"There is much I am capable of, and very little I'm unwilling to do."
Reckless. Temperamental. Kindhearted.
Basic Information
- Name: Sophia Marie von Riegan / Sophie, Soph
- Gender Cis Female
- Age: 25
- Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
- College Degree: Bachelor of Science, Biology; Doctor of Medicine
- Languages: English, German
- Notable Skills: High intelligence, Medical knowledge, Cooking, Ballroom dancing.
Magical Abilities
Years of Magical Education: 8
Schools of Magic: Abjuration, Evocation
Abjuration 8
- Heal
Sophia's bread and butter Abjuration spell, and the one she possesses the most skill with. Allows her to heal any living organism upon physical contact; the more she concentrates on the spell, the greater its magical output. Her extensive medical knowledge bolsters this skill, allowing for more efficient and targeted healing.
- Detect
Allows Sophia to gain knowledge of a living organism's physical or magical maladies through touch. Injuries, illnesses, or other physical defects can be located through Detect, allowing Sophia to treat them more directly. Curses, certain potion effects, or hexes can also be located; however, these might be more difficult for Sophia to ascertain, depending on their caster's skill.
- Dispel
An anti-spell of sorts, Dispel removes certain magical effects from a person or area (the latter requiring more concentration). These effects include illusions, enchantments, and even curses. Of course, a caster of greater skill than Sophia may render her unable to break their spells.
- Ward
The most complex spell in Sophia's repertoire, but certainly one of her most valuable. Ward allows Sophia to temporarily safeguard an area from unwanted magical effects. She might render it invisible to Diviners, impassable for the undead, or impossible to alter with illusions. However, she must specify which effects/creatures become blocked, and the ward necessitates constant magical output in order to maintain. Creating the ward itself takes time, requiring deep concentration and a precise series of incantations to manifest.
Evocation 6
- Frostbite
Creates a localized area of bitter cold around Sophia's person, especially around her hands. At its greatest extent, she can freeze liquids at a touch, and prolonged exposure might leave someone with, well, frostbite. Most often, she uses this spell to reduce swelling and bleeding from an injury.
- Scorch
Frostbite's cousin and polar opposite, Scorch creates an area of extreme heat around Sophia, particularly near her hands. At maximum output, certain plastics and metals may begin to melt at her touch, and she will leave severe burns on another person. She typically uses Scorch to treat muscle tension or increase blood flow.

- Reckless
Sophia has a grievous lack of foresight, causing her to rush into situations or decisions without thought. Even when she understands the potential consequences of her actions, she may simply not care. As a result, she gets herself into all kinds of trouble, ranging from absentminded shenanigans to absolute mortal peril. She is especially prone to reckless behavior when she believes it might be for the greater good: running headlong into traffic to save an animal, for instance. Whether this trait is borne of fearlessness or a complete lack of self preservation is up for debate.
- Temperamental
For all her intellect, Sophia is driven by her emotions and very easy to provoke. She might burst into tears or start throwing punches -- or both. She makes an earnest effort to maintain her composure, especially in her professional life; amongst friends and family, however, she is much less inclined to mask her emotions.
- Kindhearted
At her core, Sophia seeks to do good. Kindness, generosity, and selflessness are among her strongest virtues; her self-worth is predicated upon her ability to help others. She will take on any favor you can ask, do so with a smile, and expect nothing in return (except, perhaps, a drink). Sophia will do nearly anything for those closest to her, working to safeguard them from harm and support them in any way necessary.
- Hardworking
Sophia places a great deal of value in her work. She takes to her profession's long hours without complaint, even taking pride in the resulting exhaustion and fatigue. Sophia can be relied upon to accomplish any task she sets her mind to, and accomplish it well, no matter how menial.
- Stubborn
Sophia does not easily confess to her own wrongdoing, and is not inclined toward personal change or growth. Convincing her to change her mind or apologize are near-Herculean feats. Even when she knows she's wrong, Sophia still might not admit it. This can make her difficult to get along with at times, and is a source of great frustration for those close to her.
By all accounts, Sophia Marie von Riegan should have been happy. Born in Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony to a German father and an American mother, she inherited a life of luxury, comfort, and vast wealth. Her father, a key player in the city's automotive industry, ensured that she and her mother never wanted for anything...at least, from the outside.
Inside, Sophia was subject to extreme pressure from the moment she could speak. Private tutors were her sole companions as a child, putting her through an extremely rigorous education. Housemaids constantly preened at her hair and clothes, keeping her appearance in pristine condition. Leaving a stray curl or thread out of place was grounds for severe punishment, which became increasingly physical as she grew older.
At the age of twelve, however, escape seemed possible. Sophia's magic, which she inherited from her mother, prompted both parents to ship her off to a prestigious boarding school for witches. Though the relative freedom from her father came as a relief, Sophia faced a new kind of adversity. Having learned that violence was a means to an end, she frequently started fights with other children, only being allowed to remain at the school thanks to "generous donations" from her father. At varying points, he would whisk Sophia back to Wolfsburg in an attempt to correct her behavioral issues. Yet no amount of screaming, slapping, starvation, or confinement seemed to do the trick.
Bafflingly (especially for her teachers), Sophia excelled beyond all expectations in the classroom. A combination of her strict work ethic and naturally high intelligence, Sophia managed to skip whole grade levels in "typical" academic subjects. Magically, she also performed extremely well, displaying a remarkable affinity for Abjuration and dedication to practice. Because of her excellent academic performance, the institution touted her as a product of its own excellence, very much in spite of her poor conduct.
At sixteen, Sophia was allowed early admission into a private university, once again funded by her father. Having gained a modicum of independence, her behavior did improve, although her mood and disposition remained somewhat tumultuous. She earned her bachelor's degree in just two years, while also continuing her magical education. At eighteen years old, having graduated at an age when most are only just starting out at college, Sophia moved back home.
This turned out to be a mistake. Though Sophia's accomplishments were impressive, her relationship with her father remained largely unchanged. Her mother, as she had all throughout Sophia's childhood, did little to shield her from the man's aggressive temper and frequent outbursts. When an argument between them once again became physical, Sophia struck back, creating a permanent rift between the two.
Determined to leave her family and history behind, Sophia hatched a daring scheme. Her parents' nationalities gave her dual citizenship in Germany and the United States; so, she applied to American medical schools, finding little trouble thanks to her academic success. She endured her father's abuse until one summer evening, when she withdrew every dollar in her bank account, threw herself on a plane, and never looked back. It was at this time that she first met her half-brother Simon, a relationship she would work hard to foster.
It wasn't until Sophia was well into her residency that she moved to Shipden Peak. Transferring to a residency program in North Bennington was an exercise in patience and tedium, but a need to be closer to her brother was motivation enough. Now, Sophia spends her days quite literally working magic in the operating room. With a new place, new people, and a new coven, she might finally be ready to call Shipden Peak home.