
“I think they do… Or we get a 20% discount. Get me some chocolate milk if you’re going.”Travis flashed the smaller girl a thumbs up and nodded, before turning to the entrance to the next car. He was more of a strawberry milk kind of guy, but his mouth wasn’t really in the condition to talk about pointless nonsense like he usually did. Now that Marcie had made sure the maimed pirates wouldn't be able to escape, he was eager to leave. The smell was getting pretty bad, and Travis had experience with blood and gore (even if it was mostly his own). The stench of death was a bitch and a half to get out of clothes.
Clothes… Travis grumbled slightly as he noticed the damage to his ‘costume’. The damage to the chest of his hoodie seemed salvageable enough - until he saw that the entire left shoulder was barely connected with a few scant threads. He didn’t even try to assess his shoes - the blood and other bodily substances made them unusable. Angry flesh poked out proudly from beneath the ruined fabric of his hoodie, blood slowly oozing out and staining the surrounding white fabric. Travis grimaced at the sight, rubbing his jaw as the pain slowly came at him now that the adrenaline was fading. Thankfully, getting shot with noise was nowhere near as bad as getting shot with lead.
‘This was one of my nicer hoodies…’Travis carefully made his way to the door of the next car, doing his best to avoid the various pieces of debris and viscera that littered the floor. Unfortunately, with all his attention on the ground, Travis failed to notice his and Marcie's would-be-assassin until it was too late.
Before Travis could make his way over to the snack counter, however, a woman seemed to materialize from the shadows. She drew her swords, blocking his way, and attacked. Her twin katanas swung out at him, barely missing but forcing him back into the storage room. No words were spoken, no sounds made- only a look that could bring the best of men to their knees and a blinding speed with her swords. This woman was out for blood, and her strikes showed it.
Marcie, meanwhile, had sat down and pulled out her phone in the corner of the room, taking care to avoid the viscera. At the sounds of startled yelling, she looked up. Her eyes widened at the sight of the swinging katanas.
“Woah! Jesus!” She hopped to her feet, and the air started to chill around her. She
wanted to freeze the woman in place, but she was moving too fast, so she’d have to settle for throwing snowballs. Or, ice balls. One began to coagulate in her hand.
Travis continued to backpedal, sidestepping and jumping away blindly to avoid the woman’s strikes. Her sudden arrival and murderous glare scared the younger man, forcing him back and scrambling to avoid the woman. Not to mention the badass katanas. If it wasn’t for the gore and body fluids that slicked the floor, then the assailant would have found her mark - but she had managed to barely miss 3 blows before Travis was backed against the wall of the car.
”Shit!”Travis instantly turned to Marcie, who was forming a ball of ice in her hand to pelt at the woman. He didn’t know why Marcie wasn’t freezing the woman in place, but the fact that she wasn’t probably meant there was a good reason why she couldn’t. If he survived, he really needed to read the mission briefings from now on…
Ducking down, Travis swept his leg out towards the assassin, hoping that the quick movement and slick floor would be enough to trip the woman over and give Marcie time to throw her ice ball. It worked well enough in the cage matches that Travis participated in… but then again, there was a big gap between half-drunk thugs and a trained mercenary.
Unfortunately for Travis, ‘sweep the leg’ was not a technique that worked on highly trained assassins. She leapt over it smoothly. Angela did, however, find her footing a bit compromised among the blood and ice shards. Upon coming down, her foot got caught in the slickness and she slid off her balance a little.
That left Marcie a chance to pelt her with ice balls. They smashed into Angela’s face and shoulder with surprising accuracy, sending her stumbling into a box.
As Angela stumbled Travis quickly moved forwards towards her, attempting to capitalize on the loss of balance that Marcie’s blow afforded them. He nearly slipped on the fresh ice shards that littered the ground in the process, but the important part was that he was close. In Travis’ mind, this left only two options - the killer could either retreat to deal a lethal strike, or be limited to only light cuts.
The fear and surprise was fading now that he was on the offensive, and Travis lunged for one of Angela’s blades, attempting to wretch it from her grip.
As Travis’s hand latched onto the katana, Angela rotated it outwards and thrust it into the meat of his hand, creating a deep wound. Then, using his shock at the pain, she dragged the blade out of his fist and rolled to her left, away from Travis and closer to the train car entrance.
“Did you seriously just try to grab a sword?” she said, almost looking stunned.
“No wonder I killed your two coworkers so easily. Jesus.”Meanwhile, Marcie was hiding behind a box, trying to lay down slick ice traps for their new companion. She planted several behind the woman, near doors, and in places where Travis could clearly see them. She was also forming some sort of a handle-less ice spear.
As the blade was wretched from his grip, Travis briefly paused his assault to check his hand. The skin was already turning brown and hardening, spreading quickly up his arm to coat the rest of his body. The flow of blood from the wound was slowing, hissing slightly as it began to clot. This was good - it’d be a lot harder for this woman to bisect him now.
More importantly, the blade only cut his palm. A deep wound to be sure - that hand would be out of commision for a day or two. But it was nothing he couldn’t heal off. Losing the fingers would be a much bigger deal.
That wasn’t the only reason he paused, however. This woman had already killed two other heroes…
The news was upsetting, but not because Travis cared about the two dead heroes. Other than Pandora and Marcie, he didn’t know anyone else here. No, it was bad because that meant 3 heroes died in this single mission. The director was sure to be dissapointed.
Travis went back on the defensive as he noticed Marcie’s traps. Dodging and taking small hits when he could, slowly leading the attacker until she was close enough to the trap to push. Travis wasn’t fast enough to reliably hit the Assassin - and even if he was, his blows wouldn’t have enough force behind them in this condition. He didn’t need to though. Travis couldn’t see the ice spear that Marcie was forming, but from the ease with which she took out the other pirates, he knew that all she needed was a chance to hit their new enemy.
Angela continued to back up while she tried to catch her breath. Eventually, she ended up warily circling Travis, waiting for an opening. She sheathed the katana in her left hand. Narrowing her eyes, she watched his body start to harden. Then, with seemingly no warning but a tensing of her shoulders, she sprung forward to get another slice at Travis’s throat.
Right before the assassin could slit Travis’s throat, however, Marcie aimed her ice-spear and fired at the woman’s right shoulder- somewhere to disable, but not to kill. Killing was bad, right? Right. Even bad guys. The spear impaled her quite neatly. It passed through and shattered on the wall of the train car. Angela staggered back as it hit her just as she was about to bring her blade down on Travis’s throat. She hissed in pain. Red was already coming through her jacket.
“Aborting mission. Meet you at drop site,” she said as she touched something in her ear.
“But before I go… I have a gift.” Angela staggered back and pulled something out of her jacket, dropping it onto the floor. She was against the melting ice now, and with a kick, it fell away, and she jumped out of the moving train into the urban landscape below.
As soon as she left, Angela’s “gift” began to exude a horrible smell. Marcie emerged from behind the boxes cautiously to investigate. The “gift” was shaped like a grenade, and it was starting to emit a quickly-spreading yellow gas...
Oh, shit. She jumped back.
“Fuck, that’s a gas bomb. We need to get out of here.”Travis didn’t need to be told twice - almost as soon as the acrid fumes had been released, the young hero was already scrambling. Fucking
vape smoke rendered him into a coughing mess, let alone weapon-grade gas.
Travis quickly buried his face into his arm and began running to the next car, nearly tripping over one of the dozen bodies in the train car. He paused at the door to the next car, turning back to look at the few surviving pirates as Marcie caught up. When the bomb goes off, they’d surely die - maybe Travis could try to kick the bomb out of the train, or Marcie could cover it in ice-
Travis was nearly blinded as the yellow gas lightly touched him, his vision clouded by a sudden burning sensation. Travis turned and continued running.
Their group was responsible for three hero deaths, and who knows how much damage they’d have done with the Plutonium? Besides, there was nothing they could do - they were all covered in ice already!
Excuses. He just didn’t care if they died. Fuck them.
Travis didn’t stop running for several cars, only pausing to violently rub the tears and mucus that had formed from the brief encounter with the gas. Thank god he didn’t try touching the device...
A vibration went out throughout the train. An explosion. Or, as close to an explosion as you can get with a gas bomb. Travis had no clue how far it would spread, so they’d have to keep moving. Maybe he should have grabbed one of the jetpacks while he was leaving…
They'd have to evacuate the civilians as quickly as possible. Travis turned to Marcie and pulled out his phone, typing out a message with a deadpan look.
The robotic voice spoke out.
“Ready to get that Chocolate Milk?”Marcie bolted after Travis as the acrid yellow gas began its spread across the train cars. She wasn’t about to get caught up in this, even if it meant saving a few pirates’ lives. She felt terrible, sure- leaving them to die a terrible death- but there was no way in hell she was fucking with that gas.
Just as she was running to the next car, however, something shot out and grabbed her ankle with a snake-like grip. She screeched in terror as her body hit the floor, and she started to be dragged back into the storage car.
“Jesus- FUCK! Let me go! Let me go!” “Fuck… you…” The voice of a man, probably one of the pirates, sounded from behind her. Marcie struggled even more, freezing the man’s hand. But before she could finish, the gas enveloped her and him. She futilely held her breath, clawing at the pirate’s hand with ice, but she gasped anyway and breathed it in.
Finally, she freed herself, staggered to her feet, and started to run again- out of the cloud of yellow gas and towards Travis. She was gasping and spitting up, her eyes watering as they burned. Her lungs felt like they were on fire as she took in every breath of fresh air. Pirates were such assholes!
She looked up at Travis as he hit ‘play’, hacking up spit, and she pulled the fire alarm.
“Maybe later,” she choked out. The alarm started to ring out with a deafening noise, and she pulled her headphones over her ears again. The train screeched to a halt. Time to look for an emergency exit… Conveniently, there was one nearby, and she swung it open to reveal them being an easy 100 feet off of the ground. Marcie glared, focusing, and a sort of ice slide began to coalesce out of thin air. It was hot out, which made the progress slow, but when it was finally fully formed she slid down it on two feet.
The other passengers were evacuating via a few inflatable slides on the side of the train car, which Marcie belatedly realized would’ve been easier… but still. She sat herself on the grass, gasping and coughing and crying, and realized just how much they had fucked up.