Name: | "
Titanus Kirin" | Raijin - Japanese | | The Unicorn of China - China | Thunderbird - The Americas |
Appearance: Raijin is equine in nature moving about upon four cloven hooves its skin, however, is reptilian being covered in thick scales. The hair that it does have in a mane around its head and around its hooves are a stark white compared to the pale blue of its scales. It's head is its most distinguishing feature being long and almost draconic with a single horn protruding from its forehead.
Size: 78 meters tall | 66 meters long
First Appearance: Japan - Found and contained within Outpost 21(aptly named Hiraishin or the Lightning Rod), in the bay of the Shikoku Region.
- Lightning Manipulation : Raijin is able to manipulate electricity particularly natural lightning and channel it through the horn on its head.
- Living Battery: Raijin's body works like a living battery pulling in and storing electricity from outside sources. In a cityscape this comes across as a siphoning of electricity.
- Speed: Raijin is incredibly fast for a creature his size. While his top speed has not been properly calculated it has been seen to move between flashes of light so it must be traveling at high speeds.
- Static Field:
Once Raijin gathers a certain amount of electricity he emits a static field which acts as a sort of natural defense. Although this seems to be a little more than a nuisance to most kaiju it seems to be effective against most human defenses.
- Weak:
While Raijin is indeed the fastest kaiju observed, it has been noted that it does not have very much physical resistance. Relying on speed to either strike down or run away Raijin tries to stay away from conflict. - Stamina
Oddly enough Raijin isn't able to last for long periods. Whether it be combat or movement it seems to take fast strides before waiting momentarily before taking off again.
Personality:While there aren't many texts that describe the actual behavior of this creature what do exist in excess is how it is perceived by humanity at the time. Generally shown to be a sign of regality and kings, especially within the Asiatic countries, it can be deduced that it seems to hold itself to standards befitting royalty. While capturing the creature TERRA operatives noticed that it seemed hesitant to attack instead using its speed and static field to escape rather than to actually attack indicating that it may be somewhat "friendly" to humanity.
History: While the creature has been seen across multiple continents and given multiple names the earliest known
written documentation is from early Chinese records where it is simply referred to as a Qilin in several works of fiction. An early emperor claimed to have captured a beast although no proof was ever found to document this. Next and most prominently in Japanese culture it is mention this time as a kirin and given a description as a flying hooved dragon surrounded by wreathed in flames although it truly wouldn't gain its namesake till later, when it was noted as the God of Lightning bearing the same name. Most records indicate that the creature tends to dwell within the East Asia region although there is one record from the America's that show a migration even further east. Native Americans referred to it a Thunderbird, a large pterosaur type creature that carried storms across the sky.
Most records past these tend to fall off until 2001 when the creature was spotted through a civilian video on the top of Mt. Fuji for a total of ninety seconds before a flash of lightning disrupted the video. Terran operatives quickly set up traps to capture the creature which evaded capture for the better part of a decade until they lured it to the bay of the Shikoku Region and contained it deep within what would become Outpost 21. For another decade the scientists experimented to understand its bioelectric properties which seemed to proceed without until
THAT day which resulted in the creatures escape.