Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Salem
Gender: Female
Age: 35000
Species: Human

Personality: Salem is a cruel and manipulating woman. She loves to watch as people suffer and die. She toys with others before killing them but most often gets others to do her bidding for her. This does not mean she is weak though, not bar far. She is a cold and calculating person who will always side with logic as well as her personal goals. She is not ruled by emotions but instead her black heart.

Power: Magic
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Cs
Pet Name: Sabozkin
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Age: Unknown
Pet Species: Mutated Death Snake
Pet Appearance:

Pet Power: Adaptive Evolution
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Ivy
Gender: Female
Age: 27000
Species: Dark Angel

Personality: Ivy is overconfident and cocky. She's extremely arrogant when she believes she is going to win although gets serious when she is struggling or she knows it will be a tough fight. She follows Salem to her last breath, listening to her orders and proceeding with her plans. She is cruel and often toys with her enemies before finishing them off. She often mocks them and makes sure they suffer a little before she finally kills them.

Bio: Ivy met Salem who explained to her that she was seeking allies to help her. Salem made a contract with her and the terms were fairly simple. Ivy would be Salem's loyal servant and in return, she helped Salem corrupt the world and all worlds connected. Ever since then Ivy has been Salem's right hand. She is always with Salem unless she is specifically doing something to serve her.

Power 1: Plant Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: A long, thin, red and black vine whip sword.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DarkShadowWolf
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Prim
Gender: Female
Age: 15000
Species: Human

Personality: Prim is a sadistic and twisted girl who loves the thrill of torturing her victims. She treats everyone as 'playthings' and is always excited to get a new toy. Sometimes she can become a little too attached to her toys and becomes angry when they are broken. To punish and threaten her toys sometimes Prim will eat the more useless of the bunch that she no longer requires. Prim is always willing to test new toys out and if they are not good enough she will just dump them and find something else to play with. Prim gets bored very easily and has to frequently be entertained. Prim enjoys the feeling of pain and will laugh whenever she causes it or even rarer, feels it.

Bio: Prim is the overlord of the Land of the Dead but she didn't start out that way. It was when she met Salem that she was given an offer. land and eternal life and in return she would serve Salem and help her create a world of everlasting darkness. It was an offer that Prim couldn't bring herself to refuse. It was an offer that was so good in fact that Prim accepted it without a single thought or hesitation. It was then on that she worked for Salem and ruled over the Land of the Dead. She made sure her toys knew that so they wouldn't try to hurt her or any of her followers.

Power: Voodoo
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Oshikuru
Gender: Male
Age: 30 Thousand
Species: Rakshasa

Personality: Oshikuru is a very selfish and greedy he takes great pride in his power and his skills as a warrior he loves fighting strong opponents. Oshikuru is dark and somewhat twisted he is naturally attracted to battle fileds and areas effected by deadly disease basically anywhere where there is a lot of death suffering and chaos. Like most Rakshasa Oshikuru will eat pretty much any and all creatures his favorite are those that fell in battle. Oshikuru has an insatiable hunger and desire for power and is willing to do anything to get stronger. Oshikuru joined up with Salem as he knew by working with her and helping her achieve her goal would help him get what he wants.

Bio: A long time ago around 25 thousand years to be exact Oshikuru went by a different name and wore a different a face although it was so long ago be barley remembers what his name was or what he looked like back then. Oshikuru was revered and feared as a dark god and witnessed a powerful cause infect the Yggdrasil he saw as He, Loki, Hades and other less trusted gods got the blame. Oshikuru decided to possess a young boy in order to hide from the other gods. Oshikuru saw as they where forced to defend themselves as the other god tried to kill them thinking it would end the cause. The fist to fall was Ratatoskr was the fist to fall with his connection to Yggdrasil being the strongest the cause effected him almost as much as it did the tree he was driven mad and attacked any god suspected of creating the cause. Unfortunately the cause showed no signs of stopping it was becoming clear that killing the one responsible wasn’t going to work that’s even assuming it was actually a god in the first place. He decided to put his own plain to save the tree into action in order to prevent the destruction of the world and by extension his death. Oshikuru decided to shapeshift into a lalafell he knew they where the smartest and most magically powerfully race besides the gods of cause if anyone could figure out how to save Yggdrasil it was them. Oshikuru showed them the gods couldn’t figure out how to stop the cause and that he believed they wouldn’t be able at least not before it was to late. Oshikuru told them that if all of the lalafell came together to work in this problem they may just be able to do the impossible and fix a problem even the gods couldn’t solve. After a bit of convincing the lalafell started to look for solutions while the gods continued to kill easy other. The lalafell did finally come up with a solution but by that point most of the gods had died and the few who remained had gone into hiding like he had done. The lalafell put their plan into motion they got a powerful magic container made out of rare material that suppressed magic then they enchanted that box with their strongest containment’s enchantments even casting a load of containment spells on it. Then all the lalafell gathered at the around Yggdrasil combining all their magic power in an attempt to extract the caused mist from the tree and force it into the box they had even placed a branch of the tree in the box as bait. They poured all their magic into the spell to pull the mist off the tree some even died from magic exhaustion and fatigue but they eventually managed to force the mist into the box and as they closed it they teleported the branch out of the box leaving the mist trapped with nothing to consume. Soon enough a new guardian for the tree emerge and the lalafell because the new protecters of the of the forest. Oshikuru decided to stay hidden everyone believed all the gods had died and he figured it would be better if he let the mortals forget about them and live his life in the shadows for now. Oshikuru then eventually met Salem and Ivy around 3 thousand years later they told him of their plans they even knew he was one of the last remaining gods once he had heard everything that had to say he realised Salem’s goal benefited him just as much as it did them and agreed to join them even going as far as to sign a contract agreeing to aid each other and to never get in each other way.

Power: Dark/ Demonic Aura Manipulation
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Raven
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (Due to Raven constantly draining the life force of other living things she no longer ages and no longer remembers her age)
Species: Cambion (half demon half human)

Personality: Ravens power is directly linked to her emotions the more she feels the more powerful she becomes and the less control over her power she has. When this happens she unintentionally absorbs the life of everyone and everything around her causing her to kill everyone she became close to and everything she cares about. Because if this Raven has suppressed her emotions in an attempt to protect people and the world from her. As a result Raven has become a cold emotionless shell of who she used to be and basing the majority of her decisions on logic. Unable to feel any sense of shame guilt or remorse for her actions the irony of this is that it allowed her demon side to take limited control over her allowing it to influence her actions and manipulating her will. While Raven is unable to take any joy or pleasure in anything her demon side compels her to spends her time travelling around seeking potential vitamins with a lot of power and a lot life force to drain consuming their souls and stealing their memories in the process. This allows her to gain more power knowledge and skills as well as a small but fleeting taste of her vitamins emotions it’s the only time she is ever able to feels anything but those emotions tend to be fear hatred or disgust but it’s better then nothing. And with her lack of empathy or compassion for the victims Raven has no real reason to stop.

Bio: Raven grew up relatively normally well normal for a child living in the city of val cursed falorer anyway, for a while anyway her live was nothing special living in a city cursed with eternal darkness despair and bad luck. That is until her powers awoken when she was 13 and soon enough everyone and everything started to get sick weak and would always feel tied then mysteriously die. Eventually people realized Raven was the one responsible and banished her after she was forced out the second part of the curse activated casing her unimaginable ever lasting pain wither eternal suffering she was never able to learn how to properly control her powers but eventually she learned how to use her limited control to block out the pain allowing her to improve her limited control over her powers. Raven believed this would allow her to live a normal happy life. Raven travelled around visiting new lands meeting all kinds of people and races and Raven gained a new application for life. For awhile Raven was actually happy but unfortunately this couldn't last. The happier she became and the more emotions she experienced the stronger her powers became. As her powers grew she began absorbing life force from more things at a faster rate and over a wider area further increasing her power. Ravens powers continued to grow so fast she couldn't handle it as a result she began to hate and fear her power. With her fear and hatred for power growing each day her powers had more fuel to draw power from further accelerating the groth of her powers and in the end she was forced to suppress her emotions the same way she did her sense of pain. After that Raven began hearing a strange voice trying to convince her to continue feasting on life only now without her emotions to increase her power she couldn't consume life as easily as before now having to physically defeat her opponent in order to drain its life although she can still drain the energy of plants and animals around her.

Power: Life Force Magic
Sentimental Attachment:
Other: Raven is a powerful demonic witch who’s specialty focus on life based magic. Raven can control manipulate and absorb her the sprints aura and life force of all things as well control and manipulate her own soul.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DarkShadowWolf
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Orochi
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Inumimi Demon

Personality: Orochi is a serious and relentless samurai. He will focus on battle and is the type of person who will always go for the kill if he can. Orochi is a smart and logically person who is always one step ahead. He predicts the movements his enemy is about to make through magic and reading their battle movements.

Bio: Orachi lived in a world of Samurai Inumimi and Ninja Neko. The moment he was born it was clear that he possessed a disturbingly dark aura about him but still, the Samurai gave him a chance. He proved to be exactly what his aura had suggested, a cold and calculating killer who was extremely skilled. He had been born with the power and ability to control a demonic snake that inhabited his body. Orochi was quickly banished and was forced to live alone. That quickly changed when he was summoned to another world to serve under someone and to help them corrupt the world and thus all worlds connected to it.

Power 1: Demon Physiology
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: Maru
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Age: 20
Pet Species: Demon Snake
Pet Power: Demon Physiology
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DarkShadowWolf
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Vergal
Gender: Male
Age: 2412
Species: Soul Wraith

Personality: Vergal is a malicious and cold-hearted being whose goal is to gain power by stealing the souls of others. He doesn't hesitate to kill for the kill when he sees the opportunity. He is confident in his ability and power to take on multiple opponents at once and has done many times before. He knows however when he can and can't win and will tactically retreat whenever he needs to.

Bio: Vergal has drained and eaten many souls before. He is one of the strongest wraiths in his world and is known and feared by many. Over the years Vergal took on the identity of one of the more powerful souls he had eaten. A man with shadow like abilities named Vergal. Before then, he was nameless. Had no face or name to go by. Vergal was summoned by Salem to help her corrupt all the worlds which benefitted him anyway.

Power: Wraith Physiology
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 4 mos ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Orion
Gender: Male
Age: 205,000
Species: Dark Elemental Dragon

Personality: Orion is a ruthless and efficient killer. He studies his enemies and makes quick and precise strikes targeting specifically for his enemies weak points. He is extremely smart due to being an elder dragon as well as extremely powerful. Orion can get a little cocky and overconfident at times while he is fighting especially if he begins to defeat his enemy rather easily. When the situation turns dire he quickly becomes serious and starts focusing on the battle more.

Bio: Orion has lived for a long time constantly growing stronger each and every day he grows old. He has spent most of his life training and fighting for fun. He was getting bored and looking for some sort of new entertainment.

Power: Solar Manipulation
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Serathea
Gender: Female
Age: 436
Species: Dragonkin

Personality: Serathea is extremely brutal and will always drag out her kills. She likes to cause as much pain as possible before ending their miserable lives. She knows however that if it is going to be a tough fight she has to go for the kill instead of torturing her victims. Serathea is a smart and calculating person who always thinks ahead.

Bio: Serathea is well known in her world as a brutal killer. She has never lost a battle but that is mostly because there has never been anyone strong enough to stop her. It is why she is often bored in her world and has nothing to do. Even going on a killing spree has been no fun lately because it isn't a challenge anymore. She was lucky enough though to be chosen to enter a new world and have a chance to fight stronger enemies.

Power: Energy Manipulation
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DarkShadowWolf
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Jackie Violet
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Species: Human Host

Personality: Jackie has given up on trying to beat this demon inside of her. No matter what she does, it never goes away. So Jackie has started to just go with it, making her life easier and ultimately far less painful. She has stopped caring and at this points just accepts that this is her new life. Jackie has grown cold, and because of the Darkness's bidding, she has become isolated from others.

Power: Omni Darkness
Sentimental Attachment: Two Pistles.

Pet Name: Darkness
Pet Gender: None
Pet Age: Unknown
Pet Species: Sentient Darkness
Pet Personality: The Darkness is a cold, manipulative and evil demon who feeds on the poor unsuspecting fools that their to try and stop him and his enslaved host. He will do anything in order to gain ultimate power. The Darkness is cunning and incredibly smart, it knows exactly how to get out of almost any situation and when it can't the darkness evolves, only growing stronger.

Pet Power: Omni Darkness
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