Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Xanadu
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Xanadu fragment

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

2179 CE, Tasale System
Geocentric Orbit, Illium
Onboard The Achilles

Every diurnal cycle thousands of ships come and go through the Tasale Relay. The relay’s made the Tasale System for which it is named the “gateway” to the Crescent Nebula. Yet, the majority of ship’s that entered the system do not travel beyond its reach, rather they sat their course towards the warm garden world that sits near the system’s center - Illium. If Omega is the Terminus Systems’ twisted version of the Citadel, then Illium is its Thessia, the Terminus’ “Shining Jewel”. This organized and business-friendly image projected by the corporate interests that run the planet serves its goal well as the primary entrepot between the Terminus Systems and the Asari Republics. Its “proper” appearance able to entice those with money in the Citadel Space who would otherwise not dare to venture into the Terminus Systems. The result is a constant influx of ships heading in and out of the planet each day ranging from extravagant pleasure yachts to colossal long-distance transport haulers heading towards the planet for business, pleasure, and on most occasions a little bit of both.

The Achilles was one such ship. Dropping back into real space the retrofitted Turian craft began to adjust its coordinates towards the garden-world. In what was an increasing rarity, the Achilles was in travel ready shape again. It had an engine filled with fuel and a cargo-bay stocked with tightly-packed boxes with surprise and perhaps most surprisingly of all the ship carried with it living cargo. Ten souls looking out viewports to try and get a glimpse at their destination. They were united under a common cause, the allure of adventure and credits that came with the mercenary business pulling them together into the Achilles worn and weary halls. Illium wasn’t an end goal, it was hopefully the starting point for something new. The hopeful ten were coming to Illium chasing after a score.

Her name was Salisa Sarsi, she was beautiful even by Asari standards and could snap your neck blindfolded and handcuffed if she really wanted to. She got her first taste of violence surviving the Republics in one of their venerated commando units. After retiring from the military, she headed out the Terminus system applying her skills in the mercenary world. Shortly after she was approached by an old military contact Jona Sederis the recent founder of the Eclipse. Salisa was an influential face in the Eclipse’s formative years but the good times weren’t meant to last as fighting between her Sederis eventually lead to Salisa to part ways with the organization. After that she went independent again eventually getting roped up with the infamous Elanos Haliat. After the failure of the Blitz and somehow surviving Torfan, she went underground. The Alliance was willing to pay a pretty penny to any folks that could bring her in to stand trial for her crimes. And the crew of the Achilles was looking to be those folks.

But that was a problem for tomorrow as an orbital accident was causing massive delays for ships going and coming from Illium. As cleanup crews worked double time to remove debris away, all traffic was being rerouted through a clear corridor towards the planet. The resulting congestion was resulting in wait times of several hours due to the lack of space. It wasn’t like the Achilles was a Spectre ship or anything, it needed to follow the rules like everybody else or Public Safety was going to blow them out of the water with their AA Guns. And so the ship like all the others around it founds it place in the queue, inching along slowly as it went.

Nikolai “Kolya” Tsoi, the Achilles caretaker, captain, and pilot began to flip a series of switches to engage the ship’s autopilot. Going at speeds as slow as they currently were, the Ship’s onboard navigation system would have no trouble keeping the ship form crashing into anything. Kolya found himself saying a quick prayer of thanks towards whatever Turian software engineer had designed the system, so that he wouldn’t have to spend the next several hours doing nothing but sit in traffic and contemplate ending his own life. He performed one final check on the system before spinning the pilot’s chair around and leaping to his feet with a flourish.

Exiting the cockpit, Kolya seemed very at home in the Achilles cramped corridors. He was dressed rather simply, a black sweatshirt with the Systems Alliance logo in white stitched into the right breast, and a pair of red athletic shorts. The slap of his slide style sandals echoing through the empty halls. Like a hound on the scent he headed towards the “War Room”, the ship’s modified dining area. The rest of the crew should have already been there having their first dinner together.

It was an old holdover from Kolya’s military days that he kept alive. It was to facilitate bonding and help everyone become acclimated with one another. And as Kolya saw it meal prep was kind of like a mission in its own way, as it required teamwork and communication to get the job right. So, the ex-marine had made it painfully clear to his newly assembled crew that these communal dinners were a non-optional affair unless they wanted to be scrubbing the bathroom until the Batarians became a Council race.

Following the sounds of muted conversation, Kolya made his way into the War Room. The rest of his crew had assembled themselves around the large holographic projector in the center of the room. Turning the projector off they had turned the flat surface into a makeshift table. The heat from the kitchen and the amount of the bodies clustered into such a small space made it feel like the area was ten degrees warmer than the rest of the ship which was already a hot box thanks to its faulty cooling system. Despite the heat, the myriad cluster of individuals managed to pull themselves together around the table touching elbow to elbow. A serious shortage of stools made it so that many were seated on pulled up boxes and crates, basically anything fit enough to be sat on.

Managing to make his way into the adjoining kitchen area Kolya was able to make himself a bowl. He spooned himself what one could only assume to be a serving of rice and curry from a pair of pots that were conveniently labeled Levo carefully avoiding the twin pair of pots labeled Dextro. Taking his dinner, Kolya managed to squeeze his way into a seat that was reserved for him near the center of the table. He look around at the faces that surrounded him and smiled.

“So,” he announced between spoonfuls of curry, directing his question towards no-one in particular “all of you ready for tomorrow?”

"I still need to know what kind of security I may be going against," came the accented voice of Hann, loading a paste into a compartment in her mask in a very slow and careful manner. It was clear that she was eating, or rather sipping, away at a Quarian nutrient paste. "Hacking tends to favor the prepared," she continued without looking at the captain before humming along with a tune that was nearly indescernable through the mask. She leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs as she, supposedly, blankly stared forwards, though it was always hard to tell through the visor of the helmet.

It was a crew of composition that Ardan Parvius did not much care to be in company with. He took the job under Captain Kolya under the assumption it was going to be a group of professionals, and that the young human was cut from a different banner than the members of his species that called the shots, but to Ardan's displeasure there was a menagerie of known problem species represented around the makeshift dining table, including two krogan who were liable to start butting heads in the literal sense before tearing the Achillies apart by hand and having a two-man mutiny, a three-eyed batarian that probably got his medical background from disecting human slaves, a quarian who was probably going to steal the ship to bring back to her floatilla when the rest of the crew was on a mission, and a handful of humans who hadn't been around in the galaxy long enough to know any better so they were liable to blunder into every conceivable mishap in the Terminus Systems.

So, business as usual.

Given Ardan's height and lack of proper seating, he found himself an empty storage container that wasn't quite tall enough to put him more than a few inches below his arms at the table, his bowl of Palaven grains and grubs steaming in front of him, largely untouched but throughly saturated with a hotsauce and mixed up with some nuts to give it a bit of texture. Fortunately, no one else on the ship could eat his food, so they couldn't complain about his cooking. He looked up from his personal datapad and the quarter final scores of the clawball championships to look at Kolya for a few lingering moments.

"Always ready. Gear's been checked over five times and optimized, and I'm used to adapting to adverse conditions on the fly. Our lack of team chemistry won't prevent me from doing my job, even if that asari we're after sounds like a treat." Ardan paused,drumming his fingers on the back of his pad in thought.

"Question, though; if we're supposed to be bringing in this matriarch alive, I didn't see anything in our inventory that's exactly less-than-lethal." he said evenly, jutting a thumb at Jackson, returning his gaze to the pad. "I'm assured some of you are biotics. Some offense, but a couple decades of mucking about with what an asari Matriach's been doing for the better part of a thousand years is kind of like going up against a machine-gun emplacement with a cadet training rifle."

Kopris placed himself as far from the humans in the crew as possible, dressed in his normal military fatigues, t-shirt and boots. It was bad enough being given dirty looks from everyone except the Krogans and the Quarian (at least, he thought she wasn't giving him dirty looks. Hard to tell with the mask), he didn't want to give them any chances at pettiness as well. It was the same story he was used all too familiar with,and not one he could blame them for. Torfan was barely a year old, and tensions still ran high in the Terminus systems. He would have never accepted a job filled with so many people that had every reason to hate him, but his credit supply had been running low and he had been desperate. Now, as they were almost upon their mission to capture an Asari Matriarch alive, he was beginning to wonder if a couple weeks of starvation wouldn't have been so bad.

As their captain and the Turian spoke, Kopris glanced up from his omni-tool, making notes of what supplies he would need for his time on the Achilles, a half eaten bowl of what the humans had called 'curry' in front of him. "I'm sure we can find something to stun her, paralyze her, or otherwise render her incapacitated on Illium. It's the trading hub of the Terminus systems, after all." He gave a slight shrug. "Assuming we can even hit her with whatever we can buy, that is. A ten on one, at best, fight against a matriarch is not something we'll enjoy. But before we can get to all of that, I need a basic medical report from everyone. Any known allergies, old wounds that tend to act up, pieces of metal that are holding your bones together, any drugs you may currently be on, specific immuno-boosters from the Quarian, and all of your blood types. It'd be a bit awkward if when I was trying to stabilize you I sent you into anaphalactic shock because you didn't tell me you were deathly allergic to a medicine, or if after you were done bleeding out I didn't have your blood type on hand to help prevent your organs from shutting down." He looked back at Koyla. "After that and those supplies, I'll be all set Captain."

Kolya could of figured that it would of been the veterans that were the most antsy. The new folks you shove a gun in their chest and give them a pep talk and they think they can wrestle a thresher maw with one hand behind their back. The experienced crowd though, they knew what happened when things went wrong and how quickly things have the possibility of falling apart. Kolya himself knew some merc captains that purposefully stacked their crew with new recruits to prevent any alternative views from popping up. Kolya (phone stop capitalizing every other word ffs) on the side of the spectrum found himself trying to leverage all the experience that he had at his disposal.

"Relax Ardan," Kolya reassured the Turian with an easy smile. The old soldier reminded Kolya of Vyrnnus in a lot of ways. He was definitely softer around the edges but you can take the soldier out of the Hierarchy, but it seemed that you couldn't take the Hierarchy out of the soldier.

"Like our three-eyed friend suggested, I have something worked out" Kolya said gesturing over to Korpis. Since everyone had come aboard the ex-marine still hadn't used the Batarian's name yet, fluctuating between Three-Eyes and the Batarian, but never Korpis. "Through some friends, I was able to pick up the same knockout concoction that the Salarian STG uses when they have to deal with biotics. The stuff can even take out a raging battle master so we should be fine. Of course it's packed into a needle so you are going to have to be practically kissing her to use it, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it."

"My ex-wife was an asari." Ardan muttered, briefly glancing up. "I'll freshen up and lay on the charm if that's our brilliant plan."

His tone was dripping sarcasm.

Finally Kolya turned his attention to Hann and give a shrug. Kolya hadn't run across many Quarians in his travels, so he honestly didn't know how to clock her yet. She seemed wiser then her not even a quarter of a century would lead you to believe. Like the kids that he would end up rescuing from pirate camps, that seem kind of priority shift that you usually see in folks twice her age. But that was the problem, Kolya just didn't know all Quarians could be like that for he knew.

"Ardan is right on that one," He admitted "I don't have any real intel for you besides its Illium, so expect flashy, state of the art, and expensive"

Finishing his bowl, he rose to grab seconds. The damn "biotic diet" meaning that he could probably eat the entire boat and he still wouldn't feel full. Throwing his head over his shoulder he smirked as he addressed the assembly. "How about the rest of you? Regret signing on yet?"

Bel sat close to the table using an empty bucket she find in a maintenance closet as a makeshift chair. She exemplified the “just rolled out of bed” look with her hair tied back and out of her face by a rubber band, a slightly oversized shirt proclaiming her as a “Master Baiter”featuring an image of a salmon with a fish hook in its mouth, and the always stylish combonation of bare feet and sweatpants.Truth be told, she looked that way while aboard the ship having rolled out of bed five minutes or five hours ago. Her banjo sat between her legs, leaning against one knee as though she intended to come prepared for an impromptu sing along session. She glanced around the table with interest as she alternated between munching on some pecans from a plastic bag and eagerly shoveling the curry and rice she’d mashed together into her mouth. Already on her second bowl and showing no signs of stopping, she fit the classic bottomless stomach biotic stereotype. She looked up from her meal at Kolya's question and ainply shook her head before stuffing her face again.

The assembled crew was a strange assortment for sure, but few things in life can be both familiar and interesting for long. She raised her hand up high and leaned forward so she could make eye contact with the batarian. When she spoke, a heavy Southern drawl coated her every word like syrup on pancakes.
“You should pass around a note after supper and we can all write our stuff down for you. Also!” She awkwardly shifted on her bucket as she turned to Ardan. “What about a traq gun? Like that kind zookeepers have. I used to hunt a lot with my pappy so if she’s not movin’ around too much I could take the shot.”

"I volunteer!" A krogan exclaimed, as he heard mention of taking out the Asari Matriach with a knockout needle. That sounded like an absolutly thrilling way to take her down to him. Though the alcohol flowing through his veins may have caused most of the excitment.

Vash took a swig of ryncol, contained in a tall jug which he held and sipped with one large hand. Then he offered a drink to any of his fellow mercenaries, his new 'friends' on this intriguing and incredibly dangerous mission. Clad in his usual armor with a smirk on his face as he spoke up. At the mention of a tranqualizer gun he blinked, shaking his head slightly. Asari were unpredictable in combat, especially the highly trained ones. In his experience the best way to deal with biotics was to get a flank on them and annihilate them with everything you've got at close range. They can't throw you across the room with biotics if they're taking a storm of bullets to the face. Either that or a barrage of explosions. But the latter option wasn't a choice in this operation, sadly. Though the veteran mercenary had never taken on an Asari matriach, they weren't damage proof no matter how much fancy 'space magic' they dished out.

"A tranq dart very well might miss. Then you've given away that you're trying to take her in alive. She's on her highest guard and won't let anyone take her in alive. Best strategy is to all hit her at once, get her nice and distracted. Then, have someone lunge at her with the needle and stab it into her. Hard enough it'll go through her armor. Someone who won't fuck it up and can take the brunt of the matriach's fury. I fit that exactly." He added, yellow eyes giddily moving around the room as he took another sip.

“State of the art security,” the Quarian echoed, cocking her head to the side as her head gazed upwards as she seemed to go into a deep thought on the subject. However her focus had been shaken when the note of medication came to which she promptly got her Omni-Tool out and began typing away on it. The orange glow reflected off her visor as she continued typing. Hann turned her head to face towards Vash as he spoke, “I was sure that you would have love the opportunity to get in close with an asari matriarch. Isn’t taking extremely dangerous things down, with an extreme will to not die, the Krogan specialty?”

"You're damn right it is." Vash replied with a tip of his ryncol flask, a cocky smirk on his face.

Kopris snorted. The Krogan was gonna end up a broken, bloody, smear against the wall.

A light, yet false, laugh sounded from Hann’s helmet as Kopris soon found a basic run down of Hann’s medical history sent to his Omni-tool, which only listed five types of immunoboosters and her blood type. She knew that she was never going to be one on the front lines of this merry bunch, it was not like she could fish getting a suit breach and dying from some strange infection that would never kill a human baby. The glories of a Quarian immune system was something no one liked to deal with. Which was why she had decided not to partake in the dinner, not wanting to compromise the mission because she had to focus on a raging cold. Luckily for her, she still had bought some of the Quarian food paste that the Flotilla tended to use, or rather a knock off brand that tasted it like it. Her original supply had run out long ago since the Flotilla had given her enough to get through her pilgrimage.

Bel eyed the Quarian for a moment before the obvious thought occurred to her.
"Omitools... right."
She spared a precious few seconds to set down her spoon and type out a quick memo to Kopris.

> human
> o-
> no allergies
> fell out out of a tree as a kid and my left wrist makes a funny clicking sound sometimes but it doesn't hurt

Even after having an omnitool for close to 15 years she still sometimes forgot just how many analog devices they replaced. Everything from phones to paper and penicl. It truly was amazing to her.

Kopris gave a thumbs up to both Hann and Bel, typing out the necessary supplies he'd need. They at least understood the need for a knowledgeable medic.

Ardan looked up to study Bel for a few moments, her enthusiasm was encouraging, even if the strange instrument on her lap was not. "Nothing wrong with a two-pronged approach." He said, looking over to Vash before returning his attention to the human woman. At least they were planning ahead instead of improvising. "No reason we can't take different approaches all at once, but if we do go the night-night dart approach full of insidious salarian cocktail, we're going to have to get the matriarch's vitals; weight, height, that kind of thing. You need to get the dosage right, because too little and she doesn't feel a thing, too much her heart stops."

The only thing that Sully did was keep quiet, staring down at his plate as he ate. The younger krogan had experience in working with a team, but never one this...strange before. It was a sight to see a huge krogan shift awkwardly in his seat, but there it was. As the team discussed potential ideas to bring their target down, Sully piped up with his own idea.

"Well, uh, if we can find her ship, I could probably take its engine apart. Keep her from leaving or something, make our job easier."

"I could help you out if you need it." Marius Faro offered his services to the krogan engineer. "I know a few things about shuttles and their precious parts. Better than charging at an asari matriarch."

"Yeah, that could work. Disable the ignition manifold, maybe screw up the internal safeties? Could make her shuttle flame out on the dock and blow out an engine or two."

"We would have to make sure that we don't fuck the mainfold up to the point that it instantly explodes, killing our bounty in the process." Faro shared his thoughts with the krogan.

"Well, I could just...rip the entire engine out, if it's a small shuttle. There's a few models out there that have weak structural seams in the engine housing. Some light arc cuts, a bit of percussive maintenance and out it pops. Nothing says 'wrecking ball' like a big krogan with power tools."

"Well, I guess if kissing her's off the table, then I'll ac-qui-ese to the knowledge of the guy who got hitched to one," Jackson agreed genially between healthy bowlfuls of curry. Though he kept his spirits high and acted as though he was perpetually punch drunk, if truth be told he was more thankful for the company of Bel than any amount of firepower or know-how. It helped to hear another local accent on board, and most of the aliens hadn't proved to be the most agreeable company since they'd all found their way onboard. Even cracking bawdy jokes about targets did little to lighten anyone's mood on this fucking love boat, and it seemed like half the people onboard had one bad experience or another - whether personal or professional - with one of the blue-skinned belles. Sure, he'd had to sleep his way through a couple asari here adn there back in the day, and sure, it felt weird to have your head invaded by a not-girl who had a head that wouldn't look out of place on an omakase menu, but that's why his follow-up career had involved taking shots to the head. Watching an asari go from high-and-mighty to confused about how to navigate brain trauma was almost as fun as the circumstances surrounding said brain trauma.

Yeeeeup. Playing dumb was the best way to go - both personally, and, if he was reading this room full of fucking psychos and tormented souls correctly, professionally.

"I ain't ever tried wrangling an asari matriarch before, but seems to me you get her in a body triangle or get your claws around her, she'll be trapped stone cold like anything else. If one of the big guys thinks they can pin her down and pump her full of whatever, I say damn straight. As long as we're sure whoever's firing tranq guns at range ain't popping off and roofying our boy, too."

Bel giggled into her hand but said nothing about Jackson's colorful wording.

Faro rolled his eyes at the comment and focused on the holographic image of Salisa Sarsi, one of the pirates that partook Torfan. Of course, he never met her on the battlefield; but, he saw a few asari pirates with impressive biotics. Capturing a ruthless asari matriarch alive was going to be difficult or even impossible. Yet, Faro liked the challenge and its risk of a painful death. Odd enough, Faro was the only person standing around rather than sitting down on a box because he was so anxious. It was better for people to not noticed his shaking leg while sitting down. He turned back to his meal and took a few quick bites before reminding himself of the batarian doctor's request for medical reports. After all, Faro was taking some severe health-risking drugs and having one-night stands with strangers. He wanted to tell the doctor of his colorful habits at least.

"Hey, doc." Faro looked at the only batarian on the team and said loud enough for the doctor to hear, "Remind me that we have to talk about... personal matters regarding my health. I'd like to keep some things to myself for as long as possible."

"Whatever works for you, so long as I get the necessary information." Kopris replied, typing a reminder into his Omni-tool.

Faro stared at the Achilles' captain and offered his advice as someone that fought pirates like Sarsi, "Captain, we cannot underestimate Sarsi and her security. Pirates that want to hide, like her, will do anything to remind hidden from the galaxy. If we do find out her hideout, we should consider sending someone to keep an eye on the place. So we have an understanding of her daily route, the security, and other important matters."

Bel gestured to Faro with her spoon.
"Ah lil' rehon neher hur mohbody," she mumbled around a mouthful of food.

"Except for all the people who've been killed doing recon." Kopris muttered quietly, before looking over at Koyla, head tilted to the right. "Do we have any physical information on the Matriarch so we know what dose to give her, Captain? Or are we going in blind and hoping that if we do overdose her I can bring her back? As much fun as the latter plan sounds, I'd prefer something that wasn't a blind shot in the dark."

Coming in from the ship's restrooom, Firuzeh frowned as she once again caught sight of the food, making a mental note to prepare something better as soon as the opportunity presented itself. "Pardon me." She murmured, returning to the spot she had claimed, as close as possible to the kitchen itself. "I was not privy to the full discussion - but I believe I heard mention of needing informaton on our target for a tranquilizer dart - at bare minimum. We're heading to Illium after all - has nobody considered paying an information broker for the data we need? The Shadow Broker's contacts would almost assuredly have whatever you could possibly want and more, or if we don't feel the need to pay a premium, we could surely find the basics from one of the smaller ones. I don't relish taking on a thousand years experience with biotics and mercenary work without knowing everything we can."

"I did some work as an information broker," Hann chimed in at Firuzeh's suggestion, bringing up her Omni-Tool to type away at it, "The problem with finding information on a specific individual is getting the right connections to find what you need. Family, friends, bank statements, the guy you ordered several nuclear payloads off of, all of them are valid ways of knowing who you are after. But if she has gone silent, assuming she had, it becomes more difficult to pull those strings." She turned her helmet to the captain, her Omni-Tool dissipating before she crossed her arms. "There is also the matter of information brokers being expensive, even the smaller ones charge an obscene amount." Hann stated, her head turning to gaze forwards.

"I find it greatly amusing, you know, all of this talk of traquilizer guns and information brokers when barely any of us are actually sitting on proper seating." Ardan remarked dryly. "Living inside of our means, people. Let's not blow what meager credits we have in our possession on things we can't afford until we get paid for services due, yeah?"

"When in doubt, I could shoot out her legs with my viper. I would think that it would be hard to focus on biotics when your leg has been blown off," Hann said, looking over at Ardan for a brief moment. "He may actually have to do some smoldering, you never never know. She may just like turians."

That earned a cocky smirk. "I'm sure you're just batting eyes behind that visor." Ardan replied.

"I don't do the batting eyes things, but if your pride is really that low then you can imagine that I am," Hann stated with a heavy attitude in her voice.

"Mm!" Jackson's eyes widened as he swallowed a spoonful of curry in a hurry and looked up. "Y'know, that leg idea ain't too shabby. I spent enough time in the cages to know there's nothing alive that can handle getting its leg fucked with for very long. Anyone ever had their shins kicked more than three times? Four times? They start to feel like omni-blades at first, tappin' away at your barriers. Then it starts to feel like a guy's foot might actually hack through your leg after all. You can't focus on shit except hoping you'll be able to stand again someday. A shotgun would do the deed a lot quicker than that. Are we getting paid for her legs?" The fighter put down his spoon and grinned contritely, looking like a puppy who had been caught on the furniture. "As long as her parents weren't no elcor or anything. I've never managed to fuck with an elcor's legs no matter how often I kick 'em. But what are ya gonna do."

"While I appreciate all of this delightful chat of dismemberment while we're eating, the good doctor will likely remind you that causes trauma and shock, which can lead to death, assuming blood loss from that pesky artery in her leg doesn't turn her stiff first." Ardan pointed out, mandible twitching slightly.

Bel tapped her chin, her brow creased in thought as she listened to the back and forth. An idea occured to her after a moment aand she grinned as she raised her hand once more.
"What about a net or a bola? Biotics need movement so that'd give us a helluva headstart."

"Oh shit. We got nunchucks!"

"Oh, spirits save me." Ardan groaned, picking up his bowl.

"A swell idea, assuming you can manage to actually get close enough to use them, can already reliably take people down with them - which I don't see many of us here doing - and assuming she doesn't reave the poor fool who got that close, undo the bolas, and run for it." Firuzeh countered, raising an eyebrow. "Some sort of taser type device might work, though. If we can get the electricity through the armor without cooking her, at any rate."

"I could use my tactical cloak to get close enough to do such a thing, but there would need to be a distraction so that I could properly use it. But, yes, a device like that would most likely do the trick," Hann said, agreeing with Firuzeh as she let out a bored huff. Her form shifted as she stood up from her seat and stretched her arms into the air, letting out a rather long yawn before stepping away from the makeshift table and the talk all together. Her feet brought her to the wall before she would speak again, "Regardless of our plan, it will be a hard fight. I've seen enough to know that no matter what we come up with, our plan will likely fall apart. I will do my part and deal with their security, cause some chaos, mess with their equipment, but I will leave the matriarch to be dealt with... anyone who thinks they can take her on." Her words were filled with a harshness and it seemed her attitude to the many plans was that of a cynical nature, almost as though she did not have the confidence that they would be able to pull it off. Hann's arms crossed as she leaned against the wall, sipping away at the past in her helmet.

Firuzeh sighed, massaging her forehead in frustration. "Any plan we come up with without at least some information beyond her name and former occupation is at best, firing blind, and at worst, setting us all up to die. Information brokers are expensive, true - but walking blind into a situation is a fool's errand. If we can't pay an information broker for enough details to keep our sorry hides in one piece, we'll need to... somehow, dig up some information ourselves. I'm no hacking wizard - but if any of you find some... hardware ins someone's head that might have information, I could take a crack at it. Otherwise, I'm another bullet dispenser."

"I know some of y'all got a bit of space magic too so if anyone knows Stasis, that'd be a real big help."
She assumed there had to be at least one other person in the group with a different biotic ability set than her own.

"This is again assuming an Asari matriarch doesn't have the skill and power to outdo any of us in a pure biotics matchup. I have my own 'space magic' as you put it - but I've about as much fine control over it as I do the inevitable passage of time. We cannot just rely on outmatching someone with more years experience than all of us combined in a contest of raw skill or power and hope to take her alive. If she'd come along quietly after losing an arm wrestling match, I or one of the krogan could have this over in a breeze - but it isn't as simple as that, and I can't think of any plan as simple as 'throw a stasis field on her' that wouldn't almost assuredly end in failure."

Jacks kept silent, finishing up his bowl of curry as his eyes flicked back and forth between the women.

Bel shrugged with a soft smile.
"You're a worrier, ain'tcha? But anyway, it's like my pappy always says, "keep it simple, stupid!" Just because a plan is simple don't mean it's a bad one."

"Pillars grant me strength." Kopris muttered in exasperation.

"Simple is fine, having a plan so simple it comprises of a single sentence and doesn't even attempt to figure out how we go about executing it? Not fine." Firuzeh countered. "It's important to gather as much information as you feasibly can." She eyed Kopris, "Batarian, how much information do you think your people had when they decided to hit Elysium? I'll wager more than a few officerial types thought it would be a fairly easy target - then bam, turns into a bloodbath. How much do you lot want to bet we'll be walking into the same situation if we just stumble in rear end first? Thinking our little motley crew can just take on someone with that level of experience in an open fight?"

Kopris sighed as his gaze shifted to the woman with the cybernetic arm, head still tilted to his right. That's a new record. It took eight minutes this time. He had expected something like this, sooner than this. People tended to see 'Batarian' and automatically and randomly associate them with the Blitz and Mindoir. The fact that they were right in Kopris' case did nothing to make it less annoying. He opened his mouth to retort, when their illustrious captain interjected. Kopris kept silent, finishing his curry.

"Oi,Khoroushi cut that Blitz crap. We honor the dead on this ship, we don't use them to prove a fucking point." Kolya reprimanded as he reappeared from the kitchen with more food. Sitting back down

Firuzeh snorted, "The dead don't care, they've moved on to greener pastures."

"That may be true" Kolya replied "But I care, because a lot of people I know died on Elysium that day and I'm not one to make a habit of taking my friends names in vain. So if you want to stay on this ship I suggest you listen to orders."

"Oh, good, guess what - I was there too." She countered, "Saw my friend's severed leg land a few meters away from me. It was a good time." She folded her arms, staring him down, "This isn't the Alliance - we're all here to work with you because we all want to make money - or kill things. Middle of battle? I'll listen to what you say, but I'll say and do what I damn well please outside of combat - especially if I survived the same hellhole the one telling me to stay silent about it did. The dead, if they do care what we do on this scummy galaxy full of scummy rocks, would want us to learn from their mistakes so we can join them in a less violent manner."

"Word to the wise, kid?" Ardan piped in. "Don't piss off the guy who's liable to shove your organs back in or the people who are supposed to help keep them there, or the guy who's writing your pay cheque. Spirits know that you're one of the ones they should have left back in humanity's cozy little solar system, and I was finding dinner somewhat tolerable until this point. Doesn't matter if we're mercenaries or if you're trying to show how tough and desensitized you are; you aren't impressing anyone, especially not a turian. Now play nice or I'm laying claim to your cut on the job and spending it on drinks for the rest of the team, because I'm a professional who cares about things like morale and unit cohesion." Ardan rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his food. "Yay." he muttered through a full mouth.

Kopris looked over at Ardan, his head straigtening, and nodded his appreciation as he stood to go get another bowl. While he doubted the turian was speaking out of any sense of camraderie or need to defend the Batarian, he appreciated the gesture nonetheless. If only for it's professionalism.

"We are going to drop this" Kolya said.

"Thank fucking god." Faro muttered to himself while finishing up his meal.

Bel glanced around the room with wide eyes. To say she hadn't expected that would be a lie. She just didn't expect an outburst so soon. This called for drastic measures. As good as she was at breaking things, she also knew a few things about putting them together.
"I can see y'all're a little tense right now. So... how about we switch gears?" She set her bowl down and stood, taking her banjo in hand as she did. "Anyone got a request?" she asked cheerfully, "I know plenty of songs if not."
Admittedly, she hoped none of the non-humans would request a song. Not that she didn't know a few Turian battle hymns and a handful of Asari lymrics, they just didn't sound as good on a banjo. Sort of like trying to play Beethoven's 5th on a child's recorder.

“Southern Nights!” the Quarian called to Bel.

"The Devil Went Down to Georgia next!"

”I haven’t heard that one yet, I’ll need to add it to the playlist,” Hann said, perhaps with the only shred of happiness the others had heard from her thus far. She eagerly tapped away at her Omni-Tool to add the sound to a playlist that she had built up of songs that she needed to listen to.

"Hammer Smashed Face." Vash suggested as he crossed his arms and relaxed in his seat.

"If you guys want something sad, then listen to Slow Dancing in the Dark. Sad as hell." Faro said quietly while the others were suggesting songs. "Just saying..."

Firuzeh stared at the floor, fuming. She'd fucked it all up and snapped at the room full of the last people in the galaxy she should have been doing it to - again - and she could feel her fists clenching and unclenching. "It's fine, it's fine. I'm sorry." She looked up, visibly agitated, taking a deep breath, "By way of making up for it - all of you leave me some notes on favorite foods. I can't hack a mainframe or patch a gaping chest wound - but I can cook, and if we're all throwing ourselves at bullets we may as well do it with some 'homemade' food in our stomachs." She gestured to Ardan, "And to make a long story very short, that includes you - I know... a couple Turian foods if you've a thing for spices from souhern Palaven. O
I'll let the people with tactical training figure this shit out."

Kopris gave a slight shrug as he quickly finished his second bowl. Childish outburst aside, she hadn't been wrong. They needed more than just 'hit her with something and pray it works'. But now wasn't the time to bring up more planning. He leaned back slightly on his box, unwrapping a piece of candy he had pulled from his pocket and popping it into his mouth.

"Hey, Khoroushi" Kolya offered taking a deep breath "It's fine, no need to beat yourself up over it. I just have what you might call unresolved tensions after what happened at Elysium. I just get prickly when its mentioned that's all. I know your not trying to start a mutiny or anything. It's just I've seen a lot of people use the Blitz to justify whatever viewpoint or opinion that they want. All the while forgetting the people that died so they can talk about it. And that's not something I particularly enjoy."

Shrugging he added "And, if you want one of these days I can show you my family's morkovcha recipe. That's of course if you ain't dangerously allergic to carrots. Though I suppose if you are Three-Eyes will tell me..."

Kopris brought two fingers over his scarred eye in a sardonic salute to Koyla, chewing another piece of candy.

Clearing his throat, Kolya stood up and address the room. Taking his spoon in one hand, he rapped it against his bowl using the metallic clanging to get all eyes back on him.

"Alright, you bunch of degenerates, we have a long day tomorrow and it starts early so all those that didn't cook, help clean and pack. After that, all of you should try and get some sleep in. We meet back here at 0600 hours."

Bel did litle to hide her disappointment or maybe just didn't try at all, it was hard to tell. Either way, she sighed and slung the instrument over her shoulder.
"Yessir, I'll get right on it. I promise I'll play as many songs as y'all want tomorrow pending we're around to sing."
Some might find her cheer despite talking about the very real possibility of everyone being less than 24 hours from death to be a tad unsettling, but most sane people don't become mercenaries.

"Well, tomorrow is going to be interesting." Faro whispered to himself before heading towards the exit of the war room. He turned towards the group and said with a soft smile, "See you guys tomorrow. If you guys need something fixed or just want to talk, I will be in the observation deck."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Xanadu
Avatar of Xanadu

Xanadu fragment

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

2179 CE, Tasale System
03:00, Illium, Near the Equator
Onboard The Achilles

Under the cover of darkness, the Achilles began to head towards Illium’s equator. Each change in latitude leading to a corresponding increase in temperature. All across the ship, you could hear the whine of its cooling system struggling to combat the heat. For those members of the crew that were not used to the heat, the experience was rather uncomfortable. And yet, the Achilles pushed onward with its descent as it chased after its bounty.

Salisa Sarsi was staying in one of the corporate arcologies that dominated Illium’s equator. In particular, she was currently serving as a hired consultant with a subsidiary of the Armali Council, specializing in experimental military technology. The company having decided that the expertise that the Matriarch brought to the table outweighed the several bounties that were currently hoisted over her head; it was the kind of cold business calculus that could only occur on a planet like Illium. The profits mattered more than anything else in the end.

At the same time such an arcology would serve as the perfect hideaway from the Matriarch. Each built with a “cradle to grave” design philosophy that made them self-sufficient citadels. They had everything from their own schools, farms, and even their own security forces. All the while, transport in and out was closely controlled. The colossal towers being an ideal mixture of comfort and security for Sarsi.

A warning flashed across the heads up display as the Achilles drew closer to the skyscraper. At the helm, Kolya directed the ship downward into a thick layer of steam and noxious gas. He switch off all non-essential systems to decrease the ship’s energy profile. With each switch, the running lights began were replaced with the red hazard lights built into the floor. The steam forcing Kolya to be reliant on watching the ship’s sensors to not bottom out. At last though, the ship shuddered as its landing gear made contact with solid ground.

Letting out a small sigh of relief, Kolya picked up his helmet from the dashboard snapping it into place. He did one last preliminary check of the cabin, before making his way to the lower level where the rest of the crew were told to assemble. As he walked down the ship's halls, he drew his shotgun from its magnetic holster. He flicked his eyes to his HUD checking for the ammo counter, signaling to him that the two pieces of equipment were communicating. After dinner, Kolya had spent a majority of the evening cleaning his armor and his weapons. The routine drilled into his head by the Alliance, to the point that some soldiers he knew treated it with superstitious intensity. One lieutenant in particular blaming entire failed encounters on improper cleaning techniques. Kolya thought thinking like that was worthless at best and dangerous at worst. Even so, he still performed the routine using it to organize his thoughts for the coming mission. Holstering the shotgun, he made his way down the small set of stairs that lead to the lower level of the ship.

Sully, and Hann had quickly made the small space into their own over the past few days of their residency. Kolya stayed back on the stairwell looking out over the space. At the far side of the room facing away from him, the crew clustered by the loading doors geared up and ready to go. Kolya took a deep breath forcing down any residual adrenaline from the descent. As he focused on his breathing, Kolya went through a last minute mental checklist. Weapons, gear, meds, he continued down the list checking each one off as he patted himself down. Nodding to himself, he stepped out of the stairwell and went to join up with the rest of his team.

Hopping atop a large storage crate Kolya began to address the team.

“Alright! It’s time for us to get to work.” Kolya stated clapping his hands together in excitement.

“For those of you that were asleep during the briefing this morning, I will provide a brief synopsis. We are heading up through one of waste treatment’s exit drains, the smell isn't exactly going to be great, but it will help us bypass some of the initial security. Once we are in, we work our way up through the skyscraper and make our way to the living quarters. Vash since you so kindly volunteered to take on the role of handling the injector this is for you.”

From his belt Kolya produced a large cylindrical object about seven inches in length. Kolya pressed a switch on the top of the cylinder revealing a syringe built into its bottom. The vanguard clicked the button again and the needle retracted. He reached down and handed the cylinder over to Vash to place where he saw fit.

“We adjusted the dosage to her available biometrics,” Kolya explained, “I could only afford one though, so we got a single shot at this. That’s why I’m making the call that we use it up close instead of trying to make it into some kind of projectile, there is less chance of mistakes that way.”

“After Vash does his thing and we retrieve the target. We make our way towards a landing pad and the Achilles will be able to home in on our position for Evac.” Kolya summarized the plan making the entire procedure sound easy in comparison.“We can expect resistance from the building’s security force, deal with them as you see fit, as far as I’m concerned they already made their bed when they choose to protect a war criminal. That being said, anyone that isn't trying to kill you is off limits. We are professionals here people, and I don’t want senseless blood on our hands. Now let’s move.”

Stepping down from the crate, Kolya punched a command into his Omni-tool causing the exterior doors to open. Leading the pack, Kolya was the first to exit the Achilles and step onto the surface. And almost immediately his HUD began to throw out heat warnings at him. They had an hour to to get back inside a climate controlled area before the heat seals on their suits busted. To keep a mind on the time, he pulled up a timer on his HUD that began to count down the time they had remaining.


Ahead of them built into a rising plateau was the place they were looking for. A significant amount of care had gone into the skyscraper design, despite the minimal number of people that would actually see it. This careful care produced a colossal structure that blended well with the environment, like a large rock formation made of metal. From their angle the structure disappeared beyond the clouds of steam, but there entry point was visible. Sixty above them built into the cliff face was a large circle intrusion of metal from which a constant stream of brown colored liquid poured out of.

The isolated and self-sufficient nature of the compound extended even to its waste treatment protocols. Instead of dumping the entirety of the wastewater, most is filtrated back into the system. This filtered water used from drinking to watering the gardens that grow the food. The waste at the end of this process is that which was too contaminated to be treated. And so they built an elaborate system to direct the waste away emptying through large drains built into the side of the plateau. If they followed the drainage system, back to its source, there would be a way into the arcology proper.


With no time to waste, the team began setting up the grappling hooks. Each of the hooks, fit into large canisters launched by Vash’s ML-77. Numbering three in total, they made quick work launching each of the canisters. The three hooks would end up embedded in a triangular formation above the entrance, two on either side and one above.

Turning to Ardan, Kolya placed a hand of the Turian’s shoulder. “I want you to be the last man, make sure they all get up soldier.”

It was a sign of trust, Kolya couldn’t be everywhere at once so he needed to be able to break up the load a little bit. Picking Ardan was a simple enough decision. He was a military man like Kolya and from what little interactions they had with one another at this point, the two of them seemed to think very much on the same level. And that level of predictably was something that as a commander, Kolya knew was essential to lean on when things got rough.

After his quick words with Ardan, Kolya attached himself to the middle rope and lead the first group to ascend up towards the entrance. Already sweating from the heat, the moisture only increased as he began to pull himself up the wall. Drops of wastewater from the small waterfall fell and collected on his helmet as they made slow but steady progress up the cliff face. Throwing an experimental gaze over his shoulder, the Achilles and the rest of the crew seemed like tiny miniatures atop of a game table. Kolya didn’t have a problem with heights necessarily, the Alliance kind of knocks any such fear out of you after you do your first training for a HALO jump, but even then he could feel his stomach lurch a little bit. Turning his attention back upward, he picked up speed for the last half of the journey.


Kolya pulled himself atop the ledge at the end of the drain. The space he had to maneuver in was cramped especially with the rest of his team starting to pull themselves up. The ground slick with waste forcing careful foot placement as he approached the large iron grate that blocked their way forward. There was a gate built into the grate that was intended to be used by maintenance crews in case of a blockage to be able to push it past. From that point onward, it would be a simple matter of cutting the lock on the gate and letting themselves in, but as he approached the gate to examine it, Kolya immediately noticed that something was wrong. The gate which was meant to be shut closed was ajar and just beyond it was a body face down in the stream of waste.

“We got something here.” Kolya warned as he drew his Kessler.

A closer inspection of the gate revealed that the lock had been cut. The cut metal was still warm to the touch. Gripping his Kessler tighter, Kolya experimentally pushed on the gate which opened without protest. He raised a closed fist in the air with his free hand, signaling the rest of his team that was slowly assembling on the ledge to hold their positions as he pushed deeper in the tunnel. His eyes swept across the tunnel not knowing what to expect. He let out a breath that he didn’t even realize he was holding when he made it to the body.


Kneeling down, he looked at the corpse. They were dressed in a dark blue hazard suit, a single entry wound in the back of the skull a premonition of the violence that must have occurred. Looking around, Kolya noted that there were no bullet holes or blood on the tunnel walls, so he could only assume that whoever, the victim was they were killed further in the tunnel and their body was dropped into the runoff to be carried away, only for them to get stuck. Reaching a hand out, he flipped the corpse over to take a better look.

The first thing that Kolya noticed was the exit wound. The bullet having pierced through the skull and out through the helmet shattering the visor. The face or what was left of it at least, was human, maybe mid-to-late thirties, skin that he could only assume was tan underneath the coating of blood. From his experience with these kinds of things, Kolya assumed that whatever weapon had done the damage was racked to a high-caliber bullet and probably was using shredder rounds at that, a Carnifex maybe if he had to guess. On the front above the right breast, was the etched logo of the Armali Council, probably a maintenance worker that was doing routine work in the tunnels.

All of it was giving Kolya bad vibes. Kolya knew what a random killing looked like or what a pirate or some thug would do. This was professional work there was no joy or malice in it, it was someone dealing with an obstacle because they were in the way. And by all likelihood whoever or whatever it was, was still in the tunnel ahead of them. It wasn’t the type of position, that Kolya liked leading a team into. In such a scenario, Kolya would of liked to take his team, send in recon teams to see if they were still there and if they were flush them out. But the ticking timer in the corner of his HUD reminded him that he just didn’t have that luxury right now. The team had to move, and they had to move quickly. All he could hope for was to try and minimize the amount of sound that they made as they pushed in and hope that they weren’t walking straight into an ambush.

“The lock on the gate was already cut, and I’ve found a body, likely part of a maintenance crew.” Kolya whispered over the comms. “We aren’t alone down here, so I want everyone to bunch up, check your corners and stay quiet.”

And with that he began to make his way deeper into the tunnel keeping the Kessler trained on the shadows ahead of him.

It’s never easy is it?

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jarl Coolgruuf
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Jarl Coolgruuf The Mellower

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Guess I won't need my keys," Bel whispered as she dropped her plasma cutter back into her pack.
She gripped her pistol tighter but steeled herself as she stepped over the corpse. Wasn't the first time she'd seen a body and certainly wouldn't be the last. Even still, the prospect of walking into an ambush pricked the back of her consciousness no matter how hard she tried to push it out. They could be just behind one lone assassin or a dozen other mercenaries with no way to tell distance or how many. There was the temptation to ready her biotics ahead of time but thought better than trying to sneak up on someone in a dark tunnel while glowing bright purple. One small silver lining she often focused on was how much she'd rather be slinking through a sewer with death nipping at her heels as she and her fellow mercenaries raced against the clock than working a factory job.

All things considered, she felt rather prepared for this sort of mission. Armali Council types were loaded with credits and usually bought high end security. High end security almost always meant a high number of guards with shields or armor, both of which she could handle. She felt confident in her ability to deal with most any sort of standard security they might come across, and who knows? Maybe they could even manage to extract the matriarch somewhat quietly by way of demolition charges and plasma cutter. Okay, maybe not quietly per say but without a great deal of casualties. The idea of a dramatic breach and clear made Bel smile as she scanned the darkness, quietly tip toeing along the drain.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dervish
Avatar of Dervish

Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 4 days ago


Ardan quickly made his way to the armoury where he had spent much of the previous night after the disastrous forced mealtime doing equipment inventory and checks. Aside from his own gear, Ardan had the requested weapons and equipment lined up for those who chose to store their gear in the armoury, each having been quickly inspected and moving parts lubricated while checking to make sure the eezo charges were optimal and the heat sinks kicked on to cool the weapon down between shots. It didn’t matter overly much if you still had a barely sheered munitions block if the weapon didn’t have enough power to actually operate. The tiny sand-grain sized projectiles that were fired from a firearm at a fraction of the speed of life relied entirely on velocity to do the damage they inflicted, and it was the reason that mass effect principle firearms development had ended up with an arsenal of guns that could shoot literally thousands of rounds between reloading.

It lead to its own form of technical complications that gunpowder age civilizations didn’t have to deal with; if your power core wasn’t calibrated properly or the parts that helped channel the energy to sheer the metal blocks to produce shots were misaligned or damaged lead to jams or projectiles that didn’t get up to speed to inflict the damage they needed to; you could still kill something soft without armour, shielding, or barriers, but the last thing anyone wanted staring down a charging krogan was their gun only firing at thousands of meters per second and the krogan being reminded of one of the hellish sandstorms back on Tuchanka. It would be nostalgic up to and including the part where he broke your spine. Ardan, sensibly, took pains to ensure that never happened.

It didn’t take long to gear up; he’d already been in his armour when they arrived in Illium’s system and it was simply a matter of putting on his helmet and checking the visor and its link to his weapons. While the ship didn’t have a firing range, it did have a relatively safe plate of 10 centimeters of titanium you could aim your weapon at in case your weapon had a negligent discharge and one didn’t want a shot going through several meters of important life support equipment. The Predator and Falcon both had their crosshairs show up in his HUD, as well as their heat gauges and fire mode displays, and the M-100 showed its ammunition gauge and the ballistic arc for that weapon. Final checks for life support, air filtration, shielding, and so on were conducted and the turian carried on, giving Mr. Wheezy the stuffed Volus a pat on the head on the way out the door.

Soon enough, he was standing side by side with the rest of the crew as Kolya stood on a crate, prompting Ardan to smirk behind his polarized visor as the commander reminded him of a great number of turian war vids where the fearless leader rallies and inspires what’s left of their regiment before they charge into what’s almost certainly certain death. He’d heard asari and salarians bemoan how stupid and depressing it all was, with a good chunk of those vids ending with a small handful, if any, of survivors out of dozens but they simply didn’t understand how a turian thinks; what’s the sacrifice of a regiment compared to an entire city, an entire planet? There was no such thing as “acceptable losses”; you simply kept going until you completed your objective or you died trying.

Of course, those vids often came up with some flimsy narrative of why the enemy position wasn’t blasted to bits with hours’ worth of fighter strikes or artillery or orbital bombardment until the enemy didn’t have a position left to defend, but the stories were about individual courage and sacrifice against impossible odds and overcoming them. Looking around the room for a moment, he mused it might be worthwhile trimming the fat. Brushing the macabre thought away with a shake of the head, he honed in on the briefing. With the plan outlined and the mission parameters established without much in the way of complicated specifics, Ardan was pleased. Clear and concise orders were what you needed to lead a mission; he’d seen far too many commanders try to micromanage soldiers down to their rate of fire and how to clear out a damned room that it led to the actually important shit being forgotten or misunderstood.

Kolya wasn’t disappointing so far. As far as humans went, he certainly wasn’t bad and had an air of humility to him that was at odds with the rest of his species’ sense of suffocating arrogance and entitlement. It did him credit.

Moving out and beginning the rappel, Ardan took up position behind the group, his weapon trained the way they came to protect the ascent. Kolya approached, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“I want you to be the last man, make sure they all get up, soldier.” Kolya ordered.

“Copy that.” Ardan affirmed, checking the IFF tags of the other squad members and checked over their ascension gear for the climb; they’d be doing it by hand, but it would keep them from falling if their grips slipped, which wasn’t unheard of with modern shielded armour; generally the shields were weak around the palms and soles of the feet so someone could grab onto weapons and walk without skating around, but enough remained it could remain a concern. Kolya and the first batch went up first, then the next, and the next. Finally, as that last man, Ardan did one last scan for detection or threats, and then hooked himself up to begin the long and arduous climb.

By the time he reached the top, the rest of the team was already through the gates and examining one of the bodies. From the looks of things, a maintenance worker. The poor bastard was a human who probably escaped out into the galaxy for job opportunities away from a crowded homeworld and to experience alien culture first hand like some kind of tourist and he discovered that the Terminus Systems were a dangerous, thankless place no matter how pristine and advanced somewhere like Illium looked. He learned the hard way what lawless space meant.

The next bit of instruction from Kolya was something Ardan didn’t agree with on principle, and normally he’d let orders slide, but he felt it important to speak up. “Not too bunched up. You don’t want to give one lucky bastard a chance to kill three or four of you with one grenade or burst from his rifle. I’ll be at the rear.” He said, M3 in hand, taking up position at the end of the column walking backwards. He grabbed onto the belt of the person behind him to guide him with one hand and kept his sidearm facing rearward, ensuring no one flanked the team.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 8 days ago

The day of the job, Hann had awoken early in the day so that she may get ready in a bit of relative peace and quiet. Her helmet had already begun to play her morning music which stirred her into a fierce action of maintaining her sniper rifle and pistol, making sure that they were properly ready for whatever was thrown at her. It was easier when nobody was bothering her, leaving her enough time to sit in her heavily sanitized area and actually brush her short, choppy hair. For a moment, she could actually breathe in unfiltered air, though she knew it was for the best to not have an extended exposure to the outside environment, despite her meticulous cleaning. Hann, with some hesitation, put the visor back on her helmet, allowing her VI to take care of the air quality and so on.

The song went on repeat as she danced towards the place they had called their dining room the other night, moving in tune with the music and humming, rather loudly as she went about. When she passed their makeshift table, Hann drummed her fingers along the surface, throwing her cares about what the others had been doing out the metaphorical window as she began to joyously sing along. However, the table was not where Hann was going, in fact she was in her way to the lounge in order to get started on work. Eventually, she resorted to just skipping and singing rather than actually dancing.

In her absent minded stupor, she entered the lounge, singing and happily bouncing along before jumping over the back of the couch. Then, Hann remembered that could belonged to a sleeping Krogan and in a panic, as her bottom made contact with the krogan’s body, shifted her weight too much forward. The Quarian nearly slammed visor first into the ground, it managed to twist around and land on her back instead.

“Oooooow,” Hann groaned, unmoving from her position on the floor and the music from her helmet still blaring.

Vash had been peacefully snoring in his drunken slumber, hands tucked behind his head as he slept in total relaxation. As the quarian slammed into his armored frame he was startled awake, falling off of his comfortable couch and onto the hard floor. The heavy krogan exclaimed in shock as the lounge floor shook from his collapse, spare ammunition falling onto the floor near him. He groaned then rolled backwards to reach for his shotgun, fearing that he had just been jumped. His stance relaxed as he realized it was one of his new squadmates who had collided with him accidently.

“What the hell? I thought the ship was being invaded.” Vash stated, the alcohol strong in his voice as his words slurred. Letting go off his shotgun as he rubbed his head gently, then moved towards the quarian to lift her off the floor and help her to her feet.

“I forgot you slept on the couch,” Hann sighed in embarrassment as Vash lifted her up, her feet catching the ground though they felt like giving out due the the embarrassment. She rubbed the back of her head before walking over to an available chair and sitting. From what the Krogan could see, she seemed to be avoiding making eye contact with Vash before opening her Omni-Tool and typing on it. Once more did Hann let out a sigh as her gaze finally went back to look upon Vash.

“You are in luck, you know,” she stated, the tone of her voice shifting to how it was the night before with a professional, business oriented side coming over her. “It isn’t confirmed, but I have heard rumors that our target had a Krogan husband,” she continued, emotion draining from her voice as she went back to looking at her Omni-tool.

“I don’t blame her one bit, us krogan are the most dashing species in the galaxy. We excel in more than just combat mastery” Vash stated jokingly with a smirk as he moved over behind the bar to fetch a flask of krogan liquor and a whiskey glass. Pouring himself a drink of his own then reaching for another empty glass.

“Care for a drink?” Vash asked as he tried to remember her name. The alcohol flowing through his systems making that much harder than it would normally be. “Henn?”

“Hann,” she corrected, clearly annoyed at the slight before she leaned forward in her seat, visor seemingly transfixed on her Omni-Tool. “And I do not drink before a job, liquor will make my aim off and I cannot have that,” she said in an equally annoyed fashion as her fingers danced around the Omni-Tool as Hann seemed transfixed as to whatever she was searching for. After a few more moments of this, the orange glow of her device faded away as Hann turned her attention back to Vash. She leaned back into her chair, crossing her legs as she watched the alcoholic Krogan.

“Perhaps you could use this information to get closer to Salisa, assuming we don’t shoot everything on sight the moment we set foot over there,” Hann suggested, her professional tone returning to her, “It would be a better chance to use that syringe. Otherwise I might have to start threatening her daughters if she doesn’t come quietly.”

“Hey, sorry, I was close. Names are hard when you’re as old as I am,” Vash replied with a nod as she turned down his offer. Then he knelt down and opened a cabinet underneath the bar. Rummaging his hands through until he found what he was looking for.

“Aha! What about this?” The krogan asked as he bounced back to his feet, clenching a bottle of Quarian made whiskey. The lettering on it strange and alien to him, but not her. “Knew we had this somewhere onboard, who knows how old it is.”

“Going into a mission all strung up in my experience is not good either. Better to be relaxed even in the chaos of battle. But your choice,” Vash said calmly as he set down the quarian whiskey on top of the bar, then took a sip of his own poured drink. “I’ll try to seduce her, lay the old krogan charm on her. Maybe quote some of my people’s poetry. If that fails then I’ll just blow up all of her troops and tackle her.”

He added with a shrug and a laugh. Wondering what the professional acting quarian was looking up on her omni-tool.

“The latter sounds more like your kind’s specialty. I am very familiar with that kind of work from the Krogan,” Hann stated as her head cocked to the side a bit. “I have done a lot of research on our target, digging up some good stuff, like how this Salisa is military trained and very good at her damn job at that,” she explained with a bit of annoyance towards Vash before her visor seemed to momentarily look at the Quarian alcohol. She shifted in her seat a bit, clearly holding herself back from going for the bottle.

“I would recommend not to underestimate Salisa. It may cost you your life if you do,” Hann informed he Krogan before looking back down at her Omni-tool then back to Vash, “I would get cleaned up if I were you. The smell of alcohol might give us away.”

“I think that's the way I’ll go. I don’t know any krogan poetry, I don’t think there is any. That’s like trying to find a Vorcha scientist,” Vash replied with another smile as he walked around the bar to sit in a chair across from the quarian. His drink in one hand and the quarian whiskey in another. He took a long sip, then continued speaking, nodding his head slightly. “She’s not that tough. No one is invincible, not even an asari matriarch. Shoot her enough and she’ll go down like the rest of them, though we’re taking her in alive which is trickier.”

“She’s not a varren, she can’t smell us from a mile away. I’ll take a quick shower and be fine, this isn’t even me fully drunk. Now that’s a sight to behold.” Vash added with a laugh. He was already set for the mission, he didn’t ever really do much planning or bring too much equipment. The krogan set down his drink on a low table in the center between them then rose once more to his feet.

“Here, this is yours, Hann. Have a drink of it with me if we survive taking down this crazy asari bitch.” The veteran mercenary said with another laugh as he passed the bottle to his shipmate, then sat back down in his comfortable seat.

Hann held the bottle for a moment, merely gazing at it with what could be assumed to be a lust for the Quarian-safe liquor. She sat in silence as she admired it before looking at Vash and letting out a laugh, setting the bottle back down. “That would be nice, if has been a good while since I’ve had a drink with a Krogan,” Hann said with a more relaxed tone cusping the edge of her professionalism. She got to her feet as she typed a bit more on the Omni-Tool.

“I should probably come up with a few ideas of how to use the information I found,” she said, walking away from the lounge, stopping just as she was about to turn the corner. “See you after the briefing,” she said before walking off into the depths of the ship.

“Take it easy.” Vash said calmly, waving his hand as she left his lounge with the bottle in hand. It was of better use to her than him.

He had stocked up plenty of other kinds of liquor in his lounge, drinks that wouldn't wreck his insides like Quarian whiskey would. He was a nice girl, someone that actually decided to pay him some company, albeit accidently. A part of him was happy to see her reaction to receiving the gift, he couldn’t stand it when people he was fighting alongside got into that ‘trance’ where they only thought of the mission. Every waking thought seemingly focused on it. Perhaps it was just the experienced mercenary in him speaking, as Vash had his own sense of relaxed readiness for the mission. He quickly downed his own glass of alcohol, gulping down the smooth, aged whiskey. Then the krogan popped out of his seat with an excited handclap, moved to his equipment and began suiting up to take down a matriarch.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Fuck yes.” Was all that Vash muttered as he was carefully handed the syringe. His fingers gripped it gently, with a joyous, excited shake to them as he quickly clipped it to the belt of his armor. If his face were not covered by his helmet then the others would’ve seen the wide smirk on his reptilian features. He was already planning where the inject the biometric into the powerful asari, Kolya was damn right that he was more reliable than some sniper. Krogans didn’t miss at point blank range.

He let out a whistle of surprise as his eyes took note of the tall structure they were approaching. The destruction prone krogan briefly fantasized about bringing down the entire thing with some well placed explosives, then quickly brought himself back to reality with the not so appetizing thought of the entire Asari military coming after his ass. Though it was a beautiful sight to imagine. He pulled his missile launcher off of his back, then fired off each of the grapple canisters. He ensured each one was sufficiently latched, with a light tug of each line as they impacted. The last thing he needed was for his teammates to plummet to their death before they even fired a single shot. Heights never minded him, so long as he didn’t look down.

Still, the climb was long and arduous, not his idea of fun. Not an ideal ask for someone of his stature and armament. Every step upwards he took slowly and precisely, dirty water collecting on the visor of his helmet as sweat dripped on his face inside of it. He was one of the last ones to ascend fully up, breathing heavily as he pulled all of his large mass on top of the ledge. There weren’t many buildings like this to climb back on Tuchanka, they’d all been blown to smithereens. Vash went down on one knee, composing his breathing as he yanked his trusty M - 76 off his back. Running his gloved hands across it as he rubbed off any of the water which had collected on its beautiful crimson metalwork.

Hann’s body came over the ledge shortly after Vask, cursing at the heat that could be felt seeping into her suit in a most unnatural fashion. It was a level of uncomfortable that she was not quite used but it was not worth complaining too much about, despite her desire to. At least she could do something to get her mind off the damned heat. A faint display of a rather large list came into her helmet before there was a faint whisper, “Turian March.” Music began to softly play within her helmet as an old Turian war song began to take the place of proper background noise.

“Let me to the front,” Vash muttered with eagerness, holding his heavy assault rifle with one hand as he moved with his squad. “We very well might be walking right into an ambush, they probably had eyes on us as soon as we made our climb. In any case, any and everyone here will know that we are here as soon as the shooting starts.”

His eyes briefly shifted to the recently dead human, just executed and thrown into the sewers. Such was all too common a fate among drifters that ended up in the wrong crowd, out of their element out here in the Terminus Systems. This nobody was lucky in some regards from what Vash could tell. He’d seen enough brutally mutilated, dismembered corpses in his lifetime. They frequently were missing limbs and important body parts. That was part of the reason he enjoyed working in such a notorious part of the galaxy, pretty much every single soul that he’d fought was dirty or fucked up in some way. ‘Good guys’ were far and few in between. Vash could say the same for himself.

“Let me up front as well, I can get us through security silently,” Hann said, moving closely behind Vash as she avoided looking at the dead human. She held her M-3 Predator close, keeping her sniper hidden away since the sewers were too close quarters for her to effectively use. It seemed that she followed behind Vash, using him more as cover than anything else even if she was otherwise actively looking for threats that her helmet would pick up. Other than the numerous contaminants that was listed off to the side of her visor that gave her a very mild worry on what would happen if Hann ever got a suit breach in these sewers.

“We couldn’t have gone in a more… sanitary entrance?” Hann complained into the comms, though her voice held more annoyance than worry.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 28 days ago


And so the Achilles touched down. Sully sat in his bunk, musing over the events that had transpired during dinner the previous night, a datapad in his hands as he went over the matriarch's ship's engine statistics one more time. The plan he had was simple: while the more combat-oriented members of the team dealt with the matriarch, Sully wanted to find her ship and disable it so that, in the event they overpowered the combatants, she couldn't escape easily. To that end, he was wearing his tool harness on top of his combat armour, with all the right tools he needed to surgically disassemble the matriarch's ship. Of course, he couldn't actually disassemble the entire ship before the group took her down, but all he needed was a few minutes with the engine's core components and the ship's flight capabilities were as good as dead. And that was also dependent on the big if that the crew was strong enough to buy him enough time to sabotage her ship. And that was also dependent on a million other factors that hurt his head to consider.

All too soon, Kolya was calling for a briefing in the loading bay. Sully transferred the matriarch's ship schematics to his omni-tool, shut off his datapad and prepared to leave. Everything was in place, tools clipped securely enough to not make noise if he had to do a spot of sneaking, but then again, was an eight foot four krogan really that stealthy? As Sully grabbed his submachine gun and secured it to his back, thoughts ran through his mind like freight ships. What if he wasn't up to the task? What if even the combined might of two giant krogan wasn't enough to bring this asari down? What if the knock-out drugs didn't work? The krogan shook his head to clear his mind and reached for his pistol, clipping it to his belt. He was a part of a team. And a team had many people who specialised in different things. Plus their leader was ex-Alliance military, a leader. If anyone knew how to put together a crew, it would be a former soldier. He just had to believe. Like how he'd put his faith in Cole and his crew.

Sully's mind went to his old friend as he put on his helmet and made sure the seals were tight. He wondered where that man was, what he was doing, and if he'd ever see him again. It did little to set him at ease, even as he picked up Kezzik's inert form and clipped the drone's chassis to his back. The krogan made his way to the loading bay and soon the briefing was underway, Kolya standing atop a crate of replacement parts for the ship's landing struts to address the team. Violence was off-limits only for those who didn't pose an active threat, that was something he understood, being used to standing on the sidelines and only needing to look fierce. But a professional he was, and as the ship's doors opened, Sully took in a deep breath and ventured forth into the unknown.

The heat of the environment didn't bother him as it did some of the others, but the humidity did. Tuchanka was hot and arid, not hot and muggy like this place was. Sully was somewhere in the middle of the team, moving forward with one of the three grappling hooks and canisters on his back. The devices were something he was familiar with, and as the team reached the wall that they were to ascend, Sully made sure to check over each launcher to make sure it was functional before they went upwards. He went last, of course. Didn't want to bowl over the others if his grip didn't hold. With the turian, Ardan, behind him, Sully tightened his hands around the rope, attached his harness to it and began the slow, perilous ascent.

What felt like an eternity later, his hands gripped solid ground and he pulled himself up as he watched the rest of the team moved forward, guns up. Just a few minutes before, he'd heard Kolya's warning through the team comm link and his Locust was in his hands the moment his feet were flat on the floor. Sully followed the lead of the others, keeping low and taking it slow as the team advanced forward into the massive sewage pipes of the facility. He could feel Ardan's hand on his belt as they moved forward, up until they came across Kolya examining a dead body. The krogan kept back as Vash and Hann moved forward to take point. Without wanting to alarm Ardan, Sully turned around slowly to dislodge the turian's hand from his belt. His Locust was gripped tight in his hands as he dropped to a knee like he remembered and swiveled around to watch the rear, since he was near the back of the group. As he did so, an idea popped into his head and he keyed his mic.

"Hey, Kolya. Does the dead guy have an omni-tool? I could try to hack into it, see if I can pull schematics of the facility or anything else useful."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As the ship touched down Kopris was checking over his weapons and gear a final time, making sure to remove his chemical and incendiary rounds. He had declined Ardan's offer to store his weapon in the armory. It wasn't that he didn't trust the Turian, Ardan was an asshole but at least a professional asshole. The Turian wouldn't let pettiness get in the way of doing his job, unlike some of the other crew members. Old habits died hard, however, and the SIU had stressed the importance of self-sufficiency especially on operations that would see him with limited to no support.

Speaking of limited, Kopris looked around at the medbay with a scowl. He had finished his check over of their general medical supplies last night. Or rather, the lack thereof. The cabinets and drawers were either empty or had the bare minimum for medical supplies. He'd searched through them all to no avail. The tiny excuse for a medbay barely had anything and the search had only made the Batarian ever more glad he had brought his own general supplies. He'd be able to string them along till he could buy the actual supplies on Illium. That was assuming that the Matriarch didn't turn anyone to paste while they were trying to bring her in.

"Pathetic. Typical Ex-Alliance. More focused on the shooting than the aftermath." He muttered, standing up and activating his Enforcer gauntlets. The small area was illuminated in a bright orange glow as his fists were covered in an armored gauntlet covered in blades. Giving them a few practice punches, he nodded in satisfaction and deactivated them. He paused a brief moment, luxuriating in the increased heat and humidity. Kar'shan had been a hot planet, and it had been far too long since he'd been this warm. There was no time to waste, however. Kopris lit a cigar and headed down to the loading doors with the rest of the crew waiting for the Captain and listening to his synopsis when he arrived. It wasn't something he entirely agreed with.

Koyla seemed competent, but Kopris had to question the wisdom of a man who decided that the best first mission for a crew that had never worked together and had so much friction between its members was to take down an Asari Matriarch who had been fighting longer than any of them had been alive. He had to question that wisdom even more when the same man decided to give a delicate object like a syringe to a Krogan and entrusted that Krogan with the relatively delicate task of injecting the contents of said syringe into their target. Kopris gave a light shrug and put out his cigar as Koyla hopped off of his crate. It wasn't his job to plan the proper missions for the crew or worry about how well they'd work together. It was his job to put people back together when things went wrong. Kopris popped a piece of candy into his mouth, putting on his helmet and feeling his entire suit seal, and glanced over at Firu. Not that everyone seemed to want to be put back together.

He merely grimaced at the long climb into the sewers. It wasn't the first time he had climbed into a supposedly secure area through its waste removal system, but he had hoped never to do it again. The climb itself wasn't terrible. Plenty of handholds, secure lines. He went second to last, moving methodically and keeping an eye on the people above him. While Koyla may not trust him with anything, his biotic lash was far more likely to catch anyone who fell than Ardan was. They might have a dislocated limb at the end of it, but that was better than breaking on the ground below.

He barely spared the maintenance worker a glance, pulling out his Punisher. Of course there was someone else going for Sarsi. The Matriarch had a lot of credits on her head, and if they could get the information of where she was, so could anyone else. He snorted softly at Hann's complaint, taking Ardan's advice and allowing her to create some space before following her. "Would you prefer we knock on the front door? 'Hello, we're here to take the war criminal you're hiding illegally. Could you please hand her over?'"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Marius Faro was already awake and eating a morning breastfast of the ready-to-eat chicken burrito bowl. The reason for waking up early in the morning was because of today's mission. With time on his hand, Faro checked on his prosthetic leg to make sure everything was working correctly. It kept him busy for nearly a half hour until he saw that it was time to leave. The prosthetic leg was reinstated and he headed towards the armory for his gear and weapons. Once he was there, Faro examined his shotgun and pistol for the mission. Afterward, his armor was checked for any issues and put it on him. Suddenly, he heard Kolya jumping on top of the nearby storage crate and clapped his hands together. Faro listened to Kolya talk about today's bounty while checking on his armor again.

As he made sure that everything was tight and working correctly, Faro listened to the speech. It sounded similar to the ones he heard in his time as a soldier. When the conversation ended, Kolya opened the exterior doors and revealed Illium to the crew. Faro found the planet to be beautiful and brighter than Omega ever was and he relished it by breathing in the clear air. Sarsi's compound equally elegant, matching with its surrounding environment perfectly. He didn't know what was inside, but it was going to be bigger than his apartment. The timer on the HUD reminded him of the limited time before the heat seals break. He took one final look at the backdrop and headed towards the group.

When it was time to ascend the cliff, Faro joined the second group of climbers. It was a quick climb to the entrance of the sewer, but its lock was cut open. It was clear that someone else had the same idea. Further down the tunnel, a dead person was discovered by the captain. It was an execution-style killing and it outraged Faro. He didn't like the stealth aspect of combat since there wasn't any struggle or fight. Just a surprise attack with the goal of being silent. Then, he saw that the guy's eyes were still open. His killers didn't even bother closing them. Disrespectful bastards. Faro thought as he approached the body and kneeled down.

After a moment of examining the body, Faro closed the guy's eyes and muttered a simple blessing. He didn't say it for religious purposes. It was out of respect that he said something parting words. Suddenly, the krogan engineer came up with the idea of searching the guy's omni-tool. It was worth a shot to check him out. Faro examined the dude's arms and found one. It was an outdated Elkoss Combine model, but it still worked. He turned towards the krogan and pressed the right side of his helmet's.

"Yeah, he had an omni-tool; but, it's outdated as hell. And when you do manage to hack into it, just tell us the important bits. I am not in the mood to know that he had a family or a pet dog." Faro answered with some sadness in his voice. After he was done talking, he quietly walked towards his team and heard the batarian doctor asking about their next move. The human made his way towards him and whispered, "Only if it was that easy."

His mind started wondering about the possibility that Sarsi was either dead or already captured. Of course, it made Faro worry and anxious about this mission being a failure. And the fact that he might not get paid. He looked around and with asked worriedly, "What if our target's dead or captured? What do we do then?"

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Firuzeh looked at the group, weighing her options for a moment. She knew they all viewed her as an immature fool likely to die as soon as the bullets flew - or at least, that was her own impression. She looked ahead into the tunnel, closing one eye as her vision shifted into infrared. There was little she could make out in the tunnel immediately to their front, indistinct temperatures and shapes, but nothing that signified a life form lurking in wait.

“I’ll take point.” She piped up after a moment’s silence, tapping her temple, “Cybernetic lets me see in infrared, if there’s anything hiding in the darkness I’ll pick out their body heat before it’d ever be possible to see them with the naked eye.”

“I’ll head up front too,” piped up the crew’s most amiable (and charming, and handsome, and for sure the most humble!) component, easy-going grin already firmly painted across his face. He had been looking at the body expressionlessly, watching the poor fucker marinate in the darkness and sewage they were now intent on navigating, but the thought of leading the charge through such enticing dangers had breathed life back into his upbeat demeanor.

“I ain’t no fucking good to anyone stuck back here. Might be that I’d be more good up there. And if anything jumps out or bumps into us, seems I’m the most expendable too. Fuck yeah.”

Firuzeh looked back at the man volunteering himself for point alongside her, and grinned. "You saying you feel like playing booby trap detection? That's the vibe I'm getting. More power to you, but I'll let this do the finding for me." With a mechanical finger she tapped the ring of her eye socket. "Nevertheless, good to be on the front with you. I'll try to save some for you if we run into anyone."

Jackson sidled up from his original haunt, near the back of the unit, to stand near Firuzeh; the cowboy seemed unperturbed by his surroundings or by the tiptoeing and wriggling he had to do to skirt around the body. The Turian had the right of it, as far as movement was concerned; they were a large crew, and it’d be a real son of a bitch for a third of the crew to be shaved right off the top, even if it meant more room for the survivors to stretch their legs back on the ship. The hardass turian and the batarian were a good fit for holding up the rear, and he had no concerns about their ability to do so. But he felt like a weak link back there, and if it came to combat in these cramped spaces, nobody was going to be doing much fighting at the ranges they would need to fire at. If it came to hand and hand, Jace alone would be able to kill four times his number, and the techno-sadist beside him seemed to value her own capabilities in a fight.

He gave the Persian woman a look for the first time since dinner the previous evening. He’d seen a few like her during his years in the galaxy’s seedier combat circuits - men and women who had been so thoroughly damaged putting their bodies on the line for petty cash that they spent on third-class hatchet jobs and prosthetics. Occasionally, the idea proved successful, if sacrilegious to the body; in theory any cyborg was a pain in the ass to defend against, and the slap of a titanium arm or leg against flesh would render an average human’s leg insensate with pain. In Jackson’s experience, the jobs were shoddily done, and the visible buildup of scar tissue and poor grafting work done where sinew met steel were as obvious as tattooed bullseyes.

The work done on this broad was similar to those back-alley surgeries at first glance. To him, it looked as though whoever had done Firuzeh’s work had a decidedly more utilitarian purpose in mind when welding her cybernetics on. The same tell-tale signs of grafting had been visible the night before, in more casual attire, but there was nothing so shoddy as the body modification that Jackson had seen done to poor, desperate fighters in his time. Firuzeh seemed far more capable of wreaking havoc with that arm, too. The limb seemed to be the extent of the work done on her, but there may just as easily have been shit done to her on the inside that had required a more subtle touch than the arm. After all, she’d said she had infrared, right? Not his problem.

He was happy he wouldn’t be on the receiving end of her - at least for a while. At least he’d gotten a look at her that hadn’t prioritized what her ass looked like.

Jace stuck a hand up in a wave and winked at her, carefree and seemingly ignorant of his surroundings, in response. A callow gesture on its surface? Sure. But notably, he had taken care to steer away from the krogan who was pillaging the poor dead fucker’s omni-tool for information, and he was careful not to talk over the crew members discussing the state of the corpse or the meaning behind it.

Firuzeh nodded, returning the gesture with her free hand. She did not care to examine the body in detail like the rest of the team did - everything relevant to her had been plainly evident after a scant thirty seconds of investigation. Her focus now was on whoever had inflicted the killing, as as the party pulled what information they could from the body, she periodically scanned the darkness of the looming tunnel, though she did not expect to see anything. Whoever it was, whatever it was, it would have long ago moved on from the scene of the crime.

She looked the man over, noting his build and stature. Clearly, he was accustomed to fighting, and from the look she could feel him giving her, he too was sizing up her own competency should things get hairy. “How do you want to handle this?” She murmured, gesturing to the tunnel ahead, “I reckon I take the lead and let you lot know if I see anything. Don’t want to give away our presence with a bunch of flashlight beams.”

“And I’ll shoot over your shoulder,” Jackson agreed genially, his grin leaving her and falling onto the body and those gathered around it. By now their crew had dissolved into squabbles over what would be done if the third party that had left this poor bastard had already reached their target - or worse, taken her off the chessboard entirely. Jace inhaled through his teeth and let out the breath imperceptibly, grin fading into a pair of pursed lips.

"Only if it was that easy. What if our target's dead or captured? What do we do then?" one of the scruffier humans in the party asked. Fucked if Jackson could remember his name right now.

Ho-ly hell, this is gonna head sideways.

“Well, way we’re goin’ so far I think any first-rate crew could beat us to the punch,” the cage fighter jested. “If somethin’ more polished has already gotten to her and cleaned her clock, might be that we don’t need to be fuckin’ with ‘em.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Xanadu
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Xanadu fragment

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Looks like it,” Koyla answered Sully as he knelt down and stripped the corpse of its omni-tool and tossed it his way. “tell us if you find anything interesting.”


I would kill for some tunnel schematics right now.

The ticking timer in the corner of his HUD reminding Koyla how much limited time that they actually had. If he had more credits to spare he might of been able to acquire the plans from some information broker. In his current financial status such ideas had to be chalked up to well-intended pipe dreams. It seemed no matter where he turned that his financial burdened seem to impose itself upon him. The only thing that kept him going forward was the small reassurance that things would be easier once they finished the job.

It was the credits in the first place that pushed him towards Sarsi in particular. Any sane individual with even an ounce of combat experience could of told him that sending an untrained crew against a Matriarch that could probably snap all of their necks blindfolded wasn’t the best of ideas. On top of that there was no way that they could level the playing field as they were forced to storm her castle. Going into a fight against an enemy that had the experience and the combat advantage wasn’t something that was exactly a recipe for success. It reminded Koyla of a time they were chasing after a particular group of slavers in the Verge. The slavers themselves didn’t put too much of a fight, but they lost three of their squads just trying to fight through the traps that the bastards had set up.

All Koyla could do was assure himself that this time it was going to be different. It was a Catch-22, he could back down and lose it all or risk it all. And the thing was at the end of the day Koyla wasn’t much of the type to lay down without a fight. They had to do this because it was the only way. He was an animal with his back cornered against the wall and sometimes that desperation, just maybe lets you do something miraculous.

Slowly the team began to advance through the tunnels ahead of them. As Sully worked on cracking the maintenance worker’s Omni-tool, they worked their way deeper into the sewage system through sheer intuition and guess-work. The entire system looked identica from one tunnel to the next. Huge cylindrical tubes made up of a gray colored composite concrete, a series of pipes and tubing ran on the ceiling and a single channel of thick slurry like waste drifting through them along their fateful journey to the drains built into the cliff face. While the waste stream probably wasn’t toxic each member of the team made the self-conscious decision to do their best to avoid stepping directly into the slurry

It was probably for the best, as the rebreather built into Kolya’s helmet was able to filter out the toxins in the air it unfortunately wasn’t able to deal with the smell and it was unpleasant to say the least. Koyla could detect faint hints of sulphur in his nostrils reminding him of his days back at BAaT when some idiot decided to hide eggs from the canteen in the ship’s ventilation system as a prank. Vyrnnus made them clean the latrines for a month.

Thinking of his BAaT days reminded Koyla of two of his new companions Jace and Bel. He knew the both of them at least in passing, it was kind of hard not to considering the cramped quarters and small class sizes. The marine wondered what the odds were of three BAaT kids ending back up together like this. The cynic in him figured that it was quite likely, all BAaT was good for was preparing you for jobs like mercenary or military work. And once the program fell out from underneath them they really didn’t have any other options. And they were the lucky ones who didn’t end up mentally damaged, maimed, crippled or dead in the process It wasn’t like the Alliance was about to provide them with useful ways on how to reintegrate themselves back into regular society. It wasn’t like Koyla didn’t appreciate everything he gained from his service, but the unanswered things that happened at Jump Zero stilled tasted more rotten than the waste water drifting down the tunnel.


As they pushed deeper into the tunnels they began to see more signs of life, particularly along the walls in the form of scribbled graffiti. Most of the messages was in the form of documentation performed by the maintenance crew, sequences of numbers as they recorded measurements from the pipes above or other small notes.One diagram that caught Koyla’s eye sketching out in detail the operating mechanism of one of the above pipes next to it was a simple message written in big bold letters: YOU TURN THE DAMN THING CLOCKWISE TO LOCK IT, THE NEXT PERSON THAT CAUSE ANOTHER LEAK BECAUSE THEY TURN IT COUNTER-CLOCKWISE I SWEAR BY THE SPIRITS...

Some of the others remained more humorous or personal. The maintenance crews having used the message as some from of hobbled-together messaging system with their colleagues. As entire small dialogues were etched into the stone work. In one corner in particular Koyla saw a long list of chess moves following one after another until in the end a single MATE was scribbled at the bottom and circled. Next to it a new game seemed to be halfway through.

The messages made Koyla think of the Corpse. He wondered if any of the messages belonged to the unlucky sod, if his chess game would never end up being finished. Koyla tried to make a habit of thinking about casualties on missions, but he couldn’t help. Getting shot in the head and having your body shrivel up from the head in a tunnel full of crap wasn’t necessarily the worst way to go but it certainly wasn’t something that he could recommend to anyone. Not to mention the more selfish thoughts of what the corpse might be a harbinger for in terms of problems for the mission at hand. And with just his luck, Koyla would get his answer earlier than he anticipated.


As they approached left-leaning bend in the tunnel, the static glow of a series of bright lights shined from around the corner. Feeling his stomach churn, Koyla quickly brought up his omni-tool and began to type. Not wanting to risk potentially giving away their position with his voice, he typed up a quick series of commands that would quickly flash across the crew’s visors. They came across as a few simple lines of orange text that read.

]//- SLOW

As the group’s movement pulled back to a crawl, Koyla used the opportunity to navigate his way back to the front of the group. Taking a deep breath he slowly pulled himself forward inching along the tunnel wall as he slowly pulled his head just enough around the corner so that he could peer down the next hallway. Almost immediately Koyla was suddenly blinded by the floodlights that shined in his face. He pulled away blinking waiting as the visor on his helmet automatically began to react to the light being cast, as the faux-glass began to tint itself.

As his vision cleared, Koyla found himself looking down at a large circular intersection where several tunnels seemed to converge with one another. Large floodlights erected on stands stood near the entrance to teach tunnel projecting down them. Surrounding these floodlights were several stack crates of supplies currently being looked after by a dozen or so heavily armed soldiers decked out head to toe in Jormungand heavy hazard gear. Two sentinels leaned against crates near the center of the circle, sentry turrets already deployed. A pair closer to the tunnel that Koyla and the rest were coming up from could be overheard talking to one another.

“Why the fuck do we have to wear this cumbersome shit?” Asked a gruff voice

“Because otherwise you would fry from the heat within an hour idiot,” A more high pitch voice responded “and then you wouldn't exactly be doing your job of watching these tunnels would you.”

“I get that, but why do we have to be the ones on tunnel duty?”

“Because we need to block all of the targets potential escape routes, she doesn’t get out of here alive boss’ orders.”

“Hmph” The gruff voice snorted “Y’know, if I ever piss her off just do me a favor and shoot me.”

Koyla felt his heart get caught in his throat as he saw the color of their gear. It was different from the standard kit, but the black and yellow color scheme and the E emblazoned sun still perfectly announced to the world who they were - Eclipse.


The only coherent thoughts going through Koyla’s head were profantines as he pulled his head back. If the Eclipse were assaulting the compound that could only mean one thing: that they were also there for Sarsi. An already difficult mission was steadily getting more and more impossible by the second. Now they didn’t just have to deal with the Matriarch they had to compete for her with one of the most well-known and well equipped merc groups in the Terminus. Koyla tried to think optimistically about the situation thinking about how they could leverage the chaos for their own benefit. It didn’t matter what little benefit they might of gained would be diminished by the same negatives that the situation provided.

The sane part of him wanted to cut their losses and book it and at this point he might of just done that. The problem was that wasn’t an option anymore. They were too far into the tunnels at this point, there heat sinks would fail long before they got back to the Achilles. The only way that didn’t end with them getting killed was pushing forward through the Eclipse, it was to continue the mission. Part of him felt bad for dragging a bunch of unsuspecting souls into what was quickly amounting to a sucide mission, but they knew the risk when they signed up, you didn’t become a mercenary if you were looking for a high life expancity.

He furiously began to type into his omni-tool sending a message to his squadmates.



And slowly Koyla drew his Kessler and peered back around the corner. His eyes focused in on the pipes running above the pair that were still standing by the tunnel entrance. His mind latched on to one of the pipe’s release levers remembering the diagram he had seen sketched in the hallway earlier. He took a deep breath and extended his free hand forward and as he did a pulsating field of blue-energy surrounded him as the Element Zero in his body began to react. Across the tunnel pulled by a distortion of gravity, the lever swung counter-clockwise letting a column of noxious gas into the air.

“Huh?” said high-pitched voice in surprise.

Before they could react further Koyla let out a single shot of his Kessler not directed at them but toward the stream of gas as Koyla hedged his bets based on the sulphurous smell earlier. And as the round came into contact with the gas, the two mercs screams were swallowed as the noxious gas ignited into a fireball, the sound of the explosion echoing like thunder down the hall. The rest of the Eclipse troops began to yell and pull out their weapons, the Sentry turrets now trained down the tunnel began opening fire at Koyla.

Even as they did Koyla was switching out his Kessler for his Storm and charging forward letting his shields take the brunt of the impact. He took two more steps yelling as he did before he vanished in a burst of biotic energy as he charged forward into the Eclipse soldiers. He didn’t want to risk having their position pinned down, the Eclipse most certainly were packing more heat than them and could certainly fend off any pushes. There only chance was pushing the surprise they gained from the explosion and just hoping that slight nudge was enough to knock them off balance. Koyla with his Vanguard skill set was perfectly adapted for such situations, a fact attested to by most of his career with the Alliance having been spent storming heavily guarded positions. He could make it in and could only hope that the rest of his crew was following through with the push.

Otherwise... we are all going to die in these blasted tunnels.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 8 days ago


Kopris’ response to her complaint was as much as she could expect from someone like him, though it still annoyed her a great deal with the oozing sarcasm of his voice. She could not help but dignify him with a rather annoyed and mocking voice, “‘Could you please hand her over?’ At least if we went through the front, I’d already had access to their network.” She let out a huff as she raised the volume of her music and muted the comms of the medic before he could respond to her in kind. The quarrelsome quarian was just as petty as a krogan was, but at the very least she could control her temper, mostly.

There was much in the way of practically wading through sewage and whatever waste happened to be lying within it, merely desiring to spread its sickness to the weakly immune. Luckily enough, Hann could avoid such calamity thanks to her suit, though the worry of a suit breach continued to stick with her as her HUD fed the many, many contaminants that lurked just outside her sanctuary. Additionally, there was the smell, not that she was remotely bothered by it given her suit was an internal environment so she could only imagine what it was like. However, her mind was more focused on merely listening to her music which had since changed from the turian themed to old krogan war chants, mostly songs about killing Rachni. In fact, she probably wouldn’t hear any of the chatter from the comms had her VI automatically lowered the volume of the music so she could know what was happening.

The music and its heavy drums helped to keep her entertained on the rather long and boring walk through the dark sewers, though the music could only help so much and Hann was doing her best not to focus too much on her imagination. This was what was going on long before the message of radio silence had been sent by Koyla. Had the imposing krogan, Vash, not been in front of her, she probably would have walked directly into someone. She had learned from the morning to keep an eye out for others, namely for the sake of not embarrassing herself further within the crew, though it seemed that her distracted nature meant that she would almost repeat it. She stopped mere inches away from the Krogan as a report of Eclipse members being in their way.

Eclipse was a group that she had considered joining when she had sold the Jalazi before, though she had abstained from the idea as they were merely too big of a group for her to enjoy getting on with. Plus, Hann was more comfortable with the smaller close-knit groups, much like how it had been with her old Krogan friends.

However, a rather evil laugh came out of Hann as she saw the words ‘Sentries’ came across her HUD. She was still laughing when Koyla had begun his assault, igniting some of the poor mercenaries with a gas. As Koyla charged, Hann ran up, her fingers swiftly tapping on her omni-tool and as she turned the corner, pointed her orange-enveloped hand at one the sentries. Suddenly, it switched itself around to begin gunning down its handler, continuing to fire until he was clearly dead, turning to another to begin firing at the other turret. Such a sight made Hann giddy as her image faded from view, allowing her to begin moving forward.

>Invisible, right side

Came the text appearance on everyone’s HUDS as Hann ran forwards, predator raised and ready to fire when she had closed the gap between her and the Eclipse.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kopris opened his mouth to retort when the notification went across his omni-tool that he had been muted. He shook his head in minor disbelief. The Quarian's pettiness was blindingly stupid. "Sure, mute the only person here who is even remotely qualified to keep you alive when you get shot in this shithole. Makes perfect sense." The next few minutes were relatively quiet, without much of interest. The maintenance crew had scribbled graffiti and conversations along the wall, but none of it was anything helpful, like how many turns they had until they got out of the sewers. Kopris took the time to activate his visor, the Sirta Foundation scanner taking diagnostics of everyone as he turned to look at them and linking with their suits. Everyone's readouts were normal, and put to the side of his visor to be quietly tracked. If something major happened to any of them, physically, he'd know it almost immediately.

Kopris readied his Punisher as lights appeared and the order to slow down came from Koyla. It would appear that they weren't the only ones in the sewers. Not surprising, given their mark and the body they had found, but he had hoped at least that whoever had done it would be up causing chaos in the compound for them, rather than waiting for them in the sewers.

Kopris let out a quiet curse as the information that they weren't only facing a rival mercenary gang, they were facing a group of Eclipse soldiers. Cause of course one of the biggest three mercenary groups would be going after Sarsi as well, and of course they'd be in the way of the team. He was getting ready to head back out of the sewers, after all the bounty on Sarsi's head wasn't worth fighting through Eclipse with a bunch of people he'd only just met, when he read the rest of the message. A deep, frustrated, sigh escaped Korpis. They definitely had time to retreat. They could call in the Achilles and get the fuck off of the planet before the Eclipse even knew they were there. But no, the idiot boy of a captain had to cling to the Alliance's suicide idolization, and charge into a group of better trained, better equipped, more experienced, and better at working together mercs with this shoddy crew.

Blue biotic energy began to glow from Kopris' entire body as he readied himself to go support Koyla and his stupid charge. Various squad member's pulses began to increase, either from excitement or fear, as adrenaline began to hit them. Kopris had been in too many situations like this too get more than annoyed at Koyla's actions, as a blue biotic barrier began protjecting itself form his left forearm. He waited a heartbeat, letting Hann do the hacking she had so desperately wanted, and then raced forward with a burst of biotically enhanced speed. He couldn't travel as near instantaneously as Koyla could with his charge, but he closed the distance rapidly. His biotic shield raised, catching those shots that were properly aimed at him, and he hit decent cover behind a stack of supply crates in short order.

His shield turned into a lash of biotic energy and he threw it at the Eclipse member aiming at the recently turned sentry turret. The mercenary yelled in alarm as the lash wrapped itself around his leg and he was yanked towards Kopris. He slid across the ground, gun slipping from his hands, and was met with a blast of ballistic blades from Kopris' right omni-tool. His yelling was silenced as the fired omni-blades found purchase in his skull, and Kopris let the body slide past him as he began returning fire on the other Eclipse members, ducking down with a curse as a hail of bullets smacked against his shields.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 28 days ago

Sully and Faro

"I will stay behind and keep an eye out for anyone else." Faro announced to the captain. No matter the tunnel, it wasn't the brightest idea to be alone in one. That was a lesson that he learned during Torfan. Pirates placed traps and rigged some tunnels to explode if someone got too close towards one of their strongholds. It nearly killed him on that day. That was why Faro decided to stay behind with the krogan engineer. Of course, he didn't give his reason and just insisted that he was staying back. While the team went forward, Faro approached the dead body and stared at it for a moment. There was something about dying in the darkness of a tunnel that got to him.

Eventually, Faro took a step back and leaned against the wall as he waited for the krogan to start hacking.

And hack the krogan did. Sully pulled the omni-tool from the dead maintenance guy's arm and slipped it onto his own arm that didn't already have an omni-tool. He activated the pilfered tool and immediately ran into a simple password lock, nothing he couldn't handle. One brute-forcing later and Sully was poring over the man's files.

"Here we go, I'm in. Let's see what we have here."

Sully disregarded the photos and personal affects within the omni-tool, but paused on the family photo. A husband and two children, all looking happy and cheerful. A pang of homesickness shot through Sully's heart; as much as krogan families were rough and tumble, they were still families. It reminded him of home and it stung. But Sully pushed past it and dove into the hard data. First to come up were a set of schematics for the tunnel system the team had just navigated, a resource that Kolya already had but it never hurt to get a little more. Then came a set of emails about work, mostly about the high pressure gases in the pipes, and a set of access codes, outdated because their protocols switched the codes every hour. And then, the jackpot: a 3D blueprint of the entire building. Schematics of rooms, layouts of power grids, plumbing, sewage, heating grids, even security plans and floor plans for every floor of the complex.

Sully saved the structural blueprints and downloaded them onto his omni-tool, then sent copies of the file to the team.

"Here ya go. I got structural plans for the entire building. Security's tight, access codes on doors that rotate every hour."

"A code that changes every hour." Faro paused for a moment to figure out their next move. There wasn't much hope for a maintenance guy to be special enough to have the latest codes, but it was worth asking the krogan. "Does he have the codes?"

"Nope, his codes are outdated." Sully shook his head, checking the email that had the codes again and confirming that it had been received two hours ago.

"Well, shit." Faro turned to look at the dead maintenance guy and wondered if he wasn't alone. He kneeled down and started searching the guy's pockets for any details regarding work schedules and weekly assignments. In the right pocket, he thought that there was something but it was the back of a photo with a date on it. He turned around and saw a photo of the man's husband and their children causing him to freeze. Faro examined the picture and realized that the date was their anniversary with the words "Happy Anniversary!" written in the white space. The reveal made Faro both furious and mournful. Furious at the killers for taking the life of a husband and father away and mournful at the family for losing their support. That was when his right hand started to shake violently. He immediately took noticed and quickly placed the photo back into the man's pocket. Then, he stood up and made a fist while staring at the body and taking a moment to collect himself.

"Do you think that he was working alone?" Faro asked the krogan.

"Maybe. Maintenance workers like that usually work alone in these kinda situations. I should know, hehe."

Sully stood and kept the spare omni-tool for further study later on. Perhaps a replacement in case someone elses got busted. For now, they had a mission to continue on. The krogan drew his Locust and motioned for Faro to go on ahead while he covered the rear.

"Go on ahead. I got your back."

Faro didn't hear the krogan and instead was focused on the body again. To be honest, it felt wrong leaving the body to rot while his loved ones worried. While recovering from Torfan in a hospital, he heard and watched the reactions of families and lovers learning that the body of their loved ones were missing on Torfan. The thought of the family in the photo learning of the same fate was too much for him to deal with. He muttered, "We can't leave him here."

"And we sure as hell can't take him with us either, too bulky."

Sully gritted his teeth. The death was troubling on his conscience as well, but with the rest of the team already ahead and Kolya's hushed whisper in the comms about Eclipse, they had to keep moving.

"Look, we've already got trouble ahead. I know you humans are a sentimental bunch, but this is no time to get misty-eyed. If you want, grab the guy's ID or something and you can go break the bad news to his husband. Now let's get moving, otherwise the rest of our team are gonna be joining that guy on the tunnel floor."

"Yeah, I know." Faro turned to the krogan and saw the man's omni-tool. That was when he got an idea. "But, I have an idea."

He approached the krogan and carefully grabbed his arm in order to use the omni-tool. It was a risky decision, but he wasn't in the mood to argue with him about borrowing it. Plus, he could have dealt with being punched by a krogan. Maybe. Faro typed in the number to the emergency service and typed out a message of where to find the body. Then, he entered a time of two hours on the timer, giving them plenty of time to escape, and confirmed everything. He didn't notice that he was still holding the krogan's arm and let go before he made things more awkward. Before the krogan could respond, Faro put his hands up and started apologizing. "Sorry about that, but I wasn't in the mood to fight with you. That should send out a message to the authorities of where to find the body. It isn't much, but I didn't want him to rot in here."

"Good enough, I guess. Just- warn me before you grab my arm next time."

Sully hadn't expected Faro to just go for his arm and the omni-tool attached to it, but once he figured out that he wasn't doing anything stupid, he stood still and let him do his work. Once he was done, Sully deactivated the dead man's omni-tool and shouldered his Locust. He waited for Faro to move ahead of him, then followed, keeping his eyes on the rear of the group as they advanced. The silence following Kolya's brief text message was broken by gunfire and biotics and a loud explosion, the sudden whoosh of a fireball echoing down the tunnels. The staccato burst of light arms and the whump of omni blades being fired. Sully ducked down and took cover near the front, a stray round pinging off his shields as he raised his Locust and returned fire at the one functional turret shortly before it was torn up by the other turret that had been somehow hacked by one of the team. With a few taps on his own omni-tool, Sully stood, raised an arm at a piece of isolated cover where one of the Eclipse soldiers was hiding behind and shot a fireball at his feet. As the soldier yelped and moved away from the flames, the krogan raised his SMG and peppered him with fire, stopping only once he saw the man's shields pop and his body riddled with several dark crimson holes.

Faro followed the korgan towards cover while he was grabbing his shotgun and getting it ready for the battle ahead. He saw that one of the turrets was destroyed while the other was hacked, which impressed him. Then, he saw the krogan firing a fireball out of him omni-tool in order to draw the Eclipse soldier out of cover. It was impressive. He was about to congratulate the krogan until he didn't remember his name. It was rather embarrassing to forget one of the squadmate's name but he did. The human soon turned towards the krogan and awkwardly said out loud, "So... I might have forgotten your name! Could you refresh my memory, pretty please?"

"Karmm! Karmm Sol! But everybody calls me Sully! Why the hell are you asking me for my name in a firefight?!"

Sully ducked back down behind cover and checked the heat sink on his Locust, letting the weapon cool while return fire peppered his position.

Karmm Sol. Admittedly, Faro thought it was a cute name for a krogan. It was better than Sully. Under the helmet, he was blushing from embarrassment for asking such a dumb question during combat. Thankfully, nobody (especially Sol) was able to see it while he tried to answer the question. "Well..." Faro thought of an answer and earnestly replied, "I want to use it during combat since it's crowded at the moment."

"Anyways." Faro grabbed one of his flashbangs and threw it towards another isolated cover, where an Eclipse soldier was waiting to be killed. He paused for a moment to hear it go off and then said quickly, "Sol's a nice name."

When he heard the sound, Faro popped out of cover and saw that the soldier accidentally got out of cover because he was blind. The human raised his shotgun and fired two shots at the soldier. He briefly watched as the soldiers collapsed to the ground before being forced to retreat to cover. Now, he had to wait until another opportunity presented himself.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Teeth grinded and blood began to boil as the veteran mercenary took sight of Eclipse mercenaries near them. Memories flashed of his old encounters with those lethal bastards in his days running Drayak's Fist. They were a different breed than the refined Blue Suns or barbaric Blood Pack, and always a handful to face in combat. Vash dashed the thoughts of breaking from the group and ravaging the Eclipse troops from his mind, forcing himself to follow their gameplan. Still, his finger itched over the trigger of his M-76. His scaled hands nearly shaking underneath his gloves as the bloodlust crept its way into him, coursing through his veins and making him feel like a true krogan. As Koya gave the signal the battle began, chaos filling the air out of nowhere.

Vash let out a grunt as he followed Koya's bold charge. Shots slamming into the ground around him as he ran, shields absorbing any damage. The turrets were the biggest priority, and his teammates showed impresive talent in removing them from the battlefield. One was destroyed while the other hacked and turned on its former user. Hann being the one that did the hacking was something which brought a smile to his face. He could really gel with this team if this was how effectively they operated when faced with difficult opposition. Not one to be outdone the krogan launched himself into combat, practically bouncing out of combat as he streamlined towards the nearest Eclipse mercenary, ducked behind a metal crate. Gunfire echoed around him, but not enough to stop his rushing. His squadmates drew their own attention, not that Vash wasn't a one man army in his own mind.

Vash went to his knees, sliding as he placed both hands firmly on his weapon. He had gotten a flank on the fool, and their fate was sealed. Another smirk danced across his lips as he squeezed the trigger, the heavy duty assault rifle kicking like a mule. The veteran soldier kept it steady, used to how it danced in his hands while dispensing death. If it weren't for the man's helmet then Vash would've taken pride in seeing the merc's eyes go wide in realization. Then the white in his eyes overcoming the pupil's as Vash put his opponent down. His M-76 screamed between his fingertips as it launched shots towards his target, the krogan unloading rounds into the mercenary until he was sure he was down. The Eclipse soldier went down in a heap, the impact from the high firepower Revenant pushing his body backwards. A pool of blood began to form, staining the floor as it grew in size.

"They have two fucking krogan!" Another Eclipse hollered, the voice coming from Vash's right side followed by a burst of rounds from M-15 Vindicator, two of the rounds zipping by the imposing krogan. His attention shifted towards this mercenary, Vash realizing how close the adversary was to him.

More rounds careened through the battlefield as Vash started charging, darting left and right in an attempt to evade more incoming fire. The mercenary was partway tucked behind a pillar, but unluckily for him Vash was closing in rapidly. He could not decipher the words coming from the human as Vash slammed into him, tackling him at full steam and sending him to the ground. The man's M-15 bounced across the ground, kicking up dust as the entangled combatants struggled, the hefty krogan with a very obvious upper hand. He'd shattered several of the man's ribs just on impact, either from the tackle or slamming to the ground. Still, the Eclipse trooper struggled, his hands grabbing at Vash's assault rifle. The veteran mercenary pushed his weapon downwards, trying to tilt the barrel but was met with more than expected resistance. So instead Vash pulled the gun away, until it was only in his own gloved hands. Then he brought the back end of it down onto his opponent's helmet, the man's hands flailing as he tried to defend himself.

Vash spiked and slammed his gun into the man's head repeatedly, he might of well have been using an actual club instead of highly advanced assault rifle. He kept smashing until the mercenary stopped moving, body twitching as the helmet was caved in and blood splattered onto the ground and Vash's armor. Some of the crimson red liquid squirted on his helmet visor as well. The heat of battle always affected Vash powerfully, he had to stop himself once the man's skull had become unrecognizable. That and incoming gunfire from another Eclipse caused him to remember to take more ideal cover. He slipped behind a set of pipes and let out a deep breath, heart pounding inside of his chest.

He missed this feeling.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jarl Coolgruuf
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Jarl Coolgruuf The Mellower

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The explosion rocked the tunnel, the shockwave reverberating through it, helmets hissing as they sealed ears to protect against damage. Firuzeh grinned maniacally as she felt adrenaline flood her system, and she felt biotic energy crackle along her nerves. She hadn’t expected things to get fun this early in the mission, and she let out a giddy laugh at the eruption of fire and sound that soon engulfed them.

Flicking the safety of her shotgun off, she narrowed in her focus on the closest opponent, hurriedly readying a rifle to return fire at their group. Her grin broadened, and in a blaze of eerie blue light she charged into the maelstrom, laughing maniacally as she slammed whole body into the man, feeling his armor cracking under the inertial onslaught. Not even bothering with her shotgun, she brought her fist down upon his helmet, cracking the visor and exposing the terrified face below. Again, she brought down her fist, smashing it into his exposed face, the sound of bone crunching and flesh tearing rising up amongst the chaos. She brought round her shotgun, firing off a single shot into what remained to finish the task, and looked up, eyes searching for the next target.

Bel felt the explosion more than heard it from her place farther back in the squad line up. She was a bit disappointed that she didn’t get to see the actually explosion but her spirits were quickly lifted as gunfire erupted throughout the tunnel. Her right hand glowed with that telltale biotic blue as she drew pistol with her left, charging out from cover behind the vanguards with a rousing warcry which sounded much less impressive outside the confines of her helmet. The blue aura around her hand spread across her body for a brief moment as she gestured at an asari in yellow who’d made the mistake of stepping out from behind cover. Bel splayed her hand in front of her and biotic energy slammed into the merc’s chest, enveloping her in a warp field. The asari stumbled back half a step and did her best not to cry out as her very flesh began to rip itself apart molecule by molecule. She just managed to stumble back into cover and avoid the rounds that pinged off the crate in front of her. Bel swore under her breath and took a few pot shots at other targets in cover in an effort to keep their heads down and give the vanguards breathing room. Even as she tried to focus on the task at hand, her attention repeatedly drifted over to Firu and her unyielding ferocity. It was utterly breath-taking and darkly beautiful the way she tore through people like a whirlwind of carnage. A biotic like Koyla was skilled without a doubt, but also a cool and collected professional. The krogans were brutal but this sort of violence came naturally to them as breathing and came off as more a reflex than anything. There was just something captivating in Firu entirely giving herself over to unbridled savagery.

Bel swallowed and hoped everyone else would be too busy with the charge to notice the pink in her cheeks that refused to go away even as she turned to yank an unlucky merc off his feet with a biotic pull. He yelped in surprise as he dangled helplessly in the air, slowly drifting toward her. She left him dangling there and instead took a moment to throw more rounds down range and make everyone on the other side of the tunnel think twice about popping up to shoot back. Normally Bel was much more collected and cautious but the knowledge they were racing against time made her reckless. In the excitement of the charge, she lost count of her shots and heard a furious hiss as her pistol shut down to cool off which would’ve been fine had she not been running full tilt at the enemy line with no cover nearby.
”Aw hell...”

Out of the corner of her eye, Firuzeh caught side of a squad member - Bel, if she recalled correctly - floundering in the open, the bright overheating indicator on her weapon pulsing boldly in the murky lighting of the tunnel. If she could see it, surrounded by the maelstrom of battle as she was, then she knew the Eclipse operators could too. Time seemed sluggish around her, adrenaline pouring through her system as she scanned the area, straining to find an opponent who had also taken notice of her ally’s defenseless state. Her eyes narrowed as one popped into her vision, an Asari raising a rifle to fire on the engineer from behind.

Firuzeh’s mouth tugged into a tight smirk once again, and she felt electricity arc along her nerves, the eerie blue glow of biotics rising around her. Like a slug from a mass accelerator she flew across the field, slamming the alien into the prefabricated concrete wall. She relished the expression of terror visible through the visor, her enemy’s actions seeming to come through in slow motion, clumsily fumbling for a knife or pistol to bring against the cyborg now intent on ending her life. Firuzeh whirled back, the omni blade’s flailing slash going wide as the Asari swung desperately at the air. In another instant, Firuzeh had ducked low, the glowing orange blade of her shotgun’s bayonet rising in response as she rushed forward, driving the point home into the asari’s gut, and again as she withdrew it and plunged it back in, hard ceramic plating useless against the repeated savage blows she rained down on its wearer. Screaming filled her ears, and blood splattered the ground, the asari frantically blasting her back in an ill coordinated biotic discharge.

Firuzeh didn’t care, and her gaze remained focused on her quarry - her shotgun was gone, thrown somewhere to the ground, but she cared not in the slightest, throwing herself at the desperate asari once more. Seizing hold of her, Firuzeh delivered a flurry of blows to her ragged opponent. She could feel bones and armor splintering under the hail of fury she unleashed. Feeling the rush of battle grow even stronger, the glow of biotics surrounded her once more as she launched herself and the asari into the ground. What remained of her opponent gasped for air, and Firuzeh grinned savagely as she drew her pistol, two bullets ending the Asari. She looked up at Bel nearby, winking playfully - for all the good it did through the helmet. “Almost got you there.” She called out gleefully, “Keep an eye out next time!”

Looking up to survey the clash of battle around her, it became clear that their own team was handily cleaning up the Eclipse team guarding the tunnel. Her lips folded in a smirk, and she turned back to Bel, “Fancy finishing them up with me?”

With the distraction provided by Firu, Bel had managed to dive behind another stack of crates and could only watch as her squadmate brutalized her opponent with eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. She nodded silently to the question and turned as much to hide the redness in her face as to return fire. Perhaps such a reaction to wanton destruction wasn't entirely sane. Though, come to think of it, most people who do mercenary work for over 10 straight years often aren't anyway. With that thought in mind, Bel leveled her focus once more, aimed at the poor bastard she'd yanked with her biotics, and dropped him with a burst of pistol fire just as he was stumbling to his feet. From there, she returned to exchanging rounds as she advanced from one set of crates to the next
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