"A lich did this to me." Gadot said to the newcomer, before continuing quickly. "You want to see my ghost eyes, son?"
He didn't even wait for an answer before he lifted his hood to not only show his gaunt, hairless, skull like face but the two pools of milky white mist where his eyes would be. The mist poured out continuously and floated upward over his brow before dissipating into nothingness. "I got these, my good looks, and my beautiful singing voice all at once from a guy like the one that was just here." He lowered the hood, grinning.
He strode over to the window, looking out over the street as the beat cops disappeared around the corner. "As for joining your guild, yeah, I think I might hang around a while. Especially since you got yourself in some trouble with that thing."
He turned back to the new elf. "Full disclosure, there's a thing that wants a scythe or its gonna skelitonize this whole town. Then once it has the scythe it's probably gonna skelitonize everything anyway."