Gods, Men and Everything in Between
At once, there was nothing and then everything. The stories of how things came to be may one day be varied, fantastical and even truthful, but even to the very real deities of the world, the true matter remains hidden. The most common assumption is that ALNAEUS, the First Father, breathed life into the world. Ageless and eternal, ALNAEUS is considered the First Father and Father to All and the vast pantheon of deities that exist are considered to be his children, though there is little evidence to suggest this is true.
The first story of creation, known by the deities themselves, is The First Breath, whereupon finally exhausted and bored of being the sole thought in the entire plane of existence took a deep breath, and from it, crafted the dozens of deities that now populate the world. This was also considered one of the last times ALNAEUS' presence was felt on the world itself. Left to their devices, the deities were free to act as they wished.

The First Breath, unknown artist, dated 456 S.A. (Second Age)
Gods, Men and Everything in Between is a pseudo Nation RP where players take on the role of Deities, commonly referred to as a God or Goddess. The story above is the starting lore. The game takes place over Five Ages, which will thus be referred to as the First through the Fifth Age. While every action will be available in each Age, their costs will vary.
- Turns: Every Turn is X amount of time, pending on the Age.
* First Age: 1 Turn is considered to be approximately 500 Years.
* Second Age: 1 Turn is considered to be approximately 100 Years.
* Third Age: 1 Turn is considered to be approximately 10 Years.
* Fourth & Fifth Age: 1 Turn is considered to be approximately 2 Years.
- Power: Power determines how Strong your Deity is and how easily they can influence the world.
* Every Deity begins the game with 20 Power.
* First Age: At the end of the First Turn, every Deity gains 10 Power, every subsequent turn they gain 1 less, until reaching 0 Per turn.
* Second-Fifth Age: At the end of the First Turn of all subsequent turns, every Deity gains X Power per X amount of Worshipers they have.
* Using Power: Every Turn, a Deity has 3 Actions to Spend Power. They are administered in the order in which they are submitted, and Deities' abilities are used in the order of STARTING POWER.
- Example: Gilna has 10 Power and Corvo has 7 Power. The deployment of actions will look like his:
- Gilna Action 1
- Corvo Action 1
- Gilna Action 2
- Corvo Action 2
- Gilna Action 3
- Corvo Action 3
- Actions: Each Deity can do up to 3 Actions per turn. Every Action costs Power. Here is a list of the Actions a Deity can perform. Costs will be listed for the first two ages, followed by the description.
The first story of creation, known by the deities themselves, is The First Breath, whereupon finally exhausted and bored of being the sole thought in the entire plane of existence took a deep breath, and from it, crafted the dozens of deities that now populate the world. This was also considered one of the last times ALNAEUS' presence was felt on the world itself. Left to their devices, the deities were free to act as they wished.

The First Breath, unknown artist, dated 456 S.A. (Second Age)
Gods, Men and Everything in Between is a pseudo Nation RP where players take on the role of Deities, commonly referred to as a God or Goddess. The story above is the starting lore. The game takes place over Five Ages, which will thus be referred to as the First through the Fifth Age. While every action will be available in each Age, their costs will vary.
- Turns: Every Turn is X amount of time, pending on the Age.
* First Age: 1 Turn is considered to be approximately 500 Years.
* Second Age: 1 Turn is considered to be approximately 100 Years.
* Third Age: 1 Turn is considered to be approximately 10 Years.
* Fourth & Fifth Age: 1 Turn is considered to be approximately 2 Years.
- Power: Power determines how Strong your Deity is and how easily they can influence the world.
* Every Deity begins the game with 20 Power.
* First Age: At the end of the First Turn, every Deity gains 10 Power, every subsequent turn they gain 1 less, until reaching 0 Per turn.
* Second-Fifth Age: At the end of the First Turn of all subsequent turns, every Deity gains X Power per X amount of Worshipers they have.
* Using Power: Every Turn, a Deity has 3 Actions to Spend Power. They are administered in the order in which they are submitted, and Deities' abilities are used in the order of STARTING POWER.
- Example: Gilna has 10 Power and Corvo has 7 Power. The deployment of actions will look like his:
- Gilna Action 1
- Corvo Action 1
- Gilna Action 2
- Corvo Action 2
- Gilna Action 3
- Corvo Action 3
- Actions: Each Deity can do up to 3 Actions per turn. Every Action costs Power. Here is a list of the Actions a Deity can perform. Costs will be listed for the first two ages, followed by the description.
- Shape Land (3 Power / 5 Power): This power directs the creation, modification, or erosion of mountains, hills, lakes, streams, rivers, forests jungles, deserts, grasslands, tundra, steppes and other land forms. On the game map, this power allows for the creation of land forms within a 1 inch diameter area. Using this power reportedly can create who ranges of mountains, inland seas or vast wastelands.
- Shape Climate (2 Power / 4 Power): This power directs weather patterns that frequent in a 1" area like fog, rain, snow, sun, heat, cold, sleet. You may wish to create snowy steppes or hot and humid jungles upon your forest.
- Create Race (22 Power / 6 Power): This power effects the creation of a race in the world. This includes traditional fantasy races as well as non-traditional. You may, for example, have more than one race of dwarves. Consider not only humans, elves, dwarves, orcs and trolls. Races must be sapient and humanoid. Each race must be given a starting point in the world where they begin to build their civilization. Races start with either +1 Blessing, +1 Curse, +1 Corrupt, +1 Pure or Neutral, as directed by the Deity who created them.
- Create Creature: (11 Power / 8 Power): This power effects the creation of a lesser creature in the world. This includes non-sapient creatures such as dragons, elementals and other monsters that may inhabit the land. They may be assigned a Size (Small, Medium, Large or Colossal) that will dictate how common or rare they are. These are creatures that will not form cultures or cities.
- Create Subrace (8 Power / 4 Power): This power is used for the creation of splinter groups from an existing race. These must arise in territory roughly adjacent to their ancestors and may or may not start getting along with their neighbors. Dark Elves, deep dwarves, human pirates and the likes are the subject of this power.
- Create Order: (6 Power / 4 Power): By this power, the god creates an order of people within a race. This may include religious sects, orders of knights, etc. The cost for Commanding a Race are doubled if using an Order created by a different God.
- Command Race/City (8 Power / 4 Power)*: By this power, the priests of the gods influence a race to action. Cities are founded with this power but it can be used for just about anything. An immortal must first establish their power by creating sects within the race before influencing them via this order. This power may be used for starting wars, founding cities, making alliances, settling territory, raising armies, et cetera.
- Advance Race (10 Power / 5 Power): This power causes a civilization to gain expert knowledge of a given science or magic. These might include war magic, healing, warfare, steel, weapon smithing, sailboats, writing, engineering, architecture, farming, et cetera. So as long as that civilization persists, it will always be aware and use this invention.
- Purify/Corrupt (5 Power / 3 Power): Here, gods go about changing the general alignment of a civilization. There is no limit. Pure civilizations are generally benevolent, altruistic and just. Corrupt civilizations are greedy, snide and malevolent.
- Bless/Curse (7 Power / 4 Power): Blessing a civilization will decrease the cost for any deity to act upon them, while cursing them will increase the cost.
- Intervene (10 Power / 7 Power): Through this power come the changing of fortunes for Champions, Civilizations and Orders. A gold mine may be found, a storm at sea may strike a fleet, an Avatar may escape death, plague, famine may strike, etc. These are the great, unplanned winds of fortune that blow through the history of the world. Intervene is the Action required to use Domain Special Abilities.
- Champion (9 Power / 5 Power): Through this power, the god creates a champion from among the populace. They can be a high priest, a dragon, a great warrior, etc. They will act as 1 Worshiper and can be ordered with this same action. If they are slain, that God loses 3 Worshipers immediately.
- Consolidate Power: A deity may Consolidate Power at any time. This is the only action that must be announced (as in, via IC post). The deity chooses a Domain to attempt to garner control over and how much Power they are using in that attempt, which is sent privately to the GM. They cannot use more Power then they have.
[Please Post your Deity now. Thanks.]
[First Deity to be posted receives +5 Power, second receives +4 Power, et cetera.]
[First Deity to be posted receives +5 Power, second receives +4 Power, et cetera.]