessness and sin. She is an aspiring Christian artist, working on very thematically and biblically accurate art that has a lot of gothic tones, the kind that had been presented in the ages past. As much as some people may find it perhaps dark and unnerving, the fact is that MC indeed shares the right message. And because of this, an old church that is in the process of renovating had hired MC to do art for both the walls and stained glass, which has been a dream come true.

In her process of working on the church and feeling closer to God and Jesus than ever, the pastor of this church became an important figure in MC’s life. She built a very specific dynamic with him, despite there being a lot of boundaries they need to keep due to his status, there is a liking that is shared between the two. The pastor sees the purity within her heart, past the dark and unusual visage, she is a true woman of God.

Unbeknownst to MC, the pastor is a member of the Inquisition - the religious organization of vampire hunters. The presence of vampires in this city had resulted in the presence of the Inquisition. He is well-aware of how the vampires function and the renovation within the church was intended as the new headquarters for the Inquisition, closer to what they deem as the lair of these demonic and godless creatures. Would be great if you could play the pastor hunter as your secondary main character.

Meanwhile, MC had caught the eye of someone powerful - a vampire who shortly after MC moved to this city, had settled here with few other vampires under his command, and this is going to be YC. He had seen MC leaving the church every evening, saying goodbye to the pastor on her way out with a smile on her face. Her features were unmistakable - that was the same woman he had fallen in love with ages beyond counting ago. He had to let that woman go, unable to stomach the thought of taking away her spirit and love for God that was greater than the love she had for him, then watching her marry a mortal man and have children with him. She had died tragically during a plague, and YC for the rest of days had regretted not taking her with him into immortality. And it just so happens that MC is the latest descendant of that woman YC loved to death and she was the only one who had the spitting image of her.

This time, however, he would not make the same mistake twice. She would be turned into a vampire, her chance of reuniting with God ripped away from her, but MC would try her best to refuse this nature, despite hurting in the presence of the church and wearing a cross around her neck she would refuse to reject God. The pastor would also know YC, the powerful vampire and also the incredible tragedy of MC’s fate.

Vampire the Masquerade version of this story:
Everything is pretty much the same, though I’d just tweak a few things. YC, the powerful vampire, is in fact a member of the Sabbat and higher in the hierarchy, set on his task to overthrow Camarilla and MC just happens to be a distraction due to the fact that she looks the same as the woman that never failed to haunt him to this day. However, the stakes are too great and his goal to overthrow the vampire government is dangerous, so he only managed to get her during the Mass Embrace and has someone always looking after her. Meanwhile, MC becomes wrapped up in the issue with Camarilla who are the dominant force, but also the knowledge of whose childe she is and her insistence to reject the vampiric nature, they decide to take her under their wing, which puts MC in the crossfires of Camarilla’s “protection”, the Sabbat’s mission to take down Camarilla and the Inquisition, alongside the pastor’s bias and soft spot that he has for MC.

Vampire the Masquerade: Gehenna (See Last Daughter of Eve)
The VtM story based on Bloodlines’ dilemma about the Thinblood and the fear about the end-times

Gehenna - the end times of the Kindred world, and with times like these, with so much Jyhad, betrayals and disasters, how could one fault the Kindred for dreading the worst, especially with how heavy and tense the air had been for the last couple of years?

Not to mention that there’s an alarming rise of the Thin-blood vampires, which had many Kindred believe that this is a sign that the Kindred’s vitae is losing its potency and that their kind may reach their end - all the history and legacy will be lost forever.

With the city stuck in a constant in-fighting between the Anarchs and the Camarilla, the Sabbat had become a new terror in this territory which had been causing disasters that would put them under the threat of hunters - everything seems to be going wrong and the tensions are at an all time high.

My character is a college student who has been living her life to the fullest - has a vision for her future, a lot of friends, partying often, consuming drugs and loving every second of it. Unfortunately, a specific night was where the odds were against her favor - she was intoxicated and alone at the wrong place and at the wrong time. She ended up being a part of the Mass Embrace, her head hit with the shovel and left to lie somewhere in a ditch. The Mass Embraces have been an absolute disaster, considering that they’re becoming the main reason as to why there’s so many new Thin-bloods out there, but also MC ended up being one of the few “lucky” ones that was found by the Camarilla agents. However, she was not spared because of the merciful mood of the vampire, but what they found on MC. She was a confused, dazed and terrified mess, almost naked as her clothes were ripped off and dirty from the soil she was rolled onto while she was unconscious, but there was a specific birthmark on her lower abdomen that resembled a half-moon. She was a classic victim of the Sabbat and their messy, ritualistic embraces, but in times like these, seeing the birthmark of such specific shape would naturally alarm those who are considered the authority.

Thin-bloods are treated as the lowest of the low and MC is no stranger to being treated like a doormat by the Camarilla and basically any other full-fledged vampire, and those who were aware of the signs and rumors would not let MC find out that she may be one of the heralds of Gehenna. Unbeknownst to all of them and despite her being unaware of the legend and rumors being told about her, MC is a stubborn and willful individual who wants to fight for her life and would not stop at anything. This may result with her forming alliances and relationships with Kindred who may want to use her, or not believe in the legends or perhaps wish the legends of Gehenna coming true.

I shared the link of the Last Daughter of Eve with the intention to give the idea of where I as going with, especially about the birthmark, but I am definitely down with the idea of MC actually being a herald of Gehenna or this simply being a mass panic and there’s no Gehenna, but everyone just driving themselves up the wall, causing irreversible damage because of the mass anxiety.
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