Location: Redwood Apartment Complex, Room 2A
Pepper finished her cereal; moving to the sink and washing out her bowl before leaning down to load it into the dishwasher. Once that was completed, she strode quickly back to her room to unplug her phone from the charging station. Smiling lightly at the usual 'Good Morning, Pepper!' text from Chris, she rolled her eyes and unlocked her phone to respond to him. Pressing the power button and hearing the small door-locking sound of the iPhone, she pocketed the slim device and paused. Moving to the mirror leaning slightly ajar against her door, she looked at herself. Brow furrowing, she was well aware of the party tonight. It became apperant that this was the only night she'd be able to dress a bit more trendy- yet at the same time, what if someone decided to utter the infamous 'Hold my beer!' and get blood/vomitus all over her outfit? She let out a light 'mmurphg', and strode over to the wardrobe, opening the doors and pondering in through before retrieving a rather cute sweater along with jeans and boots. Quickly undressing and redressing, she laid her spare outfit on the bed to dress back into once the party was over, and began making her way toward the door. She had to figure out what she was going to bring, if anything but herself- but first things was first: she had to respond to the RSVP before the party started. Making her way down to the lobby, she soon passed by another woman and Chris; who glanced up and knew her look meant she was on a mission of some sort. Pepper arrived shortly at the reception desk, filling out her name on the RSVP list and leaning against the wall to pull out her phone and shoot Chris a text. With her RSVP secured, she began to make her way up to the rooftop of the apartment.
Location: Redwood Apartment Complex, Room 4A Hallway
Chris was leaning against the entryway to the stairwell, breifly catching a glimpse of his roomate Roxy as she went to get something presumably back from the apartment. He heard the faint exclamation, and barely audible words spoken as he stopped paying mind and glanced up to see Pepper looking rather trendily dressed up. Before he could comment, he stopped himself as he saw the infamous 'Pepper gaze'. She had her eyes set dead ahead, her jaw set and a notable military-like stride in her gait. He knew better than to interrupt her while in this state, and for good reason from previous experience. As she made her way down the stairwell, he sighed and returned his gaze out the window before his phone vibrated in his pocket. Pulling it up, he grimaced.

Growling, he pocketed his phone and began thudding down the stairs. Upon reaching the third flight, he spotted Pepper happily making her way up as she leaned into him and whispered softly "G-g-g-gingers!" Chris gently elbowed her and hummed lowly; the woman broke into a soft giggle as she continued her way up the stairs. He made his way down to the apartment lobby with a lightly reddening face, approached the reception kiosk and filled out his name before settling into one of the lobby chairs with a sigh. This was already going to be quite a long day.