Isaac, Nova, Darc, and Douglas

Outside The Monolith Theatre/April 20, 2028/2:35pm
It had been about two hours since Isaac picked up the case. Not one to hang around the precinct for social matters while there was work to be done, he headed to the scene once his necessary appearance at the retirement party had been met. Upon arrival his mind had already begun to work at attempting to recreate what events led to this moment. His eyes scanned the street corner where the theatre stood, a line of police tape barring entrance to the slowly growing crowd. News vans were already beginning to arrive and begin probing for information. At the epicenter of it all laid the body, one of many apparently waiting within the theatre, a scene that was all too familiar. For a moment he sat in his car, having parked it a short distance from the scene so as to not attract attention, and opened a box of cigarillos. Almost immediately, a heavy smell of berries began to fill the air of the car as he lifted one from amongst the rest. Despite its scent pervading the interior of the car, Isaac took a sharp whiff of its length before lighting the end and taking a long drag. As he exhaled his eyes continued to scan the scene before him and noticed an officer approaching his car. "Not bad. Pointless, but not bad", his words escaping out into the city as he rolled down the window for the officer.
"I'm sorry sir but this intersection is closed off. You'll have yo go around", the officer didn't waste a moment in directing Isaac away but a quick flash of his badge made it clear as to his purpose there. "Sorry Detective, didn't recognize you", the officer stepped back from the car door as Isaac made his way out, a look of slight embarrassment on his face. "No its fine, I wouldn't expect you to, I transferred here only recently. So, what have you found so far?", without hesitation Isaac made his way past the cordoned off intersection and towards the first body with the officer close behind.
"The victim is uhhh, Benjamin Coleman, apparently he was an actor who's group was rehearsing at the theatre today for an upcoming play. He and about every other cast member were killed inside. From the looks of it Evan was the only one who made it out the building but died from his injuries", the officer finished reading over his notepad when he noticed Isaac staring intently at the body, almost deathly still. "Uh detective? would you like to see the others?"
"I'm sorry what?"
"No, not yet at least. I'm waiting for my partner, she should be here soon enough. We're expecting an R&D agent as well so have your men lead them inside when they arrive. In the meantime I'll take some time examining this one", Isaac never once turned from the body as he spoke. His eyes were rapidly shifting up and down the body of the victim as he remained crouch over it as still as a gargoyle. The officer beside him simply exhaled sharply in confusion and slight irritation as he stepped away and back into the theatre.
As for Isaac, his mind had already put together a number of theories as to what had unfolded earlier today. "Throat was slit, not deep enough so as to allow him to cling to life. You probably got away before they got Someone wanted your final moments to be painful didn't they, Benjamin. But why? Most likely the answer is probably waiting inside isn't it?", his darting eyes shooting a split second glance at the theatre before returning to the body, never ceasing in their furious inspection of the departed. For a moment he almost missed it, a small clump of skin beneath a fingernail with some blood to go with it. "I'm sure the folks at R&D will be happy to have that", he muttered to himself before continuing on. "I might have a few minutes before the others get here", his deathly stillness ceased as his eyes cut a line across the surrounding area, hunting for any that might be watching. Satisfied he lay a hand on the body and as if she sun was snuffed out, darkness consumed him. For anyone watching it was but a few seconds that Isaac seemed to tremble violently while crouched over the victim. For him it was anything but a few seconds, in fact for him it felt as though an eternity would pass before he'd return to the land of the living. "I see, so its happening again", his words barely escaping his throat as he regained his grip on reality.
Wendigo, Devora, Caldwell, Serene, and Aria

Condemned Apartment Complex/April 20, 2028/2:35pm
It looked as if progress had abandoned this place. While self driving cars, hologram projections, and towering skyscrapers dominated the East End and Downtown areas, the West End clung to the aesthetic of the prior decade with a severe degree of dilapidation. The cracked and buckling sidewalk gave way as nature had begun to envelope the area around the building. Despite the overgrowth taking over, to any who would approach it felt as if death radiated from this place. Police had already established a perimeter around the building and an OTO team had already been sent in once officers discovered what lay within. Throughout the entire apartment complex, in every hallway, every apartment, every room, strange and sinister symbols had been either carved into the walls or drawn with blood. The was not an inch of this place untouched by these occult sigils and yet despite all the blood not a single body was found. At this point investigators had already drawn conclusions that whatever body or bodies had been used were probably moved and were looking elsewhere for them. As for the building, R&D had been called in to document and analyze the symbols to provide investigators with any potential leads. The case, amongst others, was high profile due to the bizarre circumstance or it all. As such, the press had entered a frenzy of trying to get exclusive info on the ongoing investigations. So much so that Precinct Chief Daza Sendros was at the scene to make a statement before police.
"Chief, can you tell us if what happened within the apartment complex today is in any way tied to the mass murder at The Monolith Theatre today as well?", Daza didn't hesitate when the microphone was aimed at her, waiting for answers. "As of right now we cannot confirm that theory but my precinct has already put its best detectives to work on that case as well as this one. As of right now we are sending in an analyst team into the complex to determine the motive behind what happened here and once that's done we'll have more information available to the public but as of right now I wouldn't jump to conclusions that these two incidents are related in any way"
"But Chief, what about the ongoing development at the Beacon Hotel, wouldn't that be proof enough that these incidents are related? After all, a mass murder, blood rituals, and now a hostage situation? That seems like a lot of orchestrated violent crime to happen in the same timeframe and not be connected. Many people are wondering detective if this is the return of the Ronoth Cult or-", another microphone was shoved into the tiefling detective's face only to be cut off once her patience had run out.
"The situation at the Beacon Hotel is still ongoing and we have no concrete evidence to connect the perpetrators there to whoever is responsible for these other two incidents. The situation at The Monolith Theatre is currently under investigation and as of right now what's occurred here can easily be chalked up to a prank by someone trying to add onto the fears of this city and I will not grant them that. The people of this city have enough to worry about today, my precinct will not rest until we find who is responsible and until we do I will not add to the fearmongering of the press. This interview is over, no further questions", Daza strode off and away from the police line as reporters clamored over, hoping to get a final statement but to no avail.
Despite her statements to the press, everyone at the station knew what was going on was connected, but Daza wasn't about to come forward with that theory on nothing but a hunch. The call had come in earlier, before the rest, but on that day but the department wasn't in any rush to pursue it for at the time, the scale of it had not fully been known. It was clear at this point that something had occurred in that complex that was related to the other killings. The OTOs had sweeped the place clean and the detectives originally assigned couldn't seem to find anything of note there. Daza was growing impatient, after reassigning the original detectives to another case the only real choice was Caldwell and Aria. It was while she was looking through her R&D agent lists that she'd noticed Serene's file. The last they met, Daza's impression of the woman was that she was another science project her precinct had to babysit but after looking over her history her mind was made. From what she'd heard, the symbols didn't resemble anything of recent times, perhaps the two thousand year old dragon could be useful? Something like Serene couldn't be trust to Caldwell and Aria, so Devora and her pet would be brought in as security against whatever they might find as well as to keep Serene in check...if that was even possible.
"Where the hell is R&D?", the Precinct Chief grumbled to herself before the ring of her phone took her attention. "Sendros", she answered curtly while looking down the road for the R&D van.
"Chief, its Vhurdaer, the situation's changed at the Beacon", Vhurdaer T'sarren, OTO Captain of Daza's Precinct and current operation commander of the hostage situation underway at The Beacon Hotel. There was a noticable amount of concern in his voice though one could easily mistake it for stern focus had they not known the captain.
"What do you mean 'the situation's changed'?"
"A moment ago they were shouting something about Kaiwan or some shit and now they're demanding we send some of our people in or else they'll start killing the hostages"
"Anyakt S'zadi!", she cursed at the ground before taking a moment to compose herself "Did they give us a timeframe at least?"
"They said we have an hour to send someone in. They didn't specify how many or why just that they want someone in there with them. If you ask me they're probably trying to get more hostages for whatever fucked up shit they have planned"
"How long before Minos and his team gets there?"
"Last I checked they were about a few minutes away. Why? You sending us in, boss?", there was a silence over the phone as Daza contemplated the best course of action.
"We cant risk sending someone in and only adding to their list of victims. Do we know where most of them are?"
"Snipers tell me that most of them are on the ground floor in the lobby guarding the hostages. There are a few on some of the floors, likely searching for more hostages. Other than that they don't seem to be watching the other entrances. You've got a plan?"
"Something like that. Get a team on a helicopter and have them enter via the roof. Have Minos and his team enter via the rear entrance to the basement. Have both teams move towards the lobby, Minos and his team can secure any escape routes should these bastards try to run once the larger group arrive at the lobby"
"Understood, I'll get us ready to make the play", without another word Daza ended the call and without skipping a beat she turned to a nearby officer. "Have R&D speak to me when they arrive, I want this shit sorted by the end of the damn day!"
As if the words conjured them forth, Daza could see the OIA R&D van rounding the corner towards the site. She stood at the curb with a look of irritation in her glowing yellow eyes, waiting for R&D to exit so she can really tear into someone for whatever caused them to be late. As the team unpacked Daza approached the van before clearing her throat, "You're late. Why?"
The driver of the van, an officer who was unlucky enough to be assigned the role, piped up before the others. "Sorry Chief, I was just finishing up something at the precinct when I got the call", his eyes didn't dare meet the Chief's as he attempted to explain himself.
"So the city starts reenacting Jonestown and you what? Took the scenic route here? Forget it, just help R&D set up, I'll show them in", Daza didn't stop to greet any of the R&D team but instead headed towards the building. "The last two detectives I assigned to this case didn't see how big this shit would get. Professors, I need you to scour this place and find out what the hell caused this shitstorm, see if the dragon knows anything. I'm told these symbols are old as shit. Dev, If anything shows up here I expect you and your pet to handle it but call it in so we have a heads up. If you have any questions now is the time to ask. None? Great. Let's go people"
Without another word, Daza left the team to their devices. From the entrance one could see an innumerable amount of occult symbols etched all over the walls, ceiling, and floor. Some of these symbols, the ones carved into the walls, seemed to match if not follow a pattern while the ones in blood seemed to each be unique. At the other end of the main lobby, on the right wall was a rusted door, the entrance to the basement. The door, while heavily rusted, was painted over with what could only be described at the climax of all the other blood symbols about the complex.
Kharon, Henry, and Katherine

The Beacon Hotel, East End of New Carcosa/April 20, 2028/2:30pm
"Kaiwan's will shall be made manifest! For far too long has our lord been denied the city which is by right his to rule!", a man cloaked in a bright yellow robe shouted from the entrance to The Beacon Hotel with great zeal. With one arm wrapped around the neck of a young boy another holding a twisted looking dagger he preached to the surrounding OTOs and onlookers as if the whole scene was a religious congregation. The line of officers held their rifles at the ready in the event the cultist actually did what everyone was fearing. The tension was palpable outside the hotel as memory of the Ronoth Crisis was still fresh in the minds of the city's inhabitants. "You all shall be witness to the ascent of our lord to his rightful throne! Any who dare intervene shall be met with the wrath of our lord for we are his will made manifest!", as the cultist continued with his ravings, Vhurdaer approached from amongst the other OTOs. The sight of the dark elf captain made the cultist retreat slightly into the hotel as he held the knife to the boy's throat. "Another step and the child dies, filth!", his words like poison with hatred in every syllable he uttered. Vhurdaer halted his advance halfway up the steps to the hotel with hands in the air to show his intent.
"My name is Captain Vhurdaer T'sarren, and that speech was nice and all but how 'bout you tell me what it is you really want, yeah? There's gotta be something you want right? Why else make a big show of all this when you could've killed the hostages already", Vhurdaer eyed the cultist to see if another attempt to approach could be made but found that even a twitch of his leg caused the cultist retreat even further back.
"I've no aim to negotiate with you, filth! Step back or the boy dies now!"
"You said that already but you and I both know that you are waiting for something. My guess is you're waiting to hear back from your other friends?"
"You know nothing, elf! You are but a denier of our lord!"
"On the contrary, I know your buddies are trying the same thing at The Monolith and at an apartment complex on the west end", it was all a bluff though, Vhurdaer had no idea if the cases were related at all but he had a gut feeling and if he could keep this guy talking till the teams were ready to move in then he'd take some chances while the odds were in his favor.
The cultist pointed the knife towards Vhurdaer before stepping towards him, "You will send us negotiators, three of them, with one being nonhuman. You will do it within the hour or these people will die, now get back down those stairs!" Vhurdaer had a satisfied look on his face as he back off from the entrance and towards the police line. Once the cultist had also retreated back into the hotel he immediately pulled out his phone to make a call.
"Chief, its Vhurdaer, the situation's changed at the Beacon"