How long do you usually write?
One to two paragraphs
Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
I do! As much as I like writing on my own, this is about a shared experience!
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
It's not hugely important but the better the writing the better the response!
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
I'd be interested in exploring the life of a retired bounty hunter, the internal struggles of what she's seen and how the affect her 'normal' life now.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
The plague!
I'm not really sure... I guess if I dislike the direction something is taking, I'll let people know.
Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? #
Not particularly, but again, until it happens I wouldn't really know.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
I would have her try and live a normal life but struggle. Probably going back into the bounty hunting world eventually.
One to two paragraphs
Several paragraphs
Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.?
I do! As much as I like writing on my own, this is about a shared experience!
Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
It's not hugely important but the better the writing the better the response!
Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
I'd be interested in exploring the life of a retired bounty hunter, the internal struggles of what she's seen and how the affect her 'normal' life now.
Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
The plague!

Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? #
Not particularly, but again, until it happens I wouldn't really know.
Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
I would have her try and live a normal life but struggle. Probably going back into the bounty hunting world eventually.
Name: Nahtisse Ratinde
Species: Sephi
Homeworld: Thustra
Age: 48
Gender: Female
Specialisation: Sharpshooter
Current area of operation: Alderaan
Species: Sephi
Homeworld: Thustra
Age: 48
Gender: Female
Specialisation: Sharpshooter
Current area of operation: Alderaan
Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.

1.75m tall. Smooth pink lavender coloured skin. Long golden platinum blonde hair. Chocolate brown eyes. Typical large ears of her species, usually kept hidden under a bandana or her hood.
Report on skills and talents, including level of skill.
Sharpshooter - Near master level shooting, has trained from the age of 16 for 15 years on sharpshooting and sniper skills. She also has almost 17 years experience in the field.
Pilot - Intermediate pilot skills. No 'professional' training, just 'on the job' training.
Mechanic - Basic knowledge of her ship and her sniper rifle means she can repair and make a few upgrades.
Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training.
Nahtisse showed good promise as a sharpshooter from a young age. She would often go hunting with her father in the wilds of Thustra. It was he that trained her. As a former bounty hunter, he taught her everything she knew before she left to find her own way in the galaxy. Little combat experience. She likes to do her work from a far.
Detailed notes on common/favored employers and any noteworthy contacts.
Is known to work with her girlfriend, Ryndi Erganci. They work together to acquire information on targets and eliminate them. Takes contracts exclusively from The Empire.
Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies.
She considers the Galactic Republic to be her enemy. She has no love for her fellow bounty hunters and makes a point of not dealing with Jedi. She also refuses to work for the criminal cartels.
List and description of other known associates, including subordinates.
None. She tends to work alone or with Ryndi.
List of known belongings, including but not limited to planetary surface property, civilian and military vessels, vehicles, weapons, tools.

Class: custom/prototype gunship
7m high x 20m high x 26m long.
Can hold a maximum of 6 occupants.
Hyperdrive class 3
Psychological evaluation of Bounty Hunter.
Known as 'The Merc with Morals', she only takes targets that she considers to be the bad guys.
List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.
Can't lie. Not very convincing when attempting to lie but large pointy ears that twitch when you lie don't help!
Rubbish drinker.
known interests of the Bounty Hunter.
To make the galaxy a safer place by doing her part to remove bad guys!
Major achievements on record.
Despite being selective of her clientele, Nahtisse has a had a very successful career as a bounty hunter. She also holds the record for longest confirmed kill with a rifle, according to The Empire.
Major failures on record. Confidential.
Has been arrested on a drunk and disorderly charge. Was late for a bounty, but only once (and for a very good reason)
Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for future record. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.
Nahtisse grew up on Thustra, her people's homeworld. She lived a relatively normal childhood with her parents, Hontos and Malana. Her uncle, Calastor worked offworld but the rest of her family were all on Thustra. Her father was very anti-Republic as they ruined his reputation as a bounty hunter and he was forced to retire as no one would give him contracts. He also warned her of the Jedi and Sith, for they could easily kill the most adeptly trained bounty hunter in an instant, should they wish.
She was destined to be a Bounty Hunter. Her father was one and his mother was. It was genetics. They trained from a young age by the previous generation. Usually, that generation had retired, presumably to have children. From a young age, her father took her into the wilds to shoot. She showed magnificent ability from an early age and continued to practice, nearly everyday. She entered a sharpshooting contest when she was 16 and won, despite being the youngest competitor by nearly 30 years. She toured the planet competing in competitions for the next few years, finishing highly placed in all of them.
Unable to give her what he could to make sure that she would be the next Ratinde to follow suit and become a professional bounty hunter, Hontos had called in a few favours from old counterparts still in the business. A young Trandoshan had once snuck aboard his ship, aiming to learn from a bounty hunter the ways to travel the galaxy and earn lots of credits. Being single and having no children of his own yet, Hontos chose to give this young orphan a chance at seeing the galaxy. It appeared now, the favour would be returned.
She competed at an off-world invitation only sharpshooting event on her 31st birthday. Unaware that she was actually auditioning for a former bounty hunter, she won the competition and was taken to see the bounty hunter, Kor Nash, a Trandoshan. He explained that he was retiring and that he was giving his tools to the most suited candidate, which was her. He explained that there was a future out there in there stars for her with more money than she could ever dream of. To prove it, Kor gave her 100,000 credits and said 'There's plenty more out there for you to get, Sephi. Sharpshooters like you are few and far between in the galaxy.' She went back to Thustra with the equipment given to her by Kor Nash and went immediately to her father. He saw the extra case and smiled. He had secretly got her the 'audition' and was very pleased to learn she had won. She would never forget her father's words, 'Do your family proud and continue the bounty hunting legacy of the Ratinde's'. She contacted her uncle who worked for the CEC and he had a ship delivered to her a few weeks later. She took the ship to Corellia and gave him the 100,000 credits. Nahtisse regularly visits her parents and gives them large sums of credits.
Her first time killing an animal she had paused briefly, breathed and pulled the trigger. It was relatively easy for her. But her first target as a professional bounty hunter was different. Her target was alone and relatively still. The shot was a piece of cake, hardly any crosswind, no obstructions. She didn't know it yet, but this was the easiest target she'd have to kill. And yet, it took her longer than it should have to kill this person. She'd been told her that this mine was a criminal and he sort of acted like one. But after following the target for a few days to learn his movements, she had discovered this man had a wife and 3 children. She took out the file that had his details in it and looked over the crimes he had done again. It was a very long list. His wife and children would be better off without this animal. That's all he was. A vicious animal preying on the weak and vulnerable. When she realised that he was an animal, the shot become easier. She wasn't killing a person, she was killing an animal, something she had done most of her childhood. With renewed focus, she put her left eye to the scope and eased the her trigger finger into position. Lining up the animal in her sights. she squeezed the trigger and watched as a few seconds later, the target hit the floor. Dead. After that, she started seeing her targets as animals and the shots became easier on her conscience.
One day she was tracking a target through a city in Zeltros and found that he was going to an 'exotic entertainment' establishment. Nahtisse cautiously entered and began talking to an attractive young female named Ryndi. Ryndi knew the client Nahtisse was referring to and agreed to help in exchange for her time. 2 weeks later, the pair of them left Thustra and tracked down the client. Nahtisse enjoyed Ryndi's company and struck up an agreement with the Zeltron. It wasn't long before they became lovers and settled down in Alderaan.
Nahtisse isn't known for being a social butterfly. She rarely talks to people she doesn't need to, which is a stark contrast to her girlfriend, Ryndi. Ryndi is always trying to get Nahtisse to come out of her shell, but Nahtisse finds that she is awkward in social situations and tends to just walk away. She was an only child and had no serious friends of any note so didn't really have sufficient social skills to hold a conversation with more than one person.