"I once heard the fastest way to get anywhere is a straight line. Guess I took it literally."
[ NAME ]
Quinton Edgar Baeth
The Hammer of God
Pain Train
Wreckin’ Ball
[ AGE ]
H.E.R.O. (Present)
National Superhuman Football League [NSFL] (Present; Top Running Back)
BLITZ is a 6’7” semi-giant of a tanned Caucasian man who possesses immense musculature. The considerable stress Quinton has placed his body under resulted in his body hair whitening at an early age, making him appear older than he is. The physique and white hair combined with bluish-white eyes lends BLITZ a rather striking and intimidating impression.
Whenever BLITZ plans to get into a sustained fight, he can usually be found walking around in an American Flag speedo that can barely contain his junk with nothing else on, purely because most other clothing would be torn apart by the force unleashed by the man, or simply hold him back. However, if Quinton believes a fight is beneath his level, he will simply continue wearing his casual clothing, which is typically a skin tight muscle shirt and athletic shorts. Thus, whenever BLITZ strips down to his speedo, you know shit’s about to get real.
Whenever BLITZ plans to get into a sustained fight, he can usually be found walking around in an American Flag speedo that can barely contain his junk with nothing else on, purely because most other clothing would be torn apart by the force unleashed by the man, or simply hold him back. However, if Quinton believes a fight is beneath his level, he will simply continue wearing his casual clothing, which is typically a skin tight muscle shirt and athletic shorts. Thus, whenever BLITZ strips down to his speedo, you know shit’s about to get real.
◈ S T R A I G H T F O R W A R D
BLITZ doesn’t lie, bull shit, or pussy foot around, nor does he believe in other people doing so. If BLITZ thinks you’re a ‘fucking idiotic joke of a Super’, he’ll likely inform you of that, but the same goes for compliments and praise. The man simply doesn’t hold back. Were he not as powerful and dangerous as he is, BLITZ would probably get his ass routinely kicked for mouthing off. His fighting style also aligns with this trait; Quinton believes in pummelling the enemy head-on and beating them into submission.
BLITZ doesn’t lie, bull shit, or pussy foot around, nor does he believe in other people doing so. If BLITZ thinks you’re a ‘fucking idiotic joke of a Super’, he’ll likely inform you of that, but the same goes for compliments and praise. The man simply doesn’t hold back. Were he not as powerful and dangerous as he is, BLITZ would probably get his ass routinely kicked for mouthing off. His fighting style also aligns with this trait; Quinton believes in pummelling the enemy head-on and beating them into submission.
◈ T H E M O U N T A I N
Confidence and self-assuredness oozes from Quinton’s pores. It is extremely rare for BLITZ not to feel like the baddest mother fucker in the room, even with other Supers around. His aura is intoxicating in many ways, both alluring and intimidating, and the man almost never loses his cool. However, Quinton has sometimes gotten himself into highly risky situations because of overconfidence.
Confidence and self-assuredness oozes from Quinton’s pores. It is extremely rare for BLITZ not to feel like the baddest mother fucker in the room, even with other Supers around. His aura is intoxicating in many ways, both alluring and intimidating, and the man almost never loses his cool. However, Quinton has sometimes gotten himself into highly risky situations because of overconfidence.
◈ B L I T Z L I F E
BLITZ doesn’t believe in going through life quietly, and that applies to his personal life as well. He will often host or crash parties, getting almost black-out drunk or incredibly high and fucked up whenever possible. A sizable number of his fans fully believe he won’t be killed in battle, but will instead overdose one night. The man is also well known for not discriminating between men, women, or really anything else when it comes to sexuality, preferring to ‘blitz life’ for everything it’s worth.
BLITZ doesn’t believe in going through life quietly, and that applies to his personal life as well. He will often host or crash parties, getting almost black-out drunk or incredibly high and fucked up whenever possible. A sizable number of his fans fully believe he won’t be killed in battle, but will instead overdose one night. The man is also well known for not discriminating between men, women, or really anything else when it comes to sexuality, preferring to ‘blitz life’ for everything it’s worth.
◈ M A N O F G O D
With his incredible lack of humility, tendency to smart mouth, propensity for what could be viewed as murder, rampant promiscuity, and multiple semi-addictions, people would be forgiven for believing Quinton is an Atheist or Hedonist. And yet, the man often prays to God, though it is not a Christian, Jewish, or Islamic God. The simplest way Quinton uses to explain his faith is, “God made this Universe with all this awesome shit in it. Shouldn’t we appreciate every piece of the Creation?”
With his incredible lack of humility, tendency to smart mouth, propensity for what could be viewed as murder, rampant promiscuity, and multiple semi-addictions, people would be forgiven for believing Quinton is an Atheist or Hedonist. And yet, the man often prays to God, though it is not a Christian, Jewish, or Islamic God. The simplest way Quinton uses to explain his faith is, “God made this Universe with all this awesome shit in it. Shouldn’t we appreciate every piece of the Creation?”
[ BIO ]
Quinton Edgar Baeth was born in 2036 in Detroit, a city which had fallen even further into shambles by the time of his birth, and which showed him no love growing up. His father was and is unknown to him, nor does Quinton really give a shit about finding out the man’s identity. ‘Big Momma’ Baeth raised him and his two twin siblings almost entirely alone, and remains a cornerstone of his life.
Living in a crumbling city with ever-declining economic opportunities led Quinton into the local gang system, distributing anything illegal he could to try to help Big Momma make end’s meet. A drive-by shooting by a rival gang left two of his superiors dead, but the bullets that bounced off his twelve year-old body gifted Quinton with the knowledge that he had somehow been born a Super. Newfound knowledge in hand, Quinton explored his powers in depth, training constantly.
Whilst he was rapidly descending the path of villainy, Quinton found himself beaten and arrested for multiple counts of homicide at fifteen, having just turned most of his chief rival gang into red paste, and was promptly placed in ‘Supe Juvie’ as he called it. In Supe Juvie, the boy was approached by a scout for the NSFL, who explained how the League had noticed him and was interested in eventually drafting Quinton once he came of age, if he could straighten his shit out.
With the possibility of entering the NSFL in a few years and the help of the scout who became his mentor, Quinton pushed himself and his body to the limit over the next three years. With the approval of a battery of child and criminal psychologists, he was released from the criminal justice system on his 18th birthday and promptly snatched up by the NSFL just as they had promised.
Although he was only a fourth string recruit for the Castleburg Crushers, it was plenty of money for Quinton to pull his family out of poverty to a decent living in Castleburg. Four years of playing ‘Supeball’ led to Quinton establishing himself as the All-American BLITZ, the top running back in the League, a position he continues to carefully maintain to the present day.
Seeking to expand his horizons further, at this point he decided to offer to join H.E.R.O. as well, growing somewhat bored with just playing Supeball. The past six years have seen his powers, popularity, and prosperity continue to grow, although his entire career has been marked with numerous ‘scandals’ such as the births of his three children by three different women, dubious handlings of a number of investigations and operations run by H.E.R.O., and raucous nights lived out on the town or at BLITZ Mansion.
Living in a crumbling city with ever-declining economic opportunities led Quinton into the local gang system, distributing anything illegal he could to try to help Big Momma make end’s meet. A drive-by shooting by a rival gang left two of his superiors dead, but the bullets that bounced off his twelve year-old body gifted Quinton with the knowledge that he had somehow been born a Super. Newfound knowledge in hand, Quinton explored his powers in depth, training constantly.
Whilst he was rapidly descending the path of villainy, Quinton found himself beaten and arrested for multiple counts of homicide at fifteen, having just turned most of his chief rival gang into red paste, and was promptly placed in ‘Supe Juvie’ as he called it. In Supe Juvie, the boy was approached by a scout for the NSFL, who explained how the League had noticed him and was interested in eventually drafting Quinton once he came of age, if he could straighten his shit out.
With the possibility of entering the NSFL in a few years and the help of the scout who became his mentor, Quinton pushed himself and his body to the limit over the next three years. With the approval of a battery of child and criminal psychologists, he was released from the criminal justice system on his 18th birthday and promptly snatched up by the NSFL just as they had promised.
Although he was only a fourth string recruit for the Castleburg Crushers, it was plenty of money for Quinton to pull his family out of poverty to a decent living in Castleburg. Four years of playing ‘Supeball’ led to Quinton establishing himself as the All-American BLITZ, the top running back in the League, a position he continues to carefully maintain to the present day.
Seeking to expand his horizons further, at this point he decided to offer to join H.E.R.O. as well, growing somewhat bored with just playing Supeball. The past six years have seen his powers, popularity, and prosperity continue to grow, although his entire career has been marked with numerous ‘scandals’ such as the births of his three children by three different women, dubious handlings of a number of investigations and operations run by H.E.R.O., and raucous nights lived out on the town or at BLITZ Mansion.
◈ Quinton contributes time and money to a number of charities aimed at reforming delinquent boys and girls, though portions of the media like to argue that BLITZ isn’t a role model that children should be looking up to.
◈ The man has also had to settle a few lawsuits for breaking the jawbones and noses of people who have insinuated that he’s a bad father or bad mouthed his children.
◈ Many people believe BLITZ maintains ties to the criminal and political underworlds, but H.E.R.O. insists that they keep a very close eye on their national football icon.
◈ Human Cannonball
Quinton's abilities revolve around physical strength. He can lift hard, run fast, jump far, and throw a punch and himself like a freight train. His body is consequently extremely hardy in order to survive the forces he applies to it. However, all Quinton can do is physical stuff. It is entirely possible to counter him using knockout gas or simple avoidance, for instance. He also doesn't possess any kind of increased healing ability, so wounds that are sustained take either modern medicine or time to heal.
Quinton's abilities revolve around physical strength. He can lift hard, run fast, jump far, and throw a punch and himself like a freight train. His body is consequently extremely hardy in order to survive the forces he applies to it. However, all Quinton can do is physical stuff. It is entirely possible to counter him using knockout gas or simple avoidance, for instance. He also doesn't possess any kind of increased healing ability, so wounds that are sustained take either modern medicine or time to heal.
■■■■■■■■■□ [9/10]
Quinton is objectively one of the most physically strong superhumans in H.E.R.O., as most of his power centers on raw physical ability. The man even prefers to not use any weapons or gear, prioritizing his fists and feet. BLITZ has been recorded lifting and throwing old main battle tanks hundreds of yards.
Quinton is objectively one of the most physically strong superhumans in H.E.R.O., as most of his power centers on raw physical ability. The man even prefers to not use any weapons or gear, prioritizing his fists and feet. BLITZ has been recorded lifting and throwing old main battle tanks hundreds of yards.
■■■■■■□□□□ [6/10]
BLITZ isn’t called BLITZ just because he’s strong. He’s also fast as fuck, at least in a straight line. Quinton possesses the ability to rapidly accelerate at about 20 meters per second per second in one direction using his physical strength, reaching sustained speeds on foot surpassing 220 miles per hour and leaping at a maximum of 100 miles per hour. BLITZ will often combine running with a final leap, slamming himself like a human cannonball into opponents at almost half the speed of sound.
The primary drawback to this speed is that BLITZ isn’t exactly ‘agile’. His speed is purely unidirectional, and once at maximum speed it is extremely difficult for him to alter course even by leaping. He also requires at least five seconds of straight-line running to reach top speed, by which time BLITZ will have already covered over 800 meters or half a mile. Thus, it can sometimes be rare for his ‘cannonball’ move to have enough space or time, but anything on the way or at the end of the attack will usually get the living shit knocked out of it.
A secondary drawback is that running at full speed is almost guaranteed to cause collateral damage to the ground due to the force with which BLITZ’s feet strike the earth.
Finally, BLITZ is garbage at avoiding attacks, and prefers to simply ‘move through the attack’, relying upon his body’s steely resistance to survive.
BLITZ isn’t called BLITZ just because he’s strong. He’s also fast as fuck, at least in a straight line. Quinton possesses the ability to rapidly accelerate at about 20 meters per second per second in one direction using his physical strength, reaching sustained speeds on foot surpassing 220 miles per hour and leaping at a maximum of 100 miles per hour. BLITZ will often combine running with a final leap, slamming himself like a human cannonball into opponents at almost half the speed of sound.
The primary drawback to this speed is that BLITZ isn’t exactly ‘agile’. His speed is purely unidirectional, and once at maximum speed it is extremely difficult for him to alter course even by leaping. He also requires at least five seconds of straight-line running to reach top speed, by which time BLITZ will have already covered over 800 meters or half a mile. Thus, it can sometimes be rare for his ‘cannonball’ move to have enough space or time, but anything on the way or at the end of the attack will usually get the living shit knocked out of it.
A secondary drawback is that running at full speed is almost guaranteed to cause collateral damage to the ground due to the force with which BLITZ’s feet strike the earth.
Finally, BLITZ is garbage at avoiding attacks, and prefers to simply ‘move through the attack’, relying upon his body’s steely resistance to survive.
■■□□□□□□□□ [2/10]
Quinton is no smarter than the average human, which may be his biggest downfall. His tactics usually consist of kicking down the front door and sending people through walls as well, so subtlety isn’t something you call BLITZ for.
Quinton is no smarter than the average human, which may be his biggest downfall. His tactics usually consist of kicking down the front door and sending people through walls as well, so subtlety isn’t something you call BLITZ for.
■■■■■■■■□□ [8/10]
A human wrecking ball travelling at nearly half the speed of sound with a body capable of withstanding such forces poses a significant threat to infrastructure. In fact, travelling at full speed is guaranteed to cause collateral damage.
A human wrecking ball travelling at nearly half the speed of sound with a body capable of withstanding such forces poses a significant threat to infrastructure. In fact, travelling at full speed is guaranteed to cause collateral damage.
■■■■■■■■■□ [9/10]
Logically, if a building can be pulverized by this man-sized train or a tank thrown by him multiple football fields, a squishy human or animal would be simply obliterated in most instances by BLITZ. The best way to survive an encounter with BLITZ is simple: don’t get hit, or be able to take one hell of a punch.
Logically, if a building can be pulverized by this man-sized train or a tank thrown by him multiple football fields, a squishy human or animal would be simply obliterated in most instances by BLITZ. The best way to survive an encounter with BLITZ is simple: don’t get hit, or be able to take one hell of a punch.
■■■■■■■■■□ [9/10]
In order for Quinton’s body to survive the forces required to toss cars and survive slamming into concrete walls at half the speed of sound, it must be extremely resistant to damage, which is entirely true. BLITZ is essentially impervious to small arms up to and including anti-materiel rifles. Picking a fight with BLITZ using guns or muscles is a recipe for disaster, with the most effective means of stopping Quinton being things such as knockout gas or a tank shell.
In order for Quinton’s body to survive the forces required to toss cars and survive slamming into concrete walls at half the speed of sound, it must be extremely resistant to damage, which is entirely true. BLITZ is essentially impervious to small arms up to and including anti-materiel rifles. Picking a fight with BLITZ using guns or muscles is a recipe for disaster, with the most effective means of stopping Quinton being things such as knockout gas or a tank shell.
■■■■■■■□□□ [7/10]
Quinton’s abilities never really go away, thus he’s had to learn how to not shatter glasses, break hand bones during handshakes, or harm people in bed with him. Still though, he slips sometimes and people get hurt, even killed by accident occasionally.
Quinton’s abilities never really go away, thus he’s had to learn how to not shatter glasses, break hand bones during handshakes, or harm people in bed with him. Still though, he slips sometimes and people get hurt, even killed by accident occasionally.
BLITZ is fairly well trained in a few mixed martial arts centered around maximizing the ferocity of his strikes, and is quite the supeball player. Beyond that and his in-your-face cannonball tactics, Quinton isn’t really very good at anything else. If he can’t make physical contact with the enemy somehow, all the strength in the world is useless.
BLITZ likes to walk around damn near nude during the toughest fights, he doesn’t really believe in equipment, though he will wear the typical supeball attire when on the football field.