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Name: Sakuya Konohana
Stage Name: Senbonzakura
Age: 17 years
From left to right: Casual, Swimsuit, Stage Outfit.

Height: 172 cm 🌸 Weight: 58 kg 🌸 Measurements: B 99/W 58/H 90 cm
Personality: Out of the ring, Sakuya tends to be a little on the shy side and a rather good natured girl, risen to be a typical Yamato Nadeshiko as befits her origins. In the arena though, she has a flashy and showy persona, prone to taunt her oppenents with her superior speed and is even willing to go into flirty territory... for the the viewers' pleasure, of course. As a genuine descendant of a traditional ninja clan, she is full of mysteries that, no doubt, add a lot to her public appeal. Sakuya enjoys physical activities of all kinds, especially swimming.

However, she kind of secretly feels embarrassed with this whole wrestling gig, she likes it but can't help but wonder if her magical outfit couldn't be a little less revealing. Alas, as her mother says: "Kunoichi are meant to be sexy and mysterious, Sakuya, you have a sacred duty of upholding this tradition!" All hat Sakuya can do is sigh and hope that no one thinks of shortening her costume an extra inch or two for the next match.

Signature Moves:
🌸 Kawarimi no Jutsu: The most basic ninja trick ever, the Substitution Jutsu. Sakuya trades places with a flowering cherry blossom log, reappearing anywhere else in the arena. This is used as a counter or a set up for many other moves.
🌸 Sakura Senpuu: A fast spinning kick that leaves behind a puff of cherry blossom petals. It's either a great counter or a combo finisher. Usually, she uses it right after using the Substitution Jutsu to appear behind her adversaries.
🌸 Himitsu no Ougi; Sakura Ranbu: Sakuya's finisher. A lightning-fast barrage of strikes that sends the target to the air, before knocking them back to the ground with a meteor move or a spinning pile driver.
Additional Information:
🌸 Theme Song:
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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✨ Name: Erika Hardt
✨ Age: 17 years
✨ Personality: Erika's is a chill and confident girl. She likes to live each day at a time, without worrying about what's goign to happen tomorrow, or what happened yesterday. She enjoys the thrill of adventure and games, being rarely seen without a handheld console or her phone. Also she can be kind of a tease to those she consider close enough to call friends but not to the point of being mean.
✨ Background: Erika's past is kind of a mystery. She doesn't like talking too much about it it, probably to avoid people judging her because of her origins instead of her current self. However, the fact that she comes from a well-off brougeois family is almost universally agreed upon by those who know her.

How and why Erika decides to take on the life of diving is also a mystery but it most certainly has to do with her abilities as a Holder, or perhaps just because she's a natural daredevil. Maybe she just wanted more money to fuel her utterly capitalist lifestyle. Cool clothes, junk food, and games don't grow on trees, after all.
✨ Type: Holder (Psychoknectic type)
✨ Codes:
✨ Shield: Projects a psychokinectic energy shield to protect herself against attacks.
✨ Psychokinesis: The ability to move objects with the power of the mind. Erika is able to control a couple tons at once or so with her maximum output.
✨ Light Bullet: Shoots blasts of psychokinectic energy converted into electricity and light.
✨ Shift: Short range teleportation for herself and others.
✨ Master Spark: Erika's most powerful ability. It's essentially an empowered version of Light Bullet with an unprecedented range and destructive power.
✨ Cross Gear: Erika's Gear is a set of rings she named Solomon. Their purpose is to control and intensify her Holder powers. They are always evolving along with her powers, granting access to new abilities and increasing Erika's energy output.
✨ Equipment: As mentioned above, Erika is always seen with some gadget like a phone or gameing console at hand. Save for that and the expected gear of a Diver she also tends to carry various kinds of junk food like chocolate bars and energy drinks with herself.
✨ Skills: Erika is really good at gaming, and surprisingly smart when it comes to random trivia and things like that. Outside of skills acquired through gaming, Erika doesn't have much other than a pretty decent knowledge of self-defense martial arts and a basic notion of first-aid.
✨ Other: N/A
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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β€’ Name: Arianna "Aria" Weiss.

β€’ Age: 17 years old.

β€’ Appearance:

Personality (Optional): -

β€’ Occupation: 3rd year High School Student (Literature and Astronomy Club member).

β€’ History (Optional): -

β€’ Class: Knight of the Squall (Wind/Water, Paladin/Magic-Knight)

β€’ Class Skills:
β€” Aero [Active]: Attack with slashing blades of wind or blasts of high-pressure air.
β€” Aqua [Active]: Attack with piercing lances of water or blasts of high-pressure water.
β€” Aegis [Active]: Create a shield of wind, raising physical defense and becoming immune to ranged attacks for a short time.
β€” Icarus [Active]: Summon the power of wind to increase speed and jumping abilities.
β€” Riding [Passive]: Can ride most types of vehicles and mounts with peerless grace.
β€” Hermes Step [Passive]: Double jump and immunity to fall damage.
β€” Muses' Blessing [Passive]: Walk on water and mental attack resistance.
β€” Divine Grace [Passive]: Greatly increases resistance to Attacks from, and Damage against, "Evil" targets.
β€’ Tablet Power:
β€” Durandal, Unbreakable Blade of Hallowed Starlight: A heavy, one-handed, jet-black blade with silver decorations, said to be forged from an otherworldly alloy. Can be summoned or dismissed at-will, and is completely unbreakable and untarnishable. It can effortlessly cleave through any physical obstacles and, thanks to its holy nature, deals additional damage against "Evil" targets. That's the current extension of Durandal's powers. However, as one of the ultimate Holy Swords, it still possesses many other abilities yet to be unlocked, mostly dependent on its master's level.

β€’ Others:
Despite being a short-ranged warrior Aria doesn't wear any form of armor in order to preserve her agility as much as possible.

She's very good singer and generally proficient with everything that one would consider feminine attributes as well as academic achievements, despite having a headstrong β€”almost tomboyishβ€” personality most of the time.

She comes from an upper middle class family. Her parents moved to their current address for work related reasons around four years ago so she's very integrated with the community already.

Has a generally very high waifu value.
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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β€’ Name: Akatsuki.
β€’ Age: Unknown, believed to be around 17 years old.
β€’ Gender: Female.
β€’ Race: Automaton.
β€’ Appearance: "I am at your service, my liege."
β€’ Personality: One would think that a being made of steel and magic would have no emotions or semblance of humanity. Those who do so are probably going to be very surprised with how humane Akatsuki can be at times. A sheltered existence made her social skills become all weird but she's ultimately a good person, better than most flesh and blood humans, in fact.

Akatsuki's stoic exterior may make her seem to be an aloof being, however, she does have a big soft spot for cute things, especially children, and animals. Being a machine causes her to have certain hardship to comprehend certain concepts which can lead to Akatsuki being easily swindled by, for example, a merchant that selling food at a price far too above the correct one.

The one thing that's certain is that, once she swears service to a lord or cause, she'll devote her full existence to it. Until her duty/contract is done, or she's dismissed. Such devotion can get to self destructive levels sometimes. If she's not stopped, Akatsuki would do anything anything for her current master, up to and including, giving up her own life for their safety. For her master, Akatsuki would even endure being treated as a lifeless machine β€”or doll, to be abusedβ€” despite the fact of how much she hates it when people treat her as if she's an inhuman monster.

β€’ Skills: As skilled a saboteur, Akatsuki is trained in all manner of covert operations, including, spying, encryption/decryption, infiltration, demolition, assassination, psychological warfare, etc. Almost no tactics are too low for her, including the usage of explosives, poison, hidden weapons as well as martial arts. She also has exceptional stealth and sensorial skills, both from her training and nature as an artificial human. Lastly, but not least, she also has survival and tracking training despite not having any biological needs, given that those skills are also basic for any saboteur. Oh, and she's also quite good at taking care of children, especially reading stories for them...
β€’ Abilities: Akatsuki is much stronger, durable and faster than a normal human. She's also immune to any manner of disease, poison, doesn't need to breath. However she still needs rest to recharge her spent energy. Moreover, she's able to eat human food and convert it power, but she needs a lot of food β€”especially sweetsβ€” to make up for a proper recharge or her magical energy. Seeing Akatsuki gobbling down food is almost as easy as seeing her with a blade between her fingers. Make of that what you will...

However, Akatsuki's greatest ability is her unique power to control magnetism. She generally utilizes it to create all sorts of weapons made of iron-sand that she carries around in her body. Even if her own iron-sand supply is emptied, she can simply draw more from the ground around her as long as it has enough concentrations of it. This is especially useful in riversides and beaches, which are places naturally packed with iron-sand. This ability is the reason why Akatsuki was known as the Living Forge, Rust Killer, Black Iron Princess, among other names during the Yeln War.

β€’ Equipment: Despite being able to provide almost any manner of gear she may need on the fly, Akatsuki owns β€”and cherishesβ€” a short, exotic-looking sword that's the last memento she has of her father. It has her clan's motto "Evil swiftly cut" engraved on its hilt. She also used to own a bejeweled hairpin, another present from her father so that she doesn't forget that she's girl, not a machine, but it was lost long ago. Akatsuki would give almost anything to recover it.
β€’ Brief History: It's unknown when, how, or by who Akatsuki was built. Being an automaton with specs and abilities far above most of her kind, to the point that she's hard to analyze even for the most proficient machinists, theories about her origins abound. In all likelihood, Akatsuki is a relic of the Yeln Empire and their insanely advanced technomancy, however, there're few ways to prove that theory.

She has occasional flashes, or "dreams", of dark laboratory/workshop as well as shadowy figure that Akatsuki thinks is her creator, or her father, as she likes to think about it. However, none of them are conclusive, leaving her with more questions than answers.

Akatsuki's earliest conscious memory is the day when she joined, or better was taken under the wing of the leader of a Laakian saboteur clan. She was treated as a daughter by the seasoned assassin as well as the rest of the clan, allowing Akatsuki to grow as an individual, despite the extremely sheltered life of saboteurs. The only thing they knew about her is that Akatsuki was "recovered" from a supply convoy belonging to Yeln Empire, they were fully prepared to destroy her before the clan's leader β€”who had recently lost all of his direct familyβ€” decided to take her in.

For years, Akatsuki fought beside her new family, seeing most of them perish thanks to the hardships of their living. One day, when the war was almost over, the remnants of her clan were sent to a mission that turned out to be a trap set by a Yeln spy within the Allied Forces ranks. Needless to say, they were decimated by Yeln Airships. Akatsuki only escaped because her father pushed her off a cliff.

Once again, she didn't know how long she spent unconscious, but Akatsuki's next memory is of being awakened by a machinist and being forced to join a city gang out of gratitude by their boss. Despite the fact that she hates this job, or the way he treats her as if she's less than trash, Akatsuki, is forced to obey him by her saboteur vows.

Maybe fate has something else in stock for her, who knows? One can only hope...

β€’ Theme Song:
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Name: Hoshikawa Minato (ζ˜Ÿε·γƒŸγƒŠγƒˆ)
Age: 17 years old.
Height: 164 cm/5'4"
Weight: 52 kg/114,6 lbs

Appearance: As seen above.

Power: Psychokinesis.

Intro Post:
"Ah, entrance exams are such a bother. Why do we have to study so much before going to college?" Minato sighed a tired sigh. She wasn't complaining to anyone in particular, in fact, she wasn't complaining to anyone given that she'd been alone in her room ever since she woke up, face buried in books and more books, toiling through the direst days of her life. High school hadn't even ended yet, but she had to endure this workload if she wanted to give a better living to her family. That was the least she could do to repay them for all the sacrifices they made up to now, after all.

Minato doze of somewhere in the middle of her study session. The last thing she remembered was roasting in her room, during a terribly hot afternoon, while glaring the younger kids going to the public pool without a care in the world. "Geez, being a third-year student is certainly harsh," the last thought in her mind. However, what was waiting for Minato when she woke up was a much harsher reality...

Other: N/A.
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Seyrun Riviathan

Seyrun Riviathan


Class Year

Grand Duchy Nordland.
Continental Europa's northernmost nation, widely known for its progressive ideology β€” including a transition to a hybrid parliamentary system sponsored by the Royal Family β€” and vast, nearly untapped reserves of resources.

Seyrun is an exotic looking girl. At almost five and a half feet, she's slightly taller than most girls of her same age group, sporting a slim and well-built physique that makes her height even more apparent. Seyrun actually enjoys having a mature figure, but she can grow self-conscious if people stare at her too much. Her pale skin is typical of those who were born and raised in the North, which has a downside of making her extremely susceptible to sunburns. However, Seyrun's most distinctive characteristics are her pale blue hair and eyes, a rare hereditary trait of Nordland's people most commonly seen in the Royal family.

Seyrun is the crown princess of the rapidly-advancing Grand Duchy of Nordland, a nation that's trying to leave the pre-industrial era in a better way than most of its neighbors. Such attempts include reforms in all areas of their society and a controlled exploitation of their vast stockpiles of resources. Perhaps the most jarring discrepancy is was a bloodless revolution that led to their current parliamentary regime with the royalty willingly giving up a large part of their power in order to secure a stable future to the nation.

Despite her position, however, Seyrun doesn't hold very big expectations of β€” or wants to β€” taking the throne in her life. Her parents are healthy and young. It's much more likely that the Crown will skip right into the hands of Seyrun's future heir, or heiress; something that she actually finds very reassuring to say the truth. Because she doesn't have to bother with the throne, Seyrun could live as a "tomboyish princess" that can take care of other issues rather than diplomacy and protocol. One of these pursuits is Seyrun's interest for education which she decided to make one of her life's objectives. After all, even if she doesn't get the crown, she can use whatever she learns to help her people, her family and herself grow much better in the future.

Affinities & Talents
Mathematics (Especially Geometry, Linear Algebra and Trigonometry)
Literature (Especially mystery and science fiction)

Additional Information
Nothing to add at the moment.
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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β€’ Name: Emilia Warov
β€’ Age: Unknown
β€’ Gender: Female?
β€’ Appearance: Who's the puppet and who's the puppeteer?
β€’ Personality: Creepy would be the first word to come to the mind of almost anyone who meets Emilia at first. She's fond of riddles and words with dark meanings and seems have little in the way of empathy, almost as if she took fun in others reaction to her behavior. Whether she's teasing or not is, is up to her interlocutors to decide.
β€’ Abilities & Skills: Emilia is a very skilled magus with a focus on Kabbalah traditions and golemancy. Animating temporary golems using Jewish scriptures, in a manner similar to Nordic Runes, is one of her biggest specialties. She can also create more elaborate dolls if she has the time to prepare them.

Emilia's magecraft is naturally inclined to deal with soul manipulation, including emotional states and draining the prana from living beings. She can manipulate others emotions and even summon wraiths, however, this requires a special, hard to produce mystic code in the form of a whole pipe organ which can only work when installed in a synagogue or similarly hallowed grounds. She can convert a church's organ into this type of mystic code, but it's usually harder because they tend to have their own enchantments which. Nevertheless, the older the instrument, the better the effects will be.

As a side effect of her skill at playing with others' shapes, Emilia is well-acquainted with physical alteration magic. She can easily change her own form but tends to use this skill only to change between different version of 'herself', making things such as guessing her age all but impossible.

Lastly, Emilia has a second mystic worthy of note: Ain Soph Aur, a set of ten wrought silver rings, each representing one of the ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. The abilities of this mystic code depend on which combination of rings are active at any given time. However, all of them can be spawn reinforced silver wires, which are Emilia's primary means of offense and defense when she cannot count with golems.

β€’ Brief Backstory: Emilia is a genius belonging to the Prague branch of the Mage's Association, said to be a descendant of the legendary Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, more commonly known as the Maharal of Prague. As is expected of one of Judah's descendants, Emilia has an astounding knowledge of the Kabbalah traditions especially golem construction and Jewish magecraft and philosophy.

Emila's immediate family and upbringing are mysterious. She grew up in a haunted house surrounded by nothing but dolls and other automata servants, which were crafted and repaired by her most of the time. Her parents were largely absent and there's no shortage of rumors about their fate, including Emilia turning them into dolls for reasons that generally boil down to insanity or loneliness. The truth may as well never be known since few who ever stepped into the Warov's state bounded field returned.

Nevertheless, the Prague Association decided to send her to this Holy Grail War that's going to take place into the USA, not only because Emilia is their most promising prodigy or because the United States has historically been a place of interest for them, but because the Einsbern are not directly involved this time. Maybe taking the Holy Grail from the Clock Tower's hands will allow them to search for more important relics, like the Arc of the Covenant. At least that's what the heads of the Prague Association seem to think.

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β€’ Name: Olga Valeriya Ivanova
β€’ Title: The Apostle of Envy
β€’ Species: Human Witch
β€’ Description: Olga is a mysterious woman with a very nebulous past. She's said to have lived her whole life running away from persecution, in a time when being burned at the stake without so much as the simplest form of trial was norm for witches caught practicing their craft. It wasn't until the world began to emerge from the Dark Ages brought upon by the first coming of the Great Witch that Olga's name became known. She was recruited into a secretive supernatural branch of the Main Intelligence agency of a nation from the European East where she raked fame and accolades thanks to her powers and lack of morals.

However, the same power that brought her fame made her a target. Olga became so feared for her inhumanity that many attempts of silencing her were made both by friend and foe. None of them ever succeeded and she eventually established an underground crime sindicate known as the Iron Curtain Pact and began to take contract from whoever could pay for her services. It doesn't matter if it's contracts with demons, drug-dealing, prostitution, assassinations, kidnappings, destabilizing foreign governments, etc; no job is too small, big, or dirty that the Moscow Pact and Olga herself wouldn't take it if the contractor is willing to pay the price they ask for.

Her most common client tends to be the equally shady megacorporation YTCβ€”the perfect unholy union between cutting edge technology and dark magics.

β€’ Theme:
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β€’ Name: Eleonor Evangeline
β€’ Age: Not declared. She looks to be around the same age as most of the Clock Tower's freshmen, however, with a magus, you can never trust appearances.
β€’ Personality: As a descendant of a well-known lineage, it's natural that Eleonor would have a lot of pride and confidence in her own skill and generally on her own persona. She's used to being admired, but also the kind of person that detests fake praise, especially from others trying to gain her favor for selfish reasons. This kinda led her to a reputation as a cold woman who turns down every would-be suitor, which in turn led to even more people trying to hit on her because why not think she's some kind of trophy or ticket to an easy life, right?
Despite her reputation among the less savory side of the Clock Tower, Eleonor is a legitimately nice girl. She'll try to be friendly with pretty much anyone she comes across. That's not to say that she's naive or overly-trusting of course as demonstrated by her attitude towards low born mages that want an easy ride up the social elevator.
More than anything she enjoys genuine praise and will feel considerably more inclined to be friends with anyone that can see her qualities for what they are. Depending on the intentions behind the actions of the person doing it, even a scolding could get the same reaction out of Eleonor as long as she actually deserves it.
β€’ Abilities: Eleonor's specialty is the manipulation of Wind and Fire elemental magic, especially concerning the principles of magic energy transference and and spontaneous combustion or redirection of heat between subjects. It may not be that much of an impressive ability compared to some other magi but it has its utilitarian points and isn't much draining on her physique and that's all that matters when it comes to magecraft, because what would be the point of doing it if you end up crippling or killing yourself in the process?
She also possess an ability know as Mystic Eyes of Reflection. Regardless of what one may think by hearing its name it has nothing to do with light, but with consciousness. In essence, it's the same as the consciousness sharing and telepathic communication that magi can do with their familiars, but Eleonor can perform it with whoever she wants. As long as they keep eye contact, Eleonor can gaugeβ€”but not readβ€” the thoughts and intentions of others without deploying any form of magecraft. It may not be as useful as other forms of Mystic Eyes, like Combustion and Charm, but definitely has its uses.
β€’ History: Eleonor can be considered to be a cut above the average freshman attendees of the London's Clock Tower. Born to a family with several generations of magecraft tradition that may trace as far back as the times of the Roman occupation of Brittain, it's said that the founder of their lineage was just one step away from reaching a secret that may as well be called Magic, however, the details surrounding such myths have been lost to time.
Eleonor is set to be the next head of the family, sent to the Clock Tower not only to get a grasp at the most advanced facets of magecraft, but also to build upon their extensive networking possibilities. Also, if her father is to be heard, find a suitable candidate to marry into their family.
After a few months taking her time to know the place where so many higher ups of the Association inhabit as if it were their second home, Eleonor was applied for a selection process to play a role at a secret project. The only details she knew about it were that it was sort of sponsored by none other than the owner of the Second Magic, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, and that it involved a variation of the infamous Holy Grail War ritual.
She couldn't really know what she was signing up for...
β€’ Other: Thanks to how old her family history is, Eleonor's crest occupies a sizable portion of her skin and not all of it can be made concealed since they involve many intricate tattoo patterns. These magically imbued tattoos are a component of their crest transfer process that sacrifices secrecy for efficiency and ease of transfer. This is why Eleonor tends to dress up so much to keep her family's secrets only to the eyes of those she wishes to see.
The only Mystic Code worth that she was allowed to bring with her to the Clock Tower is an Azoth Sword which she modified with Runes to better attune itself to her needs, saving both time and magic energy whenever she's using it. A beginner's tools, but one that should not be overlooked.
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β€’ Name: Linea Milsteen
β€’ Age: 15 years
β€’ Gender: Female
β€’ Race: Human
β€’ Personality: Linea is like a cat, always trying to save her energy, but able to burst into action all of a sudden when needed, especially when said action involves mental challenges, which she's very fond of. In addition to that, Linea always speaks in a low, almost deadpanβ€”or perhaps drowsyβ€” sounding voice, which makes a lot of her comments and remarks come out as snarky, despite that not being her intention... some times.
When it comes to personal interests and hobbies, Linea has her sights set for a few things: books, adventuring, magic, and first of all, her sister. Linea is also very competent in other areas, like cooking, but it's not like she would rather spend time in the kitchen than in a library. Unless, of course, she's cooking for her sister.
Just don't ask her to do anything involving physical effort. Mages have the physical prowess of a wet noodle, after all.
β€’ Brief Backstory: Both Linea and her two-years-older sister Sienna grew up at a church-sponsored countryside orphanage, after losing their parents at an early age. Despite what may be common thinking in relation to the lives of orphans, both of them never had any specific trauma or faced anymore hardships than other children of comparable age and social standing.
In fact, the single Mayonite nuns that ran the old orphanage always treated the children well and, despite the occasional bullies, all the children where taught to at the very least be polite towards one another, even if they didn't want to make friends.
As the two of them slowly came of age, and saw their older friends and acquaintances leave the place they began to call home, the siblings grew aware that they too would soon have to leave it behind, at least partially. Both joined a magic college and began taking lessons in the arcane arts. However, while it became clear that both had a natural knack for the Arts, Sienna's brash personality made her seek a bit of "side training" with an explorers guild.
Both sisters, one being an up-and-coming mage apprentice and the other what may as well be called a spellthief, took a life of adventuring together, being more experienced in dungeoneering and similar tasks than most people with the double of their age.
This path ultimately culminated with Linea receiving a recommendation letter from her tutor, pushing her to join the prestigious Iron Rose Knights as a trainee magic adviser. Whether or not Sienna manages to get a similar recommendation coming from her guild, Linea is sure that it's just a matter of time before the two of them are working together again.
β€’ Equipment: Linea's main noteworthy possessions consist of her grimoire, a crystal-tipped staff and spellcrafting tools and catalysts. She also always carries around a couple of journals and textbooks to assist in note-keeping as well as translation and decryption works, in case she comes across any mysterious source of information.
β€’ Skills: Despite still being an apprentice mage, Linea is quite capable in the spellcrafting arts, possessing knowledge of a good number of general purpose spells, that range from offensive to supportive in nature. Aside from her magic knowledge, Linea is also very good at gathering information, through means like research, translation and decryption of ancient texts.
Despite physical work not being her forte, Linea quite capable of taking care of herself in explorations or similar situations. However, she'll tire out pretty fast if she needs to do any form of prolonged effort, like rope climbing and running.
Nothing is stronger than the links between true family...
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β€’ Name: Eris Reinhardt
β€’ Title: Dust of Eclipse
β€’ Species: Dusk Valkyrie
β€’ Abilities: While the true extent of Eris' power is something that not even she knows for sure, the abilities that she reliably depends on are the following:
  • Valkyrian Physiology: innate abilities of a Valkyrie, like superhuman physical capabilities and martial skill as well as flight, etc.
  • Dusk Flames: the corrupted, unquenchable flames of a Valkyrie that has been tainted by darkness. This ability allows the creation, shaping and control of these flames at Eris' will.
  • Rune Magic: magic derived by the interpretation and combination of ancient runes, also known as Dark Γ‰criture when used in its corrupted form. While it's not as powerful as some other forms of magic, its versatility is unmatched.

β€’ Skills: Eris' greatest skills comes from her passionate love for fashion and clothing in general. Not only is she a skilled connoisseur of everything related to the matter but also a couturiere fascinated by the trappings of epoch clothing. Furthermore, it's said that Eris is very adept at the tasks required of a housemaid but no one ever got any confirmation about these rumors.

β€’ Inventory:
  • Demon Sword Dainsleif: a Demonic Sword of immense power forged in the depths of Hel by a dwarf smith consumed by grief after the loss of everything he held deal. A cut from this blade will never heal unless its curse is broken. It's said that those who yield this blade will inevitably be consumed by an unending bloodlust and dark thoughts. Maybe this explains a few things about Eris, erm... personality.

β€’ Other: Revel in the deepest darkness...
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Name: Kirsi Eirisphere
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Kirsi could be considered a bit eccentric if it wasn’t for the fact that all mages are eccentric in their own ways already. She’s energetic and happy-go-lucky, almost a goofball when it comes to her outward personality. However, her values are warped to the point that she’s completely ok with cursing people in horrible ways and literally grafting their souls to the dolls that she uses her familiars. That said, Kirsi isn’t an evil person, she won’t go out of her way to hurt others unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Skills: Aside from magecraft related stuff, Kirsi's only noteworthy skill is sewing which she does not only because her magic demands it but hobby that she caught over the years.
Abilities: As a traditionally schooled magus, Kirsi has all of the basics covered, with a knowledge of general magecraft, with an expertise in curses (especially the ever-popular Gandr) and bounded fields.

Her family's signature magecraft is soul transference and spirit binding. Kirsi employs it in an unorthodox manner; binding wraiths to mystic codes shaped like plush dolls (particularly damaged-looking teddy bears) that she carries around as key chains. With a minimal infusion of magical energy, the dolls are turned back to their normal size and do Kirsi's bidding. They attack with vicious claws and fangs that carry curses from the vengeful spirits.

In addition to her plushies, Kirsi has a sewing kit mystic code that has been passed down her family for generations, which she carries around in a pouch the whole time. It's collection a tools specialized for the creation of other mystic codes, but since they also carries a considerable number of curses of their own, they can be to fight other magi if need be. The most important items in the kit are a bundle of thread made from an ancient witch's hair, a set of needles made from narwhal tusks, and a pair of scissors whose blades are rumored to made from the shards of a demonic sword.

Lastly, as per the Eirisphere family tradition, Kirsi doesn’t have a proper Crest like most orthodox magi. Instead she carries the whole history of her family’s magecraft in a special, partially-autonomous puppet that contains not only their accumulated knowledge but also the very spirits of her ancestors. Originally, this special variation of a Family Crest used to take the form of a throne, but Kirsi used her weird genius to turn it into its current form. Any magus other than the chosen heir of their bloodline that tries to use the knowledge embedded in the Eirisphere’s crest will end up experiencing the worst curses that they have at their disposal.
Brief Backstory: Kirsi is the latest heiress of the Eirisphere family; a not particularly ancient magus bloodline, having between two and three hundred years of magecraft practice. Their household is located in the lands under the jurisdiction of the Edelfelts, even though they remain mostly independent as long as they can keep honoring their leasing contract.

While Kirsi is the most brilliant individual to be born in her family to this day, her quirkiness was a massive source of worries for her father. It was in fact one big surprise for everyone, including Kirisi, when she received the command seals that meant that she would have a chance to participate at the infamous ritual known as the Holy Grail War.

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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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β€’ Name: Leynanniel "Leyna"
β€’ Age: Young; for an elf
β€’ Gender: Female
β€’ Race: Wood Elf
β€’ Height: 151 cm
β€’ Weight: 41 kg
β€’ Rank: 6 of Coins
β€’ Appearance:
Leyna is pretty much exactly what most people picture when they think of her race: small, lithe, and beautiful in a nigh otherworldly way. Despite being around a head smaller than your average human, her exotic features more than make up for it. The long, pointy ears characteristic of the elvenkind, complimented by emerald-colored eyes and greenish hair reaching down to her waist, make it sure that Leyna is a hard to miss sight within human lands, both for good and ill.

When it comes to clothing, Leyna is conservative and utilitarian, wearing only as much as she needs for any given situation, mostly leather and fabric outfits dyed in drab, earthy colors like green and brown so that she can blend better with all sorts of natural environments.
β€’ Personality:
When it comes to personality, Leyna is a positive person. She does have the pride that comes with being one of the Feykind, as is expected of most elves, but she doesn't let it go over her head as some of her most isolationist peers. She can both take and dish out a joke or two, and her curious side has a thirst for exploration and adventure, to know new places, people and stories. She also has a soft spot for children and sweet foods, which kinda balance the fact that her Elven constitution makes it hard for her to take any form of alcohol and her utter disgust of all sorts of creepy crawlies.
β€’ Brief Backstory:
Leyna was born in an Elven settlement in the ancient forests entrenched deeply within the valleys Northern Velt's mountain ranges, in an area known to the humans by the ominous name of Sea of Trees. Naturally, thanks to the location of their settlement, the wood elves that inhabit this forest have been at odds with the dwarves of Draz'khzidra since long before the precursors of the current human kingdoms settled around them. Over the time, the conflict boiled down to a sort of unease rivalry, instead of open hatred, after both elves and dwarves were forced to unite to fight common threats time and time again.

Leyna came to the world long after these conflicts of the past, thus she doesn't hold the same sort of deep seethed hatred against the other race, or pretty much anyone other than the natural aberrations like orcs, goblinoids and the rest of their kind. Instead, the very reason why she left her forest home and familial life was to see how the world outside of the trees was like. Such curiosity is common among the younger generations of elves that never had to fight in a true war, but few act on it which is something that Leyna always found such a waste.

When she finally felt confident in her own skills both with bow and spells, Leyna picked up the few items that she would need for her trip, said goodbye to her family and the forest that was the only home she knew until then, and set her feet on the road towards the human kingdoms along with a band of traveling merchants that did business with her people in some very rare occasions.

And thus began Leyna's life as an adventurer.
β€’ Equipment:
While her usual outfits are all of high-quality Elven origin, her Elven Cloak and Boots deserve special mention. As long as its wearer is an ally of the elvenkind, not only it protects them against the harsh elements, it also acts as camouflage, seemingly shifting colors to match the lighting and ambient around, making the wearer far harder to spot. Similarly, as long as they are worn by an ally of the elves, the boots make it able to walk steadily in anything other than the most treacherous surfaces, while making their wearer's steps as silent as those of a cat on the prowl.

Other than this, the only item worthy of note belonging to Leyna is her Elven bow, made of sacred wood taken from deep within the ancient forests inhabited by her kind. Despite its slim appearance, it's sturdy enough to be used as a quarterstaff without any risk of breaking, even when parrying a direct strike from a bladed weapon. The bow's draw is far heavier than anything inferior woods are able to endure, but as long as it's used by an ally of the elvenkind, its enchantments allow it to be drawn effortlessly.

Leyna also carries a typical assortment of adventuring equipment (rope, daggers, rations, etc), all of high-quality Elven manufacture.
β€’ Skills:
β†’ Combat Training: Leyna is skilled with her people's characteristic weapons as well as unarmed combat, employing both her speed and size opponents whenever possible.
β†’ Elven Woodsmanship: It's needless to say that Leyna is an expert huntress with a knowledge of the woods and its inhabitants that no one but her own kind can ever hope to match. She can employ her skills in other environments to a certain degree of success, however, the more apart the environment is from what she's used to, the hardest it'll be for her knowledge to work.
β†’ Thievery: Over the course of her travels with that merchant band as well as the years spent in human settlements, Leyna picked up a number of skills that wouldn't be out of place in a thief's repertoire. From daring acrobatic stunts to picking pockets, spotting and disabling traps as well as pretty much everything in between, Leyna can do it all to varying degrees of skill.
β†’ Spellcraft: While Leyna is nowhere as proficient with magic as a dedicated druid or wizard of her people, she's still capable of employing a number of spells most of which is dedicated to improving her capabilities and skills, along with some minor healing and supportive uses, as well as nature magic.
β†’ Geography Knowledge and Navigation: Thanks to her travels, Leyna knows a lot about geography and navigation. She can stop landmarks, read the constellations and the winds as well as use maps and other guidance instruments with spot-on precision most of the time. As long as she's not roped into oceanic travel or trips to lands literally on the other side of the world, Leyna's pretty capable of finding her way in and out of almost anywhere.
β†’ Chronicling: The true reason why Leyna left her homeland was to explore the world, for this reason, she picked up the habit of chronicling everything in her journals, including maps of places she went, pictures or samples of all kinds of plants small animals, or anything else she would find curious. She has a room full of all kinds of mementos and diaries both at home (where she returns every so often to) and in the inn she's used to staying.
β†’ Adaptive: As is evident by her long list of talents, Leyna is a dilettante almost incapable of committing to anything other than her pursuit of adventure and excitement on a daily basis. Her ability to learn new tricks and trades is second to no human's and the fact that she has literally all time in the world to perfect her skills, despite not even trying so hard to do anything makes Leyna a top-notch adventurer. The only reason she doesn't climb even higher on the Guild's ranks is that the mid-level jobs is where the whole fun is; neither the prospect of shooting rats or snipping dragons appeals too much to Leyna's adventurous spirit.

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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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Mavis Limit

17 years old





164 cm


"A girl that hides a dangerously smart side behind a happy go lucky facade."

Mavis was born in a frontier area, where reconstruction after the disaster was just beginning. From the earliest age she saw what's to be under the threat of constant destruction. Even so, she carried on through her early childhood and teenage years without any big traumas or events that made her that very distinct from all you other average girls.

As a result from that she developed a pretty nice personality and is generally a good person to hang around even though her amicable ways do hide a layer or two of complexity under them. Especially, when it comes to improvising on the battlefield and other weird hijinks. After all, you don't need to have suffered from the moment of your birth in order to develop a complex personality, do you?

Altair, a multipurpose shield made of composite materials capable of withstanding almost any form of damage. It's an armament that's easy to use, but hard to master. However, in the hands of a trained fighter, it offers an unparalleled degree of both offense and defense. Not only can it protect its wielder, but also redirect part of the kinetic energy of any attack that hits it right back at the source. The shield can also be used offensively, functioning in a manner similar to any other melee weapon, like vibroblades.

Psychic Drive
Mavis' Psychic Drive, which she named Repulse, is the ability to project or expand her aura creating a wide range force field around herself. She can also use it to instantaneously repel attacks and push creatures and objects away from herself, or as a sustained shield at the cost of burning through her reserves of power quite fast. Using Altair to amplify her output can reduce the cost of this ability. In fact she's able to channel this power through her shield even if she isn't holding it. It's worth noting that Mavis also can "reverse the flow" of Repulse to push herself (or her shield) away from things which is a tricky she's fond of using in creative ways.

β€’ She has a cat named Enterprise (Enty).

β€’ Her parents moved to Japan for work related reasons, mostly thanks to her mother's work as a medical researcher bringing her to the Academy.

β€’ She has a nearly-unhealthy liking of sour-sweet candies and junk food.

β€’ Loves heroic stories, especially superhero stories.

β€’ Plus Ultra!
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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Name: Himeko Kanzaki

Age: 16 years

Height: 160 cm

Quirk: Vertigo β€” Himeko can generate low-powered vibrations with a touch. These vibrations aren’t strong enough to cause any damage to structures, however, they are able to induce dizziness, nausea, and even headaches/migraines on others.

Since this quirk is based on vibrations, it requires a conductive medium. The greater the density of the medium, the greater the range of this quirk. Additionally, it loses power with distance and affects anyone touching the conductor, regardless of them being friend or foe. The only way to avoid this indiscriminate attack is by touching a target directly, this eliminates the area of effect of the quirk but makes it much more dangerous to use.
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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"π™΄πš‡π™Ώπ™»π™Ύπšπ™΄πš 𝙾𝙡 πšƒπ™·π™΄ π™±π™Ύπš„π™½π™³π™»π™΄πš‚πš‚ π™·π™Ύπšπ™Έπš‰π™Ύπ™½"

β€’ π™·πšŽπš’πšπš‘πš: 157cm | β€’ πš†πšŽπš’πšπš‘πš: 54kg | β€’ 𝙱/πš†/𝙷: 88/56/89

β€’ π™½πšŠπš–πšŽ: Sherry
β€’ πšƒπš’πšπš•πšŽ: Explorer of the Boundless Horizon
β€’ π™°πšπšŽ: 19
β€’ π™²πš•πšŠπšœπšœ: Mystic Explorer
β€’ π™°πšœπš™πšŽπšŒπš 𝚘𝚏 πš‚πš˜πšžπš•:
Backpack of the Explorer γ€Œ Endless Fantasia of Adventure 」Normally, one wouldn't think of a backpack as a great treasure. However, for an explorer, inventory space is the most important thing. Even the best magic sword in the world is useless if you have no way of carrying it unless you throw away some of your other belongings.And that's where Sherry's Aspect shines. A magical (water-proof) backpack that not only has limitless space, never weights more than it would if completely that also automatically sorts your inventory and provides with whatever you want with but a mere thought.If convenience and style fell in love and had a baby, it would surely be like this.
β€’ π™°πš‹πš’πš•πš’πšπš’πšŽπšœ:
β€’ π™±πšŠπšŒπš”πšπš›πš˜πšžπš—πš:
β€’ π™Έπš—πšŸπšŽπš—πšπš˜πš›πš’:
β€’ π™Ύπšπš‘πšŽπš›:
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

Height: 1.64m | Weight: ???

β€’ Name: Akari Chiyoda
β€’ Age: 21 years
β€’ Class: Tactical Agent
β€’ Weapons:
- GAL-64 "Avenger": A heavy energy weapon capable of firing in various modes from fully automatic fire, to a single sustained beam and all in between.
- Vulcan System: A light powered exoskeleton. It's more focused on mobility than defense, containing a number of add-ons like power skates, and a booster pack to increase her ground mobility.
β€’ Inventory:
- Snacks: Akari carries a number of snacks with her, usually some kind of candy, but sometimes she may have other treats as well.
β€’ Background: Akari is a typical everyday girl who joined the MFF as a way to pay for her college bills. Well, that and she kind of thinks that saving people while fighting cute monster girls is a nice thing.
β€’ Other: N/A
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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Name: Fujiwara Isana (θ—€εŽŸγ‚€γ‚΅γƒŠ)
Gender: Female
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Age: 17
Backstory: Isana's family has a long tradition of fighting against the threats posed by the youkai. Ever since they established themselves, hundreds of years ago, they have been guardians of an ancient shrine which keeps a great evil sealed.

She grew up as the sucessor of such an important tradition, being raised by her grandparents, after losing both her father and mother at an early age, when they set out to fight a mysterious youkai.

Despite the strictness of her upbringing, Isana was still allowed to do things that other "normal" children of her age would normally do, like go to a public school, etc. However, thanks to the fact that she was raised by a couple of exceedingly traditionalist grandparents, she tended to keep to herself most of the time. The main exception to this being when she's among the only few who understand the kind of responsibility that they are imbued with, that being the other Hunters who somehow gather all at one single school.
Hunter Power: Flow (桁動), the ability to control the flow, or rather, the path of anything that has "motion". It might be sometimes considered similar to a combination of Water and Air manipulation but since this is a refined talent able to touch the Void, it's far less direct than simple elemental manipulation or telekinesis.
Hadou (ζ³’ε‹•): Wave Motion, "The Foot that shatters the Earth, The Fist that splits the Heavens". The Fujiwara clan's primary offensive power, the ability to manipulate "flow" and strike foes with an inexorable force.
Kyouka (鏑花): Flower in the Mirror, "A Nostalgic, Unattainable Illusion". The ability to reach the void and touch that which is "All and Nothing, Zero and One", at once. Control of flow, allowing for a variety of applications. The ability to redirect and control the motion of "shapeless" things (e.g.: water, wind, mercury, ki, etc.). The less shape and more motion the better.
Suigetsu (水月): The Moon reflect in the Water, "Th Reversal of All Possibilities, A Realm that cannot be reached". The pinnacle of the Fujiwara style. The reversal of flow, a technique that can turn everything that has "motion" back to the Void. A redirect/reversal-style counter, not unlike the ones from soft martial arts, it works best with "shapeless" things, but is also very hand to redirect blades and fists.
Heirloom: Ofuda, lots and lots of paper charms that Isana uses to conjure things to control using her family's martial arts style, or to do a number of other things expected of an onmyouji (curses, charms, binds, sealings, etc.). While there any many possible techniques she can deploy as a practitioner of omyoudou, the most common uses for them are:
Creation/Summoning: Which Isana uses to summon the same kind of "shapeless" things she's able to control with her family's style. She's particularly adept at summoning mercury which is the substance that carries the greatest amount of motion possible.
Binding/Charm: Restricting the movements of either a target, or those who inside of a warded area, by stopping the flow of their chi.
Sealing/Dispel: Cutting the flow of ki to seal away a target's abilities or dispel an effect. Proper sealing in containers requires a ritual and other special preparations which grow in time and complexity based on the power of the being being sealed.
Skill: As expected of someone with a traditional upbringing, Isana is very good at household chores, from cooking to cleaning and everything in between. Additionally, she's knowledgeable in the tea ceremony, and the duties of a shrine maiden.
Limiter/Charm: The very own charms she carries are what work as a limter for her powers. Or rather it's more like a self-imposed seal which can be lifted at any time. As for charms, well... they are already paper charms, the kind that you'd expect to see with any other shrine maiden.
Theme Song:

Alt Theme:

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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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β€’ Title: Pandora
β€’ True Name: Chains of the Abyss
β€’ Age: ???
β€’ Species: ???
β€’ Weapons: "Pandora, the Chains of the Abyss"
β€’ Species Traits: ???
β€’ Special Abilities: ???
β€’ Inventory: ???
β€’ Background: Little is known about the jailor of the Abyss. She hardly interacts with the horrors who inhabit the swirling darkness. Neither her allegiances nor her goals are clear. The only thing that is certain is the sound of sterling chains rattling in bottomless void.
β€’ Theme:

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