Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DisturbedSpec
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DisturbedSpec Someone who has a theoretical degree in physics.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Redwood Apartment Complex, Room 2A

Pepper finished her cereal; moving to the sink and washing out her bowl before leaning down to load it into the dishwasher. Once that was completed, she strode quickly back to her room to unplug her phone from the charging station. Smiling lightly at the usual 'Good Morning, Pepper!' text from Chris, she rolled her eyes and unlocked her phone to respond to him. Pressing the power button and hearing the small door-locking sound of the iPhone, she pocketed the slim device and paused. Moving to the mirror leaning slightly ajar against her door, she looked at herself. Brow furrowing, she was well aware of the party tonight. It became apperant that this was the only night she'd be able to dress a bit more trendy- yet at the same time, what if someone decided to utter the infamous 'Hold my beer!' and get blood/vomitus all over her outfit? She let out a light 'mmurphg', and strode over to the wardrobe, opening the doors and pondering in through before retrieving a rather cute sweater along with jeans and boots. Quickly undressing and redressing, she laid her spare outfit on the bed to dress back into once the party was over, and began making her way toward the door. She had to figure out what she was going to bring, if anything but herself- but first things was first: she had to respond to the RSVP before the party started. Making her way down to the lobby, she soon passed by another woman and Chris; who glanced up and knew her look meant she was on a mission of some sort. Pepper arrived shortly at the reception desk, filling out her name on the RSVP list and leaning against the wall to pull out her phone and shoot Chris a text. With her RSVP secured, she began to make her way up to the rooftop of the apartment.

Location: Redwood Apartment Complex, Room 4A Hallway

Chris was leaning against the entryway to the stairwell, breifly catching a glimpse of his roomate Roxy as she went to get something presumably back from the apartment. He heard the faint exclamation, and barely audible words spoken as he stopped paying mind and glanced up to see Pepper looking rather trendily dressed up. Before he could comment, he stopped himself as he saw the infamous 'Pepper gaze'. She had her eyes set dead ahead, her jaw set and a notable military-like stride in her gait. He knew better than to interrupt her while in this state, and for good reason from previous experience. As she made her way down the stairwell, he sighed and returned his gaze out the window before his phone vibrated in his pocket. Pulling it up, he grimaced.

Growling, he pocketed his phone and began thudding down the stairs. Upon reaching the third flight, he spotted Pepper happily making her way up as she leaned into him and whispered softly "G-g-g-gingers!" Chris gently elbowed her and hummed lowly; the woman broke into a soft giggle as she continued her way up the stairs. He made his way down to the apartment lobby with a lightly reddening face, approached the reception kiosk and filled out his name before settling into one of the lobby chairs with a sigh. This was already going to be quite a long day.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interacting with: Pepper Thompson @DisturbedSpec, Kyla Jones @Ejected and Charlotte Thorne @Akayaofthemoon

Alfie woke up tangled in his bedsheets, swearing at his stupid beeping alarm. He slammed the stop button and dragged himself out of bed, the overhanging drunkenness from last night still pursuing a heavy grip on his brain. Staggering to the bathroom, Alfie ran a quick cold shower, hopping in and trying to wash the sticky feeling from his face. Pushing the water faucet shut he gets out and goes to change into a collared shirt and work pants, trailing water droplets behind him on the carpet as he went. As Alfie fastens his belt he hears the sound of another door slamming. One of his roommates was awake. Stepping out of his room, Alfie lays his watch on his wrist and pours himself some Cinnamon Toast Crunch, layering over some chocolate milk on top into what he suspects is a clean bowl. Alfie is halfway out the door, spoon almost to his mouth before he realises that Pepper is at the table and he must've just breezed past her. Retreating a few steps back Alfie waves a hand.
"Hey Pep, Good morning! I'm just going to head out to work right now, but I hope you have an amazing day, angel." Alfie smiles at her and moves to pat her shoulder softly. He always liked Pepper and found her endearing. She was a nice soul and he appreciated her kindness and tolerance whenever he came home late or drunk...or both. Plus, she was pretty cool in her own right. Alfie grabs his bag from where it was lying on the sofa from the night before and walks out of the door, shutting it softly behind him as he went and filling in the RSVP form for the party that night before making his way out of the apartment complex.

Ordering an Uber on his phone, he quickly ducks inside the car and spend the ride to work tapping on his phone. As of now, he had no romances to keep alive. He was too busy trying to secure his inheritance to spend time worrying about people rejecting his advances. However...

ALFIE: hey kyla, r ya going to the tenant part 2nite? u better be there because im in desperate need of a familiar face to flirt with ;)
Sent to Kyla Jones

She was after all a friend...and great fun. He needed some fun tonight, after going into withdrawal for so long. Alfie rolled his eyes at himself before the car screeched to a halt and he got out. Time for torture.


Alfie walked out of work tired and in need of a break. Today had been a never ending string of conference after conference after conference with only meager coffee breaks in between. God, was this all so difficult. He wished he could just lay off for a bit but he couldn't do that...not with his father's eye on him. Alfie crumpled up his coffee cup in frustration and huffed as he threw it in the nearby trash bin before ducking inside a convenience store to get a jumbo bag of chips and a cheap bottle of wine for the party tonight. Slinging his purchases over his shoulder, Alfie decides to walk home, the sound of the streetlights flickering on and the distant rumbling of music from a nearby night club calming his frayed nerves. It was nice to be away from the hustle and bustle sometimes. He had a clear mind tonight and could actually hear himself think coherently. Flicking a pebble out of the way with the tip of his leather shoe he walks up the steps to his apartment room, deposits his bag on the couch and takes the cereal bowl that he accidentally took to work with him to place in the sink. It was pretty early, considering that he would've had to work all day when the company had conferences, but his father had lost his temper in one and after that, well...people just tended to try to get everything done faster so they could get the hell out of there.

When Alfie bursts through the rooftop door he is surprised to see quite the crowd gathered up here. It was pretty though, so he could see the appeal. Plus it was a party. Looking over the area he could see the twinkling string lights and the darkening night and felt instantly at ease. Placing down the bottle of wine and bag of chips on the communal table he walks up to a familiar figure and taps her on the shoulder.
"Charlie? How are ya?" He hadn't seen her leave this morning and especially in this week, since he was so busy with work, he hadn't been able to talk much to both of his roommates. But here, he could catch up with them and talk a bit. After all, talking always healed any problems he had at the moment.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

An @Ejected and @Lionhearted Collaboration

Makyla had only just found the unopened package of red solo cups when a familiar sounding voice suddenly pierced through the air behind her; the young woman quickly spun around on her heel, bottle of liquor in one hand and a plastic cup in the other, to spot the dimpled grin that belonged to none other than Felix Brooks. Kyla momentarily found herself taking in the attributes of the man she'd known since her very first year of college: from his symmetrical, chiseled facial features and bright hazel eyes, all the way down to the skinny jeans he wore which accentuated the muscularity of his thighs. She wasn't very subtle about it either, taking great pleasure in returning his flirtatious energy. Makyla could see with her own two eyes that Felix was incredibly good-looking, and she could also tell that he knew it. "Well, well... look who's decided to grace us with his presence, tonight. The workaholic himself," Kyla said, flashing him a playful grin. "And, this? Oh, it's just a bottle of bourbon I fished out of the back of my liquor cabinet. Figured I'd share a little bit with all of my lovely neighbors."

“Hey now,” Felix began, but became lost in his tracks. A sudden inhale of surprise interrupted his carefully crafted retort, taken by her beauty as she turned to face him, evidently eying him, but without care of being caught doing so. His expression fell, not from loss, nor change, of his feelings, but rather from his increasing focus on her—Makyla Jones. It was astonishing to him that in one single movement could Kyla hold much of her personality within: her confidence, her charisma, and also her callousness. Felix’s dimple reappeared after shaking his head from thought, his lips stretching into a smirk, going back to her teasing comment, “I’m a busy guy, what can I say?” He lifted his arms into a shrugging defense before moving closer to the table to stand beside her, leaning in to whisper, “I’m pretty sure I saw you there, and I’m sorry I had to reject your request—I don’t normally do private gigs.” He ended his remark with a wink, patently joking about her appearance at the club. Felix picked up a solo cup, motioning with his forefinger in a demand for her to share, “Well, shit. I’m glad you remembered that this lovely neighbor, the loveliest in fact, is a whiskey guy. You know me so well.” He held the cup out in front of her, awaiting for it to be filled, his smile still apparent.

An involuntary shudder ran through Kyla's frame as Felix whispered in her ear; she simply brushed it off, being careful to maintain her calm and collected demeanor. In swift motions, Kyla then unscrewed the cap of the glass and began to pour a bit of the dark liquid into Felix's cup, a smirk making its way to her lips. Makyla had known for some time now about what Felix did when he wasn't busy with schoolwork or holed up in his apartment. In fact, Makyla had visited the strip club several times; she'd even been there recently with a couple of her girlfriends from the university. "See, why couldn't you just make an exception for little old me?" She asked jokingly before re-positioning the bottle over her own cup. "That's cold, dude."

Without hesitation, Felix sipped the liquor as soon as Kyla finished pouring, yet his gaze remained on her, watching her brown eyes dart back and forth synchronously with her controlled movements. Brown eyes were typically considered the most boring eye color, but Felix could’ve swore that Kyla’s were different. Perhaps it was just the glow from the golden rays of the sun that made them glisten fervorously, but the fire in her eyes was, undeniably, easy to depict. He broke his stare, leaning against the table, one hand holding his solo cup and the other placed in his pocket, adopting a nonchalant stance. Felix looked unto the horizon, “Well, maybe I could. Just for you.” He glanced at her for however long it took to give her a quick, sly wink and skirted his eyes back towards the horizon. Felix, apprehensive about the topic of his job, changed the subject, “I didn’t know Redwoods housed models like you. Let me know if you need help opening your window.” The joke stirred a cheerful grin, followed by his low chuckle, “But in all seriousness, it’s pretty cool that we’re neighbours. Let me know if you do need anything.”

"Knowing me, I just might take you up on that at some point in the near future," Kyla said with a chuckle before draining the contents of her cup in a few large gulps. The streak of fire that the liquor burned down her throat was a welcome sensation. She tossed her cup into a nearby trashcan following this, deciding that she'd better hold off on drinking any more until the party actually got started. "But for now, I'm gonna go see if Ritz needs any help over there. I feel a little bad for not helping set things up." As Kyla spoke, she began to strut away from the man; she paused momentarily after taking a few steps, however, to say one last thing in his direction. "Save some whiskey for the rest of the tenants, yeah?"

Felix didn’t know how to take her reply, so he simply gave a light chuckle and a shake of his head. He swished the contents of his cup, following suit with Kyla in gulping the rest down, and unlike Kyla, Felix winced in response to the burning sensation, humored that Kyla probably handles her alcohol far better than he does. As she pranced off, her steps seemingly placed strategically to provide a subtly apparent seduction over Felix, he gave a simple gesture as a reply: raising his solo cup in the air and giving a soft smile. “Save some whiskey for—,” he playfully scoffed under his breath as he turned towards the table to begin filling his solo cup with more whiskey. The way Kyla withdrew herself from the conversation left Felix with mixed thoughts, wondering if her added statements were a way of keeping him away—Felix began to think that he was starting to annoy her. He would’ve followed her to see if his help was needed, and also to see Ritz since he hadn’t seen him all day, but instead he would make his way towards the edge to get a little bit closer to the setting sun. Felix didn’t dwell on the thought.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Howilng Zinogre
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Howilng Zinogre Tamer of Fenrir

Member Seen 8 days ago

Row couldn't help but smile it had been so long since he had heard an authentic, really authentic accent. While his accents were nearly nonexistent unless heavily intoxicated he listened intently to what the young redhead was saying. She even had the legit emerald green eyes he hadn’t seen eyes that green since his mothers and that fire red hair as well. It was truly like getting a vision of his childhood. However before things got to awkward Row had quickly corrected her. “Well not full blooded Irish my Mom was Irish and my dad Carribean so they essentially bred and made a tall ass drinking machine” He said with a little chuckle as he looked down at the redhead. “As far as the party goes you wanna keep heading up and up and eventually you should find the place where are the beautiful people are” Rowan said as he continued on his hand beginning to rub his pendant. This young lady was putting out good vibes he would hopefully see more of her around the apartment...After he lead her to the third floor at least.

The walk was short for the two but it was fun to chit chat back and forth about what they had missed and how fresh the rain would smell on any of their emerald fields. “”But alas ms.Stark this is where i get off. I need to get dressed for the party. I wont leave you lost in the sea of doors though just walk to the end of this hall and from there make a left and head to the fourth floor and im assuming when you get there you wanna do the same.” He said as he watched the young lady walk away as he headed into his apartment.

“Claire, Claire you around...hmm guess she hasn’t come back yet” Row chuckled to himself as the scene played the reverse of this morning. As he headed to his room he caught the notice of what she was trying to shove under the door. “Hmm okay maybe she’s headed to the roof already. I guess ill see her there.”

Heading to his room he left the door swung open, with claire he didnt have to worry much about privacy and if necessary he could always close the door, no matter though. He gave another shout to Alexa. “Alexa, Pandora from the first song on Alexa started playing fantastic music. Rowan in all his nakedness couldnt help but to let his carribean side flow throw him as he kept in time with ‘Turn Me On’ by Kevin Lyttle and every song that followed even dancing his way to his closet grabbing a shirt and some shorts the party was gonna be fun and if there was dancing then Row would be there doing just that. If he recalled there was gonna be karaoke at least he thought thats what the flyer said. Either way Row was gonna have a damn good time.

After finally preparing fully he made his way yo the roof, following the general direction that he sent roxy in. it wasnt nearly as far up as he thought and when he got there he saw that the party was shaping up nicely. Row nodded in silent approval and look around for a few chances to learn and interact with his neighbors not that it was hard for him to look and find as he stood a solid 6’6.

He caught a glimpse of the Young lady standing near the wall and gazing at the sky the entirety of THAT scene was pretty relaxed she looked to be deep in thought. then again this was a party afterall a meet and greet of sorts. So there couldn't be any harm in introducing himself. That was all the hype he needed as he approached. "Good evening neighbor i'm Row from 3-D. Didn't mean to interrupt your moment of wonder sis just looked like you could use a distraction from your thoughts is all. Hope that wasn't too intrusive of me.” He said to the young woman that looked like a work of art all her own. He flashed her a friendly smile, and genuinely hoped he wasn’t being toooo intrusive.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You make me begin"

Location: Roof

Interaction: NA

As Junhoe sat in the living room of the apartment, his dog stared back at him and let out a little whimper after some time has passed. Junhoe saw that Nadia didn't seem to be coming out of her room anytime soon so he put on the biggest smile he can muster for his dog, which wasn't that big at all and said "Looks like it's just you and me buddy." He got up from the couch and walked back to his room, issuing Frog to stay put in the living room as we went to go get ready to going to the roof. Sure he was starting to regret waiting in the living room for a no-show but that isn't his fault nor hers, there was probably something going on that he didn't want to mess up.

As he walked in his room, he stared at the clothes he laid down on his bed earlier before walking into the bathroom to take a shower and do any other hygiene related stuff a Korean man has to do. As soon as he walked out the bathroom with a towel around his waist, he closed the curtains of his windows first before closing all the doors and dropping his towel. He slipped on a gray pair of boxer briefs and put on the clothes he set earlier. He put on the black shirt first, followed by his ripped jeans because he always usually tucks his shirt inside as his way of fashion, he then held off with the beanie for now and went to his closet to get a belt and a pair of fresh socks. A classic brown belt followed by black socks which he slipped on before putting on his shoes; Mahogany Timberland boots which are a favourite of his. He grabbed the wind breaker and slung it over his shoulder and balanced the beanie on the windbreaker as well.

As he opened the door to the living room, there sat Frog his little canine companion who was waiting to be picked up. Junhoe then proceeded to do that and put him on his neck his usual way of carrying, like a weird scarf, front legs on one side of his neck and hind legs on the other. Frog carried with a smile on his face and his tongue sticking out as they walked out the door of the apartment and to the elevator. He had to bend his knees a little so he can keep a grip on frog and push the button to the roof. "You're making this hard for me buddy." He let out with a little groan while waiting for the elevator. The door then opened seconds later, and he did the same thing with the outdoor button to the button that lead to the roof, except this time it wasn't as hard.

Before he arrived at the top, he put Frog down and put on his beanie, long windbreaker and face mask, though it was pulled down under his chin since he wasn't cold on the face just yet. He then picked his canine companion back up and carried him the same way seconds ago. The door then opened, and he noticed that there were people here already, he let out a little gulp and let Frog down and run around in the open rooftop area. The quick pitter patter of him running on the pavement could be heard, and light barking every now and then since he doesn't really get to run around in the apartment rooms. A lot of people to take note in, but he just stood near the elevator, a bit off to the side since he was still a bit intimidated by these people, it didn't matter if he was built more or taller, he isn't really the one to talk to people willy nilly.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fairyBells
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fairyBells Little Fae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxy made her way back to the top floor and after finding the staircase that seemed tucked away out of sight, she gripped the cold railing, took a breath, and slowly ascended to the roof. Not sure what she would find on the other side of the door, she braced herself and opened it a crack, peering out and observing what she could before opening it a bit more, just enough for her to slip out. She hoped that her entrance would go unnoticed and willed herself to be unseen. At least for now. It seemed like a good idea to find an unoccupied area toward the edge of the roof to observe before foraging for what food there may be.

So far, there weren’t many people outside, so it was relatively easy to find a corner to claim as her own. There wasn’t much up here except for a few fold out tables and chairs, and she thought to herself that she should ask the building owner if she could plant a few things up here. Not much, just something nice to look at and break up the nothingness currently occupying the whole space. Maybe a small tree with a flower bed around it. Not that she was a professional in such things, but she knew it was something people did in other places, so maybe she could make it work. Although, it would all depend on what the other tenants thought as well. Perhaps it was a bigger task than she was ready for. She shrugged to herself and turned to look down at the bustling streets below.

The night was still young and although the evening had cooled down a bit now, the warmth and humidity from the day were still thick in the air. It felt good against her skin and she lost herself in her thoughts, absently humming a tune and losing all track of what was going on around her. That is, until the door slammed and suddenly it became a whole lot louder than it had been just seconds ago. “Ah suppose that thus means tha craic is aboot ta begin.” she whispered to herself.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DisturbedSpec
Avatar of DisturbedSpec

DisturbedSpec Someone who has a theoretical degree in physics.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Redwood Apartment Complex, Rooftop access- Interacting with: [@Akayofthemoon], @ineffable, @fairyBells, [@Anyone else I forgot to tag.]

The afternoon transcended into evening faster than she could have predicted- thankfully she was prepared for it. After passing Chris on her way to the rooftop, she briefly stopped to acknowledge one of the tenants, Alfie. The man had a strange Bronx charm to him as he spoke, and surely she'd be a bit more inclined to engage had she not been on a mission to ascend the stairs. Pepper took note of the building's side windows showcasing a different tier of light black sky intermingled with the tangerine splash of a sunset. Hearing voices the closer she got to the rooftop, her social anxiety began to set in as she wondered how the rest of her tenants would react to her sign language. Come hell or high water, she made it a point not to speak during the entire duration of the party. She didn't want to be teased, or to an extent, thought lesser of. It was an unrealistic assumption, however her mind wouldn't give up its insecurities easily. Finally arriving at the rooftop, the most immediate notation was another tenant talking to someone just out of eyesight; gaze turned toward the wall on the other side of the doorway. Nonchalantly nodding to the individual and not quite hearing his name, she stepped through the doorway and took a brief glance at the scenery around her before tracing the man's gaze and seeing Charlotte. A wave of relief washed over Pepper as she found one familiar face. Hopefully, she thought, tonight would be the chance to get to know everyone here... and not have to treat any injuries in the process.

Location: Redwood Apartment Complex, Rooftop access- Interacting with: [@Akayofthemoon], @ineffable, @fairyBells, [@Anyone else I forgot to tag.]

Chris sighed. Sitting down at the lobby and recollecting himself, the man did a double-take toward the door and muttered "Oh, shit." It was quite dark, as evidenced by the reflective windows on the doors displaying the interior of the lobby through a notably transparent tent. Getting up from his seat, Chris began thudding up the steps and keeping to the left side of the stairwell as ascended the floors toward the rooftop of the apartment. After ascending four flights of stairs, he finally reached his destination and casually went through the doorway, nodding to Pepper as she glanced up, smile brightening. "Hey there, Peps, Company." He addressed those within earshot, his voice sounding akin to a disciplined, experienced man who prided himself on being calm and collected. Glancing around the area, he tentatively eyed the alcohol but lightly grimaced and shook his head, returning his gaze to the group.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Since patience wasn't really his best attribute, Xavi closed the door behind him, wanting to get to the party relatively soon. The first thing on his to do list was to ask Bert for his own bathroom; he absolutely despised the communal bathrooms. He was definitely a privacy kind of guy, and bathroom stalls weren't gonna cut it. Not at all. Damn, the best time to take a shower was in the dead of night, but not the best for a full night's rest, which he needed, and not to be vain, he liked to look his best. So, in order for him to both look and perform his best, he needed sleep, and in order to get sleep he needed not wake up at twelve to get in the shower. Point made, in his head anyway he needed a bathroom in his actual apartment.

Rehearsing these points in his head on the way up, he smoothed his hair and straightened down his black turtleneck, trying to look as sleek as possible to propose his idea to Bert. And hopefully he would get some good feedback, he didn't know if he could handle being flat out rejected. He just might have to crawl into a hole and never come out again. It was either come to some sort of agreement, or never be seen again. Well, maybe it was a little extreme, but honestly, it was true. Xavi had always had trouble with rejection, even if it were just for, for example, a bathroom, which was a little far fetched, let alone the only confidence he had would certainly disperse. Maybe. But he wasn't going to take any chances. Speaking of rejection, he'd never really been in a relationship before, and if he were rejected then, then he would without a doubt crawl into a hole and never be seen again.

Finally making his way to the roof, Xavi opened the door and scanned the area for a certain someone Bert. He was kind of surprised as he noticed there were quite a few people here, more than he'd thought there would be; of course, this was a party after all, but he wasn't really expecting it, though many of the people seemed to be keeping to themselves. And suddenly he spotted another, and rather quickly in response, he turned his head away, not wanting to accidentally make eye contact. Kyla. To be honest, at this exact moment, he debated whether or not he wanted to leave. Not that he didn't like her, no no no, that wasn't it at all. He actually admired her a lot; she was everything that he wanted to be, but in that sense, it would be an understatement if he said that she intimidated him a little bit. In fact, she scared the hell out of him. He wanted to talk to her, but he couldn't ever bring up the courage, plus she was preoccupied talking to Felix. Well, that might be his name, but he wasn't exactly sure, he'd heard it thrown around a couple times. They seemed to be rather close, so he didn't want to butt in, plus what would he say? Exactly nothing.

Catching himself staring in their direction, the young man sighed and shook his head, moving forward once more as he remembered his current goal, lifting his head and folding his hands behind his back. Soon enough, he spotted the older gentleman at the barbeque surrounded by three others, one of them being Ritz, whom of which he didn't know very well, but he seemed pretty cool, and the other faces Xavi didn't recognize.

Clearing his throat, Xavius strut his way over, dipping his head to greet them. ”Ahem. Good evening Ritz, Bert. And I apologize, I don't believe we know each other, but I'm Xavius,” he nodded to each of them, giving a small smile, introducing himself to the mystery guy and gal. “Excuse my absence of any goods for the party, my schedule was booked, so I was unable to buy anything, so I hope you can forgive me. But anyhow, I was actually looking for you, Bert, I was hoping we could discuss something, but before that-,” he turned toward the other two. ”-How was your all's day? Eventful, I hope?” he chuckled.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Berlin
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The beginning of a slow trickle of people onto the roof, each with their appearance well coordinated and with offerings in hand, had sent Claire scrambling back to the apartment to change out of her overalls. Rowan’s open door signaled that he may have come and gone since she had, but she didn't allow herself the time to check. She frantically tugged a brush through her hair, which fell back into place with minimal protest, and pulled on a pair of relatively snug high-waisted jeans. A dark leather jacket she yanked from an unpacked box topped a shirt that ended at the the bottom of her ribs. She halted her frantic movement only to glance at herself in the mirror, smoothing her palms across the front of her outfit. She felt it was simple enough to be safe. No bright colors, no hats, nothing patterned. Her final accessory was a pair of six packs of Heineken she yanked from the fridge, nudging the door closed with her foot before she slipped back out of the apartment and headed back up to the gathering.

The bottles rattled against one another as Claire slid both carriers onto the table amongst the other drinks, lifting one out for herself. She habitually brought the bottle to the side of her mouth, hooking her lower canine tooth beneath the cap and popping the seal. It was a party trick that came from necessity, as keeping track of herself, let alone a bottle opener, was a challenge for the young woman. Claire took a moment to kneel and properly greet the dog making his rounds with a generous ruffle of his fur before slipping back beside Bert. She had long since given up on the idea of a coffee refill and had rather begun aiding in getting the karaoke machine up and running, something she was relatively familiar with. That is until the social pressure in collaboration with the cold sent her scrambling into more appropriate attire.

Claire’s eyes subconsciously scanned the growing crowd, mostly shocked in how little she had interacted with any of them since her arrival. Besides Rowan, who had been forced to be much of her company over the past week. Roommate obligation. The rest of her socializing had occurred out and about, finding open stages in town or orientating herself to the new university. The undeniable scent of florals coaxed Claire from her own thoughts, her eyes falling on the source that had approached the small group. The gentleman held himself in a manner than seemed to demand poise of his company, but his smile was enough to offer enough comfort that she raised her hand outward. “Hello there, Xavius,” the corners of the young woman’s lips turned upward in a return of the polite gesture, but her eyes seemed to glint in rebellion of the formal greeting. “I’m Claire. Ellie if you’re feeling friendly. My day has actually been absolutely, brutally, unequivocally boring and oh, so uneventful. But here’s to hoping for a better night, aye? Grab a drink to help things along, would ya?” She smirked, gesturing with her own towards the table laden with bottles.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Royaletutor59
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Royaletutor59 The Constantly Sleepy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Silvervale is beautiful. There’s no if and or but about it. From the blueish-silver fog enveloping the town, to the buildings and memento’s commemorating the town’s unique history and now with the sun making its decent in the sky…it’s like something straight out of one of Pierre’s books. In fact, if he closes his eyes, he can almost feel magic in the air! It’s enough to make any doubts he had about leaving home vanish, not to say that he doesn’t miss his family, but this town…he’s only been here a week and he already never wants to leave!

Taking in a deep breath of air, a wide smile spread across Pierre’s features, easily reaching his light brown eyes and causing them to shine happily as they take in their surroundings. Were it not for the weight of the bags in his hands, he very well might’ve forgotten about his current task in favour of seeing what the picturesque town has to offer once its dark, but as things were, he reluctantly started walking back to Redwood Apartments, making sure to take his time in order to enjoy the environment for as long as possible.

One short walk later and he had reached his destination, the sky already completely dark as he entered the building and quickly made his way over to apartment 3A. Depositing the bags in his room, he made quick work of emptying one of its contents and heading over to the terrace with the bag of birdseed in hand. It might not be ideal to just sprinkle some seeds on the terrace’s ground, but with the supplies he got, he’ll make some proper birdfeeders to hang out here tomorrow so that the poor guys will have a proper place to eat as well

Dinner given to his feathered friends, he headed back to his room and stowed the seeds away. Now that that was done, he was free for the rest of the night since he made sure to finish up any coursework assigned for his next class, last night as well as this morning. Grabbing the next book on his ‘need to read’-list, he made himself comfortable next to his bed, stretching out across the floor and was just about to open the book when the obnoxious noise of clattering pots blared across the room, startling him.

Yanking his phone out, he glared at the infernal thing and went to disable the alarm when its name caught his eye. ‘Rooftop Party, 8pm!!!!!’ ...Shoot. He forgot that that was today. Glancing at his book mournfully, he debated just staying in, he’s only been here for about a week so he doesn’t know any of the other tenants, so its unlikely that anybody would miss him, well maybe his roommates? But as nice as they seemed they haven’t really interacted all that much so-

Cutting himself off with a sigh he placed his book down and stood up. He RSVP’d for that thing a few days ago, simply not showing up would be rude…and besides, this’ll give him a chance to see the town from a higher perspective! If it looks and feels magical from the ground, just think what it’ll be like from up there! His outfit should be okay, a black zip-up hoodie over a dark grey shirt with jeans and kinda worn grey and black sneakers wont land him on any magazine covers, but its comfortable and doesn’t look too bad, at least he doesn’t think so.

Would it be rude to show up empty-handed? Its kind of too late to get something for it now though…unless! A brief search later revealed an unopened bottle of ‘Jack Daniels’ buried deep inside his closet. His brother jokingly gave it to him as a going away present fully aware that it most likely will never get used. Pierre just isn’t much of a drinker, really, he can’t get past the taste. Either way, tonight is as good an opportunity as any to get rid of it, he’ll have to send his bro a message later to thank him for having inadvertently helped him out.

Quietly opening the door to the rooftop, he glanced around at everybody who was already there, counting at least fifteen people there as well as a dog. Face immediately lighting up in a bright smile as he looked at the doggo, Pierre made quick work of depositing the bottle on a nearby table and went over to greet the dog, completely ignoring the humans around him in favor of planting himself down next to the canine as he ruffled his fur.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 2 days ago

~Interacting With~
@ineffable@Howilng Zinogre

She hadn’t realized how lost in thought she had been while admiring the beauty the setting sun had created until a unfamiliar voice captured her attention. Normally, she tried to be aware of her surroundings but Charlotte had obviously been too caught in her own world and for once it might have actually been written on her face what kind of thoughts she could have been thinking. It was either that or this man was very perceptive which was not out of the question. She had seen people that were excellent at reading others but it always made her a bit nervous on what they might see in her.

However, Row seemed genuinely sweet and caring to even notice she might need a distraction at all. The friendly smile calmed her nerves and made reining in her negative thoughts of the day easier, if only so he didn’t have to worry about her. She didn’t mind being the support for others but it was hard for her to completely convey her own thoughts if they happened to be in a downward path. ”Oh no, you weren’t being intrusive at all! It was probably for the best that I was pulled from my thoughts since this is a party after all so thank you.”Char answered, smiling softly before holding out her hand and continuing to speak.”It is a pleasure to meet you, Row. I’m...”she paused in her introduction, flinching slightly at the tap on her shoulder as she didn’t hear anyone come up behind her. It was the voice that followed with,"Charlie? How are ya?", that her relaxing since she knew who had been her surprise visitor. She carefully pushed off the side of the building so she could see both men, making it so she was not completely caught between them and that they could see each other without having to look around her.

”Alfie! I’m glad you could make it. I wasn’t sure if Peps or you would come. I don’t know about you but I am much better now that the day is over and I’m here. Oh but where are my manners? Row, this is Alfie. He is one of my roommates from 2A. Alfie, this is Row from 3D. I’m Charlotte by the way but you can call me by Char, Charlie, or anything else that you like.” she stated, trying to make sure neither of them were ignored and that would be better accomplished if they all knew each other or were speaking as a group. Row had been so nice and polite that she wanted to get to know him but it definitely looked as though Alfie had a rough day, maybe tougher than her own. She wouldn’t turn him away when it appeared like he needed to talk or at least seemed like a distraction might be wanted. He always seemed more relaxed after talking and she offered to be there to listen since she enjoyed helping others through their problems. Alfie was also a joy to converse on a normal day but they hadn’t had the chance recently. Charlotte either leaving early or him being extremely busy and unavailable which was bound to happen at times.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Howilng Zinogre
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Howilng Zinogre Tamer of Fenrir

Member Seen 8 days ago

“Well thats good i figured you had to be lost in thought or admiration of the beauty the lay above our heads” he said Gesturing toward the night sky. It was indeed beautiful the canvas of the daylight had passed and amongst it now lay this evenings masterpiece painted with warm rays of a fleeting sun and clouds that went from beautiful pristine white to a now cool almost deep blue truly a sight to behold. Not unlike the young woman that stood before him that flashed a soft smile in his direction. Row saw the hand that eased up behind her and tapped her shoulder. A little joke was cool every now and again so Row wasn’t gonna spoil the persons fun. As she extended her hand the figures hand tapped her on the shoulder. Row took stock of how she reacted. Maybe he was reading too much into it but there seemed to be a little more behind that jump it was reminiscent of a flinch. Rows expression did not change he still wore his patented smile. As Char introduced the two after pushing herself off of the wall.

“Hey bro how goes it, As Char said though again i’m Rowan or Row for short. I think i saw you around once or twice but it's nice to actually get to know some of the neighbors. If you don't mind my saying the look on your face and the energy of all this seems a bit off i'm guessing you both had a rough day shitty even. Why don't you two sit tight a moment it is a party and what's a party without a cold brew. Relax ill be right back.” Row said as he snagged a few of the beers from the table and returned rather quickly “Try to knock some of that stress off and enjoy yourself i can tell you i’m about to. My roomie just hooked up the karaoke machine so im about to go and destroy everybodies ears. Alfie it was a pleasure meeting you and i hope i get to see more of you. Charlotte if you feel so inclined when everything is said and done you should hop up on that stage and belt one out with me.” Rowan Joked as he knocked his first beer off no problem...this he knew however was gonna get him in trouble.

A little nervous but the fun kind of nervous, nervous excited to be exact. Row picked up the mike and scanned the songs that were already loaded into the machine. He looked for something that had a nice groove and was smooth all at the same time. It took him a minute but he found it. He found the song he was looking for you could relax and just enjoy yourself to. He in fact found 3 and he set them up so they would play one after the other. The First The Second the third Row spared not a vocal and had a ball up there on the stage rocking swaying and for a taller dude he had moves more than anything he had fun. He had hoped that others would soon hop up on here and enjoy themselves or at least jump on a duo with him but he would have to wait.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fairyBells
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fairyBells Little Fae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The man named Rowan had practically skipped his way onto the makeshift stage and singing karaoke. Quite well, too. Roxy was still hanging out on the sidelines watching the others who were up here so far. It seemed like everyone had their own little group of people to chat with. As she watched, her mind wandered back to food and hoping there would be some soon. If not, she’d be ordering a massive pizza. As that thought popped into her head, she thought that it may be a good idea to order for everyone, seeing as she hadn’t brought anything to contribute.

Quickly, Roxy pulled out her phone and navigated to the nearest pizza parlor’s website and tapped in the info, ordering two of everything from cheese, to supreme, as well as 6 two-liters of soda with a note in the comments section to let them know it was needed on the roof and mentioning a 50$ tip if they could get it to her in under 30 minutes. As she clicked “Place Order”, her stomach growled so loud that she was sure that everyone could hear it over Rowan’s singing. Gods she was hungry. Hopefully no one took offence to her ordering food, but she thought that pizza would probably go over well for most. With that done, she took another look over the crowd and considered getting something to drink, but decided against it for now and instead took up a seat on the ledge of the roof and swung her feet absentmindedly.

She knew that it was her own fault, but she couldn’t help but feel lonely. It had always been so hard for Roxy to meet new people, and even harder to find friends in others. Her mother said it was likely due to the years of homeschooling, blaming herself for not socializing Roxy more once they left Ireland. Roxy never felt any animosity toward her parents for their decision to homeschool her, in fact, it was thanks to them that she could to to any college she wanted to. Once she completed her pre-med courses, obviously. But going to prestigious schools didn’t make her less lonely or better at interacting with people. So, for now, she would watch and make up fake life stories for each person up here. She’d think up awesome, outrageous lives for them.

Of course, none of them were the world’s youngest genius who was living here under a protection program for stumbling across some of the government’s best kept secrets. But, it was fun to imagine and kept her entertained while she waited for her pizza to arrive.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interacting with: Charlotte Thorne @Akayaofthemoon and Rowan @Howilng Zinogre

As Char introduced Alfie to Rowan, he gave the other man a quick onceover. He looked like a chill dude and he seemed to value good times so Alfie tipped his head and gave a charming smile. "Nice to meet you, man. Good party that we have going here." He nodded along to the music and listened as Rowan talked in a calming drawl, casting a quick glance at Charlotte a few times to make sure she was okay with being sandwiched almost somewhat awkwardly between the two of them. Alfie only spoke again when he was accepting the beer that Rowan went to fetch.
"Thanks man, I had an obviously bad day of work. You read my mind, buddy." He chuckled and knuckled Rowan on the shoulder playfully before he took a small sip of the beer and winced, only slightly. He didn't exactly like the metallic taste of beer, he preferred a more refined wine instead but hey, this was a party and beer still had alcohol in it. Man, tonight he was going to go crazy, he needed it. Alfie waved a hand as Rowan said his goodbyes and jumped onto the stage to dance. That dude sure looked like a chill guy, he'd have to get to know him better.

Alfie looked over the rooftop and breathed out. Whatever it was with parties and beautiful woman (such as the one beside him) had always seemed to relax him to no avail. The night was a tiny bit cold but he took it in, the lights sprinkling a nice bit of limelight on everyone and the faint scent of alcohol on the wind. He put down his half empty beer and feeling particularly active, jumped onto the stage to rock out to the tunes alongside Rowan, stripping off his jacket as he went and tossing it on the floor nearby. All he had in his mind now was the clear night sky and the long expanse of stage he had to move about freely. As he did all of this he held out a hand to Charlotte.
"Would you like to dance, Madam?"
He hadn't been able to talk to her this whole past week and he missed the feel of someone's touch. Even though it would be Char's and even though he knew he had no chance in hell to get with her, he still longed for some friendliness, some spark that would set him on the right track again, god knew he had missed that for so long.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 2 days ago

~Interacting With~
@ineffable@Howilng Zinogre

She clasped her hands lightly behind her back, watching the two handsome men at each of her sides interact and introduction themselves without her aid. It seemed like it was going along fairly well, no clashing personalities which was a positive since she felt slightly awkward for roping them into one whole conversation. That twinge of awkwardness would have turned to a pit sinking feeling into her stomach had this gone horribly wrong. Rowan suddenly proved that once again that he was very perspective when it came to other people’s emotions as she had previously assumed as he mentioned that they both looked like it had a rough work day, telling Alfie and her to hold tight while he grabbed a round of cold brew. Char dropped her hands to her sides at that, about to politely say that he didn’t need to fetch her a drink but damn was Row able to move. He was practically at the table already so she let the protest die on her lips before it even able to start.

She stood in comfortable silence until a cup was placed in her hand which was responded with a quick ‘thank you’. While she had no doubts that the liquid in it would start to relax her, beer was not usually her first choice but she was also not one to turn down a drink if offered. It felt rude to do so, especially after Row had taken the time to bring it to them and he had done so for a very good reason. The simple gesture itself made her smile and warmed her heart because Row had done so just to make them both feel better. She took a sip as he started to excuse himself to do some karaoke since it was finished being set up by his own roommate. It was a pleasant surprise for her when she was invited to sing a duet, not even right then and there but just an open invitation at her leisure. ”I might need a bit more liquid courage before I sing but I’ll let you hold me to at least do one song together before the night is through.”she answered honestly, a dazzling smile on her features before she watched him go up on stage, taking a few more decent size gulps from her cup and scrunching her nose a bit at the taste but feeling her muscles start to relax a tiny bit. Alcohol was alcohol after all, any kind would work to relieve the stress of the day.

Char swayed her hips to the beat of the song, enjoying the melodious sound of Rowan’s voice as he sung the lyrics and kicked off the music for the evening. The gentle breeze was a bit chilling but in her mind it was completely perfect. They had a good amount of tenants which means with everyone up here, dancing, and alcohol, it could get pretty warm which the night air would combat plus she was a bit bias and actually enjoyed the cold. She took the time to look at the twinkling glow of the lights, scanning the area as she tried to spot people she knew or anyone that she could meet and start to enjoy the party. Who cares how today went because tonight she was gonna have fun! She was going to let go and see where the night took her!

A swift movement next to Charlotte caught her attention, Alfie hopping up on stage to join Rowan and making quick work on removing his jacket as he did so, letting it fall where it may which happened to be on the floor nearby. It caused a bubble of amusement in her, glad that these two were letting go and ready to have a nice time. Now if only she could do the same. It was as if Alfie had read her thoughts, his hand reached out to her and offering for her to dance. Char looked to his hand before gazing up so she could see his face, a bright smile tugging at her lips before she quickly placed her cup down. ”I would love too, Monsieur.” she happily replied, her hand softly sliding into his and gracefully jumped up on stage to join the two. She did a small twirl, keeping her hand in his before gliding her free hand over his shoulder and letting him take the lead.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Xavius smiled politely, saying, "Ellie. I like it. Dropping the formalities, I suppose you can call me Xavi," he paused for a brief second. "Well, if you wish that is." He didn't want to make it seem like she had to call him that, though he realised a moment later that he was looking too much into it, as always. He was always reading too much into things.

As she began to explain how horribly uneventful her day was, Xavius gasped dramatically, putting his hand to his chest for further effect, seemingly offended in a way. "Oh no, that's awful! My day happened to be the total opposite; one of my customer's kid starting pulling the petals off of some of the flowers in my shop and I swear to you I nearly had a panic attack, not to seem melodramatic or anything, but it's true. You see, his mother was nice, I liked her, but the kid...mmm, let's just say my day would have been much more nice if I'd never met him. Just saying. Ah, I'm ranting now, and we just met, sorry," he laughed, embarrassed. "Anyway, I wouldn't mind having one drink," Xavi said, now desperate to distract himself. He fumbled a bit with the bottle, pouring himself a cup before turning back to Ellie, raising it to her.

"To a better night, yes?" He smiled again, taking a drink and then immediately regretting his decision. It was bitter and he hoped that he didn't noticably flinch, although there was a high chance he did.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by sempis


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interactions: Claire Dupont @berlin and Xavius Woodson@QueenNugget

Nick had stationed himself at the grill, focusing on getting it set up. Watching all the people filter in with some sort of alcohol or party food in their hand made him wish he had something to offer. Nick's fridge, however, was purposefully barren of alcohol. He simply didn't have any use for it. He'd have to earn his keep by cooking for everyone, and he was completely confident in his ability to put out good food. The man could cook like no one's business.

The sound of another person's voice addressing him made him jump a little. Being around all these strangers was making Nick more than a little nervous, to say the least. Nevertheless, he forced an easy and amicable smile on his face. "Nikola Blackwell, but while we're all on nick name basis, Nick, please." He stuck his hand out for the others to shake.

"You're not alone in that boat, Xavi. All I've got to offer is my barbecue skills, which, not to pat myself on the back, are far from lacking. As far as my day goes, it was... definitely eventful. Not sure it's something I'd want to repeat."

Already, Nick was wondering if he was being too friendly. Did they think him odd? Was it obvious he didn't feel as confident as his voice sounded? Xavi, however, snapped him from his thoughts before he started to spiral into overthinking. "To a better night, yes?"

He grabbed a lone beer hanging by the grill and knocked the cap off on corner of a railing. Nick had the uncanny ability to open a bottle on nearly anything around him. He raised the bottle to Xavi and Ellie, the smile coming easier this time. "To a better night." He confirmed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Royaletutor59
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Royaletutor59 The Constantly Sleepy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was with great reluctance that Pierre finally managed to pry himself away from the dog, watching with an obvious pout as the canine he had been petting for the last few minutes ran off, before pushing himself off of the ground and standing up. He would have loved nothing more than to sit there for the entire party while keeping the dog company, but his owner probably wanted to spend time with him as well, the other guests too probably, it would be rude if he kept hogging the dog and he can always go and say hello to him again as the party continues! Maybe he can even introduce himself to the dog’s owner at one point?

Noticeably perking up with a new goal in mind, he looked around himself, actually taking in the humans present now that he wasn’t distracted by a bundle of cuteness. Out of all the people currently on the roof, he only recognised his roommates, Felix, who was standing close to the edge of the roof and looking at the gorgeous, some would say magical, scenery, and Moritz, who was in the middle of interacting with quite a few people. Giving the two of them a smile and a wave, he thought of going over to say hi to one of them, considering that he hadn’t seen either of them that day, when his attention was pulled away by the sound of music.

Turning his head, it took him next to no time to pin-point the source as the karaoke machine being fired up and a tall man with dreads rocking out to them. The obvious fun the man was having was contagious and caused a wide grin to spread across Pierre’s face, which only continued to grow as another man jumped on the stage and started dancing before extending his hand in invitation to a woman, which was swiftly accepted as she joined him on stage. Watching them go up there, letting go and enjoying the party, was a blast and had him grinning all the way towards the edge of the roof, Walking over to the side-lines, he gave a bright smile and a quick wave to a red-haired girl sitting close-by and made himself comfortable on the ground, back against the ledge, and watched the party-goers have fun.

He’ll join in in a bit, after the party gets more active, but for now, he’s happy just sitting there with a grin on his face and watching everyone have fun, while tapping out the rhythms of the songs being sang with his fingers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You okay?"

Location: Roof

Interaction: Pierre De Jager

As Junhoe stood there by the elevator, when he turned his head to look away from his phone and to see his surroundings, he saw that his little dog was being pet by someone else, someone he didn't know so we went to go find out. He approached the man who was crouched down at his little canine companion. The man with curly hair didn't seem to be bothered or was bothering the animal, but since Junhoe is not entirely sure if that is the case he has to check either way. As he continued to approach, when he was only now a few meters away he whistled to call for his dog. " Frog ! 괜찮아? (kweanchana?) 'You okay?' " Junhoe asked, which was also indirectly towards this other person who appeared much taller than him since he was crouched down and couldn't see well the height difference.

As Frog rushed over to Junhoe, hearing those little legs pitter and patter against the pavement of the rooftop. Junhoe then picked him up the way he usually does and spoke once more to clarify, "Hey, I just wanted to see if he was bothering you or the other way around, sometimes he's like that so I had to check. " As Junhoe eyed dog, eye to eye since he was up on his shoulders, he noticed that he had not seen the man before and he must have been new or they have not met at all. Junhoe being polite and South Korean, he had to do his usual introduction. He put the dog down, who sat by his feet before he said, " 안녕하세요? 저는 구준입니다. (Annyeonghaseyo? Jeoneun Junhoe-imnida.) 'Hello, my name is Junhoe.'" Followed by a bow, "If you didn't udnerstand that, My name is Junhoe, nice to meet you, and this is my dog, his name is Frog." He then held out his hand for a handshake if the bow introduction was not enough.

Junhoe did not know what else to say other than, "You can go back to petting him, I just really wanted to make sure he didn't bite your fingers, or try to eat your laces." Junhoe is always full of genuine concern, for both his dog and everyone around him, plus making a new friend who seemed to be a quiet type might be good since Junhoe is some sort of a quiet one as well. The place had gotten quite loud as well, especially with the karaoke machine in play, and there does not seem to be any alcohol in the area yet so he can chill until that arrives.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by fairyBells
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fairyBells Little Fae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Perhaps Roxy had ordered pizza too soon. It looked like someone was getting ready to grill up some food. But she figured that, if nothing else, people could take some back with them if there was leftover. Which, there probably would be. No point in calling to cancel such a big order that they were likely close to done with anyway. Maybe she could contribute in another way. She hadn't brought any alcohol. under her breath, pulling out her phone again she murmured "Ah wonder if a liquor store wud daluver ta meh." After a few minutes of searching, she found a company named Drizzly who delivered alcohol around Louisiana and so she placed yet another order. They claim that they could get the order to her in under an hour, which was perfect! She scrolled through and checked box after box on items that seemed like popular choices, hoping to get a wide variety for everyone to pick from.

Angry Orchard
Mike's hard raspberry Lemonade
Absolute Vodka
Kraken Rum
Smirnoff Ice
Hangar Fog Point
Don Julio
Assorted sodas, juices, energy drinks and lots of bottled water

Ok, so maybe she had gotten a little click happy and ordered way more than would ever be used in one go, but at least there would be absolutely NO shortage of drinks or food. That was a good thing, right?

Right then, her phone rang, displaying a number that she didn't recognize. "Aye?" The voice on the other end of the phone said "Hi, is this Roxy?" "Aye, et is.." "We have your pizzas, you said to bring them to the roof, right?" "Aye, thas right." "Ok, we're on our way up!" "Right, Ah'll meet ye at tha door ta tha roof wuth yer tip." She tapped the red button and slowly made her way to the door, hoping to be noticed as little as possible and slipping a fifty out of her wallet. She'd simply pass it to the lady as she passed by and then slip back to where she was until others had gotten their pieces and were back to doing their own things.

The lady that Roxy assumed had been the one who called came through the door followed by a few others, all laden with hot-bags filled with the pizzas she'd ordered. Tapping her shoulder, Roxy handed her the fifty and gave a quick nod and small smile in thanks before heading back to where she'd just been. Gods it smelled wonderful!
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