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Also interested.
Only for you, Prose.

Mission: On Cloud Nine
Interactions: Dhampir @Hitman, Blitz @Ascendant, Viper @Shard

Sophie blinked, feeling caught off guard. Usually, people's eyes glazed over by the time she got to VHS tapes. "Oh, well, I don't know about valuable. Honestly, most people don't even know what VHS tapes are." She turned the book over in her lap, before setting it aside. "I have an adapter for my TV, if you're actually interested."

Just then, the unexpected happened: Viper joined in with a quick remark of his own. Pointed as the jab was, Sophie hadn't expected him to pile on with her. Even the soft chuckles were a surprise--though, in his defense, she'd never met him before. She turned to him with a wide grin, and could not help the girlish giggle that escaped her. "Looking at them is exactly as far as he'll get." In the back of her mind, she wondered if she was being harsh. But then, Blitz's unwanted commentary more or less warranted some retaliation. Moreover, he seemed like the type to let comments like that roll right off his back; at the very least, he would probably try and strike back.

Her train of thought was interrupted, however; Miles' stammering had returned with a vengeance, and it was apparently directed at her. She turned a wide-eyed stare his way, anticipating his next words closely. Surely he wasn't that bold-


As Miles tumbled over her, Sophie only just managed to grab hold of the railing and keep herself on the floor. The back of her head slammed against the wall, sending shockwaves of pain shooting through her skull. She hardly had a moment to recover as her mind caught up with the clamor coming from the front train cars: the pirates were here. Spots clouded her vision, and before she knew it, Miles and Blitz were already racing off to face them. Blood trickled down the back of her neck as she forced herself onto her feet, and stumbled out the door.

As if she was going to let those two show her up.

Her power surged through her like static. It willed her forward as she sprinted through the train cars, leaping over debris and disoriented passengers. "Stay here! Block the windows and stay under your seats!" she shouted, pausing only to direct people away from the doors. By the time she caught up with Blitz and Dhampir, the latter of the two was against the wall with a sonic blaster pointed at his face. Only then did Sophie realize her error: in the time it would take the pirate to pull the trigger, there was no way she could remove her gun from its holster, load a round in the chamber, turn off the safety, aim, and fire. So, she resorted to the next best thing.

The next best thing, of course, being a strength-enhanced bull charge straight toward the man. Which is precisely what she did.

Mission: On Cloud Nine
Interactions: Dhampir @Hitman, Blitz @Ascendant

Like a shark to blood, Sophie could sense his discomfort from a mile off. There was something to be said for a boy who had the confidence to point a sword at her face, but who also turned beet red at just the touch of her arm. It was sweet, in its own way; though she'd be lying if she said that the whole debacle with the sword wasn't kind of hot in the first place. Not that she would ever admit to that, of course.

Miles' joke, poorly delivered though it was, earned a sweet, girlish giggle from her, one that was perhaps a little bit louder than the remark warranted. At the very least, he'd smiled at her, which she decided to call a small victory. "I don't think I'd look cute with just one eye," she replied, lips curled into a kittenish simper. "Or a wooden leg, for that matter."

Though she could have kept up the flirtatious banter through next week, it all ground to a halt the moment Miles started raving about the book in her lap. She'd expected a few polite questions, and was even prepared for the inevitable small talk, but he was speaking so excitedly she almost couldn't keep up. Finding someone else who'd not just read Neverwhere, but knew of its origin and context, was a rare treat she didn't often have the chance to indulge in. Her smile turned into something more genuine, and she turned to lean against the wall--a move that afforded him a smidge of breathing room. "Would you believe me if I told you I have a VHS set of the original TV series? It's still in the casing and everything." Sophie reached out with a soft, perfectly manicured hand to shake his. "I'm Amplify. But you can just call me Sophie."

Just then, a loud, boisterous laugh cut through their pleasantries. Sophie turned her head to stare down the perpetrator, cocking it to one side and flashing an insincere grin. "I'm sorry you feel left out," she remarked, sarcasm dripping with each word. "The retirement home's coming up at the next stop. You could get off there and find some other old bag to inflict yourself on." It mattered not that Blitz was only twenty-eight; what mattered was that he was very nearly thirty, and to a girl at the tail end of her teenage years, thirty might as well be eighty.

Mission: On Cloud Nine
Interactions: Dhampir @Hitman

Sophie's eyes drifted toward the sword pointed at her neck, glinting with suspicion. She supposed, then, that she should have figured as much from someone so clearly on edge. Her warm expression fell into a steely neutral, and stayed there. One hand reached for the pistol sitting at her hip.

...Did she just take a step closer to the deadly energy sword? What possessed her to do that?

The tension in the room seemed to skyrocket until Miles sheathed his sword. And once he did, her hand left the firearm to rest in its holster. The red bleeding into his cheeks prompted a vague, amused smile to grace her features; unfortunately for him, she found his stammering and blushing quite adorable. Whether or not she'd voice this opinion, however, she could not decide.

"It's okay," Sophie offered once he sat back down. "It never hurts to be careful, right?" She took a careful glance at the book tucked under his arm, and smiled once more before taking a seat next to him. She sat just close enough that her arm brushed up against his, and continued to do so with every breath she took. The move was so nonchalant-so effortlessly casual-that she might not have even done it on purpose. Perfume wafted from her person, smelling of peonies and raspberry. She set her own book in the center of her lap, cover face-up: Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. "I'm very sorry for startling you."

Mission: On Cloud Nine
Interactions: Blitz, Dhampir, Viper

It wasn't much like Sophie to hide. For as long as she could remember, she yearned to be front and center, for fear of missing all the action. But the nature of this mission called for a touch of subtlety; HERO had the element of surprise, and it would do little good to make her presence too obvious. So, she picked out a hiding spot all on her own, in the place a gang of jetpack pirates would be most likely to target: the storage car. She settled amongst a collection of small crates, tucked atop a railing that ran across the ceiling. It would shield her from view of the door, while offering a sizable vantage point against any intruders. Even better, it served as a comfortable reading spot away from the din and chatter of the other passengers. All in all, choice real estate.

And there, she remained for some time, manicured fingers pushing the pages of her novel from right to left. The train departed from the station not ten minutes ago, and she was already bored half to death. Not that she wanted these pirates to attack the train, mind you. But when waiting around for villains to make their move is your full-time job, it's practical to bring alternative means of entertainment. Hardback novels had long since fallen out of fashion, but she always found them preferable to the screens that took their place. The tactile feel of the cover in her hands and the pages against her fingers made the words feel permanent. Safe. She could read the same work a thousand times, and feel secure in the knowledge that its printed ink would never change.

Of course, it wasn't jetpack pirates that eventually disrupted her quiet. The only other people walking into the room were her colleagues, none of whom seemed particularly inclined toward friendly conversation. Unfortunately for them, that never stopped her. She pulled a pocket mirror from her belt, taking a minute or so to apply another coat of lipstick and sort out the smudge in her eyeliner with her fingernail. She gave her hair a toss, and practiced her smile in the mirror. Yes, it would have to do.

Sophie peered over the railing and down at her coworkers. "Hello, darlings!" she called from above, her thick accent underscoring each word she spoke. With a flourish, she dropped from the ceiling, her mane of blonde hair somehow managing to remain in place. She flashed the trio a winning, impossibly bright smile. "Fancy running into you all here."

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